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该猪病诊断与防治专家系统是以猪疾病诊断专家知识为基础,利用现代计算机技术、网络技术和数据库技术构建而成,具有可操作性的计算机软件。该系统采用由症状到疾病的推理诊断方式和由疾病到症状的推理诊断二种方式进行诊断。该系统所要达到的目的是:用户通过Internet远程访问服务器,就可以享用专家知识进行猪病的诊断与防治,实现猪病诊治的智能化、数字化及网络化,为提高基层兽医和养殖单位临床猪病诊治能力提供了先进的技术支持。  相似文献   

总结羊口疮病的诊断与防治对策。观察羊口疮病样的临床症状,采用病原学等方法进行科学准确的诊断,并积极进行药物治疗。积极进行羊口疮病的诊断和防治能有效降低羊口疮病的传播感染,为养殖户饲养羊提高可靠保障,提高羔羊存活率。  相似文献   

为减少羊群疫病的发生,增加养殖效益。本文就羊常见细菌性疾病中沙门氏菌病和巴氏杆菌病从病原学、临床症状、病理变化、诊断与防治等方面开展论述,并提出了养羊过程中的综合防治措施,以减少羊病的发生。  相似文献   

2012年5-8月.扎鲁特旗南部部分牧户的羊群中陆续发生了以突然倒地死亡,或以晚上没有任何症状而次日早晨死于羊圈为特征的疾病。通过临床检查和实验室诊断,确诊为羊魏氏梭菌病与焦虫病混合感染症,经过及时、正确的治疗,该病得到很好的控制。现将诊断和防治情况简述如下。  相似文献   

本文对羊传染性脓疱病的临床症状进行了介绍,并且阐述了诊断和治疗方法,希望对羊传染性脓疱病的诊断和防治起到一定的作用,降低羊传染性脓疱病带来的影响和损失。  相似文献   

羊狂蝇又称羊鼻蝇,其幼虫寄生于羊的鼻腔、鼻窦内而引进羊狂蝇蛆病。病羊流脓性鼻涕,呼吸困难,打喷嚏等慢性鼻炎症状以及磨鼻摇头,不安,食欲减退而消瘦,有时幼虫进入脑颅腔表现出神经症状,即假性回旋。根据临床表现及流行病学即可诊断为该病。防治以防治1期幼虫为...  相似文献   

鸡病诊断专家智能系统将150种鸡病(包括禽流感等少见病)分为一般症状科、冠髯症状科、头颈症状科、眼症状科、皮肤羽毛症状科、消化系统症状科、呼吸系统症状科、神经系统症状科、特殊少见疾病科等九大科.每个科室都提供了很多条疾病信息症状供选择,且每个症状有对应的临床症状图片或解剖症状图片(500多幅)供进一步确认,电脑将根据您提供的疾病信息做出判断确诊为某一疾病,或初诊为某两种病的混合感染或疑诊为某三种疾病,需您进一步观察。 同时,本系统还提供了专家会诊系统,即可同时进入多个症状病组,进行会诊,进一步提高准确率。本系统的适病诊断,可以单刀直入,对怀疑的某种疾病进行确诊,为临床提供了快捷方便。 本系统的图片诊断,您只需在临床症状图片、解剖症状图片上用鼠标指指点点,电脑就会根据您确认的图片为您诊断鸡病。 本系统的“详细信息”包括鸡病学的疾病概述、流行病学、临床症状、病理变化、防治措施等一百多万字的大量信息供用户查询。 鸡病诊断专家智能系统研制的成功是当前兽医临床诊断的新创举,系统将现代数值计量医学研究成果和计算机技术结合在一起。主要特点:一是简单易学,使用方便,非专业人员无需培训,只要移动电脑鼠标即可进行疾病诊断和治疗,专业人员利用该软件能大幅度提高诊断准确率;二是诊断准确率高,速度快,具有很强的实用性,科学性和先进性。 本软件工作室产品:1.鸡病诊断专家智能系统 980元2.猪病诊断专家智能系统 980元3.兔病诊断专家智能系统 1600元4.牛病诊断专家智能系统 1600元5.羊病诊断专家智能系统 1600元6.鱼病诊断专家智能系统 1600元7.鸭病诊断专家智能系统 1600元8.犬病诊断专家智能系统 1600元9.养鸡场管理系统 3000元10.孵化场管理系统 2000元11.猪场管理系统 2000元12.饲料厂管理系统 3000元13.饲料配方系统 1000元14.农业多元化分析 500元15.中国家禽业高级专家咨询系统 260元16.中国农牧业单位名录(4万余家) 100元17.兽药厂进销存财务管理系统 3500元长年为软件用户进行免费培训,免费升级,免费组装电脑,同时还可为用户提供各类网络建设等配套服务,欢迎垂询。电话:010-6419461764194717联系人:熊雪勇  相似文献   

羊捻转胃虫病病程长、症状表现多样,很容易和其他病混淆。笔者通过实例,详细分析了羊捻转胃虫病的鉴别诊断和高效防治技术。  相似文献   

由于猪场疫病的复杂性,常见猪病的诊断对兽医经验的依赖很大。而猪病防治专家系统可以将这一复杂的工作变得更有成效。针对传统专家系统知识获取的"瓶颈"问题,在对常见猪病典型症状框架描述的基础上,利用知识工程方法和技术,结合不确定性推理、匹配冲突消解策略和多媒体技术,实现了基于框架表示的常见猪病防治专家系统,用于模仿该领域专家思维,补充或代替兽医专家指导常见猪病防治。作者主要阐述了该系统的总体结构、知识表示、推理机制和系统实现与应用等方面的问题。  相似文献   

2013年3月光泽县鸾凤乡发生一起羊病,根据临床症状、剖检病变和实验室检查诊断为羊沙门氏菌病,通过采取综合防治措施,取得了明显疗效。  相似文献   

发展绵、山羊生产是畜牧业生产结构调整的重点环节,是节粮型畜牧业发展的主要方向之一,有很大的发展潜力。作者简要介绍了中国养羊生产中主要的绵、山羊品种资源、选育技术和饲养方式等科技支撑现状,并对目前养羊生产的限制因素作了简要分析,阐述了今后绵、山羊生产的进一步发展对育种、繁殖、饲料加工与调制、疫病防治等技术的需求。  相似文献   

山羊和绵羊地方性鼻内腺癌研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
羊地方性鼻内腺癌(ENA)起源于鼻黏膜腺体,是由逆转录病毒ENTV引起的一种接触传染性肿瘤,主要发生于青年及成年山羊和绵羊.临床特征主要表现为持续性鼻漏、呼吸困难、头骨变形.论文重点论述了该病的病原,并结合ENTV的免疫学特性对该病的诊断与防控方法进行了比较,以期为该病的预防及早期诊断提供参考资料.  相似文献   

羊痘的研究进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
羊痘病毒能引起山羊痘、绵羊痘和牛的结节性疹块病。羊痘是以发热、全身性的皮肤损伤、痘疹和淋巴结病变为特征。羊痘病毒是所有动物痘病毒中最为重要的一种,严重影响养羊业和国际贸易的发展。本文从病原学、流行病学、诊断和预防控制等方面对羊痘做一综述。虽然此病从临床症状和宿主特异性上很容易做出诊断,但进一步的实验室确诊还是必要的,现已有多种检测方法和诊断试剂。控制该病最有效的方法还是使用疫苗对易感动物进行免疫接种。  相似文献   



Anthelmintic treatment is the most common way of controlling nematode infections in ruminants. However, several countries have reported anthelmintic resistance (AR), representing a limitation for sustainable small ruminant production. The knowledge regarding worm control management represents a baseline to develop a guideline for preventing AR. The aim of the present study was therefore to improve our knowledge about the worm control practices in small ruminant flocks in Norway.


A questionnaire survey regarding worm control practices was performed in small ruminant flocks in Norway. Flocks were selected from the three main areas of small ruminant farming, i.e. the coastal, inland and northern areas. A total of 825 questionnaires, comprising 587 sheep flocks (return rate of 51.3%) and 238 goat flocks (52.6%) were included.


The results indicated that visual appraisal of individual weight was the most common means of estimating the anthelmintic dose used in sheep (78.6%) and goat (85.1%) flocks. The mean yearly drenching rate in lambs and ewes were 2.5 ± 1.7 and 1.9 ± 1.1, respectively, whereas it was 1.0 (once a year) in goats. However, these figures were higher in sheep in the coastal area with a rate of 3.4 and 2.2 in lambs and ewes, respectively. Benzimidazoles were the predominant anthelmintic class used in sheep flocks (64.9% in 2007), whereas benzimidazoles and macrocyclic lactones were both equally used in dairy goat flocks. In the period of 2005-2007, 46.3% of the sheep flocks never changed the anthelmintic class. The dose and move strategy was practiced in 33.2% of the sheep flocks.


The present study showed that inaccurate weight calculation gives a risk of under-dosing in over 90% of the sheep and goat flocks in Norway. Taken together with a high treatment frequency in lambs, a lack of anthelmintic class rotation and the common use of a dose-and-move strategy, a real danger for development of anthelmintic resistance (AR) seems to exist in Norwegian sheep and goat flocks. This risk seems particularly high in coastal areas where high treatment frequencies in lambs were recorded.  相似文献   

国内外养羊业发展特点与趋势   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
当前肉羊业在大洋洲、美洲、欧洲和一些非洲国家得到迅猛发展,世界羊肉,特别是羔羊肉的生产和消费显著增长。肉羊产业具有周转快、投资少、效益高等特点,已成为我国在资源短缺、畜禽产品需求日益增加的背景下,保持畜牧业可持续发展的重要途径之一。本文还仔细分析我国肉羊生产存在的不足和发展的优势,并结合国内外养羊业发展的趋势提出了及时调整养羊业的生产方向和产品结构,研究和推广先进实用的养羊综合配套技术等发展我国养羊业的建议。  相似文献   

四川5个山(绵)羊品种随机扩增多态DNA分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本研究参阅文献挑选 80个随机引物 ,从中筛选出 3 0个重复性好的引物 ,对四川黑山羊、南江黄羊、北川白山羊、成都麻羊 4个山羊品种和藏绵羊进行RAPD分析 ,并进一步对 1 3只南江黄羊个体 ,1 8只黑山羊个体的基因组DNA进行PCR扩增。用Nei氏公式计算品种间的遗传距离 ,用UPGMA法构建树状聚类图。结果表明 :黑山羊与南江黄羊的遗传距离最小 ,亲缘关系较近 ;藏绵羊与各品种间的遗传距离都很大 ,亲缘关系远 ;RAPD技术可作为一种有效的分子标记用于山羊品种之间遗传亲缘关系的分析  相似文献   

从羊痘的流行特点、羊痘病毒基因组结构特征、热点蛋白研究、羊痘的诊断和检测、疫苗研究五个方面进行了较为详细的综述,以期为羊痘病毒的研究及预防控制羊痘提供参考。  相似文献   

Scrapie is a fatal, neurodegenerative disease of sheep and goats. It is also the earliest known member in the family of diseases classified as transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE) or prion diseases, which includes Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in humans, bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), and chronic wasting disease in cervids. The recent revelation of naturally occurring BSE in a goat has brought the issue of TSE in goats to the attention of the public. In contrast to scrapie, BSE presents a proven risk to humans. The risk of goat BSE, however, is difficult to evaluate, as our knowledge of TSE in goats is limited. Natural caprine scrapie has been discovered throughout Europe, with reported cases generally being greatest in countries with the highest goat populations. As with sheep scrapie, susceptibility and incubation period duration of goat scrapie are most likely controlled by the prion protein (PrP) gene (PRNP). Like the PRNP of sheep, the caprine PRNP shows significantly greater variability than that of cattle and humans. Although PRNP variability in goats differs from that observed in sheep, the two species share several identical alleles. Moreover, while the ARR allele associated with enhancing resistance in sheep is not present in the goat PRNP, there is evidence for the existence of other PrP variants related to resistance. This review presents the current knowledge of the epidemiology of caprine scrapie within the major European goat populations, and compiles the current data on genetic variability of PRNP.  相似文献   

羊痘研究概况   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
羊痘病毒基因组庞大,约有150 kb,包括中间编码区和两端相同的反向末端重复序列;绵羊痘病毒和山羊痘病毒基因组彼此十分相似,约有96%的核苷酸完全相同.p32蛋白是目前世界各地分离鉴定的所有羊痘病毒株共有的且特异性很强的结构蛋白,在诊断和预防方面具有重要的应用价值.虽然羊疸从临床症状和宿主特异性上很客易做出诊断,但进一步的实验室确诊还是必要的,现已有多种检测方法和诊断试剂.控制该病最有效的方法是使用疫苗对易感动物进行免疫接种.文章从病原学、诊断和预防控制等方面对羊痘进行综述.  相似文献   

CD9 is a glycoprotein of the transmembrane 4 superfamily (TM4SF) and is involved in various cellular processes. Some CD9 cDNA have been cloned in mammals and certain fish genera in recent years, but goat and sheep counterparts of cattle, human and mouse have not been identified. To facilitate the studies, we cloned the cDNA encoding for CD9 of cashmere goat (Capra hircus) and sheep (Ovis aries), and expressed sheep CD9 in Escherichia coli cells. Structural analysis indicated for both goat and sheep that a 1123 bp cDNA spanned an open reading frame of 681 bp which predicted a protein of 226 amino acids with a typical TM4SF structure, including four highly conserved transmembrane domains, two extracellular domains and a CCG motif, which is a hallmark of the TM4SF. The predicted amino acid sequences were highly homologous to those of cattle, mouse and human CD9. Molecular phylogenetic analysis based on CD9 cDNA sequences indicated that goat and sheep CD9 were closely related to CD9 of cattle, which is in agreement with their morphological taxonomy.  相似文献   

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