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Objective— To report diagnosis and treatment of bilateral iliopsoas muscle contracture in a dog with spinous process impingement. Study design— Case report. Animals— German Shepherd dog. Methods— A dog with chronic progressive lameness, flexion contracture of the coxofemoral joints, severe pain, and decreased femoral reflexes had severe spondylosis bridging the vertebral bodies from L1 to L4 and enlarged dorsal spinous processes from T8 to L6 with impingement and bony proliferation. Ultrasonographic and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings were consistent with fibrosis, mineralization, and atrophy of the iliopsoas muscles bilaterally which was treated by staged tenectomy of the insertions of the iliopsoas muscles. Results— Because of severe perivascular fibrosis, the femoral vessels required ligation. Bilateral iliopsoas muscle tenectomy improved gait and provided pain relief. Histologic findings were consistent with fibrotic myopathy. Conclusions— Slow progression of severe clinical signs observed bilaterally in this dog differs from previous reports of iliopsoas myopathy. Findings were similar to the fibrotic myopathy of the gracilis or semitendinosus muscles described in dogs. Clinical Relevance— Iliopsoas muscle abnormalities should be considered in dogs with limited hip extension and pain. MRI is useful for diagnosing muscle fibrosis. Iliopsoas tenectomy may improve clinical function in dogs with fibrotic myopathy.  相似文献   

Case report: A 6.5‐year‐old clinically healthy German Shepherd Dog with regular oestrous cycles of 6 months was presented for pregnancy diagnosis on day 38 after ovulation (p.ov.). Ultrasonography revealed three individual placental sites in progressed resorption and two vital adequately developed foetuses sharing a joint placenta. On days 41 and 48 p.ov., sonographic signs indicated normal development of both foetuses, but on day 52 p.ov., both foetuses were found to be dead. A caesarean section was performed the same day. Examination of the removed uterus confirmed the diagnosis of a “twin” pregnancy with two foetuses sharing the same placental site but separate amniotic membranes. One foetus showed generalized oedema (anasarca). Bacterial culture of swabs taken from inside the placental cavity was negative. At histological examination of the uterus, no signs of inflammation were found. Serum relaxin concentrations (day 38, 41, 48 and 52. p.ov.) were consistent with those of bitches with normal pregnancies. Cytogenetic analysis of the two foetuses revealed dizygotic twins, one male and one female according to SRY‐PCR. By genotyping 17 high‐polymorphic canine microsatellites, it could be demonstrated that the two foetuses developed from two different oocytes.  相似文献   

A 2‐months‐old male German shepherd puppy was referred for regurgitation and delayed growth. Radiographic and endoscopic investigations revealed a precardiac megaoesophagus and oesophageal constriction at the level of the heart base. At post‐mortem examination, a specific form of persistent right aortic arch characterized by an aberrant left subclavian artery in combination with a ligamentum arteriosum originating at the aberrant left subclavian artery (PRAA‐SA‐LA) was detected. A complete‐type persistent left cranial vena cava (PLCVC) was also observed. This is the first report describing the association between PRAA‐SA‐LA and PLCVC in a dog with megaoesophagus.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe a surgical technique for, and outcome after, treatment of radial fractures with biodegradable self-reinforced polylactide plates and metal screws, and external coaptation. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective clinical study. SAMPLE POPULATION: Eleven Toy breed dogs. METHODS: Radial fractures were repaired by application of a single or 2 stacked biodegradable self-reinforced polylactide plates (poly-L/D, L-lactide, stereocopolymer [LL-and DL-lactide ratio 70/30]; SR-PLA (70/30) implants) secured with metal screws, and light-weight external coaptation. Healing was evaluated clinically and by radiography at 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 24-26 weeks, and at 1 and 2 years. Owners were interviewed 3 years after surgery. RESULTS: Radial fracture lines disappeared within 4-14 weeks in 10 dogs; an implant failed in 1 dog. Ambulation was excellent for healed fractures. Excessive skin tension led to removal of implants in 1 dog and suture repair in another dog. No foreign body reaction from implant degradation was observed and the plate was usually no longer palpable at 2 years. One dog had a fracture through a screw hole at 1 year. CONCLUSION: Healing and complication rates after repair of radial fractures with SR-PLA (70/30) plates were considered similar or better than reported after repair with metallic plates or external fixation in Toy breed dogs. No radiographic signs of osteopenia were identified under the plate during follow-up. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Biodegradable polylactide plates could be considered as an alternative to metal plates for radial fracture repair in Toy breed dogs, however available plates are likely not strong enough when used as a single plate. Implant removal is usually not needed.  相似文献   

Abstract— An 8 year old intact female German shepherd dog was presented with well demarcated symmetric facial erosions, ulcerations and crusting. Systemic illness was absent, and oral involvement occurred only late in the course of the disease. Skin biopsy specimens revealed suprabasal acantholysis primarily involving hair follicles and direct immunofluorescent testing showed intercellular deposition of IgG in the epidermis compatible with a diagnosis of pemphigus vulgaris. The clinical signs in this dog were not adequately controlled by immune suppression. Therapy with heparin alone, or combined with prednisolone, appeared to induce a transient remission. Résumé— Une femelle Berger Allemand de 8 ans a été présentée pour des lésions faciales bien circonscrites de la face: érosions, ulcères et croutes. 11 n'y avait pas d'atteinte de l'état general et l'atteinte buccale n'est apparue qu'en fin d'évolution. L'examen de biopsies cutanées a révélé la presence d'une acantholyse suprabasale atteignant primitivement les follicules pileux et l'immunofluorescence directe un dépöt intercellulaire d'IgG au niveau de l'épiderme, compatibles avec un diagnostic de pemphigus vulgaire. Les symptómes n'ont pas pu être controlés avec une thérapeutique immunosuppressive. Un traitement à base d'héparine seule, ou associée à la prednisone, a permis d'obtenir une rémission transitoire. Zusammenfassung— Eine 8 Jahre alte, unkastrierte Deutsche Schäferhündin wurde mit gut abgegrenzten symmetrischen Erosionen, Ulzera und Verkrustungen im Gesichtsbereich vorgestellt. Systemische Krankheitssymptome fehlten, Veränderungen im Mundhöhlenbereich traten nur spat im Krankheitsverlauf auf. Hautbiopsieproacn zeigten eine suprabasale Akantholyse, die hauptsächlich die Haarfollikel betraf, die direktc immunfluoreszenzuntersuchung ergab cine interzelluläre Ablagerung von IgG in der Epidermis: Befunde, die mit der Diagnose Pemphigus vulgaris überenstimmen. Die klinischen Symptome bei diesem Hund konnten durch immunsuppression nicht adaquat kontrolliert werden. Eine Behandlung ausschlicßlich mit Heparin oder Heparin in Kombination mit Prednisolon schien eine vorübergchende Abheilung zu induzieren. Resumen Una hembra intacta pastor alemán de 8 años fué presentada con una erosión facial simétrica, úlceras y costras. El animal no sufría enfermedad sistémica y las lesiones orales ocurieron en el curso tardío de la enfermedad. La biopsia de la piel reveló acantolisis suprabasal localizada fundamentalmente en los folículos pilosos, y un test de inmunofluorescencia directa demonstró deposición intercelular de Tg G en la epidermis, compatible con la diagnosis de Pemphigus vulgaris. El cuadro clínico de este animal no se controló por medio de terapia inmunosupresiva. El tratamiento con heparina sola, o combinada con prednisolona produjo una remisión transitoria.  相似文献   

A 12-year-old female, neutered German shepherd dog developed progressive hindlimb followed by forelimb ataxia leading to tetraplegia. Neurological examination suggested lower motor dysfunction. Biochemical evaluation revealed a monoclonal hypergammaglobulinaemia, hypoalbuminaemia and hypercalcaemia. Multiple lytic lesions were identified radiographically in numerous bones. A bone marrow aspirate confirmed the diagnosis of multiple myeloma, with large numbers of plasma cells seen in clusters. An electromyogram revealed positive sharp waves and fibrillation potentials in the skeletal muscles of the limbs, suggesting a polyneuropathy. The dog was treated with chemotherapy using melphalan and prednisolone. Both the hypergammaglobulinaemia and the polyneuropathy resolved and the dog had normal motor function four weeks after commencing treatment. Polyneuropathy may occur as a paraneoplastic syndrome secondary to myeloma, and in this case was reversible following treatment of the underlying disease.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Lidocaine is most frequently used to treat ventricular arrhythmias. However, lidocaine may have an antiarrhythmic effect for certain supraventricular arrhythmias. HYPOTHESIS: We hypothesized that lidocaine would be effective in converting experimentally induced atrial fibrillation (AF) to sinus rhythm and that a decrease in the dominant frequency (DF) and an increase in the organization as judged by the spectral entropy (SE) would occur over the course of the conversion. ANIMALS: Seven German Shepherd (GS) Dogs. METHODS: Dogs were anesthetized with fentanyl and pentobarbital. AF was induced with standard pacing protocols while left and right atrial monophasic action potentials (MAP) were recorded. The power spectra from the MAP recordings were analyzed to determine DF and SE during treatment with boluses of 2 mg/kg lidocaine. RESULTS: Lidocaine converted AF to sinus rhythm in all dogs and all episodes (n = 19). Conversion time was 27-87 seconds. After atropine, sustained AF was not induced; however, 5 episodes of atrial tachycardia resulted, and 3 were converted with lidocaine. Frequency domain analysis of 12 conversion sequences showed that left and right DF of the MAP signals decreased from the time of injection to conversion to sinus rhythm (P < .001). Mean SE indicated a gradient between the left and right atria (P = .003) that did not change during conversion. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE: Vagally associated AF in GS dogs is terminated with lidocaine. Lidocaine is likely an effective treatment in clinical dogs with vagally associated AF.  相似文献   

Lead (Pb) exposure occurs together with other metals including zinc (Zn). This study investigated the impact of Zn on Pb tissue accumulation and Pb-induced toxicities. Animals (n=6 rats per group) were exposed to lead acetate (PbAc) or a combination of PbAc and zinc acetate (ZnAc) under the following groups: control (deionized water), low PbAc [12 mg/kg PbAc (3 mg PbAc/rat/day)], low PbAc–ZnAc [12 mg/kg PbAc (3 mg PbAc/rat/day) + 0.2 mg ZnAc/rat/48 hr], high PbAc [120 mg/kg (30 mg PbAc/rat/day)], and high PbAc–ZnAc [120 mg/kg (30 mg PbAc/rat/day) + 1 mg ZnAc/rat/48 hr] for 8 weeks. A significant reduction in body weight gain was observed in the high PbAc group relative to the control group. Muscles and testes both had reduced and increased Pb uptake in low PbAc–ZnAc and high PbAc–ZnAc groups compared to PbAc only groups, respectively. Bone Pb levels in the high PbAc–ZnAc group were lower than the high PbAc group. Zinc co-administration attenuated Pb-induced inhibition of delta aminolaevulinic acid dehydratase enzyme and enhanced catalase enzyme activity at a high level of exposure. Moreover, ZnAc seems to have minimized the effects of Pb-induced mRNA dysregulation in antioxidant and antiapoptotic enzymes encoding genes. Heme oxygenase-1 was downregulated in the kidney and brain in the low PbAc group. Liver glutathione peroxidase and thioredoxin reductase-1 were downregulated in the high PbAc group. These findings suggest that zinc co-administration with lead may partially mitigate against Pb-induced toxicities.  相似文献   

Four German Shepherd dogs with recurrent deep pyoderma and associated ehrlichioses are described. All the dogs had already received appropriate long-term antibacterial therapy but the clinical signs had consistently returned within 3–4 weeks of cessation of the treatment. Haematological and serum biochemical findings, and indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA) tests were indicative of Ehrlichia spp. infection. Treatment with doxycycline monohydrate was associated with the return of blood values to within normal ranges and diminution of the IFA titres. No further episodes of pyoderma were observed during a 1–2-year follow-up period.  相似文献   

This case study reports the outcome of dorsal and ventral stabilisation of a traumatic cervical instability in a dog. A 2-year-old, male Pointer was admitted following a motor vehicle accident. Clinical examination revealed non-ambulatory tetraparesis, severe neck pain and upper motor neuron changes in all limbs. Deep pain response was present. Subluxation of C2/3 and fractures of the dorsal spinous process and lamina of C2 were observed on radiographs. Ventral stabilisation was performed with screws and bone cement (polymethylmethacrylate). For dorsal fixation of the fractures, screws and cerclage wire were used. The dog stood up independently after 1 month, was able to walk 1.5 months postoperatively and had recovered completely at 1 year following surgery. We conclude that combined stabilisation techniques are effective for this type of cervical fracture in which the dorsal, middle and ventral structures of the vertebra are severely disrupted.  相似文献   

An 11-year-old male Bearded Collie was brought to the Gifu University Animal Medical Centre with a skin mass on the lateral right thigh. Physical examination revealed a 30 × 65-mm oval mass with an alopecic and ulcerated surface. Histopathology of the surgically excised sample confirmed malignant trichoepithelioma. Five months after the surgery, the dog experienced lumbar pain resulting from metastasis to the lumbar vertebrae. Radiation therapy (RT) was performed and it alleviated the lumbar pain. Nine months after the surgery, multiple skin metastases were identified. RT was performed at each occurrence, which reduced the size of each tumour and resulted in a partial response; however, systemic metastasis occurred and the dog died 17 months after the initial surgery. Canine malignant trichoepithelioma is a rare tumour, so an effective treatment has not been determined. Data from our case study indicate that RT has potential for pain control of primary and metastatic malignant trichoepithelioma.  相似文献   

Fractures of the proximal sesamoid bones (PSBs) range in severity from simple to complex and comminuted and can be articular or nonarticular. The majority of PSB fractures are diagnosed in racehorses, but PSB fractures, especially simple ones, do occur in sport horses undertaking various disciplines. For simple apical, basilar and abaxial articular PSB fractures, surgical removal via arthroscopy carries the best prognosis for return to athletic performance. Removal of apical and abaxial PSB fractures generally result in a favourable prognosis for return to racing but are dependent on the amount of suspensory ligament injury. Removal of basilar PSB fracture fragments results in a less favourable or fair prognosis for return to racing. Mid‐body PSB fractures typically require (lag screw) surgical fixation preferably with arthroscopic guidance and carry a fair to guarded prognosis for return to racing.  相似文献   

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