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The authors report on the results of an investigation on ticks and hemoparasitoses of cattle, sheep and goats in the South Sudanian area of Senegal. Systematic routine dipping against ticks of cattle, 40 sheep and 40 goats was set during 15 months, with a view to determine the population dynamics together with an acurate localization of the different species concerned. The following parasites were collected from these ruminants: Amblyomma variegatum, Boophilus geigyi, Hyalomma truncatum, H. m. rufipes, Rhipicephalus lunulatus, Rh. sulcatus, Rh. e. evertsi, Rh. senegalensis. At the same time joint research was conducted on hemoparasitoses by mean of blood smears and of splenectomy. In cattle were found Theileria velifera, Th. mutans, Anaplasma marginale, Babesia bigemina, Ehrlichia bovis, and microfilaria of Setaria labiatopapillosa. Anaplasma ovis, Theileria ovis, Ehrlichia ovina, Trypanosoma vivax, T. congolense are involved in infections detected in goats and sheep. Among grown up and found apparently healthy animals, the hematocrite values have been studied as well as the seasonal variations of the haematological parameter.  相似文献   

Cattle, sheep, goats and horses were examined for ticks. Over 95% of Holstein cross-breeds, 28% of sheep (local mixed breeds) and 18% of goats (local mixed breeds) examined from 18 August to 4 September 1983 were infested with the southern cattle tick, Boophilus microplus Canestrini. About 90 and 17% of the horses examined were infested with the tropical horse tick, Anocentor nitens Neumann, and the tropical bont tick, Amblyomma variegatum Fabricius, respectively. The tropical bont tick was found infesting 10% of cattle in the Gros Islet area of St. Lucia. The tropical bont tick was also found associated with a severe skin disease, dermatophilosis, caused by the bacterium Dermatophilus congolensis, in 54% of the cattle infested by A. variegatum in the Gros Islet and Dauphin areas of St. Lucia.  相似文献   

Cattle, sheep, goats, and horses in most areas of Barbados were examined for ticks. About 68% of the cattle, mostly Holstein dairy cows, and 23% of the sheep, mostly purebred or crossbred black belly sheep, were infested with the southern cattle tick, Boophilus microplus (Canestrini), a vector of bovine babesiosis and anaplasmosis. About 13% of the horses were infested with the tropical horse tick, Anocentor nitens (Neumann), a vector of equine babesiosis. Cattle owners used a variety of acaricides as dusts, sprays, or washes on their cattle for the control of ticks.  相似文献   

Summary Observations on camels have been made over two separate periods of about 18 months each. Information is provided on population structure and on type, with particular reference to weight and shoulder height.A growth curve has been derived, formulae for estimating weight from girth provided, and a mean population weight has been calculated.Details of live and slaughter weight and dressing percentages of 60 camels are given. The weights and percentages of empty body weight and of edible and nonedible parts are presented. Some notes are made of the unusual method of slaughter.The role of camels in transport and draught is discussed. Camels used for ploughing and for pressing oil from local crops produce more power than other domestic animals doing similar work.
Estudios Sobre La Ganaderia Del Sudeste De Darfur, Dudan, V: Notas Sobre Camellos
Resumen Se hicieron observaciones sobre camellos, en dos periodos diferentes de 18 meses cada uno. Se provee información sobre la estructura de la población, tipo, con referencia particular al peso y altura del hombro.Sela elaboró una curva de crecimiento, así como también una fórmula para calcular el peso midiendo la cincha. De esta manera se calculó una media poblacional de peso.Se dan detalles de peso en vida y al sacrificio y porcentajes de degüello de 60 camellos. Se presentan los pesos y porcentajes de canales y de partes comestibles y no comestibles. También se hacen algunas observaciones sobre el método poco usual de matanza. Se discute el papel del camello como animal de transporte y de tiro. Los camellos usados para arar y extraer aceite de cosechas locales, producen más que otros animales que hacen el mismo trabajo.

Etudes Sur Le Betail Du Sud Darfur, Au Soudan. V.—Note Sur Les Chameaux
Résumé Des observations ont été faites sur les chameaux au cours de deux périodes, séparées, de 18 mois chacune. Les informations intéressent la structure de la population cameline et le type d'animal, avec des références particulières sur le poids et la hauteur scapulaire.Une courbe de croissance en a été tirée qui donne une formule permettant d'apprécier le poids en fonction du périmètre thoracique et un poids moyen pour l'ensemble de la population a été calculé.Les chiffres concernant le poids vif, le poids carcasse le rendement en boucherie de 60 chameaux sont indiqués. Les poids et leur pourcentage par rapport au poids vif vide des différents morceaux comestibles et non comestibles sont donnés. Quelques indications sur une méthode inhabituelle d'abattage sont rapportées.

Bacteria (including chlamydia) and protozoa can produce neurological disease in Australian ruminant livestock and the nature of the inflammatory and neuroparenchymal response is often suggestive of a particular aetiological agent. An overview of the clinicopathological features of infectious disease affecting the central nervous system (CNS) is followed by a discussion of important bacterial and protozoal infections in Australia. Each infectious disease is discussed in terms of classification and pathogenesis linked to clinical signs and gross and microscopic findings. The literature review is restricted to infectious conditions causing CNS disease in Australia. Sources include the Australian Veterinary Journal (over 50 years of articles), the quarterly newsletter of the National Animal Health Surveillance System and the Animal Health Surveillance Quarterly.  相似文献   

畜牧业是我国广大农村,尤其是贫困地区农村经济发展的支柱产业之一。随着畜牧经济的发展,我国贫困地区的畜牧业结构不够合理、畜产品市场竞争力不强、综合效益较低等矛盾和问题口趋突出,影响着畜牧业的持续健康发展。笔者就我国畜牧业发展的走势、贫困地区畜牧业发展面临的问题及发展思路作一阐述。  相似文献   

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