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Ozcan K  Beytut E  Aydin F  Tuzcu M 《Avian diseases》2001,45(3):755-759
Tuberculosis was detected in seven geese at the breeding unit of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Kafkas University, during 1998. In the necropsy, lesions of nodular type were seen in the liver, spleen, and lungs. Histopathologically, the lesions were characterized by central areas of caseous necrosis surrounded by epithelioid cells, multinucleated giant cells, lymphocytes, and an outer fibrous capsule. Acid-fast bacilli were visualized by the Ziehl-Neelsen staining method in paraffin sections and smears. Inoculation into Lowenstein-Jensen media with glycerin yielded Mycobacterium spp.  相似文献   

1. One hundred and twenty geese were slaughtered in groups of 10 at weekly intervals from 1-d-old until 71 d and also at 114 d and were subjected to carcase analysis. 2. The reduction in the proportion of low-value parts of the body in the period from the first to 114th d after hatching was 16.4 and 17.3% for males and females, respectively. 3. The relative proportion of weight of legs declined both with age and with body weight increase. It was described by a linear function in males and by a power function in females. 4. The relative proportion of wing weight increased from 1.2 and 1.3% on the first day after hatching in males and females, respectively, to 16.6% at the age of 50 d, and 15.2% at the age of 43 d in males and females, respectively.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (M. a. paratuberculosis) is responsible for paratuberculosis or Johne's disease, a chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract in different animal species. Some studies have also established a link between this microorganism and Crohn's disease in humans. Although, M. a. paratuberculosis is a difficult microorganism to cultivate in the laboratory (occasionally is non-cultivable), a proper molecular characterization of M. a. paratuberculosis is necessary to better understand the epidemiology of the disease, and design strategies to eradicate it. In the present review, we compile and discuss the recent progress attained in the diagnostic and characterization of this pathogen.  相似文献   

In this study, the prevalence and distribution of various Arcobacter spp. were investigated in samples taken from the cloacae of healthy domestic geese raised in Turkey. A membrane filtration technique with a non-selective blood agar was employed after enrichment in Arcobacter enrichment broth (AEB) to isolate a wide range of Arcobacter spp. In addition, the isolates were characterized phenotypically and identified at species level using a multiplex-PCR assay. A total of 90 cloacal swab samples taken from geese, collected on three farms (18, 25, 47 samples, respectively), were examined. Of the samples examined, 16 (18%) were found positive for Arcobacter. One Arcobacter species was isolated from each bird. Of the 16 Arcobacter isolates, 7 (44%), 7 (44%) and 2 (12.5%) were identified by m-PCR as A. cryaerophilus, A. skirrowii and A. butzleri, respectively. The present study indicates that domestic geese can harbour a variety of Arcobacter spp. in their cloacae. The presence of Arcobacter in geese may be of significance as reservoirs in their dissemination. Detailed research is needed for better understanding of the epidemiology and zoonotic potential of this emerging pathogen.  相似文献   

Epidemiological studies on Mycobacterium avium are requisite for revealing infection sources and disease transmission. They are based upon genotyping methods like RFLP and MIRU–VNTR. In our study, MIRU–VNTR typing was applied to 121 previously RFLP typed M. avium field isolates to compare the discriminatory power of both methods. The applicability of MIRU–VNTR typing was studied for isolates from a limited geographic area, namely 41 M. avium subsp. avium and 80 M. avium subsp. hominissuis isolates. Among the former, exhibiting 12 IS901 RFLP types, five MIRU–VNTR types were found with discriminatory index (DI) of 0.716. Among the latter, exhibiting 56 IS1245 RFLP types, 18 MIRU–VNTR types were found with DI of 0.866. Concomitant use of both methods increased DI to 0.981 and 0.995, respectively. MIRU–VNTR typing employing the selected markers provided discernible discrimination among M. avium subsp. hominissuis isolates, but more discriminative markers are needed for M. avium subsp. avium isolates.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to reveal the morphological features of Meckel's diverticulum (MD) in geese. For this purpose, a total of 36 adult healthy geese of both sexes, 50-52 weeks of age, were used. The mean weight of MD in male was found to be significantly larger than that of female. It was located a little distal to the midpoint of the small intestine in both sexes. It had a lot of lymphoid tissues, the simple columnar epithelium and a small number of crypts, and was a lack of villi, and its muscularis mucosae was very thin. Results from this study are thought to throw light on future studies on MD and proper diagnosis of pathological disorders related to it, and to contribute considerably to the present anatomical knowledge on MD in geese.  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetics of marbofloxacin (MAR) was compared in geese (Anser Anser domesticus) after single intravenous (IV) and intramuscular (IM) (thigh and pectoral muscles) administrations of 5 mg/kg. Serum concentrations of MAR were determined with high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method. Serum MAR concentrations versus time were analyzed by a noncompartmental method. After IV administration, MAR showed high volume of distribution at steady state (Vdss) of 5.24 ± 1.08 L/kg. The serum body clearance (Cl) and elimination half-life (T1/2λz) of MAR were 0.79 ± 0.07 L hr−1 kg−1 and 6.94 ± 1.12 hr, respectively. The peak of MAR serum concentrations Cmax achieved at one and 0.50 hr after thigh and pectoral IM sites of injections, respectively, were 1.20 and 0.91 μg/ml. Significant differences were found in the mean absorption time (MAT), the systemic bioavailability (F%), and elimination parameters of MAR between two sites of injections, indicating that the absorption was fairly slow and complete after thigh IM injection. The pharmacokinetics of MAR in geese diverged according to the site of IM injection following a parallel study design. We recommend the thigh muscle as IM site of injection to obtain maximum concentrations of the administered drug in geese.  相似文献   

Paratuberculosis is a chronic disease in ruminants caused by Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP). Most economic losses due to MAP occur in the dairy industry. However, the infection is not restricted to cattle, but also occurs in other ruminants, such as sheep, goat, and deer. Although deer are of minimal economic importance in The Netherlands, they may constitute a source of infection for the dairy industry. This pilot study was conducted to estimate the prevalence of Johne's disease in farmed red deer in The Netherlands. Serum and faecal samples were collected from 140 animals, originating from 8 different farms. Four of the farms had animals that tested positive for Johne's disease. The within-herd MAP seroprevalence varied between 4.8% and 21.2%. In conclusion, this pilot study provides evidence of MAP infection in the Dutch farmed deer population, and thus there might be a risk of MAP transmission between farmed red deer and dairy cattle.  相似文献   

A disseminated infection caused by Mycobacterium avium subspecies avium (MAA) was diagnosed in a 57-yr-old male Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) housed at the Seoul Zoo, Gyeonggi, Republic of Korea. An apparent granulomatous inflammation with central caseous necrosis was evident in the lung sections. To confirm mycobacterial infection, polymerase chain reaction-restriction enzyme polymorphism analysis (PCR-RFLP) of the rpoB and hsp65 genes was performed from multiple organs and cultured bacteria. The PCR-RFLP revealed a M. avium subspecies. MAA was identified by multiplex PCR for detection of IS901 and IS1311. Thus, it is believed that MAA caused the disseminated infection in this case. Although the source of infection was not determined, the elephant may have become infected through contamination of soil and feed by free-living birds infected with MAA. This is the first reported case of disseminated infection due to MAA in a captive elephant in the Republic of Korea.  相似文献   

Acid-fast organisms were identified by histopathology of granulomatous lesions in an ostrich (Struthio camelus). The organisms were grown in Herrold's egg media with and without mycobactin and identified as Mycobacterium avium. An agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID) test for Mycobacterium avium paratuberculosis was performed for detection of antibody for M. avium in this infected ostrich and seven other ostriches that were in contact. The results of the AGID were consistent with the pathologic diagnosis of mycobacteriosis and the isolation of M. avium in the affected ostrich.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to describe the arterial supply of Meckel's diverticulum (MD) in geese, using 36 adult healthy geese of both sexes, 50 to 52 weeks of age. The arterial supply of MD was classified into three types, In the first type, MD was supplied by a very distinct branch from the cranial mesenteric artery in 21 geese. In the second type, it was supplied by one terminal branch from the cranial mesenteric artery in 9 geese. In the third type, it was supplied both by one branch from the jejunal artery and by terminal branch from the cranial mesenteric artery in 6 geese. Based on the these types, we found significant differences (p < or = 0.01) in the length of MD between type I and II. The blood supply of the third type was observed more frequently in the male than in the female. Results from this study may contribute to the anatomical knowledge of arterial supply of MD in the geese.  相似文献   

为建立快速检测鹿血中副结核分枝杆菌(Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis,MAP)的荧光定量PCR方法,本研究根据GenBank中登录的MAPf57基因序列设计并合成引物及探针,并检测该方法的特异性和敏感性。试验结果显示,该方法具有良好的特异性,对MAP的检测灵敏度可以达到单个菌细胞。对长春地区采集的549份血清样品进行检测,结果显示阳性血清101份,阳性率达到18.4%。本研究结果表明,荧光定量PCR用于动物性产品MAP的检测具有快速、准确的特点。  相似文献   

In the present study, arterial vascularization of the uropygial glands (Gl. uropygialis) of 10 adult geese (Anser anser) and 10 adult ducks (Anas platyrhynches) were studied. Takilon was injected into the median coccygeal arteries of six specimens from each species, and Latex (a natural rubber with ammonia) into those of four specimens. Takilon-injected specimens were corrosion casted, and arteries nourishing the gland were revealed via dissection. Vascularization of the uropygial glands of both the goose and the duck was observed to be the right (a. gl. uropygii dextra), left (a. gl. uropygi sinistra) and ventral (a. gl. uropygi ventralis) glandular uropygial arteries, arising from the median coccygeal (a. coccygea media) artery. Both the right and left glandular uropygial arteries were observed, divided into four branches as follows; muscular ramus (ramus muscularis), medial ramus (ramus medialis), ventral ramus (ramus ventralis) and lateral ramus (ramus lateralis). Of these, as the lateral, medial and ventral branches feed the gland, the muscular branch provides blood for the lateral coccygeal (m. coccygealis lateralis) and levator coccygeal (m. levator coccygealis) muscles, and the skin. Among the arteries mentioned above, anastomosis between the first and the second branches of the right ventral uropygial arteries in the five geese and five ducks was found.  相似文献   

Various sets of short tandem repeats such as the exact tandem repeats (ETRs), mycobacterial interspersed repetitive units (MIRUs) and variable number tandem repeat (VNTR) loci, have recently been described as effective tools in strain typing M. tuberculosis complex isolates, representative of global diversity. This study extends our previous study, evaluating the discrimination of a further 17 MIRU_VNTR loci individually and comparing the resolution of published VNTR sets and spoligotyping using a panel of 47 local M. bovis field isolates, including known epidemiologically linked isolates and 9 M. tuberculosis complex reference isolates. Individual loci differed greatly in their discrimination. The discriminatory capacity of novel combinations of the most discriminating VNTR loci was also assessed. In the panel of 47 M. bovis isolates, 17 unique profiles were resolved using VNTR set 1, whilst the MIRUs and ETRs resolved the panel into 11 and 6 profiles, respectively. A novel combination of 10 highly discriminatory VNTRs was determined, which resolved 30 unique profiles. The configuration of a multi-locus VNTR-based assay and its ability to provide a flexible, convenient and high-resolution genotyping method is discussed. We suggest a panel of VNTR markers which may be widely suitable for molecular epidemiological studies of M. bovis. However, the number and combination of informative VNTR markers selected needs to be determined empirically with reference to locally prevalent strains and will depend on the epidemiological study requirements.  相似文献   

Zhedong white goose (Anser cygnoides domesticus) is a native Chinese breed with strong broodiness and low egg production, which is related to the physiology of reproduction. However, thus far, the physiology of goose reproduction has not been well elucidated. In the present study, the ovarian morphology and reproductive hormones of Zhedong white geese were investigated during the reproductive cycle (the laying and brooding periods). The results showed that the surface of the ovary was atrophied and follicular atresia appeared to some extent in the brooding period compared with the laying period. The concentrations of follicle-stimulating hormone, progesterone and luteinizing hormone were significantly higher than those in the brooding period (p < 0.05). In contrast, the concentrations of prolactin (PRL) and anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) in the laying period were significantly lower than those in the brooding period (p < 0.05). In addition, the mRNA expression levels of PRL, AMH, dopamine-β-hydroxylase (DβH) and cytochrome P450 side-chain cleavage enzyme (P450scc) were detected in the hypothalamus, pituitary and ovaries by using real-time polymerase chain reaction. The results showed that AMH mRNA was expressed specifically in ovary tissue. The expression levels of DβH and PRL in the brooding period was significantly higher than those in the laying period in the three tissues, especially in the early and middle stages of the brooding period. Moreover, AMH mRNA expression in the ovaries presented the same trend. In addition, P450scc mRNA was highly expressed in both the ovary and pituitary in the laying period. These results revealed the remarkable features of ovarian morphology and characterized the hormonal pattern and expression profile during the reproductive cycle, all of which contribute to understanding the differences in reproductive physiology between the laying and brooding periods in Zhedong white geese.  相似文献   

This experiment investigated the physiological and behavioral responses of Greylag geese (Anser anser) fed different fiber sources when exposed to the common stressors at harvest, primarily involving the procedures of fasting, transport, catching, etc. A total of 240 4-week-old Greylag geese were allocated to 4 diets with different fiber sources (corn straw silage [CSS], steam-exploded corn straw [SECS], steam-exploded wheat straw [SEWS], and steam-exploded rice straw [SERS]). The birds were fed for 12 wk and harvested at 16 wk for slaughter. Blood samples designated to determine stress status were collected before (pre-stress) and after (post-stress) the harvest procedure was carried out. Irrespective of the dietary differences, the harvest procedure caused the concentration of superoxide dismutase (SOD) to drop (P < 0.01) 13.57% and increased (P < 0.01) that of creatine kinase (CK) by 186.21% (post-stress vs. pre-stress), inferring that the birds had experienced a severe stress. As to the dietary effects, the birds fed alternative fiber sources did not develop dissimilar (P > 0.05) pre-stress blood parameters and behavioral sensitivities, while the birds fed CSS had a higher (P < 0.05) post-stress concentration of methane dicarboxylic aldehyde (MDA) than those offered SECS by 22.01%, suggesting that feeding Greylag geese alternative fiber sources influenced their stress response.  相似文献   

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