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We investigated small-volume (5 ml/kg) 7% NaCl in 6% dextran 70 (HS/D70) as an alternative to large-volume (60 ml/kg) 0.9% NaCl for treatment of experimentally induced canine gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV) shock. The stomach was surgically displaced and then distended with an intragastric balloon in 11 dogs anesthetized with pentobarbital. All dogs were subjected to GDV for 180 minutes before partial decompression and resuscitation. Hemodynamic values, blood gas values, and plasma volume were measured during control, shock, and resuscitation periods. Resuscitation started with 1 group (n = 6) receiving 5 ml of HS/D70/kg, iv, over 5 minutes, and the other group (n = 5) receiving 60 ml of 0.9% NaCl/kg, IV, over 60 minutes. Both groups received a surgical maintenance dosage (20 ml/kg/h) of 0.9% NaCl after initial resuscitation. Resuscitative effects of small-volume HS/D70 were similar to large-volume 0.9% NaCl during the first hour of treatment; however, cardiac output was significantly higher in the HS/D70 group for the last 2 hours of resuscitation. Changes in heart rate, left ventricular pressure change, and systemic vascular resistance appeared to be responsible for improved perfusion. Mixed venous oxygen partial pressure data supported improved perfusion in the HS/D70 group. Packed cell volume remained higher in the HS/D70 group, indicating less hemodilution and improved oxygen delivery. Resuscitation of this GDV-induced shock model was better sustained with small-volume HS/D70, compared with conventional large-volume 0.9% NaCl.  相似文献   

Cambier  C.  Ratz  V.  Rollin  F.  Frans  A.  Clerbaux  T.  Gustin  P. 《Veterinary research communications》1997,21(5):303-316
In this review, the pharmacological effects of administering hypertonic solutions to both healthy animals and during experimentally induced diseases are considered with a view to understanding the mechanisms behind the possible clinical efficacy of such treatment. The review focuses successively on haemorrhagic shock, endotoxic shock and hypokalaemic metabolic alkalosis. How hypertonic saline solutions affect oxygen transport by haemoglobin is also considered.  相似文献   

Turkey poults were offered ad libitum a diet containing 2.5 g salt/kg and tap water containing, 0, 90 or 105 mn NaCl to drink from 1 to 12 d of age. 2. High mortality with oedbema and ascites occurred mainly from 5 to 8 d in poults given the saline solutions. Mortality seemed to be related to salt and water intakes. 3. Plasma and body composition indicated abnormal retention of salt and water in poults younger than 12 d of age offered hypotonic saline. 4. In a second experiment using the same diet poults were offered hypotonic saline (105 mn NaCl in tap water) from 5, 9 or 13 d of age. High mortality with oedema and ascites was only observed when saline was given from 5 or 9 d. 5. The results suggest that from about 5 to 10 d of age there is a relative functional renal insufficiency which causes susceptibility to the toxic effects of saline water.  相似文献   

The purpose of this in vitro study was to determine whether Pasteurella haemolytica capsular extract (CE) damages bovine pulmonary endothelial cells (EC) directly or through neutrophil-mediated mechanisms. Chromium 51-labeled EC were treated with the following variables: CE (1, 10, and 100 ng of protein/ml), CE and bovine neutrophils (10(6) cells/well), and CE and polymyxin B (500 U/ml). Although only minimal damage to EC occurred by 5 hours after treatment, by 22 hours after treatment, the 10-ng and 100-ng CE dose produced severe damage to EC, as indicated by 51Cr release, cellular detachment, and loss of monolayer confluency. The component in the CE that was toxic to the EC was lipopolysaccharide, evidenced by effective neutralization of the toxic effect with polymyxin B. Neutrophils inhibited the CE-mediated EC toxicity and were activated, as indicated by shape change and adhesion to EC monolayers. We concluded that the lipopolysaccharide component of CE causes direct damage to EC, which can be attenuated by neutrophils and polymyxin B.  相似文献   

Small volume resuscitation using hypertonic saline   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Blood constituents and vascular volume indices were determined in 5 standing horses by use of 2-period crossover experimental design. Horses were either administered hypertonic (2,400 mosm/kg of body weight, i.v.) or isotonic (300 mosm/kg, i.v.) saline solution. Each solution was administered at a dosage of 5 ml/kg (infusion rate, 80 ml/min). Samples for determination of PCV, plasma volume, blood volume, plasma osmolality, total amount of plasma protein and plasma concentrations of protein, Na, K, and Cl were collected at 0 hour (baseline, before fluid infusion) and 0.5 hour (at the end of fluid infusion), and subsequently, at 0.25- or 0.5-hour intervals for 4.5 hours. All horses were given the predetermined dose of fluids by 0.5 hour after beginning the saline infusion. Values of P < or = 0.05 were considered significant. Administration of hypertonic saline solution was associated with decreased mean body weight by 4.5 hours, but weight change after isotonic saline administration was not significant. Other than body weight and plasma protein concentration, between-trial difference (treatment effect) was not observed for any measured variable or index. The F values indicated that increasing the number of horses would have not changed these results. A time effect was evident across both trials, so that mean (+/- SD) plasma volume increased (12.3 +/- 1.07%) and mean plasma protein concentration (-12.1 +/- 1.03%) and PCV (-11.9 + 0.67%) decreased proportionately and transiently in association with administration of either fluid at that volume. Other time effects included increased plasma osmolality and Na and Cl concentrations. Blood volume estimates and total amount of plasma protein remained unchanged.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to determine the toxic effects of cisplatin, an antineoplastic agent, when administered immediately after a 1-hour saline diuresis. Four treatments with cisplatin (70 mg/m2 of body surface, q 3 wk) were administered IV to 6 healthy dogs over a 20-minute period after 0.9% NaCl (saline) solution was administered IV for 1 hour at a volume of 132 ml (kg)0.75. Each dog vomited at least once within 8 hours after each treatment was administered. Clinical status, body weight, and food consumption were normal throughout the 12-week study for 5 of the 6 dogs. The sixth dog developed acute renal failure and became acutely blind and deaf within 3 days after the fourth treatment with cisplatin. Serum electrolyte, creatinine, and urea nitrogen values remained within established normal limits in all dogs immediately prior to each treatment, and in 5 of 6 dogs evaluated 3 weeks after the final treatment. The serum creatinine value (3.3 mg/dl) obtained from the Beagle euthanatized 2 weeks after the fourth treatment was above established normal values. Despite normalcy for all but 1 of the creatinine values, serum creatinine concentration obtained 3 weeks after the final treatment with cisplatin was significantly (P = 0.0001) higher than pretreatment values. When compared with data from all other evaluation periods, significant decreases in glomerular filtration rate, as determined by exogenous (P less than or equal to 0.0001) and endogenous (P less than or equal to 0.0001) creatinine clearance testing, were identified 3 weeks after the fourth treatment with cisplatin.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Under isoflurane anesthesia, 50% of the calculated blood volume was removed from 11 dogs. After 30 minutes, five dogs were treated with hypertonic saline and dextran (HSD) (5 mL/kg) followed by isotonic saline solution (2 mL/kg) intraosseously. Six dogs (controls) received isotonic saline (7 mL/kg) intraosseously. All treatments were administered through the medullary cavity of the tibia over a 30-minute period. Cardiac output, mean arterial pressure, central venous pressure, packed cell volume, total protein, and blood gases were monitored for 4 hours. Cardiac output, mean arterial pressure, and circulating volume (indicated by packed cell volume and total protein) were significantly improved after administration of HSD. We conclude that intraosseous infusion of HSD is efficacious in treating hemorrhagic shock and believe the technique may prove to be useful in clinical situations when intravenous lines cannot be established rapidly.  相似文献   

通过田间试验, 比较了4个中型狼尾草(Pennisetum longissimum var. intermedium)野生驯化新品系在甘肃省永登县秦王川盐渍土区的物候期、生长速度、叶面积及分蘖数等性状指标的变化特征, 运用灰色系统理论对其生产性能进行了综合评价。结果表明, 品系1号、2号和3号出苗快, 成熟早, 生育天数147 d左右;品系4号出苗迟, 成熟晚, 生育天数160 d。1号中型狼尾草生长最快, 其株高在各个生育时期均显著高于其他3个材料(P<0.05), 在开花期达最高(187.94 cm);品系3号生长较慢, 株高最矮(150.51 cm)。生育前中期, 参试材料单株叶面积、茎粗逐步增长, 抽穗期以后, 趋于平稳甚至有所下降, 品系1号、2号和4号变化一致且明显高于品系3号。品系2号分蘖能力最强, 其次是品系1号、3号和4号。综合评价认为, 中型狼尾草品系1号和2号生长速度快, 分蘖能力强, 产草量高, 成熟早, 综合生产性能优良, 适宜在永登县秦王川盐渍土区推广种植。  相似文献   

耐盐牧草对南疆地区盐渍土的适应和改良研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以4种耐盐碱牧草(紫花苜蓿、苏丹草、美国饲用甜高粱和墨西哥玉米)为研究对象,采用生物防治盐碱化方法来分析其对南疆地区盐碱化土壤改良的可行性,以期为改良利用盐渍土壤提供理论基础。结果表明,墨西哥玉米对南疆盐渍土的改良最为显著(P<0.05),其农艺性状和产草量也最佳;其次是紫花苜蓿,其抗逆性强、生产性能较好、营养丰富、经济价值高以及兼有固氮和提高土壤肥力等优点,使其成为改良南疆盐渍土合适的选择。在南疆盐渍区形成以墨西哥玉米和紫花苜蓿为主,美国饲用甜高粱和苏丹草为辅的种植模式,可有效地降低土壤盐分。  相似文献   

白茎盐生草对盐碱土壤的改良效果   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王文  张德罡 《草业科学》2011,28(6):902-904
摘要:在全盐含量0.49%的土壤中设置人工种植和自然生长白茎盐生草(Halogeton arachnoideus)处理,以裸地为对照,研究种植白茎盐生草对盐碱土壤的改良效果。结果表明,2个处理下的土壤全盐含量明显下降,0~20 cm土层分别下降28.57%和32.65%。对盐碱的消除效果0~20 cm土层较20~40 cm好。播种前0~20 cm土壤全盐总量约为11.172 t/hm2,1个生长季后下降为8.738 t/hm2,全盐总量下降2.434 t/hm2,即种植白茎盐生草1年可从0~20 cm土层中除去盐分2.434 t/hm2。试验前后,0~20 cm土壤pH值下降0.13~0.14,下降幅度大于20~40 cm土壤。白茎盐生草对盐分的富集降低了土壤的pH值,达到改良盐碱土壤的目的。  相似文献   

We evaluated the hemodynamic effects of IV and intraaortic (aortic root) administration of 7.5% NaCl solution on hemodynamics in anesthetized cats with severe hypovolemia. Hypovolemic shock was induced by exsanguinating cats to a mean arterial blood pressure of 50 mm of Hg, which was maintained for 30 minutes prior to treatment. Shed blood volume was 38.4 +/- 2.1 ml/kg of body weight. The cats were treated with a small volume (4 ml/kg) of 0.9% NaCl solution IV, 7.5% NaCl solution IV, or 7.5% NaCl solution administered into the aortic root. The IV administration of 0.9% NaCl solution did not improve hemodynamics. The IV administration of 7.5% NaCl solution induced rapid restoration of arterial blood pressure, aortic blood flow, and cardiac contractility. Total peripheral vascular resistance decreased. The administration of 7.5% NaCl solution into the aortic root induced a further deterioration in hemodynamics resulting in death in 3 cats and a marked improvement in hemodynamics similar to that observed after IV administration of 7.5% NaCl solution in 2 cats. The duration of the beneficial hemodynamic effects after IV or intra-aortic administration of 7.5% NaCl solution did not exceed 60 minutes. Results of these studies suggested that either the IV or intra-aortic administration of 7.5% NaCl solution in cats can induce beneficial hemodynamic effects that may be of value in the field resuscitation of hypovolemic patients.  相似文献   

The cardiac effects of hypertonic saline (HS, 7.5% NaCl) were evaluated using a number of indices derived from the left ventricular (LV) pressurevolume relationship. Left ventricular end-systolic elastance (elastance), the slope of the endsystolic pressure-volume relationship, end-systolic elastance normalized for enddiastolic volume (elastance(norm), the rate of rise of LV pressure (dP/dtmax), and dP/dtmax/end-diastolic volume were used to assess myocardial contractility. Pigs were anaesthetized with isoflurane and instrumented for haemodynamic measurements, LV pressure, and volume (conductance catheter) determinations. Elastance was determined during transient (8–10 s) caudal vena caval balloon occlusion. Following instrumentation, the end-tidal isoflurane concentration was reduced and maintained at 1 minimum alveolar concentration (1.5%). Pigs were randomly administered either 0.9% NaCl (n= 7) or HS (n =9) at a dose of 4 ml/kg, over 3 min into the right atrium. There were no significant differences in LV or haemodynamic measurements between isotonic saline and HS treated pigs at any time point. Elastance, elastance(norm) and dP/dtmax/end-diastolic volume did not change in either treatment group. In contrast, dP/dtmax) increased significantly (P < 0.015) at 5 min compared to baseline after treatment with HS. End-diastolic volume increased significantly from 5 to 30 min following treatment with HS. Left ventricular end-diastolic pressure increased significantly at 5 and 60 min in HS treated pigs. Central venous and pulmonary arterial wedge pressures, and cardiac index increased significantly at 5 min after treatment with HS. Total peripheral resistance decreased significantly at 5 min, followed by a return to baseline in the HS group. These results suggest that HS is not a positive inotrope in the anaesthetized pig and that increases in cardiac index are primarily due to an increased preload.  相似文献   

1. Growing pullets from two commercial strains were provided with saline (10 g sodium chloride) drinking water for three days to assess in vivo the urinary concentrating capacity of their kidneys. 2. Most of the pullets from strain A continued to gain body mass while drinking saline, indicating their kidneys conserved free water by forming a concentrated urine. Most pullets from strain B lost body mass while drinking saline, indicating their kidneys were unable to concentrate the urine sufficiently to obtain free water from the saline. 3. High proportions of large (0.23 to 0.42 mm circumference) glomeruli were found in the kidneys of pullets that gained body mass while drinking saline, whereas high proportions of small (0.07 to 0.18 mm circumference) glomeruli were found in the kidneys of pullets that lost body mass while drinking saline. 4. Glomerular sizes did not differ significantly when male birds of the two strains were compared. Urine from males of strain A had significantly (P less than 0.05) lower concentrations of hydrogen ions than urine from males of strain B, but no further differences were detected in comparisons of urine flow rates, glomerular filtration rates, renal plasma flow rates, urine osmolality, free water clearance, or sodium or potassium excretion rates.  相似文献   

紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa)是一种中强度耐盐碱豆科牧草,在盐碱地种植苜蓿具有较高的经济和生态效益。本文阐述了盐碱地苜蓿的适应机制及栽培策略:盐碱胁迫下紫花苜蓿通过增加渗透调节物质的积累、提高抗氧化酶活性,以保护膜系统,维持代谢平衡;苜蓿通过改变根、茎、叶的组织结构抑制毒害离子进入植物体和提高水分的运输代谢效率;制定适宜的灌排水制度改造盐碱土,以降低土壤含盐量;利用根际有益微生物改善根际微环境,以提高苜蓿的抗逆性;常规育种与基因工程育种技术相结合是培育耐盐碱新品种的重要途径。整合植物遗传育种学、植物生理生化和分子生物学等领域研究方法,是未来苜蓿耐盐碱研究工作的重点方向。  相似文献   

盐渍化沙地土壤旱化过程中植被的变化   总被引:8,自引:7,他引:1  
刘克彪 《草业科学》2005,22(10):7-10
利用地下水位高低不同地区所形成的不同立地类型水平空间上的分布来代表盐渍化土壤沙化旱化过程时间分布上的发展,分5种立地类型探讨盐渍化土壤干旱沙化过程中植被的演变特征.随着地下水位的降低,各立地类型土壤上植物种类减少,植被盖度降低,相邻植物群落中共有种逐渐增加,变异性减少,植被演变趋势从湿生-中生耐盐-沙生旱生植物过渡.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of different saline and colloid solutions on adrenal steroid secretion in dogs. Six healthy male Beagles underwent three infusion cycles: 10 min infusion of 30 ml/kg of NaCl 0.9%, 5 ml/kg of hydroxy ethyl starch, or 5 ml/kg of NaCl 10%. Plasma osmolality, hematocrit, total solids, cortisol and aldosterone levels were measured at 0, 5, 15, 30, 60, 120, 180 and 240 min after beginning infusion. Plasma ACTH levels were measured at 0, 15 and 240 min. An identical timing of sampling was applied during a control session omitting the fluid infusion. Osmolality, sodium, chloride and cortisol levels were found to be significantly higher with hypertonic saline solute compared to control. All fluid infusions lead to lowered plasma potassium, hematocrit, total solids and aldosterone values. ACTH concentrations did not show significant changes with any of the infusion cycles. The increase in cortisol levels suggests that hypertonic saline infusion could be interesting in critical care resuscitation, particularly in patients who are suffering from relative adrenal insufficiency.  相似文献   

The effects of hypertonic saline solution (HTSS) combined with colloids on hemostatic analytes were studied in 15 dogs. The analytes evaluated included platelet counts, one-stage prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time, von Willebrand's factor antigen (vWf:Ag), and buccal mucosa bleeding times. The dogs were anesthetized, and jugular phlebotomy was used to induced hypovolemia (mean arterial blood pressure = 50 mm of Hg). Treatment dogs (n = 12) were resuscitated by infusion (6 ml/kg of body weight) of 1 of 3 solutions: HTSS combined with 6% dextran 70, 6% hetastarch, or 10% pentastarch. The control dogs (n = 3) were autotransfused. Hemostatic analytes were evaluated prior to induction of hypovolemia (baseline) and then after resuscitation (after 30 minutes of sustained hypovolemia) at 0.25, 0.5, 1, 6 and 24 hours. All treatment dogs responded rapidly and dramatically to resuscitation with hypertonic solutions. Clinically apparent hemostatic defects (epistaxis, petechiae, hematoma) were not observed in any dog. All coagulation variables evaluated, with the exception of vWf:Ag, remained within reference ranges over the 24-hour period. The vWf:Ag values were not statistically different than values from control dogs, and actual values were only slightly lower than reference ranges. Significant (P < or = 0.04) differences were detected for one-stage prothrombin time, but did not exceed reference ranges. The results of this study suggested that small volume HTSS/colloid solutions do not cause significant alterations in hemostatic analytes and should be considered for initial treatment of hypovolemic or hemorrhagic shock.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of different saline and colloid solutions on adrenal steroid secretion in dogs. Six healthy male Beagles underwent three infusion cycles: 10 min infusion of 30 ml/kg of NaCl 0.9%, 5 ml/kg of hydroxy ethyl starch, or 5 ml/kg of NaCl 10%. Plasma osmolality, hematocrit, total solids, cortisol and aldosterone levels were measured at 0, 5, 15, 30, 60, 120, 180 and 240 min after beginning infusion. Plasma ACTH levels were measured at 0, 15 and 240 min. An identical timing of sampling was applied during a control session omitting the fluid infusion. Osmolality, sodium, chloride and cortisol levels were found to be significantly higher with hypertonic saline solute compared to control. All fluid infusions lead to lowered plasma potassium, hematocrit, total solids and aldosterone values. ACTH concentrations did not show significant changes with any of the infusion cycles. The increase in cortisol levels suggests that hypertonic saline infusion could be interesting in critical care resuscitation, particularly in patients who are suffering from relative adrenal insufficiency.  相似文献   

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