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DASTGHEIB  FIELD 《Weed Research》1998,38(1):63-68
Differences were observed in the sensitivity of three wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars to chlorsulfuron. Shoot dry weight was reduced by foliar applications of chlorsulfuron to a greater extent in cv. Rongotea than in cvs Lancer and Kotare. There was no difference between these cultivars in the specific activity of acetolactate synthase (ALS) enzyme extracted from leaves or roots. Moreover, chlorsulfuron inhibited ALS from the wheat cultivars to the same extent in?vitro. ALS measurement in vivo showed that after 15 h of incubating excised leaf tissues with chlorsulfuron, there was a greater reduction in ALS enzyme activity in Rongotea than in the other cultivars. Furthermore, 1 day after a foliar application of chlorsulfuron, in vitro ALS activity in leaves was reduced more in Rongotea than in Lancer or Kotare. Recovery of the enzyme activity following chlorsulfuron application was quicker in Kotare than in Lancer or Rongotea. It is concluded that differences in sensitivity of these wheat cultivars to chlorsulfuron are not due to differential ALS sensitivity or level, but may be due to differential rates of herbicide metabolism.  相似文献   

Striga hermonthica is an important parasitic weed that severely reduces yields of sorghum in sub‐Saharan Africa. Pot experiments with the sensitive sorghum cultivar CK60‐B and the tolerant Tiémarifing were conducted in 1999 and 2000 to investigate the role of infection time on the interaction between sorghum and Striga hermonthica. Timing of Striga inoculation was used to establish delays of one and two weeks in first attachment of the parasite. In 1999, early Striga inoculation resulted in a relatively early first Striga attachment on CK60‐B. Although first infection of Tiémarifing occurred one week later, an identical final number of emerged Striga plants was observed. Plants of CK60‐B were more severely affected and supported a higher total Striga biomass. Only with this cultivar the interaction between host and parasite was significantly affected by delayed infection. Parasite biomass was most sensitive and already significantly reduced following a 1‐week delay in infection time. With a further 1‐week delay, an additional reduction in parasite biomass was accompanied by a strong and significant increase in total and panicle dry weight of the host plant. In 2000, first infection of CK60‐B was relatively late and occurred simultaneously with first infection of Tiémarifing and no significant effect of delayed infection on Striga biomass or host‐plant performance was observed. The results indicate that the influence of delayed infection strongly depends on actual infection time and confirm that earlier observed differences in time of first infection between the two cultivars do contribute to the more tolerant response of Tiémarifing to Striga infection.  相似文献   

Eightinoculumdensities (ID), increasing in geometric progression from 0.1×105 to 12.8×105 conidia ml–1 ofSeptoria tritici were sprayed onto the leaves of five cultivars ofTriticum aestivum, differing in resistance toS. tritici. Host response to infection byS. tritici, measured as either thelatencyperiod (LPD) orpercentage ofleafarea covered bylesions with pycnidia (PLAL), was significantly linearly correlated with log10ID (r=0.84 to 0.96, with 6 degrees of freedom). As the ID increased from 0.2×105 to 12.8×105 conidia ml–1, LPD decreased by 1 to 2 days for the susceptible and resistant cultivars and by 3 to 5 days for the moderately susceptible cultivars. Within the same ID range, PLAL increased from 73% to 90% for the susceptible cultivar and 2 to 12% for the resistant cultivar. The ID50 value (the number of conidia required for 50% PLAL) calculated from the regression equations relating log10ID to PLAL for each cultivar, ranged from 6.42×103 conidia ml–1 for the susceptible cultivar to 7.13×1013 conidia ml–1 for the resistant cultivar. Estimates of the number of conidia ml–1 required to initiate a lesion (obtained by substituting 1% PLAL into the regression equations relating log10 ID to PLAL) ranged from 16 conidia ml–1 for the susceptible cultivar to 1.0×104 conidia ml–1 for the resistant cultivar. Using the change of PLAL with ID, the restriction of lesion development for each cultivar could be partitioned into that due to host resistance and that due to interaction between lesions. Log10LPD was significantly correlated negatively with PLAL. As a general rule when screening cultivars for resistance toS. tritici, it is advisable to inoculate them with several inoculum densities and to determine the latency period.Samenvatting Sporensuspensies vanSeptoria tritici die in dichtheid (ID) varieerden volgens een geometrische reeks van 0,1 tot 12,8×105 sporen.ml–1, werden gebruikt bij de inoculatie van kiemplanten van vijf cultivars vanTriticum aestivum die verschilden in resistentie tegenS. tritici.De reactie van de waardplanten werd gemeten aan de latentie periode (LPD) en aan het percentage bladoppervlak dat ingenomen werd door vlekken met pycniden (PLAL). Beide grootheden toonden een significante lineaire correlatie met log10ID (r=0,84 tot 0,96 bij 6 vrijheidsgraden). Bij een toename van ID van 0,2×105 tot 12,8×105 sporen.ml–1 nam de lengte van de latentie periode af met 1 tot 2 dagen bij de vatbare en de resistente cultivars, en met 3 tot 5 dagen bij de matig vatbare cultivars (Fig. 2).In hetzelfde traject van inoculumdichtheid nam de PLAL toe van 73 tot 90% bij vatbare cultivars, en van 2 tot 12% bij de resistente cultivars (Fig. 3). De ID50-waarde, het aantal sporen dat nodig is om 50% aantasting te verkrijgen, werd berekend uit de regressievergelijkingen die voor iedere cultivar het verband aangeven tussen log10 ID en het aantastingspercentage (PLAL). Deze waarde varieerde van 6,42×103 sporen per ml voor vatbare tot 7,13×103 sporen per ml voor de resistente cultivars (Tabel 1). Schattingen voor het aantal sporen dat nodig is om een vlek te doen ontstaan werden verkregen door de 1% aantastingswaarde te substitueren in de eerder genoemde regressievergelijkingen. Deze waarden varieerden van 16 sporen.ml–1 voor de vatbare cultivar tot 10000 sporen.ml–1 voor de resistente cultivar (Tabel 1). Via de toename van de aantastingsgraad (PLAL) per eenheid stijging in de inoculumdichtheid kon de remming op de vlekontwikkeling opgesplitst worden in een gedeelte dat toegeschreven werd aan de resistentie van de plant en een gedeelte dat te wijten was aan de interactie tussen de vlekken (Fig. 4 en 5; Tabel 2).Log10 LPD was negatief gecorreleerd met PLAL (Fig. 6). Bij het toetsen van cultivars op resistentie tegenS. tritici zouden sporensuspensies van verschillende dichtheden gebruikt moeten worden en zou de latentie periode, evenals de aantastingsgraad bepaald moeten worden.  相似文献   

In acidic media, hydrolysis of chlorsulfuron and metsulfuron-methyl occurs via two consecutive reactions which were followed by ultraviolet spectrophotometry. For these two reactions, the pseudo-first-order rate constants increase proportionally to the concentration of hydronium ion in the more acidic media and to the square of this concentration at higher pH values. A kinetic study by HPLC shows that the first reaction leads to the formation of 4-methoxy-6-methyl-1,3,5-triazin-2-amine and (o-chlorophenylsulfonyl) carbamic acid for chlorsulfuron or (o-methoxycarbonylphenylsulfonyl) carbamic acid for metsulfuronmethyl. The second reaction is the conversion of these sulfonylcarbamic acids to sulfonamides and carbon dioxide. The complete lack of saccharin and of o-sulfamoyl benzoic acid proves that the ester function of the methoxycarbonyl group is stable. The lack of general acid-base catalysis and a solvent deuterium isotope effect less than unity are consistent with a rate-determining cleavage of the protonated substrate. In the basic pH range (10–14) a single reaction occurs, the nucleophilic substitution of the methoxy group on the triazine by a hydroxide group.  相似文献   

为明确黄淮南片麦区主栽小麦品种对赤霉病的抗性水平。采用人工接种鉴定的方法对黄淮南片的河南、安徽、陕西和江苏四省的65份主栽小麦品种进行赤霉病抗性鉴定,经土表接种抗侵染型鉴定,中抗品种有‘徐农0029’、‘西农511’和‘保麦6号’,中感品种有‘徐麦31’、‘瑞华520’和‘西农3517’等18份,高感品种44份;经单花滴注接种抗扩展型鉴定,中抗品种为‘西农511’,中感品种有‘烟5158’、‘西农889’、‘西农2000’等14份,高感品种50份。由此可见,黄淮南片麦区主栽小麦品种对赤霉病抗性普遍较差,建议根据各地赤霉病发生程度,选择适宜抗性指标,结合现代育种技术,逐步提高主栽小麦品种的抗性水平。  相似文献   

The intensity of thrips and wheat blossom midges (WBM) infestations in twelve wheat cultivars was evaluated at the Plant Breeding Station, Silstedt, central Germany in 2008 & 2009 growing crop seasons. The research aimed at selecting the least infested cultivar to be profitably used in the forthcoming cultivation. Infestation levels were studied in flowering and milky stages (GS 65 and 73) of each cultivar in every single-spikelet in sample of 10 ears in both years. There were significant differences in thrips and (WBM) densities among different cultivars in both years. Thrips numbers were the highest in T??rkis, Global and Esket cultivars, while the lowest values were recorded in Robigus, Brompton and Carenius. The results showed that the highest WBM infestation was observed in T??rkis, Tommi and Potenzial; on the other hand the lowest WBM infestation was found in some insect resistant cultivars (Brompton, Skalmeje, Robigus, Welford and Glasgow). The infested ears were positively correlated with the numbers of WBM among cultivars. The obtained results would give a good guide for choosing the proper cultivars which proved highly resistant to their specific pests.  相似文献   

In field experiments with spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L., cv. Neepawa), the low rate (0·02 kg ha-1) of chlorsulfuron significantly reduced wild oat control from individual applications of only barban and diclofop-methyl. The high rate (008 kg ha-1) affected wild oat control by all four graminicides, including difenzoquat and flam-prop-methyl. In most cases, the graminicides did not affect the broad-leaved weed control of chlorsulfuran. Overall, a low rate of chlorsulfuron in mixture with graminicides did not reduce wheat yield, whereas a high rate of chlorsulfuron in the mixtures gave a significant yield reduction compared with individual graminicides applied alone. All herbicide treatments increased wheat yield over the control. In the glasshouse, reduction in wild oat control by diclofop-methyl was directly related to the rate of chlorsulfuron added to diclofop-methyl. The effect of 0·02 kg ha-1 chlorsulfuron on control of wild oat was decreased when the rate of diclofop-methyl increased from 0·5 to 0·9 kg ha-1 and was completely eliminated when diclofop-methyl reached 1·1 kg ha-1. Conversely, diclofop-methyl (0·7 and 1·1 kg ha-1) gave some reduction of wild mustard (Sinapis arvensis L.) and redroot pigweed (Amaranthus retrofiexus L.) control by chlorsulfuron (0·01 and 0·02 kg ha-1), even though in some cases diclofop-methyl/chlorsul-furon gave better control of these broad-leaved weeds. In the laboratory, the absorption and translocation of [14C]-diclofop-nieihyl in wild oat seedlings were significantly reduced when chlorsulfuron was added, compared with [14C]-diclo-fop-methyl applied alone. Effet du chlorsulfuron sur l'efficacité et l'effet sur le rendement de quatre graminicides Dans des essais de plein champ sur blé de printemps (Triticuni aestivum L., cv. Neepawa), la faible dose (0, 02 kg ha-1) de chlorsulfuron a réduit significativement l'efficacité d'une application séparée de barbane et de diclofop-methyl. La forte dose (0, 08 kg ha-1) a contrarié la destruction de la folle avoine pour les quatre graminicides dont le difenzoquat et le flamprop-methyl. Dans la plupart des cas, les graminicides n'ont pas eu d'incidence sur la destruction des dicotylédones par le chlorsulfuron. Par ailleurs. une faible dose de chlorsulfuron en mélange avec les graminicides n'a pas réduit le rendement en blé, en revanche, une forte dose de chlorsulfuron en mélange a entrainé une baisse significative de rendement en comparaison des graminicides appliqués seuls. Tous les traitements herbicides ont entrainé un gain de rendement par rapport au témoin non traité. En serre, la réduction d'efficacité sur folle avoine du diclofop-methyl était directement correlée à la dose de chlorsulfuron ajouté. Les effets de 0, 02 kg ha-1 sur la destruction de la folle avoine baissaient quand le niveau de diclofop-methyl augmentait de 0,5 à 0,9 kg ha-1 et étaient complètement éliminés quand la dose de diclofop-methyl atteignait 1, 1 kg ha-1. Par ailleurs, le diclofop-méthyl (0,7 et 1,1 kg ha-1) a réduit l'efficacité du chlorsulfuron (0,01 et 0,02 kg ha-1) sur la sanve (Sinapis arvensis L.) et l'amaranthe réflechie (Amaranthus retroflexus L.) même si dans certains cas l'association diclofop-mélhyl-chtorsulfuron a eu une meilleure efficacité sur ces mauvaises herbes. Au laboratoire, l'ab sorption et la translocation du diclofop-methyl C14 dans les plantules de folle avoine ont été réduites significativement par l'addition de chlor-sulfuron en comparaison du diciofop-méthyl C14 appliqué seul. Wirkung von Chlorsulfuron zusammen mil Vier Graminiziden auf die Unkrautbekämpfung und den Ertrag von Weizen In Freilandversuehen mit Sommerweizen (Triticum aesttotm L. ‘Neepawa’) verminderie Chlorsulfuron in niedriger Aufwandmenge (0,02 kg ha-1) den Bekämpfungserfolg gegen Flug-Hafer nur bei Barban und Diclofop-menthyl. Die hohe Aufwandmenge (0,08 kg ha-1)beeinträchtigte die Wirkung aller 4 Graminizide, einschliesslich Difenzoquat und Flamprop-methyl. Die Graminizide beeinfiussten die Wirkung von Chlorsulfuron gegen zweikeimblättrige Arten meistens nicht, Der Weizenertrag blieb bei der Mischung der niedrigen Aufwandmenge von Chlorsulfuron mit den Graminiziden unverändert, die hohe Aufwandmenge führte aber in den Mischungen zu einem signifikaten Abfall des Ertrags, vergli-chen mit dem bei Anwendung der Graminizide allein. Mit allen Herbizidbehandlungen wurden gegenüber Unbehandelt höhere Erträge erzielt. Im Gewächshaus war die Wirkung von Diclofopmethyl gegen Flug-Hafer direkt von der zugefügten Menge an Chlorsulfuron abhängig. Der Einfluss von 0,02 kg ha-1 Chlorsulfuron aif die Bekämpfung von Fiug-Hafer nahm ab. wenn die Aufwundmenge von Diclofop-methyl von 0,5 auf 0,9 kg ha-1 gesteigert wurde; bei 1, 1 kg ha-1 Diclofop-methyl war er aufgehoben. Andererseits trat bei 0,7 und 1,1 kg ha-1 Diclofop-methyl eine Minderung der Wirkung von Chlosulfuron (0,01 und 0,02 kg ha-1) gegen Acker-Senf (Sina-psis arvensis L.) und Zurückgekrümmten Fuchsschwanz (Amarenthus retroflexus L.) ein, wenn auch dise Mischung in einigen Fällen gegen dise Arten starker wirkte. Im Labor wurde einc signifikant geringere Absorption und Trans-lokation von 14C-Diclofop-methyl in Keimpflan-zen des Flug-Hafers beobachtet, wenn Chlorsulfuron zugefügt worden war.  相似文献   

Genetic analysis of resistance of wheat seedlings to two races of Puccinia striiformis was conducted on F1, F2 and F3 generations from crosses Carstens V (CV) × Lee, Spaldings Prolific (SPA) × Lee and CV × SPA. F2 generations from crosses of CV and SPA with Strubes Dickkopf (SD) were also studied. The plants were classified into six resistance classes and analysed by factorial correspondence analysis and nonhierarchical classification. The two P. striiformis isolates tested were a French isolate of race 43E138 and a Lebanese isolate of race 2E16, selected for the differences in their virulence spectra for the common differential cultivars Strubes Dickkopf and Nord Desprez. Resistance of CV and SPA was recessive and dominant to races 43E138 and 2E16, respectively. CV possessed three or four resistance genes, one of them being expressed with both races. Two genes of CV had a cumulative effect for resistance to 43E138 and two or three gave dominant resistance to 2E16. SPA had three resistance genes, all of which gave resistance to 2E16 and two of which also gave resistance to 43E138. SPA had one gene in common with CV for resistance to both races. Furthermore, the gene for resistance to race 2E16 in CV and SPA was allelic with a gene in SD, and was probably Yr25 .  相似文献   

One major gene for resistance to isolate WYR 85-22 of race 6E0 of Puccinia striiformis was identified by genetic analysis of the differential cultivars Heines Peko, Strubes Dickkopf and Heines VII. This gene was different from Yr2 Yr6 already identified in Heines Peko ( Yr2 Yr6 ) and Heines VII ( Yr2 ), was allelic in the three cultivars and also to a gene expressed in the other differentials Reichersberg 42 ( Yr7 ) and Clement ( Yr9 ). In Heines Peko, Strubes Dickkopf and Heines VII, a minor gene was also postulated, which, it is proposed, gave only a low level of resistance by itself but strengthened the expression of the major gene when the latter was homozygous or heterozygous. The genetics of the resistance was analysed using six resistance classes and applying multidimensional analyses. The number of resistance genes was hypothesized using data from F3 families from crosses between the three differentials and the cultivar Heines Kolben, which is susceptible to this race.  相似文献   

安全剂R-28725保护玉米免受绿磺隆药害的机理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
在盆栽和田间小区模拟条件下,测定了安全剂R-28725对玉米的株高和株鲜重的影响,确定了玉米体内GSH及其支链氨基酸的变化。结果发现:当绿磺隆的使用量为2.5、5、10g/hm^2时,R-28725能够明显提高玉米株高、株鲜重,混喷的效果显著高于其它处理。在绿磺隆的使用量为5g/hm^2时,使用R-28725混喷处理,玉米的产量为对照的101.68%。R-28725能够直接提高玉米幼苗中体内谷胱甘肽(GSH)含量,在绿磺隆浓度为1μg/kg,使用R-28725浸种处理,玉米幼苗中体内GSH含量增加27.83%,说明R-28725能够诱导绿磺隆与谷胱甘肽的轭合,从而达到解毒的目的。  相似文献   

Four Hungarian winter wheat cultivars were investigated for their susceptibility to the geminivirus Wheat dwarf virus (WDV). Previously, two cultivars (Mv Regiment and Mv Emese) were assessed by breeders to exhibit virus symptoms in the field, whereas Mv Dalma and Mv Vekni showed few symptoms. Two inoculation techniques for WDV, vector transmission with the leafhopper Psammotettix alienus and agroinoculation, were used. Leafhopper transmission was more efficient than agroinoculation. However, irrespective of the technique used, no Mv Dalma or Mv Vekni plants showed clear WDV symptoms. In contrast, 3/30 Mv Emese and 4/36 Mv Regiment plants showed dwarfing and chlorosis after agroinoculation and 13/17 and 14/15 plants, respectively, had clear WDV symptoms after vector transmission. WDV‐specific PCR showed that Mv Vekni and Mv Dalma plants could be infected, especially following vector transmission (approximately 50% infection), but at significantly lower frequency than Mv Emese or Mv Regiment plants (100% infection). Furthermore, real‐time PCR showed that WDV DNA accumulated to much lower levels in infected Mv Vekni and Mv Dalma plants than in infected Mv Regiment and Mv Emese plants. The data strongly suggest that Mv Vekni and Mv Dalma are partially resistant to WDV infection. As WDV resistance has not previously been identified in wheat, and because WDV can cause significant yield losses, the resistance of Mv Vekni or Mv Dalma will provide a valuable breeding resource.  相似文献   

A single-spore wheat isolate of S. nodorum was passaged once through barley and a barley isolate passaged once through wheat. Reisolations from barley leaves were designated as either 'original-type wheat' (OTW) and resembled the wheat isolate used for inoculations in morphology, or 'sector-type barley' (STB) resembling the known morphology of barley isolates. Reisolations from wheat were similarly designated either OTB or STW. Sub-cultures of STB were significantly more pathogenic to barley in a glasshouse experiment than OTW, and vice versa. Similarly STW was significantly more pathogenic to wheat than OTB, and vice versa.
A single-spore wheat isolate was also passaged 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4 times through barley and a barley isolate passaged similarly through wheat. Disease assessment and yield data from a field experiment showed that the pathogenicity of the passaged wheat isolate remained largely unaltered from that of the original isolate. However, the barley isolate responded after the third wheat passage by causing significantly less disease and significantly higher yields in barley than the unpassaged isolate; conversely, on wheat, disease levels significantly increased and yield slgnficantly decreased after the second wheat passage.
Data obtained are discussed in the context of cultural observations made on colony morphology during host passage sequences and possible genetic mechanisms responsible.  相似文献   

Representative European wheat cultivars were tested under quarantine containment for their susceptibility to Tilletia indica, the cause of Karnal bunt of wheat. Fifteen winter and 15 spring wheat ( Triticum aestivum ) and 11 durum wheat ( Triticum durum ) cultivars were inoculated by boot injection just prior to ear emergence to test their physiological susceptibility. Selected cultivars were then re-tested by spray inoculation after ear emergence to determine their morphological susceptibility, which is a better predictor of field susceptibility. At maturity, the ears and seeds were assessed for incidence and severity of disease. For the physiological susceptibility tests, 13/15 winter wheat cultivars were infected and the percentage of infected seeds ranged from 1 to 32%. For spring cultivars, 13/15 cultivars were infected and the percentage of infected seeds ranged from 1 to 48%. For the durum cultivars, 9/11 were infected and the percentage of infected seeds ranged from 2 to 95%. Across all cultivars, 35/41 were infected. Based on historical Karnal bunt susceptibility categories using coefficients of infection, one cultivar was classed as highly susceptible, three as susceptible, 11 as moderately susceptible, 20 as resistant and only six as highly resistant. The spray-inoculation morphological susceptibility tests broadly confirmed the physiological susceptibility results, although lower levels of infection were observed. Overall, the range of susceptibility was similar to that found in cultivars grown in Karnal bunt affected countries. The results demonstrate that European wheat cultivars are susceptible to T. indica and thus could potentially support the establishment of T. indica if introduced into Europe.  相似文献   

小麦慢白粉品种的抗性组分研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
 2003~2004年度和2004~2005年度在田间测定了16个小麦品种(系)对小麦白粉菌E20菌株的抗性组分,包括潜育期、侵染几率、产孢量、病斑扩展和传染期。结果表明,小麦慢白粉品种(系)与高感对照品种相比,表现为潜育期长、侵染几率低、产孢量低、病斑扩展慢的特点,且这4个抗性组分与对照的差异都达到了显著和极显著水平,但慢白粉品种的传染期变化无一定规律。参试慢白粉品种的抗性组分参数与病情曲线下面积(AUDPC)的相关分析表明,潜育期与AUDPC呈负相关,但相关性不显著;产孢量和病斑扩展与AUDPC呈正相关,两年数据相关性均达到显著水平;侵染几率与AUDPC呈正相关,但2003-2004年度相关性不显著,而2004~2005年度相关性显著;传染期与AUDPC相关关系不明显。由此可见,在慢白粉品种的病害流行中起主要作用的是产孢量、病斑扩展,而侵染几率、潜育期和传染期作用相对较小。  相似文献   

 小麦白粉病近年在我省各地普遍发生,造成一定损失,研究明确主要品种抗白粉性的遗传行为,提高抗白粉小麦育种的效能,是一项急待开展的工作。本文简述了1983-1985年间我们对4个抗原品种在田间接种下进行抗白粉遗传研究的部分结果。  相似文献   

The contact action of difenzoquat was investigated on seedlings of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars tolerant (Maris Butler) and susceptible (Sicco) to the translocated etTect of the herbicide on the apical meristem. Applied as a spray the chemical caused an increase in electrolyte leakage before the development of visible damage. Chlorophyll levels were also reduced and both effects were greater on Maris Butler than Sicco. Droplets of difenzoquat caused similar ultrastructural effects on the two cultivars. These included swelling of the chloroplasts with subsequent disorganization of the thylakoid system accompanied by disruption of other cellular components. Similar effects have been reported with paraquat and it is suggested that the contact action of difenzoquat is due to a weak paraquat type activity.  相似文献   

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