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Mating competitiveness of an inbred irradiated, mass reared strain ofAdoxophyes was approximately half that of males collected as nearly fullgrown larvae or pupae in the field. This reduction was not caused by irradiation effects. No indications of genetic inferiority of the laboratory strain were found since the difference in competitiveness disappeared after wild moths were reared for one generation on artificial diet. A diet effect on competitiveness seems most likely.Samenvatting De paringsactiviteit van in massa gekweekte motten werd met behulp van spermatoforenonderzoek (Fig. 1) vergeleken met die van als volwassen rups of pop buiten verzamelde motten (Tabel 1). Hieruit werden aanwijzingen verkregen dat de paringsactiviteit der gekweekte dieren circa de helft was van die van de uit het veld afkomstige. Er werd geen effect van bestraling op de paringsactiviteit gevonden. Wel bleken motten die slechts één generatie in het laboratorium waren gehouden, geen betere paringsactiviteit te hebben dan de reeds sinds 1965 in het laboratorium gekweekte stam. Geen aanwijzing werd verkregen dat het tussen de gekweekte dieren en veld-dieren bestaande gewichtsverschil (popgewicht resp. 23,1 mg en 16,4 mg) de oorzaak was van het verschil in gedrag. Het waarschijnlijkst lijkt een dieeteffect.  相似文献   

In release trials with sterile males ofAdoxophyes orana in an apple orchard of 1.4 ha in 1971 and in an other orchard of 1.9 ha in 1973 and 1974 a marked decrease in the population ofA. orana was observed. Release of sterile males seemed to cause the effect. Immigration of moths, usually not more than a few hundreds, did not disturb the programme but would obviously prevent eradication and control at low level. Other tortricids increased in the absence of chemical control but less competition fromA. orana might also offer some explanation. The other tortricids were responsible for up to 9% damage among apples. Consequently the sterile male method specifically against one pest does not result in an important reduction in the number of sprays and a specific control method is not always the solution to pest problems in integrated control.Samenvatting Twee loslaatproeven met steriele mannetjes ter bestrijding van de vruchtbladrollerAdoxophyes orana worden beschreven.In de eerste, uitgevoerd in 1971 bij Overberg, werden 41000, met 25 krad gamma-stralen gesteriliseerde mannetjes bij de eerste vlucht, en 56000 tijdens de tweede vlucht losgelaten. In geen van de proeven werden de mannetjes van de wijfjes gescheiden. De sexe verhouding was circa 11. Alle losgelaten motten waren gemerkt met Calco Red Oil D. Terugvangsten met vanglampen gaven een verhouding tussen losgelaten en wilde motten van 41 in de eerste vlucht en 131 in de tweede vlucht (Tabel 3). Tellingen van de aantallen larven, door het afzoeken van hele bomen, wezen op teruggang van het aantal rupsen (Tabel 4). De vangst aan wilde mannetjes in de vanglamp wijst op een duidelijke immigratie uit de omgeving (Tabel 3). Het aantal andere bladrollersoorten bleek sterk toe te nemen (Tabel 4).In de tweede proef, uitgevoerd in 1973 en 1974 bij Lienden, werden tijdens de eerste en tweede vlucht van 1973 resp. 17000 en 37000 mannetjes losgelaten en in 1974 resp. 55000 en 26000. De bestralingsdosis bedroeg 25 krad. De wijfjes werden in gelijke aantallen mee losgelaten. De motten waren gemerkt met Rotor kleurstoffen en werden teruggevangen in feromoonvallen. De terugvangverhouding bedroeg in 1973 tijdens de eerste vlucht 91 (Tabel 3). In 1974 was deze resp. 91 en 211. De larvetellingen (Tabel 4) wezen weer op sterke teruggang vanA. orana. Ook hier bleken andere soorten sterk in aantal toe te nemen (Tabel 5) zodat toch nog een vrij belangrijke bladrollerschade in de oogst ontstond.Hoewel de populatiedaling in beide proeven zeer duidelijk was, kan toch nog niet met zekerheid tot succes van de methode worden geconcludeerd omdat in de laatste jaren de betekenis vanA. orana in geïntegreerd bestreden percelen afnam. Een belangrijke moeilijkheid blijkt ook de statistische bewerking van de tellingen te zijn, daarA. orana zeer sterk pleksgewijs voorkomt. Het verdelingstype kon niet altijd worden vastgesteld maar leek soms op dat van een negatieve binomiaal met k-waarden keliner dan 1 (Tabel 6).Ook in deze proef werden aanwijzingen voor immigratie gevonden (Tabel 8). Deze is niet zo sterk dat het loslaatprogramma werd verstoord maar zou wel een uitvoerige campagne in de weg staan.Door het toenemend optreden van andere bladrollersoorten wordt het doel van de specifieke bestrijding vanA. orana verijdeld, daar toch nog chemische bestrijding noodzakelijk blijft. De specifieke bestrijdingsmethode hoeft dus niet altijd een oplossing van een plaagprobleem in de geïntegreerde bestrijding te geven.  相似文献   

Every degree of sterility can be induced in young months (up to 24 h old) ofAdoxophyes orana F.R. with ionizing radiation. Measurements under experimental conditions did not reveal any effect of the dosages used on life-span, mating frequency and fecundity. The same doses of radiation induced a higher degree of sterility in female moths than in male ones.The relative biological effectiveness of fast neutrons to X-rays is 2.5–5.0, as indicated by the parameter induction of dominant lethal factors in 90% of the reproductive cells.Samenvatting Uit bestralingsexprimenten met motten (hooguit 24 uur oud) vanAdoxophyes orana F.R. is gebleken dat zowel met X-stralen als met snelle neutronen iedere gewenste graad van steriliteit geïnduceerd kan worden, zonder een, onder de proefomstandigheden te meten effect op levensduur, paringsfrequentie en aantal gelegde eieren (Fig. 1, 2, 3 en 4). Vrouwelijke motten blijken gevoeliger voor inductie van steriliteit door beide soorten ioniserende straling dan mannelijke motten (Fig. 1 en 2).Proeven ter bepaling van het effect van de doseringssnelheid en van gefractioneerde bestraling (Tabel 1 en 2) geven aanwijzingen dat enzymatische herstelprocessen geen grote rol spelen. Wel zijn aanwijzingen gevonden dat na verloop van enkele dagen, misschien ten gevolge van afsterven van beschadigd sperma, het percentage steriliteit afneemt (Tabel 3). De RBE van snelle neutronen ten opzichte van X-stralen met dominant lethale factoren in 90% van de vootplantingscellen als parameter, blijkt 2,5 voor vrouwelijke motten en 5 voor mannelijke motten te bedagen.De verzamelde gegevens vormen een basis voor verder onderzoek naar praktische mogelijkheden van een steriele-mannetjestechniek en semisteriliteit en voor meer fundamenteel onderzoek naar bijv. de wijze van overerving van semisteriliteit en naar stralingsbiologische aspecten in het algemeen.  相似文献   

In September, a high mortality among eggs ofAdoxophyes orana was observed. Temperature effects were believed to be responsible. In controlled conditions, constant temperatures of 13 or 14°C proved lethal to most eggs, but mortality was about halved when temperature changes were gradual. Low temperature (5°C or less) for 6h was lethal when eggs were exposed within a few hours of oviposition. This was also due to a rapid change in temperature. Survival of eggs ofA. orana is most affected by long cool periods and is slightly affected by cold nights.  相似文献   

D.J. de JONG 《EPPO Bulletin》1980,10(2):213-221
Correct timing of spraying dates, and application of the appropriate pesticides when the insecf population is expected to exceed the economic threshold level, are the basis for an economically and ecologically justified control of the summer fruit tortricid in fruit growing in the Netherlands. Pheromone traps and light traps furnish information on the numbers of moths present and on their activity. Prediction of hatching periods and of the correct spraying dates is based on temperature recordings during embryonic development (heat sum method). The need to spray can be assessed in each orchard by special counting methods, viz. visual observation or use of a beating method. Accuracy in predicting spraying dates is improved by sampling one generation to obtain information on the population density of larvae in the succeeding generation. The harmfulness of the offspring of second-flight moths varies from year to year. The harmfulness and rate of successful hibernation of the offspring of the latest and the earliest emerging second-flight moths is influenced by weather conditions and photoperiod. This information, and calculations on population growth, are used for forecasting in supervised control programmes. The forecasts are given on a national as well as on a regional basis. All information is passed on to the farmers by the extension services. Aux Pays-Bas, la lutte contre la tordeuse de la pelure des fruits est jugee necessaire lorsqu'il est estime que les populations vont depasser le seuil de tolerance economique. Des raisons economiques et ecologiques determinent donc la mise en place d'une surveillance du ravageur. Les pieges a pheromones eta lumiere permettent d'evaluer la densite et I'activite des adultes. Les previsions concernant les periodes declosion et les dates precises de traitement sont basees sur la somme des temperatures au cours du developpement embryonnaire. La necessite d'intervention est evaluee dans chaque verg er par des methodes appropriees de denombrement, telles que les observations visuelles ou la methode de frappage. La precision des previsions estaccrue par L'estimation de la densite des larves a partir des donnees enregistrees pour la generation precedente. Le danger que presente la descendance de la deuxieme generation varie d'une annee a I'autre. La nuisibilite et le taux d'hibernation des descendants des premiers et des derniers papillons du deuxieme vol sont influences par les conditions meteorologiques et la photoperiode. Ces donnees et les calculs sur le developpement des populations sont utilises pour etablir des previsions dans le cadre d'un programme de lutte supervisee. Ces previsions sont emises au niveau national et regional. Les services de vulgarisation transmettent toutes ces informations aux producteurs.  相似文献   

The longterm control of bracken (Pteridium aquilinum) following applications of asulam was studied for 5 years al a site in the West of Scotland; there was no post-spray management. The time of treatment was found to be of considerable importance, satisfactory long-term control being obtained only when 4.4–8.8 kg/ha were applied around the stage of full frond expansion (26 July–16 August). Application of 4.4 kg/ha asulam on 26 July decreased frond density by 99, 95, 85, and 73% in the 4 years following treatment; about 50% recovery was observed in the fifth year. The latter may be partially due to the encroachment of rhizomes from the adjacent untreated plots and the lack of post-spray management. Examination of rhizomes dug from 1 m2 areas showed that asulam killed more than 90% of the active frond buds and apices in the first year, but left undamaged 48% of the dormant buds on the deeper rhizome branches; the latter appeared to be the main source of reinfestation of treated plots in subseqquent years. The total number of living buds increased from 17% of the untreated in the first year to 38% in the fifth year; the majority of these buds were dormant. Formulation of asulam (4.4 kg/ha) with 1% ethylan CP only improved the reduction in frond density over a 4-year period by 10%. Recherches sur le mode d'action de l'asulame sur la fougère (Pteridium aquilinum L. Kuhn). III, Elimination durable de la fougère. Lélimination durable de la fougére (Pteridium aquilinum) a la suite d'applications d'asulame a éte etudiee pendant 5 annees dans une station de I'ouest de I'Ecosse; il n'y a pas eu d'autre intervention apres le trailement. W a ete constate que Vepoque du traitement avait une importance considerable, une elimination durable n'ayant pu etre obtenue qu'en appliquant 4,4 a 8,8 kg/ha d'asulame au stade de plein developpement des frondes (26 juillet-16 aout), L'application de 4,4 kg d'asulame le 26 juillet diminua la densite des frondes de 99, 95, 88, et 73% au cours des 4 annees suivant le traitement; une repousse d'environ 50% fut observee la cinquieme annee, Ce resultat final peut etre du en partie a I'empietement de rhizomes provenant des parcelles adjacentes non traitees et a I'absence d'intervention apres le traitement. L'examen des rhizomes extraits sur des surfaces de 1 m2 montra que I'asulame avait tue plus de 90% des bourgeons et des apex des frondes en activite au cours de la premiere annee, mais n'avait pas endommage 48% des bourgeons dormants situes sur les ramifications les plus profondes des rhizomes; ce fait est apparu comme la cause principale de la reinfestation des parcelles traitees au cours des annees suivantes. Le nombre total des bourgeons vivants est passe de 17% des temoins la premiere annee a 38% la cinquieme annee; la majorite de ces bourgeons etaient dormants. La formulation de I'asulame avec 1% seulement d'etylan CP” a augmente de 10% la reduction de la densite des frondes au cours de la periode de 4 ans. Untersuchungen zur Wirkuttgsweise von Asulam bei Adlerfarn (Pteridium aquilinum L. Kuhn). III. Langfristige Bekdmpfung In einem Versuch in Westschottland wurde die langfristige Bekampfung von Adlerfarn (Pteridium aquilinum) nach Asulam-Behandlungen uber 5 Jahre untersucht. In diesen Versuchen wurden nach der Herbizidbehandlung keine weiteren Bekampfungsmassnahmen durchgefiihrt. Es konnte festgestellt werden, dass der Bekampfungszeitpunkt von erheblicher Bedeutung ist. Eine befriedigende langfristige Bekampfung wurde nur erzielt, wenn 4.4–8.8 kg/ha zum Zeitpunkt der vollen Wedelentwicklung (26, Juli-16. August) angewendet wurden. Eine Behandlung mit 4,4 kg/ha Asulam am 26, Juli fuhrte in den 4 Jahren nach der Applikation zu einem Ruckgang der Wedeldichte um 99, 95, 85 und 73%, und im fiinften Jahr betrug die Wedeldichte wieder etwa 50% der ursprunglichen. Das letztere lasst sich teilweise mit dem Eindringen von Rhizomen aus benachbarten unbehandelten Parzellen und dem Fehlen weiterer Massnahmen mach der Herbizidbehandlung erklaren. Die Untersuchung von I m2 grossen Flachen zeigte, dass durch Asulam im ersten Jahr iiber 90% der aktiven Wedelknospcn und -apices getotet wurden, aber 48% der dormanten Wedelknospen und -apices der tieferliegenden Rhizomstijcke unbeeinfiusst blieben. Diese Organe scheinen die Hauptursache der Wiederverseuchung in den folgenden Jahren gewesen zu sein. Die Gesamtzahl an lebenden Knospen nahm, bezogen auf Unbehandelt, von 17% im ersten Jahr auf 38% im fiinften Jahr zu, die meisten Knospen waren aber dormant. Zusatz von 1% Ethylan CP zu Asulam (4,4 kg/ha) verbesserte im Beobachtungszeitraum von 4 Jahren die Wirkung (Verminderung der Wedeldichle) nur um 10%.  相似文献   

Ewingana (Doreyana) baekelandae sp. n. (Acari: Myobiidae) is described on the basis of several adults and immatures collected on Tadarida (T.) teniotis from the province of Teruel, Spain. The species is a Palearctic representative of the evolutive line nanula Fain and digitata Fain. Differences within these species are observed in the female genito-anal area and in the shape and size of leg I, both in adults and in immatures.  相似文献   

A new entomopathogenic species of the genus Tolypocladium, T. terricola is described from a soil sample from Finalnd. From other known Tolypocladium species, T. terricola differs in morphology, production of secondary metabolites and possession of relatively strong mosquitocidal activity. The fungus is characterized by broad oval conidia (2.5 x 2 microns) with one pointed end which are produced in grape-like clusters, and are not firmly adherent. When treated with T. terricola, mosquito larvae show typical features of intoxication characterized by the concentration of larvae in the centre of cup, hanging by their siphons on the surface.  相似文献   

一品红花卉上烟粉虱的序贯抽样技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
王立红 《植物保护》2007,33(4):74-76
烟粉虱[Bemisiatabaci(Gennadius)]在花卉一品红上的为害十分猖獗,在调查分析的基础上,研究了烟粉虱在一品红上的序贯抽样技术。结果表明:烟粉虱成虫的平均拥挤度*m与平均密度x-回归方程为*m=-9.05+2.26x-,相关性极显著(0.799 1);以Iwao的序贯抽样为基础,结合Kuno的序贯抽样,提出复序贯抽样技术,防治指标上下限为T0(n)=7n+2 5.39n,T0(n)=7n-2 5.39n,截止线为T(n)=α+1/(D02-β-1/n),D0=0.15。  相似文献   

对山茶小爪螨的防治效果表明,0.2%阿维虫清Ec1000倍、2000倍、3000倍和4000倍液药后14d防效分别高达99.44%、99.27%、99.53%和92.29%,是目前较理想的替代型杀虫剂。  相似文献   

Aromatic spice crops such as coriander, Coriandrum sativum L., and fennel, Foeniculum vulgare L., are among the major seeds exported to the international market. Observations on the stores of these crops revealed differences in their susceptibility to the cigarette beetle, Lasioderma serricorne (F.) (Col., Anobiidae). Coriander seeds proved to be the most appropriate diet for the beetle. The population dynamics of L. serricorne (F.) was determined, showing 3 generations during the period from May to October.  相似文献   

Aromatic spice crops such as coriander, Coriandrum sativum L., and fennel, Foeniculum vulgare L., are among the major seeds exported to the international market. Observations on the stores of these crops revealed differences in their susceptibility to the cigarette beetle, Lasioderma serricorne (F.) (Col., Anobiidae). Coriander seeds proved to be the most appropriate diet for the beetle. The population dynamics of L. serricorne (F.) was determined, showing 3 generations during the period from May to October.  相似文献   

The activity of diflubenzuron against eggs ofLobesia botrana Den. & Schiff. was assayed with a dipping procedure, at 22° and 27° C. The compound was much more active at 27°C (LC-50 = 0.0072%) than at 22°C (LC-50 = 0.195%).  相似文献   

麦蛾茧蜂是鳞翅目昆虫的一种外寄生蜂,是仓储鳞翅目害虫的重要寄生性天敌。为提高麦蛾茧蜂的扩繁效率,本文在室内条件下研究了其寄主烟草粉螟密度、麦蛾茧蜂密度和性比对其子代出蜂数(雌蜂数、雄蜂数和总蜂数)和雌雄性比的影响。结果表明,当烟草粉螟密度为5头/盒时,麦蛾茧蜂的子代出蜂雌蜂数、雄蜂数、总蜂数和雌雄性比最高,分别为(90.71±2.01)、(51.70±2.95)、(142.00±3.88)头和(1.79±0.11);当烟草粉螟密度为50头/盒而麦蛾茧蜂密度不同时,4对寄生蜂(蜂与害虫比为1∶12.5)的平均单雌出蜂数最高;此外,增加雌蜂数显著提高子代出蜂数,而增加雄蜂数并未显著影响这些指标。因此,本文推荐在麦蛾茧蜂的大量饲养中,按寄生蜂、害虫比为1∶5~1∶12.5、寄生蜂雌雄性比为1∶1的方式接蜂且可连续使用10 d,这将有利于麦蛾茧蜂的大量饲养。该研究结果可为麦蛾茧蜂的规模化繁育和应用提供技术参数。  相似文献   

The effect of food on fecundity and its distribution during the life of Acarus siro L. was studied. In addition, the effect of repeated matings, of age of females and males, of parental age and of sex ratio on the fecundity of Tyrophagus putrescentiae (Schr.) was studied. Nutrition affects the total fecundity and its distribution in A. siro. The highest fecundity of T. putrescentiae females occurred when mating occurred more than once a week. The fecundity of ageing virgin females decreases gradually with delays in the time of the first mating. The effect of male's age is not significant until the age of 60 days onwards. Females descending from 100-day-old parents showed 25% lower fecundity than females from young parents. Density of males above the sex ratio 1:1 diminishes the fecundity of females molested by males. The higher the number of the males in the cage per female, the lower their fecundity.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The behavioural response of both sexes of codling moth, Cydia pomonella to the pear-derived kairomone (ethyl (2E,4Z)-2,4-decadienoate), codling moth sex pheromone (E,E-8,10-dodecadien-1-ol), and sex pheromone combined with the pear derived kairomone loaded into red rubber septum were investigated in trapping experiments in New Zealand apple orchards. A range of 0.01-10.0 mg of pheromone loading in rubber septum dispensers was tested and the highest catch of males was in traps baited with 1.0 mg. No dose response in trap catch of males was seen in traps baited with different amounts of pear-derived kairomone (0.01-10.0 mg). RESULTS: The number of females caught was significantly affected by the amount of pear derived kairomone used to bait traps, with the highest catch obtained at 10 mg loading. The attractiveness of sex pheromone was not enhanced by the addition of the kairomone either when used in the same bait or in a separate bait. The mean number of males captured in traps was reduced by 44% when the pheromone and kairomone were combined at ratio of 1:1 (0.1 mg pheromone: 0.1 mg kairomone) in separate sources. CONCLUSION: Kairomone baited traps showed some potential for monitoring the flight activity of female C. pomonella in apple orchards in two locations (Canterbury and Hawke's Bay). However, the number of male moths caught was low as compared to the number of male moths caught in pheromone-baited traps, and therefore the sex pheromone should continue to be used for monitoring male activity.  相似文献   


We evaluated, water-based very-low volume (VLV) sprays of various pyrethroids at different dosage levels, comparing these with ultra-low volume (ULV) sprays for the control of cotton pests in the Nampula province of Mozambique. The results showed that karate (lambda-cyhalothrin) 2.5% SG at a dosage level of 15 g a.i./ha applied as VLV gave a significantly higher yield than karate 0.8% ULV (28 g a.i./ha). Also, karate 3.75% WG (12 and 15 g a.i./ha) gave a similar yield to that of karate 0.8% ULV (28 g a.i./ha). Karate 5% EC (15 and 20 g a.i./ha) gave a yield similar to Karate 0.8% ULV (28 g a.i./ha). Baythroid (cyfluthrin) 5% EC at 15, 22.5 and 30 g a.i./ha gave a yield similar to baythroid 1.2% ULV (36 g a.i./ha). Bulldock (beta-cyfluthrin) 12.5% SC at dosage levels of 6, 9 and 12 g a.i./ha gave a similar yield to that using baythroid 1.2% ULV (36 g a.i./ha). In all four trials, water-based VLV sprays gave a yield of cotton and degree of pest-control similar to those obtained with the ULV formulations at comparatively lower dosage levels. Integrated with other pest management practices, these could play an important role in the cost effective management of insect pests of cotton on small-scale farms in many countries.  相似文献   

The evolution of ethylene, induced by 1-naphthylacetic acid (NAA), was studied as a means of evaluating spray parameters using cowpea [Vigna sinensis (Torner) Savi] under defined conditions as a test system. The dose-response curve was linear over the range of 1.4-14 μg per leaf. The marked production of ethylene following treatment with an active auxin, 2,4-D (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid), and the absence of its production following treatment with an inactive analogue (3,5-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid), established that ethylene production was hormonally induced. The effect of application volumes of 10-100 μ1 and of droplet sizes of 1-10 μ1 were evaluated using a constant dose (5 μg NAA per leaf); NAA was more effective when delivered to the leaf in the larger volumes but in the smaller droplet sizes.  相似文献   

对比试验结果表明,甲壳素单独使用、甲壳素与放线菌混合使用、甲壳素与放线菌和枯草杆菌混合使用灌根,对仙客来枯萎病均具有明显的防治效果,仙客来成活率显著提高,其防效与常用化学农药相当。同时对仙客来的生长发育均有促进作用。处理后根的数量、根系的鲜重和干重均有显著增加,并使叶片数增多,冠径增大。此外,单独使用甲壳素还使土壤中放线菌数量明显增加。  相似文献   

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