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Reducing the arsenic (As) concentration in rice grains is of great interest from a human health perspective. Iron (Fe) materials immobilize As in soils, thereby effectively reducing the As concentration in rice grains. We investigated the effect of by-product Fe materials obtained from the casting industry on the As mobility in two soils (soil A and soil B) by a long-term (approximately 100 days) flooded soil incubation experiment. The examined Fe materials were spent steel shot (SSS), fine spent casting sand (SCS) containing steel shot, and two kinds of residual Fe materials (RIMs) from steel shot production. Commercial Fe materials used to immobilize As (zero-valent Fe and ferrihydrite) were tested for comparison. The dissolved As in soil solution of controls for soil A and soil B reached approximately 100 and 800 μg L?1, respectively. The effect on As immobilization of all the by-product Fe materials increased with time and was comparable to or greater than that of commercial ferrihydrite, except for SCS. The additions of SSS and RIMs decreased by more than 90% of the dissolved As in soil A and decreased by more than 50% in soil B after 100 days incubation. Overall, the effect of the by-product Fe materials on the solubility of silicon and phosphorus was much less than that of the commercial Fe materials. Considering the cost advantage over commercial Fe materials, the Fe materials obtained from the casting industry as by-products are promising amendments for the immobilization of As in paddy soils.  相似文献   


Cadmium (Cd) has an important impact on agriculture, as the excessive consumption of this element from contaminated food crops leads to toxicity in humans. Rice is the greatest source of dietary Cd intake in populations consuming rice as a staple food. Therefore, reducing the Cd concentration of rice grains for diminishing the potential risk of Cd for human health is a major challenge. This review summarizes the main achievements on Cd accumulation in rice by our research group. Using a positron-emitting tracer imaging system, we succeeded to visualize differences in real-time Cd dynamics from roots to panicles in rice varieties with different Cd accumulation abilities. Several loci or genes responsible for Cd accumulation in rice were found through quantitative trait loci (QTLs) analysis. Using the QTL qCdp7 responsible for efficiently extracting Cd from paddy soils, practical rice varieties for Cd-phytoextraction were developed by DNA marker-assisted breeding. A rice variety named ‘Koshihikari Kan No.1? carrying a mutant allele of OsNramp5 for reducing Cd concentration in rice grains was produced by mutant breeding with ion-beams, and breeding programs have been implemented to transfer this allele into many Japanese rice varieties by DNA marker-assisted breeding. Growing low-Cd varieties aerobically would be a feasible way to simultaneously reduce inorganic arsenic and Cd concentrations in rice grains. These results provide basis for reducing Cd concentration in rice through breeding new varieties.  相似文献   

水分管理和施用石灰对水稻镉吸收与运移的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
通过田间试验,研究了间歇灌溉和全生育期淹水2种水分管理结合水稻分蘖期施用石灰对不同水稻生育期的土壤和水稻各组织中Cd分布与运移的影响。研究结果表明,全生育淹水和施用石灰均能升高土壤p H值,降低土壤中有效态Cd含量;施用石灰能降低土壤中酸可提取态Cd所占比例而残渣态所占比例增加。在全生育期淹水条件下施用石灰有利于改善土壤性状并提高土壤中Fe质量百分含量。与不施用石灰相比,在间歇灌溉条件下,施用石灰处理的糙米中Cd质量分数从0.86 mg/kg降低到0.56 mg/kg,而在全生育期淹水条件下,施用石灰处理的糙米中Cd质量分数从0.77 mg/kg降低到0.34 mg/kg;无论间歇灌溉还是全淹水处理条件下,施用石灰均增加了水稻总生物量。施用石灰后,在灌浆期,水稻茎叶中Cd的富集系数显著降低(P0.05);在成熟期,根和稻米中Cd的富集系数显著降低(P0.05);在全生育期淹水条件下,成熟期水稻根到茎叶转运系数和茎叶到米中转运系数均显著降低(P0.05)。水稻糙米中Cd含量与土壤中有效态Cd含量、水稻地上部Cd累积量呈显著正相关,与土壤p H值呈显著负相关。上述研究结果表明,施用石灰能够显著降低稻田土壤中Cd的生物有效性;采用全生育期淹水结合在分蘖期施用石灰是降低稻米中Cd含量有效措施且不会导致水稻减产。  相似文献   

Some indica rice varieties are potential phytoextractors for paddy fields polluted with Cd because of their high biomass and because they can accumulate Cd to moderate levels in their shoots. To establish a practical phytoextraction system, phytoextraction using two indica rice cultivars (MORETSU and IR-8) was carried out in a paddy field polluted with moderate Cd levels (2.91 and 2.52 mg kg−1, respectively). The Cd concentration and Cd uptake of MORETSU increased when irrigation water was drained at the maximum tillering stage, and the paddy soil was under oxidative conditions until harvesting. The Cd uptake of MORETSU and IR-8 increased and reached 516 and 657 g ha−1, respectively, at the beginning of October. After phytoextraction using these high Cd accumulating rice varieties for 2 years, the Cd concentration in the paddy field decreased by 18% compared with the initial Cd concentration. The Cd concentration in the rice grains of a japonica ordinary rice variety (HINOHIKARI) subsequently grown on the field after the phytoextraction was lower than the concentration in rice grown on a non-phytoextracted field. These results suggest that phytoextraction using high Cd accumulating rice varieties with early drainage of irrigation water is a practical remediation system for moderate Cd polluted paddy fields in southwest Japan.  相似文献   



Water management affects the bioavailability of cadmium (Cd) and arsenic (As) in the soil and hence their accumulation in rice grains and grain yields. However, Cd and As show opposite responses to soil water content, but information, particularly on irrigation, is missing on a field scale. The purpose of the present study was therefore to find a water management regime that can lower accumulation of both Cd and As in grain without yield loss.

Materials and methods

Two rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars, A16 and A159, with different grain Cd accumulation capacities were employed in field plot experiments with four water management regimes comprising aerobic, intermittent, conventional practice and flooded. The dynamics of Cd and As bioavailability in the soil and Cd and As concentrations in roots, straw and grains were determined at the early tillering, full tillering, panicle initiation, filling and maturity stages of crop growth.

Results and discussion

The lower water content regimes (aerobic and intermittent) mostly led to higher soil HCl-extractable Cd than the higher soil water content regimes (conventional and flooded). HCl-extractable As in contrast was favoured by the higher soil water content treatments. Conventional and flooded irrigation accordingly gave higher plant As concentrations but lower Cd compared to aerobic and intermittent irrigation. Cd concentrations in roots and straw of both varieties increased with growth stage, especially in aerobic and intermittent regimes, while As concentrations in plants showed little change or a slight decrease. As the water irrigation volume increased from aerobic to flooded, brown rice Cd decreased from 1.15 to 0.02 mg?kg?1 in cultivar A16 and from 1.60 to 0.05 mg?kg?1 in cultivar A159, whereas brown rice As increased. Aerobic and flooded treatments produced approximately 10–20 % lower grain yields than intermittent and conventional treatments. Cultivars with low Cd accumulation capacity show higher brown rice grain As than those with high Cd uptake capacity.


Of the four water management regimes, the conventional irrigation method (flooding maintained until full tillering followed by intermittent irrigation) ensured high yield with low Cd and As in the brown rice and so remains the recommended irrigation regime.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the impact of water deficit on cadmium (Cd) accumulation in peanut plants during different developmental stages. Two contrasting peanut cultivars, Fenghua 1 (high-biomass cultivar) and Silihong (low-biomass cultivar), were grown in a Cd-contaminated arable soil under different water regimes. The two cultivars differed from each other in seed Cd concentrations. Fenghua 1 exhibited lower Cd concentrations in the seeds than Silihong, which is associated with root-to-shoot Cd translocation. Drought plays different roles in the translocation and redistribution of Cd in peanut plants during different developmental stages. At the seedling stage, drought decreased shoot Cd concentrations for both cultivars, whereas at the pod-filling and pod-ripened stages, drought increased shoot Cd concentrations. Similarly, drought stress reduced pod Cd concentrations at the pod-filling stages and increased at the pod-ripened stages. Seed Cd concentrations in mature plants were increased by drought for both cultivars. Seed Cd concentrations were negatively correlated with biomasses of shoots and pods, but positively correlated with Cd concentration in the shoots and pods. Increased seed Cd concentrations under drought stress might result from the concentration effects due to drought induced decrease of plant growth.  相似文献   


A pot culture experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of amorphous iron-(hydr)oxide (Am-FeOH) amendments on arsenic (As) availability and its uptake by rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. BR28) irrigated with As-contaminated water. A rhizobag system was established using 3.5 L plastic pots, each containing one central compartment for plant growth, a middle compartment and an outside compartment. Three levels of laboratory-synthesized Am-FeOH (0, 0.1 and 0.5% w/w) were used to amend samples of the As-free sandy loam paddy soil placed into each compartment of the rhizobag system. The soils were submerged with a solution containing 5 mg L?1 As(V). Two-week-old rice seedlings were planted in the central compartments and cultured for 9 weeks under greenhouse conditions. The addition of 0.1% Am-FeOH to the soil irrigated with As-contaminated water improved plant growth, reduced the As concentration in the plants and enhanced Fe-plaque formation on the root surfaces. Analysis of soil solution samples collected during the experiment revealed higher pH levels and lower redox potentials in the soils amended with Am-FeOH at the onset of soil submergence, but later the soil solution collected from the 0.1% Am-FeOH treatment was slightly acidic and more oxidized than the solution from the 0% treatment. This indicated active functioning of the roots in the soil treated with 0.1% Am-FeOH. The concentrations of As(III) in the soil solution collected from the central compartment were significantly reduced by the Am-FeOH amendments, whereas in the soil treated with 0% Fe, As(III) accumulated in the rhizosphere, particularly during the late-cultivation period. The improvement in plant growth and reduction in As uptake by plants growing in the Am-FeOH treated soil could be attributed to the reduction of available As in the soil solution, mainly as a result of the binding of As to the Fe-plaque on the root surfaces.  相似文献   

A pot culture experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of amorphous iron-(hydr)oxide (Am-FeOH) amendments on arsenic (As) availability and its uptake by rice ( Oryza sativa L. cv. BR28) irrigated with As-contaminated water. A rhizobag system was established using 3.5 L plastic pots, each containing one central compartment for plant growth, a middle compartment and an outside compartment. Three levels of laboratory-synthesized Am-FeOH (0, 0.1 and 0.5% w/w) were used to amend samples of the As-free sandy loam paddy soil placed into each compartment of the rhizobag system. The soils were submerged with a solution containing 5 mg L−1 As(V). Two-week-old rice seedlings were planted in the central compartments and cultured for 9 weeks under greenhouse conditions. The addition of 0.1% Am-FeOH to the soil irrigated with As-contaminated water improved plant growth, reduced the As concentration in the plants and enhanced Fe-plaque formation on the root surfaces. Analysis of soil solution samples collected during the experiment revealed higher pH levels and lower redox potentials in the soils amended with Am-FeOH at the onset of soil submergence, but later the soil solution collected from the 0.1% Am-FeOH treatment was slightly acidic and more oxidized than the solution from the 0% treatment. This indicated active functioning of the roots in the soil treated with 0.1% Am-FeOH. The concentrations of As(III) in the soil solution collected from the central compartment were significantly reduced by the Am-FeOH amendments, whereas in the soil treated with 0% Fe, As(III) accumulated in the rhizosphere, particularly during the late-cultivation period. The improvement in plant growth and reduction in As uptake by plants growing in the Am-FeOH treated soil could be attributed to the reduction of available As in the soil solution, mainly as a result of the binding of As to the Fe-plaque on the root surfaces.  相似文献   

Obtaining high crop yields with limited water consumption requires optimal irrigation strategies based on comprehensive studies of the parameters of plant–environment interactions. Here, we used a structural equation modelling (SEM) to assess the relationships among input irrigation factors and moderate factors to find an optimum water use efficiency (WUE) response factor, for outdoor and greenhouse cultivation of eggplant (Solanum melongena). The input irrigation factors (including irrigation interval, water salinity and environment) and the moderate factors (evapotranspiration, soil salinity, plant parameters, fruit parameters and crop yield) were used in water cycle algorithm (WCA) and genetic algorithm (GA) methods to optimize the water use efficiency. The optimization process included finding the best combination of irrigation factors and optimized eggplant cultivation. The structural equation modelling results indicate that irrigation interval negatively affected water use efficiency with a more dominant effect on plant parameters. Water salinity negatively affected the water use efficiency with a more dominant effect on soil salinity, crop yield and fruit parameters. Low salinity water was more effective than full irrigation to optimize the water use efficiency. The water cycle algorithm revealed that for outdoor cultivation, the optimal range of irrigation interval was 2–5 days and water salinity in the range of 0.8–2.2 ds/m. These factors optimized evapotranspiration (346.23–738.19 mm), soil salinity (4.16–9.45 ds/m), fruit parameters (33.81–35.12 cm) and crop yield (1715.7–2190.8 g/plant), as well as increasing the water use efficiency (3.08–4.89 g/(plant-mm)). Both the water cycle algorithm and genetic algorithm yielded very close to optimal values. Two years of repeated experiments and the closeness of the optimal values using the algorithms confirmed that the optimal amounts are reliable.  相似文献   

氮素运筹对两个晚稻品种产量及其主要构成因素的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本研究采用农民习惯施肥、实地氮素管理、实时氮素管理以及实时氮素管理基础上施用基肥,探讨了集约化农田不同氮素管理对水稻品种赣晚籼30(GWX)和博优141(BY)的产量及产量主要构成因素的影响。结果表明,与农民习惯施肥相比,不同氮素优化管理分别对水稻的产量、地上生物量、吸氮量、收获指数和氮收获指数以及穗数、每株实粒数没有显著影响。每个水稻品种的产量与生物量和吸氮量均呈极显著相关性(P0.01)。施用氮肥处理赣晚籼30平均产量为7.8 t/hm2,平均生物量为16.4 t/hm2,地上部平均吸氮量为N 175.6 kg/hm2,博优141的平均产量为8.9 t/hm2,生物量16.1 t/hm2,吸氮量N为 150.6 kg/hm2。氮肥施用后,博优141的产量、收获指数、氮收获指数、每株总粒数、实粒数显著高于赣晚籼30(P0.05),而博优141的吸氮量、结实率和千粒重都显著低于赣晚籼30(P0.05)。与农民习惯施肥相比,实时氮素管理节肥率最高,实地氮素管理节肥率最小; 基肥施用具有稳产作用。总之,在当前集约化农田管理中,适量减少氮肥施用并不会影响水稻产量及其主要构成因素,但氮肥减施的可持续性有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

氮素和水分处理对稻米植酸含量和蛋白组分的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以直立密穗型粳稻品种秀水110和弯曲散穗型粳稻品种春江15为材料,对不同氮素水平处理和水分管理方式下稻米植酸含量和蛋白组分的影响及其互作效应进行了研究。结果表明,旱作栽培处理会导致水稻籽粒中植酸含量上升,而施氮处理对籽粒植酸含量的影响效应与水稻的水分管理方式有关,在常规水作条件下,高氮处理(N3)的籽粒植酸含量有所提高,但在旱作栽培方式下,中氮(N2)和低氮处理(N1,不施N)的籽粒植酸含量却略高于高氮处理(N3),氮素水平与水分管理方式间的互作效应明显; 水稻籽粒植酸含量与粗蛋白总量、4种蛋白组分(清蛋白、球蛋白、醇溶蛋白和谷蛋白)及有关产量性状指标(有效穗数、每穗粒数、千粒重和结实率)在不同水肥处理间的相关性不显著,但氮肥用量过高不仅会导致水稻的产量水平下降,而且也不利于稻米营养品质的改良; 水肥处理对水稻籽粒植酸含量、蛋白总量和4种蛋白组分穗内粒位分布也存在一定影响,着生在稻穗下部的弱势粒,其稻米植酸含量高于稻穗上部或中部的强势粒,因此改善弱势粒灌浆的水肥管理措施将有利于稻米植酸含量的降低。  相似文献   

渭北旱塬不同田间管理措施下冬小麦产量及水分利用效率   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:15  
水分是限制旱地作物产量最主要的因素,提高自然降水利用效率是增加旱地作物产量的有效途径。2001~2003年在渭北旱塬粉砂壤土上的田间试验研究表明,不同田间管理措施对冬小麦的产量及水分利用效率有显著的影响。秸秆覆盖不仅增加雨水入渗,提高上层土壤含水量,而且促进水分向下运输。在覆盖第二年小麦产量较常规种植显著增加,同时覆盖下土壤有机质含量有较快增加的趋势。夏季休闲期种植填闲作物将不影响下一季作物的水分状况,短期内填闲作物对土壤有机质,小麦产量及水分利用效率也没有影响。  相似文献   

Simultaneous treatments with Cd and arsenic (arsenite and arsenate) led to the synergistic growth inhibition of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum cv. BY-2) cells. Cd contents in cells increased by co-treatment with arsenic for 24 h. The amount of total phytochelatins (PCs) per unit of Cd in the cells treated with Cd and arsenate was lower than that in the cells treated with Cd alone. Simultaneous treatments with Cd and arsenic promoted the induction of the biosynthesis of (γ-Glu-Cys)2-Gly and inhibited the induction of the biosynthesis of (γ-GluCys)3-Gly and (γ-Glu-Cys)4-Gly, compared with the treatment with Cd alone. Consequently, since the inhibition of PC biosynthesis led to the increase of the cellular concentration of putative ionic (= toxic) Cd, cell growth was inhibited synergistically by simultaneous treatments with Cd and arsenic. In addition, based on the results showing that buthionine sulfoximine increased the sensitivity to arsenite and arsenate, that PC biosynthesis was induced by treatment with arsenite or arsenate, it is suggested that glutathione and/or its metabolic products such as PCs are involved in arsenic tolerance.  相似文献   


An ideal state for agroecosystems to mitigate global warming should include both decreasing CO2 and CH4 emissions and increasing soil carbon storage. Two-year field experiments were carried out to examine the effects of water management (continuous flooding [CF] and Eh control [EH]) and rice straw management (application [+S] and removal [–S]) on the soil carbon budget in a single-cropping paddy field in Japan. The EH water management based on soil redox potential that the authors have proposed decreased the total CH4 emission during the rice growing period compared with CF. The +S increased CO2 emission as soil respiration during the non-flooded fallow period compared with –S, but also increased straw residues in the soil. However, there was little evidence for sequential carbon accumulation in the soil over the year by +S. The resultant annual budget of soil carbon was a loss of 32–103 g C m?2 in the EH+S treatment compared with a loss of 166–188 g C m?2 in the CF–S treatment. Taking into account the global warming potentials, the EH+S treatment also decreased the total CO2-equivalent emission compared with the CF–S treatment. Consequently, a combination of appropriate water management and straw application will be an effective option in decreasing both CO2-equivalent emission and sustaining soil carbon storage.  相似文献   

耕作改变了土壤物理特性,进而影响了作物生长和水分利用,定量研究不同耕作方式下的农田土壤水分动态与作物生长过程是制定合理耕作制度的基础。该研究在土壤水热碳氮模拟模型(Soil Water Heat Carbon Nitrogen Simulator,WHCNS)的基础上耦合了EPIC(Erosion-Productivity Impact Calculator)模型的土壤耕作模块,构建了适用于不同耕作方式的土壤水热碳氮过程模拟模型。利用华北平原南部河南商丘试验站2015-2017年实测的不同耕作方式下(深耕、免耕和轮耕)的土体储水量、叶面积指数、地上部干物质质量和产量数据对改进后的WHCNS模型进行了校验和模拟效果评价,并模拟分析了不同耕作方式对冬小麦和夏玉米农田蒸散量、作物产量和水分利用效率的影响。结果表明,所有处理的土体储水量、叶面积指数和地上部干物质质量模拟值与实测值的相对均方根误差均小于30%,一致性指数均大于等于0.90,纳什系数均大于等于0.58,决定系数均大于等于0.90,作物产量模拟值与实测值的决定系数达到0.99。与深耕和免耕相比,轮耕的两季冬小麦蒸散量分别降低了8.8%~10.8%和13.8%~21.0%,水分利用效率分别提高了6.7%~9.4%和15.7%~24.9%。与深耕和轮耕相比,免耕的两季夏玉米蒸散量分别降低了12.5%~12.9%和20.7%~22.2%,水分利用效率分别提高了13.4%~15.2%和29.1%~31.3%。耕作方式对产量的影响并不明显。总体而言,改进后的WHCNS模型可以较好地模拟华北平原不同耕作方式下土壤水分与作物生长的动态过程。  相似文献   

Field experiments were carried out to study the effects of different soil management practices on the water balance, precipitation use efficiency (PUE), and crop yield (i.e. winter wheat and peanut) on a loess soil near Luoyang (east edge of the Chinese Loess Plateau, Henan Province, China). Field plots were set up in 1999 including following soil management practices: subsoiling with mulch (SS), no-till with mulch (NT), reduced tillage (RT), two crops per year (i.e. winter wheat and peanut, TC), and a conventional tillage control (CT). The field plots were equipped to monitor all components of the soil–water balance except evapotranspiration, which was computed by solving the water balance equation. The results showed that although soil management had smaller influence on the magnitude of the water balance components than did precipitation variations, small influences of the applied soil management practices on water conservation during the fallow period can greatly affect winter wheat yield. SS increased consistently precipitation storage efficiency (PSE) and PUE over the 5 years compared to CT except during the wettest year. NT also had a noticeable effect on postharvest water storage during the fallow period; however, the influence on yield of NT depended on the amount of precipitation. TC lowered the winter wheat yield mainly due to the unfavorable soil moisture conditions after growing peanut in summer; however, the harvested peanut gained an extra profit for the local farmer. No matter which kind of soil management practices was adapted, PSE never exceeded 41.6%, which was primarily attributed to high evapotranspiration. From data of five consecutive agricultural years between 2000 and 2005, it could be concluded that SS resulted in the highest PSE, PUE and crop yield. TC also showed promising results considering the economic value of the second crop. NT performed slightly less as SS. CT gave intermediate results, whereas RT was the worst alternative.  相似文献   

水肥管理对鄱阳湖流域稻田温室气体排放的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探明水肥管理模式对稻田温室气体(CH4,CO2和N2O)的影响规律,以鄱阳湖流域赣抚平原灌区稻田为研究对象,考虑间歇灌溉(W1)和淹灌(W0)2种灌溉模式,不施氮(N0)、减量施氮(N1,135 kg/hm2)和常规施氮(N2,180 kg/hm2)3种施氮水平,采用静态箱-气相色谱法测定气体排放量,结合产量计算温室气体排放强度。结果表明:稻田CH4和CO2排放通量全天内表现为单峰模式,CH4日排放峰值在14:00-15:00,CO2排放峰值提前约1~2 h,而N2O排放通量全天内则表现为上午、傍晚和深夜的三峰模式。08:00-11:00内3种气体校正系数和综合值均比较接近1,是进行田间观测的最佳时段。稻田CH4排放通量在生育前期迅速增长达到峰值,中后期相对平缓并伴有1~2个小峰值。间歇灌溉CH4排放通量较少。不同水肥处理下CO2排放的峰值出现次数一致,主要在分蘖前期、乳熟期和黄熟期。2种灌溉模式的CO2排放规律一致,但间歇灌溉下CO2排放量更多。稻田N2O的排放整体水平呈现较低状态,各处理的N2O排放峰值出现在抽穗开花期末。稻田温室气体排放引起的增温潜势受灌溉模式的影响极显著。与W0相比,W1在N0、N1、N2水平下分别降低增温潜势 36.1%、33.9%和23.2%(P<0.05)。地温和气温是重要的环境影响因子,CH4和CO2对地温的敏感性高于气温,9月典型日的温度敏感系数更高。W1N1处理的温室气体排放强度最低,从减排增产角度为鄱阳湖流域推荐的稻田水肥管理模式。  相似文献   

为了解不同生态区核桃林地肥水管理现状和土壤肥力特征的差异,选择山东省山地、山前平原和平原3个生态区的典型核桃生产园进行肥水管理状况调查和土壤肥力评价.结果表明:(1)山地核桃灌水和施肥的农户占比分别为16.7%和29.2%,低于山前平原和平原区,管理粗放;施用化学肥料和有机肥料的农户占比山前平原分别为67.0%、56....  相似文献   

采用田间试验方法研究了北京郊区主要蔬菜作物—番茄在大棚有机种植条件下,不同有机肥投入量与灌溉量对番茄产量与品质以及土壤硝态氮累积的影响。结果表明,与当地习惯的水肥管理相比,减半量有机肥投入不会显著降低番茄产量,而且能降低硝态氮、重金属和有机酸的含量,有效地改善果实品质,并增加番茄果实中可溶性糖、Vc、番茄红素等营养元素的含量; 还能显著降低土壤中硝态氮累积量。在施肥量相同的条件下,减量灌溉也有同样的结果,但效果不如减量施肥明显; 过量施用有机肥可造成番茄果实中硝酸盐含量和镉、铬、锌等重金属含量超标。说明在番茄的有机种植中,保证产量和品质的前提下开展节本增效还有很大空间。  相似文献   

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