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采用HRP逆行追踪法,对25例北京鸭迷走背核直接投射到脊髓的传导通路的起始部位进行了研究。乌拉坦(Urethane)静脉注射麻醉动物,分别在脊髓的颈中部(C7)、颈膨大部和腰膨大部注时30~50%HRP,灌流固定,取脑做冰冻连续切片,蓝色反应显色,中性红复染,镜检。实验结果:单侧脊髓注射HRP后,在延髓的闩后部分,双侧的迷走背核内发现了标记细胞,对侧的标记细胞数量多于同侧。此外,双侧的疑核和孤束核也有一些标记细胞。在颈中部脊髓引入HRP后,出现的标记细胞较多;在颈膨大部引入HRP后,出现的标记细胞较少;在腰膨大部引入HRP后,迷走背核内不出现标记细胞,而疑核和孤束核仍有少量标记细胞。本文对禽类迷走背核和疑核至脊髓的直接传导通路,结合哺乳类的有关资料进行了讨论。  相似文献   

北京鸭60例,分别在其脊髓一侧的外侧索、腹侧索或灰质中引入HRP,冰冻切片,蓝色反应法显色,中性红复染.结果发现,从延髓到脑桥这一范围的中缝核群内,出现了大量的标记细胞,而在脑桥吻侧以上的中缝核内出现的标记细胞很少.研究结果表明:北京鸭存在着比较发达的中缝脊髓下行传导通路,它主要起始于中缝大核、中缝隐核和中缝苍白核,而这一通路是位于脊髓的外侧索与腹侧索.  相似文献   

用HRP法,逆行追踪了54例北京鸭下行投射到脊髓的神经纤维的起始部位。用乌拉坦麻醉,分别在脊髓的C_7、颈膨大或腰膨大部注射30~50%HRP,灌流固定,取脑做冰冻连续切片。蓝色反应显色,中性红复染,镜检。实验结果,各脑区出现的标记细胞主要位于同侧,对侧较少。而红核内的标记细胞绝大多数分布于对侧,同侧极少。在其它部位,同侧前庭外侧核中,标记细胞较多,双侧的前庭内侧核和对侧的前庭降核中标记细胞极少。对侧小脑内侧核中有较多的标记细胞,对侧小脑皮质的蒲金野细胞层也有少量标记细胞。脑桥和延髓的外侧网状核、巨细胞网状核及延髓中央核均有标记细胞。中缝核有大量标记细胞。另外,下丘脑室旁核及其腹侧和腹外侧的内细胞层和外细胞层,也有标记。在迷走背核、疑核、孤束核、蓝斑及蓝斑下核都有直接到脊髓的投射。在大脑各部和中脑顶盖内未见到标记细胞。本文结合哺乳类和某些禽类的资料与北京鸭的下行传导通路的起源进行了比较。结果表明:北京鸭具有与哺乳类相似的红核脊髓束、前庭脊髓束、网状脊髓束、小脑脊髓束、中缝脊髓束及孤束核脊髓束,而没有大脑皮质脊髓束和顶盖脊髓束。本文中的发现,迷走背核、疑核和小脑皮质向脊髓的直接投射,尚未见过报道。  相似文献   

用微电泳和微量进样技术将HRP引入麻鸭、鹅、鸡、鸽子和鹌鹑脊髓的颈中部、颈膨大和腰膨大一侧灰质中,冰冻切片,BDHC法显色,中性红复染。结果,5种动物下丘脑的双侧室旁核内均发现大量标记细胞;同侧标记细胞数多于对侧;标记细胞密集于第3脑室两侧壁的背外侧,形态多为圆形或椭圆形,胞体直径为20~35μm。本研究结果表明,禽类下丘脑的室旁核可向脊髓发出直接投射,这一直接传导通路呈双侧性投射,但以向同侧脊髓投射占优势,该通路投射的范围广泛分布于脊髓的颈、胸、腰段。  相似文献   

采用HRP逆行追踪法,研究了北京鸭小脑脊髓束的起源、细胞构筑及终止范围。分别在脊髓的颈部、胸部和腰部注射30%~50%HRP,灌注固定,冰冻连续切片。BDHC法显色,中性红复染。在颈前部脊髓注射HRP后,对侧小脑内侧核中出现了大量的标记细胞,对侧小脑皮质的蒲金野细胞层中也发现了一些标记细胞。当沿脊髓向后注射HRP,则标记细胞依次明显减少,而蒲金野细胞层中未见到标记细胞。在C9以后的各部注入HRP,小脑各核与蒲金野细胞层中都不再出现标记细胞。结果表明,北京鸭小脑核可划分为内侧核、中间核和外侧核,小脑脊髓束主要起始于小脑对侧深部的内侧核,其下行投射范围只能抵达脊髓的颈中部;小脑皮质的少量蒲金野细胞也可直接发出投射纤维到颈段脊髓。  相似文献   

本文用肉眼观察10例北京鸭小脑。6例小脑连续切片,Nissl染色,光镜下观察小脑核。25例在北京鸭小脑皮层及小脑内、外侧核内注HRP,10例在脊髓注入HRP,追踪脑干和小脑的标记细胞。明确小脑皮层及核的脑干传入神经元及小脑向脊髓投射的神经元。北京鸭小脑较小,占全脑长的40%。仅蚓部发达,没有小脑半球,而有一对小脑耳。小脑的分叶与鸡的相似。首裂前有舌,中央小叶,山顶三个部分;首裂与锥前裂间有山坡、蚓小叶与蚓结节;锥前裂后方有蚓锥,蚓垂和小结。蚓锥与蚓垂不十分后凸。用HRP追踪实验,在小脑皮层、蚓结节及蚓锥部注HRP,在桥核,F橄榄,螺旋内侧核,内侧网状核,中缝核等出现标记细胞。小脑耳部注HRP则在左右前庭核,被盖背侧核,F橄榄及内侧纵束核出现标记细胞。用HRP注入小脑内侧核在前庭各核,桥核,双侧螺旋内侧核,外侧网状核及F橄榄,Ⅵ、Ⅶ、Ⅷ内侧1/3蒲金野氏细胞出现标记。在外侧核注HRP则在前庭各核,双侧螺旋内侧核,桥核,双侧蓝斑,F橄榄及三叉神经脊束核,Ⅳ,Ⅴ,Ⅵ,Ⅶ叶小脑外侧部皮层出现标记。在颈中段脊髓注入HRP,在小脑皮层蒲金野氏细胞及小脑内侧核出现标记。本文讨论了视觉与小脑联系的结构,明确桥核在禽类是视顶盖传向小脑的中继站。小脑耳不仅有前庭的传入,还有视觉的通路。明确北京鸭小脑的皮层  相似文献   

禽类蓝斑和蓝斑下核至脊髓传导通路的起源与细胞结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探明禽类蓝斑与蓝斑下核至脊髓传导通路的起源的细胞结构,采用HRP微量注射法和微电泳法对北京鸭、麻鸭、鸡、鸽、鹌鹑和鹅6种主要家禽进行了逆行追踪的综合性研究。实验结果发现,在6种动物一侧脊髓的外侧索或背侧索的外侧,于颈中部、颈膨大部或腰膨大部分别引入HRP后,各种动物的同侧蓝斑核内出现了大量的标记细胞;而双侧的蓝斑下核中出现了一些散在性的标记细胞。两核团内的标记细胞胞体呈梭形或多角形。蓝斑核内的  相似文献   

选用健康成年来航鸡9只,以20~30%HRP溶液作标记物,观察了视顶盖后背侧部的神经纤维联系。结果:在光镜下明视野视察,标记细胞出现在古纹状体后腹部、外侧螺旋核、视上交叉腹侧核、顶盖前核、峡核大细胞部和深中脑外侧核,在内侧螺旋核和视顶盖中央灰层偶见标记细胞;在腹外侧膝状体核、圆核、顶盖前顶盖下间置核、背外侧膝状体核、前顶盖下核、丘脑背外侧核、视顶盖室周纤维层以及中脑和延髓的网状结构等部位观察到标记终枝;同时观察到顶盖丘脑束中有标记纤维的横断像以及视上腹侧交叉和顶盖连合中有标记纤维。结果表明,视顶盖的纤维比较广泛,与端脑、间脑、中脑以及延髓都有联系,视上腹交叉是两眼间视觉信息交流的形态学基础。  相似文献   

用HRP技术对8只狗肾上腺交感节前神经元位置及节段性分布进行了研究。将CB-HRP注入一侧肾上腺,标记的交感节前神经元胞体分丰于注射侧脊髓T3-L3节段,高峰在T6-T9,占标记细胞总数58.74%。标记细胞主要位于注射侧脊髓中间外侧核主部,其次是中介核,中间外侧核索部,中介核室管膜旁部;以卵圆形,梭形,多边形的中细胞为主,平均直径为23μm。标记细胞树突野广阔,横向伸延于同侧侧索,中间带区,还有  相似文献   

将HRP注射于猪脊髓颈膨大(第一组),或腰膨大(第二组)一侧灰质,逆行追踪了延脑和脑桥网状结构向脊髓投射的起源部位。在延脑、脑桥网状结构中第一组出现的标记细胞数GC>CV>Poo>Poc>Pmv>Cd>Pc,第二组GC>Poc>CV>Poo>Pmv>Cd,两组各核团标记细胞数同侧多于对侧。标记细胞主要分布在网状结构内侧大细胞部,外侧小细胞部也发现了标记细胞。两组的延脑网状结构中出现的标记细胞皆多于脑桥。  相似文献   

肖啸  雷治海 《畜牧与兽医》1994,26(5):196-200
本文用HRP(辣根过氧化物酶)法研究了6只仔猪大脑皮层缘回和外缘回与皮层及皮层下结构的联系,结果如下:(1)将HRP注入缘回后,在双侧大脑半球缘回、外缘回和外薛氏回及同侧大脑半球冠状回、扣带回和梨状叶、同侧丘脑的外侧膝状体、枕核、后外侧核、后核群、板内核和室旁核、脑干的蓝斑、中缝背核和中脑中央灰质内均出现标记细胞末梢;在丘脑网状核、脑干网状给构、脑桥核、上丘、顶盖前区、壳核和尾状核中出现标记末梢。(2)将HRP注入外缘回后,在双侧大脑半球外缘回、缘回和外薛氏回及同侧压部回、同侧丘脑的外侧膝状体、枕核、后核群、后外侧核、腹后核、板内核和室旁核、脑干的蓝斑、中缝背核和中脑中央灰质内均出现标记细胞和末梢;在脑干网状结构和脑桥核出现标记末梢。  相似文献   

非洲鸵鸟延髓网状结构细胞构筑研究   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
延髓位于脑干的最后端,结构复杂,机能非常重要,参与对内脏活动、躯体运动的调节,并对大脑皮质的活动产生影响,有“生命中枢”之称。100多年以来.许多学者从形态学、生理学、药理学等方面,用不同的技术和方法对多种动物延髓进行了研究。非洲鸵鸟(Africanostrich)是目前世界上现存鸟类中最大的一种。由于鸵鸟浑身是宝.不与人类争粮食.  相似文献   

The present study is an attempt to reveal the spinal and supra-spinal organization of the ascending branch of the milk-ejection reflex in the ewe by means of a tract-tracing technique. For this purpose, injections of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) were performed into the lateral cervical nucleus (LCN) and into the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN). Peroxidase injections into the LCN revealed retrogradely labelled neurons in the medial part of laminae I–III of the ipsilateral L3 and L4 spinal segments, while injections of HRP into the PVN revealed retrogradely labelled cells in the contralateral LCN and the medial cuneate nucleus. Taking into account the results obtained, it is concluded that the transmission of the afferent input from the nipples to the PVN is accomplished by at least two pathways: one employing a single relay station located in the medial cuneate nucleus, and another possessing two relay stations located in the medial part of laminae I–III of the dorsal horn of L3 and L4 spinal segments and in the LCN.  相似文献   

采用HRP法逆行追踪鸡海马结构向小脑各叶投射的起始神经元.将50%HRP溶液分别引入鸡小脑Ⅳ、Ⅴ、Ⅵ、Ⅶ、Ⅷ、Ⅸ各叶,对端脑及间脑、脑干及小脑进行冰冻切片,TMB呈色,观察脑内标记细胞出现的位置.结果发现,除第Ⅸ叶外,注射小脑各叶双侧端脑海马结构的旁海马内侧区(APHm)出现大量标记细胞.在注射Ⅳ、Ⅴ、Ⅵ后偶尔在内侧隔核出现少量逆标细胞.随着注射点由Ⅳ叶到Ⅸ叶的后移,在APHm出现标记细胞的可能性渐小,而小脑前核,包括延髓大细胞网状核、下橄榄核、内外侧桥核、中脑的内侧螺旋核等标记的可能性相应地增大.隔核的标记细胞主要定位于外侧隔核.本研究结果表明,鸡存在海马向小脑的直接投射,这种投射主要终止于小脑的前叶、中叶.因为哺乳动物,鸡的隔核与海马有密切的联系.  相似文献   

We studied the distribution of cell bodies and fibres containing neurotensin (NT) in the brainstem of the alpaca using an indirect immunoperoxidase technique. Immunoreactive fibres were widely distributed throughout the brainstem, whereas the distribution of cell bodies was less widespread. Immunoreactive perikarya were only found in the mesencephalic and bulbar reticular formation, periaqueductal grey, nucleus of the solitary tract, laminar spinal trigeminal nucleus and in the inferior colliculus. A high density of fibres containing NT was found in the dorsal nucleus of the raphe, marginal nucleus of the brachium conjunctivum, locus coeruleus, inferior colliculus, inter‐peduncular nucleus, substantia nigra, periaqueductal grey, reticular formation of the mesencephalon, pons and medulla oblongata, nucleus of the solitary tract, laminar spinal trigeminal nucleus, hypoglossal nucleus, inferior central nucleus and in the tegmental reticular nucleus. The widespread distribution indicates that NT might be involved in multiple physiological actions in the alpaca brainstem; this must be investigated in the future as alpacas lives from 0 m above sea level to altitudes of up 5000 m and hence the involvement of this neuropeptide in special and unique regulatory physiological mechanisms could be suggested.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To analyze the morphology, cytoarchitecture, and lumbosacral spinal cord projections of the red nucleus (RN) in cattle. ANIMALS: 8 healthy Friesian male calves. PROCEDURES: Anesthetized calves underwent a dorsal laminectomy at L5. Eight bilateral injections (lateral to the midline) of the neuronal retrograde fluorescent tracer fast blue (FB) were administered into the exposed lumbosacral portion of the spinal cord. A postsurgical calf survival time of 38 to 55 days was used. Following euthanasia, the midbrain and the L5-S2 spinal cord segments were removed. Nissl's method of staining was applied on paraffin-embedded and frozen sections of the midbrain. RESULTS: The mean length of the RN from the caudal to cranial end ranged from 6,680 to 8,640 microm. The magnocellular and parvicellular components of the RN were intermixed throughout the nucleus, but the former predominate at the caudal portion of the nucleus and the latter at the cranial portion with a gradual transitional zone. The FB-labeled neurons were found along the entire craniocaudal extension of the nucleus, mainly in its ventrolateral part. The number of FB-labeled neurons was determined in 4 calves, ranging from 191 to 1,469 (mean, 465). The mean cross-sectional area of the FB-labeled neurons was approximately 1,680 microm2. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: In cattle, small, medium, and large RN neurons, located along the entire craniocaudal extension of the RN, contribute to the rubrospinal tract reaching the L6-S1 spinal cord segments. Thus, in cattle, as has been shown in cats, the RN parvicellular population also projects to the spinal cord.  相似文献   

As a prelude to studies on retrograde axonal transport of neurotoxin (ie, so-called suicide transport) as a means to prevent post neurectomy neuroma formation, preliminary studies were conducted with an innocuous enzymatic marker, horseradish peroxidase (HRP). The proximal stumps of resected medial and lateral palmar digital nerves in six ponies were injected via a tuberculin syringe and needle with 50 micron 1 of a 30 per cent solution of HRP in order to assess long distance retrograde axonal transport. The dorsal root ganglion of the cervical spinal enlargement (ie, C6, C7, C8, T1, T2) were removed at post injection intervals of two, four, six, eight, 10 and 12 days. These were sectioned serially and reacted by the tetramethylbenzidine method to demonstrate transported enzyme in the ganglionic cell bodies which give rise to sensory fibres of the palmar digital nerves. Enzyme, retrogradely transported over axon lengths of 115 cm, was first demonstrated in spinal ganglia four days after injections of the palmar digital nerves. The calculated transport velocity of 287 mm/day, although almost certainly an underestimate, greatly exceeded rates of 72 to 120 mm/day recorded previously with HRP in the peripheral nerves of small laboratory animals. The intensity of the HRP reaction product in ganglionic neurons was strong at four days and it remained unabated in ganglia examined at six, eight, 10 and 12 days post injection. The major sources of the sensory fibres of the palmar digital nerves appeared to be the ganglia of the C8 and T1 spinal segments which contained more than 90 per cent of all labelled neurons.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

本文用HRP法研究了鸡胃的副交感节前神经元和感觉神经元的定位,结果如下:1.将HRP注入腺胃左侧壁后,标记的感觉神经元位于双侧颈静脉神经节和运神经节,以颈静脉神经节占优势(63.2%);标记的运动神经元位于双侧走神经背侧运动核的大细胞亚核后部、中间小细胞亚核和腹侧小细胞亚核前部,在多形细胞亚核及疑核内也出现少数标记细胞。2.将HRP注入肌胃左侧壁后,标记感觉神经元位于双侧大细胞亚核、多形细胞亚核和  相似文献   

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