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Ho  Y. S.  McKay  G. 《Water, air, and soil pollution》2000,124(1-2):141-153
The two-stage batch sorption design ofthe sorption of lead ions onto peat has been studiedbased on a Langmuir isotherm type equation obtainedfrom different contact time studies. A model has beendeveloped to predict the optimised minimum operatingtime to determine a specified amount of lead removal.The sorption capacity at any contact time has beenevaluated with an equation also based on themathematical form of the Langmuir equation.  相似文献   

[目的]分析灌溉期内土壤水盐变化规律,为改进灌区耕作期灌溉制度存在的现行问题,土壤盐碱化治理以及研究节水型灌溉工程的实施对生态环境的影响提供科学指导。[方法]考虑土壤质地、灌溉方式、作物种植等因素进行试验点、观测点的布设,通过常规方法对水分变化、含水率、土壤盐分、地下水盐分等方面进行了计算分析,在此基础上,对其影响因子(灌溉方式、灌溉制度等)进行相关性分析。基于2a耕作期内时空变化监测数据分析土壤水分、盐分运动变化特点。[结果]耕作期土壤含水率随土层深度增加而增加,含水率变化频率随土层深度增加而减少。[结论]耕作期内,在地下水埋深较浅的情况下,过大的降雨量(灌水量)并不能得到更高的脱盐效率,甚至可能降低脱盐率,表层土壤呈现较明显的脱盐过程;地下水盐分变化与降雨关系密切。  相似文献   

讨论了ICESat卫星在大地测量学与海洋学中的应用,利用目前国际上公认的最高精度的测高数据TOPEX,分析了ICESat确定的海平面高以及中尺度的海面异常精度,给出了统计结果。  相似文献   

Hidden Markov models (HMMs) are commonly used to model animal movement data and infer aspects of animal behavior. An HMM assumes that each data point from a time series of observations stems from one of N possible states. The states are loosely connected to behavioral modes that manifest themselves at the temporal resolution at which observations are made. Due to advances in tag technology and tracking with digital video recordings, data can be collected at increasingly fine temporal resolutions. Yet, inferences at time scales cruder than those at which data are collected and, which correspond to larger-scale behavioral processes, are not yet answered via HMMs. We include additional hierarchical structures to the basic HMM framework, incorporating multiple Markov chains at various time scales. The hierarchically structured HMMs allow for behavioral inferences at multiple time scales and can also serve as a means to avoid coarsening data. Our proposed framework is one of the first that models animal behavior simultaneously at multiple time scales, opening new possibilities in the area of animal movement and behavior modeling. We illustrate the application of hierarchically structured HMMs in two real-data examples: (i) vertical movements of harbor porpoises observed in the field, and (ii) garter snake movement data collected as part of an experimental design. Supplementary materials accompanying this paper appear online.  相似文献   

Standard statistical models for analyzing inter-individual variability in clinical pharmacokinetics (nonlinear mixed effects; hierarchical Bayesian) require individual data. However, for environmental or occupational toxicants only aggregated data are usually available, so toxicokinetic analyses typically ignore population variability. We propose a hierarchical Bayesian approach to estimate inter-individual variability from the observed mean and variance at each time point, using a bivariate normal (or lognormal) approximation to their joint likelihood. Through analysis of both simulated data and real toxicokinetic data from 1,3-butadiene exposures, we conclude that given information on the form of the individual-level model, useful information on inter-individual variability may be obtainable from aggregated data, but that additional sensitivity and identifiability checks are recommended.  相似文献   

With the development of the textile industry, there has been a demand for dye removal from contaminated effluents. In recent years, attention has been directed toward various natural solid materials that are capable of removing pollutants from contaminated water at low cost. One such material is sugarcane bagasse. The aim of the present study was to evaluate adsorption of the dye Acid Violet Alizarin N with different concentrations of sugarcane bagasse and granulometry in agitated systems at different pH. The most promising data (achieved with pH 2.5) was analyzed with both Freundlich and Langmuir isotherms equations. The model that better fits dye adsorption interaction into sugarcane bagasse is Freundlich equation, and thus the multilayer model. Moreover, a smaller bagasse granulometry led to greater dye adsorption. The best treatment was achieved with a granulometry value lower than 0.21 mm at pH 2.50, in which the total removal was estimated at a concentration of 16.25 mg mL−1. Hence, sugarcane bagasse proves to be very attractive for dye removal from textile effluents.  相似文献   

用鲤鱼EST-SSRs分子标记分析长江黑龙江鲤种群结构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从鲤鱼ESTs的数据库(10691个)中进行微卫星序列筛选,共发现微卫星序列127个,占整个ESTs数据库的1.19%,另外从本研究室构建的鲤鱼脑组织cDNA文库中筛选到微卫星序列20个。根据筛选得到的微卫星序列设计引物68对,合成引物40对,其中27对引物能够获得预期的目的片段,20对引物在所检测的群体内及群体间表现出多态性。用此20个多态性标记分析了长江鲤和黑龙江鲤的群体遗传结构,结果表明:长江鲤和黑龙江鲤在多数位点表现出较高的遗传多样性,20个位点的平均有效等位基因数分别为3.9135、3.4820;平均观察杂合度为0.6067、0.5667;平均期望杂合度为0.6737、0.6194;平均多态信息含量为0.6308、0.5714。长江鲤的遗传结构好于黑龙江鲤,两个群体的Hardy-Weinberg偏离指数较小,群体基本保持平衡,群体结构较合理;其中HLJE1、HLJE10位点在长江鲤和黑龙江鲤的扩增结果相差较大,长江鲤的多态性明显高于黑龙江鲤,位点多态信息含量相差一倍以上,可用于群体的鉴别。  相似文献   

This paper introduces new estimators for population total and mean in a finite population setting, where ranks (or approximate ranks) of population units are available before selecting sample units. The proposed estimators require selecting a simple random sample and identifying the population ranks of sample units. Selection of the sample can be performed with- or without-replacement. The population ranks of the selected units of with-replacement samples are determined among all population units. On the other hand, the ranks of the sample units of without-replacement samples are identified in two different ways: (1) The rank of a sample unit is determined sequentially among the remaining population units after excluding all previously ranked sample units from the population; (2) The ranks are determined among all units in the population. By conditioning on these population ranks, we construct a set of weighted estimators, develop a bootstrap re-sampling procedure to estimate the variances of the estimators, and construct percentile confidence intervals for the population mean and total. We show that the new estimators provide a substantial amount of efficiency gain over their competitors. We apply the proposed estimators to estimate corn production in one of the counties in Ohio.  相似文献   

基于遥感数据的陕西省荒漠化土地动态变化研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
朱刚  高会军  曾光 《水土保持通报》2014,(5):109-113,117
采用1975年MSS数据,2000年TM数据,2007年TM数据为遥感信息源,通过建立科学的荒漠化分类体系与遥感解译标志,并结合地理信息系统方法,对陕西省荒漠化现状与1975—2007年近32a来的动态变化特征进行了研究。结果表明,截止2007年,陕西省荒漠化土地面积8.23×104 km2,占全省面积的40.15%。荒漠化类型多,包括沙质荒漠化、水蚀荒漠化与盐碱质荒漠化3类,以水蚀荒漠化为主,3种荒漠化类型分别占陕西省面积的7.48%,32.37%和0.3%;近32a来,荒漠化土地面积持续逆转,2000—2007年的逆转幅度大于1975—2000年。陕北长城沿线的沙质荒漠化与黄土高原的水蚀荒漠化出现明显逆转,陕南秦巴山地的水蚀荒漠化在总体逆转的同时,部分地区出现发展的态势。  相似文献   

Rice quality, specifically head rice yield (HRY), can vary inexplicably from one lot to another, and from year to year. In an effort to correlate air temperatures during various growth stages to HRY, growth staging data expressed in degree day units was used to predict the occurrence of sequential growth stages within a set of 17‐year historical data, which included HRY and 50% heading dates for two long‐grain rice cultivars, (Oryza sativa L) Newbonnet and Lemont, and area weather data. HRY was most strongly affected by the average daily low temperature (or nighttime temperature) during the R8 developmental stage. Lower HRY were associated with high nighttime air temperatures during this stage for both Newbonnet and Lemont. When used as a single variable in a regression model, the nighttime temperature during the R8 developmental stage explained over 25% of the variation in HRY.  相似文献   

为检测玉米株高、穗位高杂种优势QTL,以121株intermated B73×Mo17(IBM)个体为基础群体,按照三重测交交配设计构建了三重测交群体,通过完备区间作图法对株高、穗位高杂种优势的主效QTL及互作位点进行了分析。在第9染色体上的2个紧密连锁的区段分别定位到了一个株高、穗位高杂种优势加性QTL位点,单个QTL的表型贡献率为14.3%和18.6%。该QTL可能同时对株高、穗位高杂种优势起作用。在第1、第3染色体上检测到2个株高杂种优势超显性QTL,可解释表型变异的9.0%~11.4%;在第1、第6、第8染色体上检测到5个穗位高杂种优势超显性QTL,可解释表型变异的6.6%~16.8%。进一步分析发现,2对加加上位性互作区段及2对显显上位性互作区段对穗位高杂种优势存在上位性贡献,加加互作效应及显显互作效应可共同解释表型变异的40.7%和26.8%。由此可知,加性、显性及两位点互作上位性共同对株高、穗位高杂种优势存在贡献。本研究检测到的主效QTL位点有助于株高、穗位高在杂种优势育种中的进一步应用。  相似文献   

This paper introduces a new sampling design in a finite population setting, where potential sampling units have a wealth of auxiliary information that can be used to rank them into partially ordered sets. The proposed sampling design selects a set of sampling units. These units are judgment ranked without measurement by using available auxiliary information. The ranking process allows ties among ranks whenever units cannot be ranked accurately with high confidence. The ranking information from all sources is combined in a meaningful way to construct strength-of-agreement weights. These weights are then used to select a single sampling unit for full measurement in each set. Three different levels of sampling design, level-0, level-1, and level-2, are investigated. They differ in their replacement policies. Level-0 sampling designs construct the sample by sampling with replacement, level-1 sampling designs constructs the sample without replacement of the fully measured unit in each set, and level-2 sampling designs construct the sample without replacement on the entire set. For these three designs, we estimate the first and second order inclusion probabilities and construct estimators for the population total and mean. We develop a bootstrap resampling procedure to estimate the variances of the estimators and to construct percentile confidence intervals for the population mean and total. We show that the new sampling designs provide a substantial amount of efficiency gain over their competitor designs in the literature.  相似文献   

赵林丽  姜小三  邵学新  吴明  陆琳莹  陶吉兴 《土壤》2019,51(6):1122-1128
为探究人工湿地处理含盐生活废水的可行性,本研究构建了小尺度的人工湿地模拟系统,比较了不同盐度(0.0%、0.5%、1.0%、1.5%、2.0%)下人工湿地芦苇的生长情况以及几种典型污染物的去除效果。结果表明:①盐度对人工湿地中芦苇生长的影响表现出"低盐促进"、"高盐抑制"的特点,在0.5%进水盐度下,芦苇有最高株高1.22 m和最大基径0.48cm;②人工湿地对COD的去除率总体表现为随盐度的升高先升高后降低,在盐度为0.5%时,COD去除率达到最高84.86%;③当进水盐度为0.5%时,人工湿地对氮磷的去除几乎没有受到盐度的抑制;当进水盐度高于1.0%,随着盐度的升高,TN(总氮)、NH_4~+-N、NO_3~–-N、TP(总磷)的去除率均显著降低(P0.05),在2.0%盐度下分别下降到了44.40%、58.89%、49.23%、49.49%,相较0.0%盐度时分别降低了38.5%、23.4%、23.8%、19.2%。④不同污染物受盐分抑制程度不同,氮比磷更容易受到盐分的抑制,NH_4~+-N比NO_3~–-N更容易受到盐分的抑制。  相似文献   

Phosphorus is one of the key elements causing lake eutrophication. This paper deals with phosphate removal by Sponge iron in batch and fixed-bed operation. Isotherm and kinetic studies are conducted. The isotherm data is described by the Freundlich and Langmuir model, while the kinetic data of adsorption is fitted by the pseudo-second-order kinetic model. The saturated adsorption capacity of Langmuir isothermal equation is about 3.25 mg/g. The concomitant anions have adverse effect on phosphate adsorption and the effects follow the order: NO3??>?Cl??>?SO42?. The phosphate adsorption capacities of SI were improved significantly under the acidic condition. The results of the fixed-bed operation show that, with the increase of the influent phosphate concentrations, the breakthrough curve becomes steeper while the break point time decrease. According to the Adams–Bohart model, the critical height of the column decrease from 0.135 to 0.105 m when the contact time increased from 10 to 30 min with the influent concentration of 1.0 mg/L. According to BDST model, the critical bed depth is 0.15 m when the influent concentration of phosphate is 1.0 mg/L and the contact time (h) is 20 min.  相似文献   

Water contamination has reached an alarming state due to industrialization and urbanization and has become a worldwide issue. Dyes contaminate water and are addressed extensively by researchers. Various technologies and materials have been developed for the treatment of contaminated water. Among them, adsorption has attracted great attention due to its ease and cost-effective nature. In recent years, graphene-based composites have shown great potential for the removal of contaminants from water. The literature reveals the usefulness of composites of graphene with metal oxides, carbon derivatives, metal hybrids and polymers for the removal of organic dyes from contaminated water. In this review, efforts have been made to compile the studies on the removal of cationic and anionic dyes from water using graphene-based composites.  相似文献   

Soil provides many of the requirements needed for terrestrial plant growth, including an adequate supply of water. Because the proportion of plant roots is usually greatest in the top 10 to 15 cm of soil, the soil moisture content in the Ap horizon is particularly important for plant growth and crop yields. Uncertainties in estimates of plant available water in the Ap horizon (AWAp) often arise from variabilities in field, laboratory and geospatial data at a farm scale. The objectives of this study were to quantify and compare AWAp estimates across the 147-ha Cornell University Willsboro research farm using four different approaches: a) AWAp calculated from values reported in the SSURGO database for available water capacity (AWC) and Ap thickness for the soil map units (SMUs) present on the farm, b) AWAp estimated from soil texture data reported for the SSURGO SMUs, c) AWAp estimated from soil texture data determined from soil cores taken across the farm that were then averaged within each SMU, and d) spatially interpolating the AWAp values predicted from soil cores across the entire farm irrespective of SMU boundaries. Available water in the Ap horizon varied with soil order in the general trend of Alfisols > Inceptisols > Entisols regardless of the estimation approach used. Field measurement-based estimates of AWAp were lower, in general than the reported SSURGO values and estimates based on reported texture in the SSURGO database. The higher abundance of coarse fragments in the Ap horizon of the soil cores collected on the farm partially explains the lower field measurement-based AWAp estimates. In the SSURGO database, values reported for AWC are frequently obtained from a selected pedon from a “type location” and not from the actual study location. These “type locations” can be located far from study sites and even in different states. Although collecting detailed field data may not always be possible due to the high costs of field and laboratory measurements, it is important to understand the potential benefits and limitations of making field-scale and regional AW estimates using the SSURGO database.  相似文献   

基于MODIS时序植被指数的陕西植被季相变化分析   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
分析了MODIS在植被生长变化监测中的优势,讨论了省级MODIS植被指数序列的建立方法。根据陕西主要植被覆盖类型,在风沙草原区、农作物区、林区共选取了5个样本县,利用2004-2005年MODIS-NDVI序列数据,通过提取NDVI曲线特征参数,结合地面气象观测资料,总结上述植被类型的季相变化特征,提出了关中农作物的物候变化规律和长势评价指标,探索了利用遥感手段对陕西省植被进行宏观、动态监测的方法。结果表明:风沙草原区植被对降水的依赖性很强,林区植被与温度的相关性较好,对降水的响应不明显。时序NDVI曲线是农作物生长的动态迹线,结合农作物的物候节律,可实时监测其生长状况并进行量化评价分析。  相似文献   

利用时间序列分析模型和GM(1,1)模型拟合了烟台市人口数量,并对未来4年烟台市人口进行了预测.结果显示,二次滑动平均模型的相对误差波动范围为-0.731%~0.70%,均接近于0,预测精度最高.利用二次滑动平均模型预测未来4年烟台市人口分别为646.395万人、646.445万人、646.495万人和646.545万人,人口有逐年缓慢上升的趋势.  相似文献   

The removal of nutrients in wastewater is a critical issue in water treatment because released nutrients can cause serious adverse effects in water systems or the aquatic environment. In this study, a high-performing polymeric anion-exchange resin was developed for the removal of nutrients from wastewater. The resins were prepared by chloromethylation followed by amination under preferred conditions. The resins were investigated for the removal of nutrients such as phosphate, nitrate, and fluoride from water. The density of functional groups on the synthesized resin was approximately 33?% higher than on commercialized resins, and the specific surface area of synthesized resin was increased by approximately tenfold compared with commercialized resins. The adsorption capacity of synthesized resins (AMP16-FeCl3) for anions was 285.8?mg/g, which was approximately three times higher than the capacity of commercialized resin (AMP16-OH). A study of the effects of the types of counterions and functional groups found that resins having hydroxide ion as a counterion showed higher capacity and selectivity for phosphate ion and that dimethylethanolamine as a resin functional group of resin was more efficient than trimethylamine.  相似文献   

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