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优质抗病高配合力粳稻不育系扬辐粳7号A的选育与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
扬辐粳7号A是江苏沿江地区农业科学研究所以徐9201A为母本,扬辐粳7号为父本,通过杂交、连续回交转育而成的BT型粳稻不育系。该不育系抗病性强,米质达国标1级优质稻谷标准,综合性状优良,不育性稳定,开花习性较好,异交结实率较高,配组优势明显,2012年通过江苏省粳稻不育系鉴定。所配组合通优粳1号(扬辐粳7号A/R98)表现高产、优质,2013年通过江苏省品种审定。  相似文献   

双辐优718是四川达丰种业科技有限公司和信阳华信种业科技有限公司用不育系双辐A与恢复系辐恢718配组育成的中籼迟熟杂交稻新组合,具有产量高、生育期适中、抗稻瘟病、米质较好等特点,2007年通过河南省农作物品种审定.  相似文献   

优质强筋春小麦新品种—龙辐麦17   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
龙辐麦17是黑龙江省农科院作物育种研究所与中国农科院作物科学研究所1997年春将小偃麦(中5/龙辐81-8106的F0种子经1.0万γ射线处理的系选)与龙辐91B569杂交的高代品系进行卫星搭载,返回地面后再进行温室加代,采用系谱法选育而成.该品种2004~2005年参加黑龙江省区域试验,2006年完成生产试验,2007年1月通过黑龙江省农作物品种审定委员会审定(编号为2007002).  相似文献   

青贮玉米品种龙辐单208的选育与开发   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
王巍  李春秋  祁永红  武博 《玉米科学》2004,12(2):044-045
龙辐单208是黑龙江省农科院玉米研究中心以自交系辐967-3为母本,自交系辐913-8为父本育成的青贮玉米品种.该品种在哈尔滨地区生育期127 d,需≥10.C积温2 700℃·d.1998~2002年在各级青贮产量试验中表现出高产、稳产、优质、适应性广及抗逆性强等特点.作为青贮玉米而言,龙辐单208的适应区为≥10℃积温在2 400℃·d以上的地区.它适宜黑龙江省绝大部分地区及内蒙古、吉林省和辽宁省的部分地区.清种密度一般公顷保苗55 000~60 000株为宜。  相似文献   

龙辐麦17是黑龙江省农科院作物育种研究所与中国农科院作物科学研究所1997年春将小偃麦(中5/龙辐81—8106的F0种子经1.0万γ射线处理的系选)与龙辐91B569杂交的高代品系进行卫星搭载,返回地面后再进行温室加代,采用系谱法选育而成。该品种2004~2005年参加黑龙江省区域试验,2006年完成生产试验,2007年1月通过黑龙江省农作物品种审定委员会审定(编号为2007002)。  相似文献   

杂交中籼新组合辐优130Fuyou130,anewmediumindicahybridrice何清海方述安陈志平(四川省眉山农校612160)(四川省眉山县农业局)辐优130是四川省眉山农校用四川省原子核应用技术研究所选育的高异交率不育系辐76A为母...  相似文献   

杂交早稻新组合早优49辐   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
早优49辐系浙江省台州市农科所用优质早籼不育系早红突A与温恢49辐配组而成的早杂新组合,经1993~1997年的试验、试种示范,表现高产、稳产、熟期适中、中抗稻瘟病,米质明显优于目前推广的汕优48-2,且制种产量高。1998年5月通过浙江省农作物品种...  相似文献   

辐珍A优质不育系是浙江省丽水地区农科所,针对浙南山区是稻瘟病常发区和重发区的生产特点,以该区主栽不育系珍汕97A为轮回亲本,辐苞矮22为抗源亲本,经多代国交选育得到的新不育系。1988年以来的测配及鉴定结果表明,该不育系具有抗逆性强,可恢复性好,配合力强,米质好等特点。1990年用辐珍A与密阳46配组,1991年参加浙江省晚杂联合品比试验,平均亩产488.l公斤,居同组试验第二位,比对照汕优10号增产1.39%。全生育期130天,与对照组合相同。 该组合株高91.1cm,每亩有效穗19.6万,成穗率70.6%,单穗平均总粒数101粒,结实率83.9%,千粒重28.3克(比汕…  相似文献   

佳辐占系厦门大学生命科学院用佳禾早占与佳辐418杂交选育而成的早籼常规水稻品种,具有产量较高,适应性较广,抗病力较好等特点,于2002年通过福建省农作物品种审定。介绍了优质稻佳辐占在明溪县沙溪乡作早稻种植的产量表现及高产高效栽培技术。  相似文献   

中熟杂交中稻新组合——辐优838   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中熟杂交中稻新组合——辐优838Fuyou838,anewmediumindicahybridrice邓文敏杨成明邓达胜(四川省原子核应用技术研究所610066)辐优838是四川省原子核应用技术研究所用自选高配合力不育系辐74A与恢复系辐恢838配组...  相似文献   

Sorghum and millet phenols and antioxidants   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
Sorghum is a good source of phenolic compounds with a variety of genetically dependent types and levels including phenolic acids, flavonoids, and condensed tannins. Most sorghums do not contain condensed tannins, but all contain phenolic acids. Pigmented sorghums contain unique anthocyanins that could be potential food colorants. Some sorghums have a prominent pigmented testa that contains condensed tannins composed of flavan-3-ols with variable length. Flavan-3-ols of up to 8–10 units have been separated and quantitatively analyzed. These tannin sorghums are excellent antioxidants, which slow hydrolysis in foods, produce naturally dark-colored products and increase the dietary fiber levels of food products. Sorghums have high concentration of 3-deoxyanthocyanins (i.e. luteolinidin and apigenidin) that give stable pigments at high pH. Pigmented and tannin sorghum varieties have high antioxidant levels that are comparable to fruits and vegetables. Finger millet has tannins in some varieties that contain a red testa. There are limited data on the phenolic compounds in millets; only phenolic acids and flavones have been identified.  相似文献   

Summary Between 1993 and 1998 205 different potato cultivars and 1220 accessions/genotypes of wild and cultivated potato species from the IPK Genebank Gatersleben were evaluated. Parameters interesting for starch isolation and especially for the use of starch were determined. Altogether, there was a higher variability in wild potato species than in cultivated potatoes for all characteristics investigated: dry matter content, starch content, protein content, amylose content and mean particle diameter of starch granules.  相似文献   

种子加工、检验理论与技术现状及思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
种子加工及检验是种子向市场流通的关键,是商业化育种中赋予种子商品属性不可或缺的环节。种子加工、检验理论与技术的研究是完善种业产业链、实现规模化商业育种、夯实“育繁推一体化”种业科学的重要一环。中国的种业科学技术体系正在形成与完善之中,受制于行业发展水平,种子加工及检验理论与技术相对薄弱。本文回顾了种子加工及检验理论与技术研究发展历程,提出了完善中国种业科学发展的策略与建议。围绕种业发展的需要,在做好品种优质化繁育的基础上,分析种子加工及检验理论与技术的新方向和新需求,加强种业应用性研究,建立先进的种子质量检验体系,研制适合现代种业发展需求的种子加工设备,打造种子加工产业标准化生产体系,完善种业科学技术学科建设,促进种业产业持续健康发展。  相似文献   


Arbuscular mycorrhizae were inoculated into phosphorus-deficient soil fertilized with either organic or chemical fertilizer with cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) as the first crop and lettuce (Lactu-ca sativa L.) as the second crop but without additional fertilization and AM inoculation. AM increased dry matter and fruit yield of cucumber significantly in the unfertilized, organic-fertilized and P-deficient plants compared with the fully chemical-fertilized plants. AM inoculation increased the available phosphorus in plant and soil by around 30% for all treatments except for those chemically-fertilized. The rate of AM infection did not differ significantly among the fertilization treatments, but the infection intensity was higher in unfertilized, organic-fertilized and phosphorus-deficient treatments than chemical-fertilized treatment. The residual effects of AM-inoculated to cucumber were evident for lettuce in all pre-treatments that were unfertilized and un-inoculated for the second cropping. Without P-fertilization, neither crop could grow optimally even when the soil was inoculated with AM, suggesting that AM could not serve as a substitute for phosphorus fertilizer. However, the other beneficial effects of AM on crop growth and yield could not be fulfilled with phosphorus fertilizer.  相似文献   

Seed processing and testing hold the key to the market circulation of seeds, and are an indispensable link in commercial breeding to endow seeds with commodity attributes. The research of seed processing and testing theory and technology is an important link in improving the seed industry chain, realizing large-scale commercial breeding and consolidating the seed industry science of ‘integration of breeding, propagation and promotion’. The scientific and technological system of seed industry in China is being formed and perfected, which is subject to the development level of the industry. The theory and technology of seed processing and testing are relatively weak. We reviewed the development of seed processing and testing theory and technology, and put forward strategies and suggestions to improve the sound development of China’s seed industry. In order to meet the needs of seed industry development and on the basis of high quality breeding of varieties, the new directions and demands of seed processing and testing theory and technology were analyzed. We will work to strengthen the applied research of seed industry, establish advanced seed quality inspection system, improve seed processing equipment suitable for the development needs of modern seed industry, establish standardized production system of seed processing industry, develop the scientific and technological disciplines of seed industry, and promote the sustainable and healthy development of seed industry.  相似文献   

种子加工及检验是种子向市场流通的关键,是商业化育种中赋予种子商品属性不可或缺的环节。种子加工、检验理论与技术的研究是完善种业产业链、实现规模化商业育种、夯实"育繁推一体化"种业科学的重要一环。中国的种业科学技术体系正在形成与完善之中,受制于行业发展水平,种子加工及检验理论与技术相对薄弱。本文回顾了种子加工及检验理论与技术研究发展历程,提出了完善中国种业科学发展的策略与建议。围绕种业发展的需要,在做好品种优质化繁育的基础上,分析种子加工及检验理论与技术的新方向和新需求,加强种业应用性研究,建立先进的种子质量检验体系,研制适合现代种业发展需求的种子加工设备,打造种子加工产业标准化生产体系,完善种业科学技术学科建设,促进种业产业持续健康发展。  相似文献   

Soil sulphur deficiency, which is increasingly prevalent in Western Europe, lowers wheat yields, and also affects the gluten quality of the flour. Differences in S availability may change the proportion of S-poor to S-rich gliadins and glutenin subunits. This may cause unpredictable and unwanted variations in wheat quality. The combined effects of nitrogen (N) and sulphur (S) fertilisers and split application of S and N on wheat gluten quality and composition were investigated. The results revealed effects of S fertilisation on dough quality. At high N fertilisation levels significant responses to S fertilisation were found which emphasised the need for precision application of S in intensive wheat production systems. Protein fractionation by SE-FPLC showed that quality differences were associated with changing proportions of high Mr polymeric proteins. Changes in protein composition of salt soluble proteins were also confirmed by proteomics. Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase and one of the serpin protein spots increased at high N, combined with the lower S level. The enzymes also increased in samples with increased S fertilisation combined with low N, but was not changed at higher N levels. Furthermore, at high N the serpin protein spot, and also a 27 K protein and one unidentified protein spot decreased with increasing S.  相似文献   

通过比较分析芸薹属多倍体复合种与其祖先二倍体基本种在花柱、柱头大小、角果长度、宽度、种子直径 及种子干重变化上的异同,发现多倍体复合种在这些发育性状上表现出处于两个祖先二倍体亲本之间,或只偏向 于其中一个祖先亲本。同一个多倍体品种在不同发育性状上具有不同的表现,即在某一发育性状上偏向于其祖先 亲本之一,而在另一发育性状上偏向其另一祖先亲本。  相似文献   

Pea (Pisum sativum L.) and oat (Avena sativa L.) were grown as sole and mixed crops in various densities under two different tillage systems on a loess soil near Göttingen/Germany in a 2-year field experiment (2002/2003). In the conventional tillage system a mouldboard plough (CT) was used and in the minimum tillage system a rotary harrow (MT) was employed. The effect of crop density and tillage system on the grain dry matter and grain N yields, N2 fixation and soil N uptake were determined to address the following questions: (i) which mixture compositions exhibit the highest grain yields compared to the sole crops, (ii) which mixture compositions also fix a high level of N2 and leave low levels of residual inorganic soil N after harvest, and (iii) whether the intercrop advantage is influenced by the tillage system. For (i) the result in 2002 showed that the highest grain yields of both sole cropped pea and oat and intercropped pea and oat were achieved at the highest densities. In 2003, when the inorganic soil N content was higher and weather conditions were warmer and drier, grain yields were significantly higher than in 2002, but sole as well as intercropped pea and oat gave their highest grain yields at lower densities. For both years and tillage systems, the highest intercrop advantages were achieved in mixtures with densities above the optimal sole crop densities. The result for (ii) was that a distinctly higher proportion of nitrogen was derived from the atmosphere (Ndfa) by intercropped pea than by sole cropped pea. However, the uptake of soil N by intercropped pea and oat was not reduced in comparison with that of sole cropped oat as the decrease in the uptake of N from the soil by oat at lower oat densities in the mixture was compensated for by the soil N uptake of pea. Additionally, the Nmin-N content of the soil following the mixtures and sole cropped oat did not differ, especially in the deeper soil layers because oat in mixture was forced to take up more soil N from deeper layers. Therefore, the risk of soil N losses through leaching after mixtures was lower compared to sole cropped pea. The tillage system (iii) had no significant influence on grain yield and soil N uptake, but N2 fixation and the competitive ability of intercropped pea were higher under CT than with MT. An additional result was that intercropping led to a significantly increased grain N content of both pea and oat compared to the sole crops. The increase in grain N content from sole to intercrop was from 3.30 to 3.42% for pea and from 1.73 to 1.96% for oat as a mean for both years and tillage systems. The present study confirms that growing pea and oat as intercrops highlights potential economic and environmental benefits which still need to be understood in more detail in order to exploit intercropping to a greater extent.  相似文献   

对云南保山、德宏、普洱等地咖啡病虫害开展调查研究,结果表明:咖啡锈病(Hemileia vastatrix Berk et Br.)、炭疽病(Colletotrichum coffeanum Noack)、褐斑病(Cercospora coffeicola Berk. et Cooke)、幼苗立枯病(Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn.)、旋皮天牛(Acalolepta cervina Hope)、灭字虎天牛(Xylo  相似文献   

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