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有机农业生产肥料供应   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
简述了有机农业的基本概念,有机农业生产对肥料的特殊要求和我国肥料资源现状,指出进一步开发肥料资源,推动有机农业生产发展的途径。  相似文献   

欧盟有机农业植物营养和肥料使用的法律要求   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
欧盟有机农业植物营养和肥料使用的理念与措施可保证有机农业生态系统内物质循环、保持和发展土壤肥力和生物活性。对有机农业动物源经济肥料实现量化管理,对动物源经济肥料的仓贮能力提出高要求,只允许在规定的范围内按规定的方式使用收录在《欧洲有机法案》的物品,并纳入“监控操作程序”,保证了有机农产品(食品)的高安全和高质量、保护了动植物和环境、保证了农业生态的可持续发展。  相似文献   

现代化的今天正在面对很多环境问题,气候变暖、臭氧洞、森林过度采伐、物种减少和灭绝、沙漠化、水和空气的污染严重地威胁我们的牛命和生活供应体系。但足.很少的人们认识到现代化学农业耕作足土壤耕作层、水和食品甚至地球最大的污染源之一。  相似文献   

有机农业生产与西部大开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
加强生态环境保护和建设是实施西部大开发的根本。简述了西部地区资源特色与优势,重点分析了西部有机农业的发展潜力,并提出西部地区有机农业生产发展对策。  相似文献   

德国的有机农业   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
较详细地介绍了德国有机农业不断发展壮大的原因,并由此获得了发展有机农业的几点启示。  相似文献   

建立有机农业生产基地的研究与探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国现有的有机农业生产基地大多分布零散、大小不均、作物单一,很难实现规模生产,因此建立科学合理的有机农业生产基地、提高基地整体生产力是持续开展有机农业生产的关键。  相似文献   

近几年来,有机农业与无机农业是不同学科的专家们广为议论的话题。这大致可分为两种观点:一种观点,主张中国农业走有机农业的发展道路;另一种观点,则主张中国农业发展的必由之路乃是无机农业。所谓有机农业,一般是指主要或完全依靠来源于生物的有机物来  相似文献   

近年来,有机农业在全球得到了较快发展,然而对于其在农业中的定位和作用以及发展策略,尚存在较大争议。本研究从氮素供应角度,评估不施用化学合成氮肥对于中国粮食生产和消费的影响,以期为我国现代农业发展特别是氮素管理提供支撑。研究以中国整体农业生态系统为对象,基于共生固氮数量、农产品贸易对氮素供应影响以及粮食生产,分析在不同粮食消费水平情形下,有机农业能够养活的人口数量。研究发现,如果全部耕地按照有机方式管理,中国每年共生固氮量为15.41×10~6t。在不施用化学合成氮肥情形下,1979年和2018年粮食总产量分别为381.96×10~6 t和420.72×10~6t。不考虑蔬菜和水果,分别能养活0.81×10~9~1.24×10~9人和0.50×10~9~0.77×10~9人,即中国耕地全部转化为有机农业方式,在当前耕地面积和科学技术条件下,难以养活全国人口。将进口农产品考虑在内,2018年实际人均粮食(折纯,不包括蔬菜和水果)消费量达689.35 kg·a~(-1)。减少食物浪费、调整食物结构和增加粮食特别是豆类进口,是解决中国粮食问题的重要举措,进口大豆等农产品对于中国化肥减量起到了重要作用。化学合成氮肥对中国粮食生产做出了巨大贡献,但氮素利用率仍有较大提升空间。有机和生态农业强调整体、协调、循环和再生,是引领中国农业可持续发展的理论基础和技术保障,在全国范围内应通过种养结合等措施促进养分的循环利用,降低资源浪费和环境污染。在政策和法律法规层面,可以通过生态补偿和种养循环等举措,提高氮素利用效率,实现粮食数量和质量安全以及生态安全等农业的多重目标。  相似文献   

上一个世纪,在传统农业面临饥饿和需求增加的挑战下,存在着两大思潮影响着农业的选择和发展。  相似文献   

从科学施肥技术角度分析了我国目前有机农业生产施肥体系中存在的主要问题,针对问题提出了对策和建议。  相似文献   

三种有机无机复混钾肥钾素的释放与供应特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在实验室条件下,通过间歇淋洗培养和土壤培养试验研究了不同有机无机复混钾肥钾素的释放与供应特征。在等化肥钾量投入条件下,与化学钾肥相比,供试的3种有机无机复混钾肥没有显著影响到钾素在石灰性土壤中的释放规律;土壤速效钾含量有所增加,糖渣系、糠醛渣系和污泥系有机无机复混钾肥处理的土壤速效钾含量分别比化学钾肥处理增加了13.5%、12.7%和1.6%。与化学钾肥处理相比,糖渣系、糠醛渣系有机无机复混钾肥处理的钾素(K)固定量分别减少了42和39 mg/kg。  相似文献   



Best management practices encompass diverse artificial groundwater recharge (AGR) systems that heavily rely upon the capacity of the soil and vadose zone to retain large quantities of organic matter generated during stormwater runoff on urban catchments. However, the supply of stormwater-derived dissolved organic carbon (DOC) at the water-table region of aquifers can enhance the rate of biogeochemical processes by fueling heterotrophic microbial metabolism. This study examined changes in the abundance and activity of sediment biofilm in response to increased DOC supply at the water table of an urban aquifer intentionally recharged with stormwater. Changes in microbial abundance and activity under field conditions were compared with those measured in laboratory slow filtration columns supplied with an easily biodegradable source of DOC.  相似文献   

Journal of Soils and Sediments - Sorption studies of organic micropollutants to sediments are useful for predicting their fate and transport. They allow for a better understanding of the migration...  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper reviews information from the literature and case studies to investigate whether productivity in organic systems is restricted by the supply of available N during the major phases of crop growth. Organic systems have the potential to supply adequate amounts of available N to meet crop demand through the incorporation of leys, N rich cash crop residues and uncomposted manures. However, this is seldom achieved because leys are only incorporated once every few years and organically produced crop residues and manures tend to have low N contents and slow mineralization rates. N availability could be improved by delaying ley incorporation until spring, applying uncomposted manures at the start of spring growth, transferring some manure applications from the ley phase to arable crops, preventing cover crops from reaching a wide C:N ratio and better matching crop type with the dynamics of N availability.  相似文献   

过量施氮对旱地土壤碳、氮及供氮能力的影响   总被引:6,自引:8,他引:6  
【目的】过量施氮会影响土壤有机碳、氮的组成与数量,进而改变土壤供氮能力,但关于西北旱地长期过量施用氮肥后土壤有机碳、氮及土壤供氮能力变化的研究尚缺乏。本文在长期定位试验的基础上,通过分析不同氮肥水平特别是过量施氮条件下土壤硝态氮,有机碳、氮和微生物量碳、氮的变化,探讨长期过量施氮对土壤有机碳、氮及供氮能力的影响。【方法】长期定位试验位于陕西杨凌西北农林科技大学农作一站。在施磷(P2O5)100kg/hm2的基础上,设5个氮水平,施氮量分别为N 0、80、160、240、320 kg/hm2。重复4次,小区面积40 m2,完全随机区组排列。种植冬小麦品种为小堰22。本文选取其中3处理,以不施氮为对照(N0)、施氮量N 160 kg/hm2为正常施氮(N160),施氮量N 320 kg/hm2为过量施氮(N320),分别于2012年6月小麦收获后和10月下季小麦播前采集土壤样品,进行测定分析。【结果】过量施氮导致下季小麦播前0—300 cm各土层硝态氮含量显著增加,平均由对照的2.8 mg/kg增加到15.5 mg/kg;同时,0—60 cm和0—300 cm土层的硝态氮累积量分别由对照的47.2和108.9 kg/hm2增加到76.5和727.7 kg/hm2。过量施氮也增加了夏闲期间0—300 cm土层土壤有机氮矿化量,由对照的72.4 kg/hm2增加到130.7 kg/hm2。但过量施氮未显著增加土壤的有机碳含量,却显著增加了土壤有机氮含量,过量施氮0—20、20—40 cm土层土壤有机碳分别为9.24和5.39 g/kg,有机氮分别为1.05和0.71 g/kg,较对照增加52.2%和54.3%。同样,过量施氮未显著影响0—20、20—40 cm土层土壤微生物量碳含量,其平均含量分别为253和205 mg/kg,却显著提高了0—20、20—40 cm土层土壤微生物量氮含量,由对照的24.1和7.5 mg/kg提高到43.6和16.1 mg/kg。【结论】过量施氮可以显著增加旱地土壤剖面中的硝态氮累积量、夏闲期氮素矿化量、小麦播前土壤氮素供应量和土壤微生物量氮含量,但对土壤有机碳和微生物量碳没有显著性影响,同时过量施氮增加了土壤硝态氮淋溶风险,故在有机质含量低的黄土高原南部旱地冬小麦种植中不宜施用高量氮肥,以减少土壤氮素残留和农业投入,达到保护环境和培肥土壤的目的。  相似文献   

Soil test indicators are needed to predict the contribution of soil organic N to crop N requirements. Labile organic matter (OM) fractions containing C and N are readily metabolized by soil microorganisms, which leads to N mineralization and contributes to the soil N supply to crops. The objective of this study was to identify labile OM fractions that could be indicators of the soil N supply by evaluating the relationship between the soil N supply, the C and N concentrations, and C/N ratios of water extractable OM, hot‐water extractable OM, particulate OM, microbial biomass, and salt extractable OM. Labile OM fractions were measured before planting spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in fertilized soils and the soil N supply was determined from the wheat N uptake and soil mineral N concentration after 6 weeks. Prior to the study, fertilized sandy loam and silty clay soils received three annual applications of 90 kg available N (ha · y)?1 from mineral fertilizer, liquid dairy cattle manure, liquid swine manure or solid poultry litter, and there was a zero‐N control. Water extractable organic N was the only labile OM fraction to be affected by fertilization in both soil types (P < 0.01). Across both test soils, the soil N supply was significantly correlated with the particulate OM N (r = 0.87, P < 0.001), the particulate OM C (r = 0.83, P < 0.001), and hot‐water extractable organic N (r = 0.81, P < 0.001). We conclude that pre‐planting concentrations of particulate OM and hot‐water extractable organic N could be early season indicators of the soil N supply in fertilized soils of the Saint Lawrence River Lowlands in Quebec, Canada. The suitability of these pre‐planting indicators to predict the soil N supply under field conditions and in fertilized soils from other regions remains to be determined.  相似文献   

为准确掌握不同地区、不同阶段农业农村有机废弃物资源及还田情况,探明作物养分供需关系的动态变化,该研究以北京郊区为研究区域,基于统计年鉴和文献资料,估算2010-2019年京郊秸秆、尾菜、林果枝条、畜禽粪污和厨余垃圾资源总量和还田量,根据作物需求和有机养分当季释放率,量化养分供给与需求的时空差异。结果表明,京郊有机废弃物及其养分量10 a间持续下降,2010年分别为1.30×107、2.18×105 t,至2019年分别下降了62.3%和71.8%。有机废弃物资源空间分布呈动态变化,2010年大兴区有机废弃物资源最多,2019年平谷有机废弃物资源最多。京郊乡村有机废弃物还田利用重点分布在东南部,各区有机废弃物还田养分量10 a间持续降低,2019年较2010年减少53.5%~86.6%。在50%化肥配施条件下,有机废弃物有效养分供给与作物需求的匹配程度呈交错变化趋势,2010-2015年昌平、房山等区的废弃物养分过剩情况加剧,而2019年怀柔、密云等地出现养分亏缺;从养分类型看,门头沟氮、钾养分超载最严重,昌平区磷量过载严重。建议养分过剩区应结合区域需求,合理控制产业规模,或采用有机废弃物的高值多元利用、有机肥外运等方式进行养分调控;养分亏缺区则可适当扩大生产规模,提高废弃物的养分利用率。研究结果可为区域农业产业合理布局和废弃物资源化利用提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Three cereals (wheat, pearl millet, sorghum), three legumes (mung bean, moth bean, clusterbean) and three oil seed crop species (groundnut, sesame, mustard) were grown in solution culture under conditions of P deficiency and with additions of inorganic P or organic P (phytin, lecithin, glycerophosphates). The plants started secreting acid phosphatase as soon as their roots emerged (24-96 h). The activities of the secreted acid phosphatases increased with plant age and were at a maximum under P-deficient conditions. Phytin increased acid phosphatase secretion to a greater extent than lecithin and glycerophosphate. The increased activities of acid phosphatase secreted under P-deficient conditions when compared with those under P-sufficient (inorganic P) conditions ranged from 2.7 times (glycerophosphate) to 5 times (negligible P, phytin) higher. Legumes secreted the maximum amount of acid phosphatase within 2 weeks after germination, then activity decreased gradually. Acid phosphatase secretion by oilseeds started at a low level and increased with the age of the plants. Only a small increase in acid phosphatase secretion by cereals was observed during the first 3 weeks of growth. The amount of acid phosphatase secreted by legumes was 22% higher than by oilseeds and 72% higher than by cereals. The results showed that an organic P concentration of 250 mg L-1 and above, and an inorganic P concentration <50 mg L-1 provide the most suitable conditions for plants to secrete a maximum amount of acid phosphatase.  相似文献   

集约水稻系统下施肥对土壤有机氮形态及供氮的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Changes of soil organic nitrogen forms and soil nitrogen supply under continuous rice cropping system were investigated in a long-term fertilization experiment in Jinhua, Zhejiang Province, China. The fertilizer treatments included combination of P-K, N-K, N-P, and N-P-K as well as the control. After six years of continuous double-rice cropping, total soil N and hydrolysable N contents remained stable in plots with N treatments, while the hydrolysable N contents were substantially reduced in those plots without N application. Compared to the unbalanced fertilization treatments, P and K increased the percentage of hydrolysable ammonium N in the total soil N with the balanced application of N, and also maintained higher rice grain yields and nitrogen uptake. Grain yield was positively correlated with total N uptake (r = 0.875^**), hydrolysable N (r = 0.608^**), hydrolysable ammonium N (r = 0.560^**) and the hydrolysable unknown N (r = 0.417^**). Total N uptake was positively correlated with hydrolysable N (r = 0.608^**), hydrolysable ammonium N (r = 0.440^**) and hydro, lysable unknown N (r = 0.431^**). Soil nutrient depletion and/or unbalanced fertilization to rice crop reduced N content in soil microbial biomass, and therefore increased C/N ratio, suggesting a negative effect on the total microbial biomass in the soil.  相似文献   

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