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Samenvatting en conclusie In de literatuur wordt algemeen aangenomen, dat tabak ten opzichte van het aardappel-Y-virus de meest geschikte toetsplant is. In 1960 werden in verschillende proeven de toetsplanten tabak, A6 (kruising vanSolanum demissum en het aardappelras Aquila) enSolanum demissum Y veelvoudig naast elkaar gebruikt. Als Y-virusbevattend inoculum werden naast bladsap ook aangesneden knollen en gekneusde spruiten aangewend. Het bleek, dat de aantallen zieke individuen, die konden worden aangetoond bij gebruik van de verschillende toetsplanten, vrijwel gelijk waren.Door de verscheidenheid van inoculum mag worden aangenomen, dat een grote variatie heeft bestaan in virusconcentratie. Desalniettemin hebben genoemde toetsplanten gelijk gereageerd. Als algemene conclusie mag daarom worden aangenomen, dat de gebruikte toetsplanten als gelijkwaardig kunnen worden beschouwd.Summary In the literature it is reported, that tobacco is the best test plant for detecting potato virus Y. A large number of tests were performed with tobacco, theSolanum demissum hybrid A6 andSolanum demissum Y to compare them as test plants for this virus. Three sources of inoculum were used viz. sap from leaves, sections of tubers and pressed sprouts and it may be asumed, that they differed appreciably with regard to virus concentrations.The three hosts proved equally efficient in detecting infection irrespective of the type of inoculum used and it must therefore be concluded, that tobacco, A6 and SdY are of equal value as test plants for virus Y.  相似文献   

There is a need to develop integrated disease management strategies that are comprehensive and can protect farmers from the economic hardship that arises when epidemics of non-persistently aphid-borne viruses damage their crops. The aim of this review is to provide a model for future programmes to use when developing such strategies for different combinations of non-persistently aphid-borne viruses and crops. The model programme described is a 15-year study to develop integrated management strategies against two non-persistently aphid-borne viruses causing damaging diseases of lupins and to get them adopted by farmers. The success of the programme depended on an interdisciplinary team approach, obtaining a detailed understanding of the factors favouring virus epidemics, field evaluation for virus resistance, and field experiments that determined the effectiveness of individual control measures. The strategies developed were designed to cause few additional labour demands, and minimal disruption to normal farming operations or extra expense.The programme devised integrated management strategies for the diseases caused by Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) and Bean yellow mosaic virus (BYMV) in crops of narrow-leafed lupin (Lupinus angustifolius) under the conditions of low-input, dryland agriculture in the south-west Australian grainbelt, which has a Mediterranean-type climate. CMV is introduced into lupin crops by sowing virus-infected lupin seed while aphids spread BYMV into the growing crop from adjacent virus-infected, clover-based pastures. Grain yield losses are substantial when virus spread by aphids is sufficient to cause high incidences of infection within crops. The management strategies were gradually improved and expanded as understanding of the epidemiology of viruses in lupins improved and the results of field experiments involving potential control measures became available. The individual measures combined within the integrated management strategy for each virus were: sowing seed stocks with minimal virus contents, sowing cultivars with inherently low seed transmission rates and isolation from neighbouring lupin crops (CMV only); perimeter non-host barriers and avoiding fields with large perimeter : area ratios (BYMV only); nobreak promoting early canopy development, generating high plant densities, adjusting row spacing, direct drilling into retained stubble, sowing early maturing cultivars, maximising weed control and crop rotation (both viruses). Recommendations to apply insecticide were included solely for spraying high value seed crops (CMV only) or virus-infected pastures next to crops (BYMV only). The justification for selection of each individual control measure, its mode of action in either removing or minimising the virus infection source or suppressing virus spread by aphids and the extent to which it has been adopted by farmers is described. The approach used to transfer the strategies to farmers and the need to avoid complacency following the overall success of the work is emphasised. An integrated disease management strategy developed to clean up the lupin breeding programme from seed-borne virus infection and prevent release of infected seed stocks of new cultivars is also described. It can serve as an example of what is needed to tackle seed-borne virus contamination in other plant breeding or selection programmes.  相似文献   

Carlavirus isolates from cultivated Allium species represent three viruses   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
From 12 cultivated and mostly vegetatively propagatedAllium species and varieties tested for carlavirus infections, 94 virus isolates were obtained which varied greatly on indicator hosts.Chenopodium amaranticolor, C. quinoa, Celosia argentea var.plumosa Geisha,Nicotiana hesperis accession 67A andN. occidentalis accession P1 proved valuable for detection, isolation and propagation of part of the isolates. The latter three species are new experimental hosts for carlaviruses ofAllium species. Other isolates could only be transmitted toAllium species such as crow garlic (A. vineale) leek (A. ampeloprasum var.porrum) and onion (A. cepa var.cepa). The isolates were grouped into three viruses by differential hosts and host reactions and their reaction with four antisera.Shallot latent virus (SLV) was found in ever-ready onion (A. cepa var.perutile), grey shallot (unidentifiedAllium species), multiplier onion (A. cepa var.aggregatum), pearl onion (A. ampeloprasum var.sectivum), rakkyo (A. chinense), shallot (A. cepa var.ascalonicum), and Welsh onion (A. fistulosum). Virus isolates from garlic and Asian shallot, fully reacting with antiserum to SLV but differing in host reactions from the SLV type-isolate, are now described as garlic strain (SLV-G) and Asian shallot strain of the virus, respectively. The garlic latent virus from garlic described in Japan is now considered identical with SLV-G.A carlavirus almost universal in garlic, and also found in great-headed garlic (A. ampeloprasum var.holmense), in an unidentifiedAllium species, and occasionally in leek, did not react with the antisera to SLV and the Japanese garlic latent virus, and is now described as the new garlic common latent virus (GCLV). It appeared identical to a virus erroneously identified in Germany as garlic latent virus.The new Sint-Jan's-onion latent virus (SjoLV) from Utrechtse Sint-Jan's onion (unidentifiedAllium species) from the Netherlands and similar crops originating from other countries, did not induce reactions in test plants and could only be detected by electron microscope decoration tests. It reacted equally wellwith the antisera to SLV and GCLV. It was also present together with SLV in ever-ready onion, pearl onion, rakkyo, shallot, and Welsh onion. Garlic latent virus reported in Japan from hosts other than garlic should be regarded as SLV, SjoLV, or a mixture of these viruses.The carlaviruses were not detected in wild plants of ramsons (A. ursinum), and of the predominantly vegetatively propagated crow garlic (A. vineale), field garlic (A. oleraceum), and sand leek (A. scorodoprasum), collected in the Netherlands.Severe reactions in the indicator hosts incidentally revealed soil-borne viruses in shallot (the nepovirusesArabis mosaic virus (ArMV) and tomato black ring virus) and crow garlic (ArMV and the tobravirus tobacco rattle virus). Tobacco necrosis virus (necrovirus) was detected in roots of shallot.  相似文献   

A mosaic and stunt disease of chilli pepper (Capsicum frutescens) in Ivory Coast was found to be caused by pepper veinal mottle virus, a member of the potato virus Y group, recently described from chilli pepper in Ghana. The Ivory Coast isolate was first transmitted by aphids toPhysalis floridana and subsequently maintained by mechanical inoculation inP. floridana andNicotiana megalosiphon. The host range includes mainly Solanaceae, butSolanum species were not or very little susceptible.Aphis gossypii, A. spiraecola andToxoptera citricidus transmitted the virus in a non-persistent manner. No dodder transmission was found. Serological relationship with onion yellow dwarf virus and Columbian Datura virus was established.Samenvatting Een zeer algemeen voorkomende virusziekte van spaanse pepers (Capsicum frutescens) in Ivoorkust bleek veroorzaakt te worden door het pepper veinal mottle virus (PVMV) door Brunt en Kenten (1971 en 1972) uit Ghana beschreven. Het virus maakt deel uit van de aardappelvirus-Y-groep.Hoewel ook de waardplantenreeks van de in Ivoorkust voorkomende stam van het virus (PVMV-CI) voornamelijk Solanaceeën omvat, bleek het geslachtSolanum echter in hoge mate onvatbaar.Physalis floridana enNicotiana megalosiphon zijn goede diagnostische soorten. PVMV-CI kan op non-persistente wijze overgebracht worden doorAphis gossypii, A. spiraecola enToxoptera citricidus. De laatste twee zijn nog niet eerder als vectoren vermeld. Overdracht door middel van warkruid,Cuscuta subinclusa, bleek niet mogelijk. Het virus werd gezuiverd uitN. megalosiphon, waarbij opbrengsten van 5–20 mg virus per kg vers blad verkregen werden. Een antiserum met een titer van 4096 werd bereid. Serologische verwantschap met het onion yellow dwarf virus en het Columbian Datura virus kon worden aangetoond.  相似文献   

Two viruses, detected frequently in the Netherlands in pelargonium, were identified by serology and test plant reactions. Antisera were prepared and an ELISA procedure was developed to detect the viruses in pelargonium.One of the viruses, PFBV-N, proved to be pelargonium flower-break virus. With the antiserum to PFBV-N, it could be detected reliably throughout the year inPelargonium zonale Springtime Irene.The other virus, PLPV-N, was serologically closely related to pelargonium line pattern virus (PLPV) and to pelargonium ring pattern virus (PRPV), as were an old virus isolate from Saturnus, collected in the Netherlands in 1971 (L128), and PLPV isolates from Yugoslavia (PLPV-Y) and Denmark (PLPV-D). There were only minor differences in host-plant reactions between the virus isolates. Based on these tests, PLPV and PRPV are considered as isolates of the same virus, for which, for practical reasons, the name pelargonium line pattern virus is proposed.PLPV could be reliably detected by ELISA inP. zonale Springtime Irene and Amanda throughout the year with only a few exceptions. InPelargonium peltatum Tavira, however, reslts were erratic due to uneven distribution of virus in the plant. Best results were obtained when petioles of fully expanded leaves were tested.  相似文献   

Summary It is proposed to use the terms primair and secundair ziek which were introduced byQuanjer (1916) only to indicate the primary and the secundary stage, respectively, of a continuous systemic infection, which occurs with seedborne diseases (e.g. virus diseases of potato, common bean mosaic,Peronospora destructor of onions). The primary stage (e.g. primary leaf-roll) develops after an infection during the season, the secondary from the infected seed and other types of propagating structures.For discontinuous disease cycles (e.g.Ascochyta pisi) the stage developing from the infected seed can better be described as: originating from the (infected) seed or in another way. The use of secundair ziek in this and other cases of interrupted disease cycles has to be avoided.  相似文献   

The effect of Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) infection on photosynthetic activity and antioxidant metabolism was analysed in plants of the highly susceptible citrus genotype Mexican lime (Citrus aurantifolia). Two virus isolates differing in their virulence (the severe T318 and the mild T385) were used in the experiments. CTV infection caused a reduction in photosynthetic capacity in infected plants. This limitation was mainly due to a reduction in the carboxylative efficiency whereas the limitation of CO2 diffusion through the stoma had lower impact. The virus did not damage the antennae and did not reduce the efficiency of light harvesting complexes. Oxidative damage occurred in infected plants, as evidenced by the increase in malondialdehyde levels. Indeed, CTV infection caused an increase in ascorbate peroxidase activity in new shoots developed in infected plants during the 2 years of the experiment. Data suggest that the H2O2 removal machinery was not damaged as a result of stress but the defence mechanism was overwhelmed with time due to the continuing pressure of biotic stress.  相似文献   

An apparently undescribed virus was isolated fromPhysalis subglabrata in Illinois, USA, and its properties were studied. The virus was namedPhysalis mosaic virus (PMV). It was readily transmitted by sap inoculation to 23 out of 34 Solanaceae tested, toChenopodium foetidum andSonchus oleraceus but not to 28 other non-solanaceous species inoculated. Purified preparations of PMV contained isometric particles of 27 nm in diameter, which sedimented as two components with sedimentation coefficients of 50 and 112 S. The 112 S component was infectious, the 52 S component was not. The virus contained 38% ribonucleic acid with a molar base content of G 14.4%, A 22.9%, C 37,2% and U 25.5%.Purified preparations were highly infectious; a concentration of about 6000 particles per ml was infectious on plants.PMV is a member of the Andean potato latent virus subgroup of the turnip yellow mosaic virus group. The virus was closely related to the viruses: Andean potato latent, belladonna mottle, dulcamara mottle and egg-plant mosaic.Samenvatting Een nog niet eerder beschreven virus, dat in de staat Illinois (V.S. van Amerika) opPhysalis subglabrata was gevonden, werd in Wageningen bestudeerd. Het virus dat Physalis mosaic virus (PMV) (in het Nederlands:Physalis-mozaïekvirus) werd genoemd, kon met sap worden overgebracht.BehalveChenopodium foetidum enSonchus oleraceus bleken ook 23 van de 34 getoetste soorten uit de familie Solanaceae vatbaar voor dit virus te zijn. Gezuiverde virus preparaten bevatten isometrische deeltjes met een diameter van 27 nm (Fig. 2) Het virus bestaat uit twee deeltjes met sedimentatie-coëfficiënten van 112 en 50 S. Het 112 S deeltje bleek infectieus te zijn, het andere niet. Op grond van de sedimentatiecoëfficiënten kan worden berekend dat het 112 S deeltje 38% nucleïnezuur bevat. Voor de basenverhouding in het nucleïnezuur werd 22,9% adenine, 14,4% guanine, 37,2% cytosine en 25,5% uracil gevonden (Tabel 1). Het hoge gehalte van cytosine kwam ook tot uiting in de U.V. absorptiekromme van het virus en het nucleïnezuur (Fig. 1). Het gezuiverde virus bleek zeer infectieus te zijn; 6000 deeltjes/ml waren in staat een plant van de soortNicotiana clevelandii ziek te maken.Op grond van serologisch onderzoek kon het virus tot de turnip yellow mosaic virus groep worden gerekend. Het vertoonde serologische verwantschap met de Andean potato latent virus (APLV) subgroep (Tabel 2). In premunitieproeven bood het slechts een geringe bescherming tegen APLV en dulcamara mottle virus. Het omgekeerde werd eveneens geconstateerd. De leden van de APLV-subgroep kunnen op grond van hun waardplantenreeks van elkaar onderscheiden worden (Tabel 3).  相似文献   

The molecular variability in the DNA-A of cassava-begomoviruses, East African cassava mosaic virus (EACMV), East African cassava mosaic virus – Uganda variant (EACMV-UG), African cassava mosaic virus (ACMV), and East African cassava mosaic Zanzibar virus (EACMZV) in Kenya, Uganda, and Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) was investigated. Most samples from western Kenya, Uganda, and eastern DRC contained EACMV-UG. Fewer than half of the samples had a mixed infection of ACMV and EACMV-UG, and a small percentage had only ACMV infections. EACMV and EACMZV were the only begomoviruses detected in samples from the Kenyan coast. The coat protein gene nucleotide (nt) and the deduced amino acid sequence analyses revealed a high degree of sequence identity within each virus type and that EACMV-UG was most related to ACMV. However, analysis of the retrieved complete DNA-A (2781–2801nt) sequences of selected virus types revealed that EACMV-UG DNA-A share more than 90% identity with EACMV and less than 80% with ACMV, confirming that the virus is a strain of EACMV.  相似文献   

Populations of two aphid species from different geographic regions of Morocco were tested for their ability to transmit five barley yellow dwarf virus-PAV (BYDV-PAV) type isolates using Clintland 64 oat as the test plant. Transmission efficiencies were determined for 10 sub-populations of Rhopalosiphum padi and 12 sub-populations of Sitobion avenae. After a short acquisition access period (AAP) of 4h, all populations transmitted the virus but with different efficiencies. R. padi (Rp-S) and S. avenae (Sa-S) collected in the Settat region were the most efficient vectors, with transmission rates of 38% and 27%, respectively. R. padi (Rp-C) collected at Chaouen and S. avenae (Sa-B) at Berkane, were poor transmitters with respective vectoring abilities of 20% and 16%. These four sub-populations were chosen to study the acquisition of BYDV-PAV and the retention of virus within aphids in more detail. The transmission after two AAPs of 4h and 48h were compared. Starved aphids given a 4h AAP had significantly higher transmission efficiencies than non-starved aphids. However, after a 48h AAP, no difference was observed in the transmission between starved and non-starved aphids. Intraspecific variability was also detected by means of serial transfers of individual aphids after the given AAP. Following the first day of serial transfers, no differences were observed in transmission efficiency and virus titers for sub-populations within each species acquiring the virus during 48h, but there was significant variation when the virus was acquired in 4h. The levels of PAV antigen retained by aphids fed on healthy plants declined rapidly during the first day after acquisition, but remained fairly constant during the next 5–7 days depending on the length of the AAP. Virus antigen could be detected by ELISA in Rp-S and Sa-S for up to 11 days of serial transfer, but it was shown that aphids could retain and transmit BYDV-PAV for at least 3 weeks.  相似文献   

Three viruses collected in southern Yemen in 1990, infecting watermelon, tobacco and tomato were shown to be transmitted by the whiteflyBemisia tabaci and to have particle morphologies typical of geminiviruses. Colonies ofB. tabaci collected from different locations and from different hosts were used in virus transmission tests with the same host range of plants. Colonies established from both watermelon and cotton in the Yemen were identified as the squash silverleaf-inducing B biotype. The culture host of the colony did not influence virus acquisition and transmission efficiencies to and from other hosts. The tobacco and tomato geminiviruses had a similar host range, but differed in their severity in some hosts. Both these viruses differed from the watermelon geminivirus in host range and symptoms.Datura stramonium, an alternative host for all three viruses, could be co-infected by the watermelon and tobacco viruses.B. tabaci was able to acquire both viruses from the co-infectedD. stramonium and infect seedlings of either original host plant species with their respective viruses orD. stramonium with both. The viruses were identified as watermelon chlorotic stunt virus, tobacco leaf curl virus and tomato yellow leaf curl virus and were distinguished by cross hybridisation.  相似文献   

Potato virus YN (PVYN) infection was determined by the tobacco test in Swifterbant (Eastern Flevoland). In plots with beet, wheat and seed potatoes the infection exhibited an identical course. No differences were found either between PVYN infection in the border and that in the middle of a field planted with ware potatoes, although infection pressure was clearly higher here than in the plot with seed potatoes. A barrier crop of 10 rows of wheat did not decrease the infection pressure of the virus.From August onwards, the spread of PVYN in Lienden (Betuwe) was followed. Here virus transmission was found continuously, even until mid-November.Potato volunteers outside as well as in potato fields are serious infection sources. In 1976 and in 1977 virus spread was detected before the flight ofMyzus persicae, as determined with yellow Moericke traps. Infection pressure can be measured more efficiently by the tobacco test than by aphid trapping. The effect of rogueing at the time of virus spread should be reconsidered.If infection pressures in different areas or successive years are to be compared, the tobacco test should be standardized. A proposal to this effect is made.Samenvatting In Swifterbant (Oostelijk Flevoland) werd de infectie met het aardappel-YN-virus (PVYN) bepaald met behulp van de tabakstoests. In percelen met bieten, tarwe en pootaardappelen bleek de infectie hetzelfde verloop te hebben. Tussen het infectieverloop van PVYN in de rand en in het midden van een veld consumptieaardappelen werd eveneens geen verschil gevonden. Wel was de infectiedruk hier duidelijk hoger dan in het pootgoedperceel. Een barrier crop van 10 rijen tarwe verminderde de infectiedruk niet.De volgende conclusies kunnen worden getrokken. Aardappelopslag buiten en in aardappelvelden vormt een zeer belangrijke infectiebron. Zowel in 1976 als in 1977 vond de virusverspreiding plaats vóór de vlucht vanMyzus persicae begon, zoals deze werd bepaald met behulp van de gele Moericke vangbakken. Het effect van opzuiveren ten tijde van de virusverspreiding dient aan een nader onderzoek te worden onderworpen. De infectiedruk kan met de tabakstoets op meer directe wijze worden vastgesteld dan met bladluisvangsten mogelijk is.Wil men overgaan tot het vergelijken van de infectiedruk in verschillende gebieden of in verschillende jaren, dan dient de tabakstoets te worden gestandaardiseerd. Een voorstel hiertoe wordt gedaan.  相似文献   

Nerine latent virus (NeLV), first found inNerine bowdenii, may occur also in the otherNerine species investigated so far:N. sarniensis, N. flexuosa Alba, andN. Mansellii. Chenopodium amaranticolor, C. quinoa, andGomphrena globosa sometimes reacted with local lesions after mechanical inoculation with NeLV.Nicotiana clevelandii andHippeastrum were symptomless hosts. In this respect NeLV resembled the incompletely describedHippeastrum latent virus (HLV).Serologically NeLV was closely related to HLV and to carnation latent virus (CaLV), but differed from the latter in host plant reaction. A more distant relationship was observed with some other carlaviruses, wheareas NeLV also reacted with an antiserum to potato virus X.Depending on the lot, NeLV could be detected rather reliably with the micro-precipitin test inN. bowdenii Van Roon, but less well in 63. Better results were obtained with the microplate method of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).The average particle length was 664 nm, the sedimentation coefficient 155 S and the buoyant density 1.298 g/cm3.NeLV can be considered as a member of the carlavirus group. On basis of priority HLV may be considered as NeLV.  相似文献   

6-Azauracil caused a marked reduction in the number and size of local lesions on excisedNicotiana glutinosa leaves or leaf discs inoculated with tobacco mosaic virus or its nucleic acid. The amount of infectivity recovered from tobacco (N. tabacum White Burley) leaf discs floated on the pyrimidine analogue solution and subsequently ground and assayed 24, 48, 72, and 96 h after inoculation with intact virus was reduced in the 24, 48, and 72 h series but reached the same level as that of the water-treated control discs in the 96 h series.By contrast, the amount of infectivity in stripped epidermal tissue ofN. glutinosa leaves inoculated with nucleic acid was not reduced in strips floated on the analogue for 24, 50, and 70 h as compared with water-floated controls. The analogue had no effect on infectivity of the virus in vitro and did not act as an inhibitor of infection.Part of this paper was presented at the International Symposium on Plant Pathology, held in New Delhi from December 27, 1966 till January 1, 1967. A summary will be published in the symposium volume entitled Plant disease problems.  相似文献   

A carlavirus was isolated from leaves of a dandelion plant raised in the experimental garden of the Hugo de Vries Laboratory in Amsterdam. The virus was readily sap-transmissible and infected 24 out of the 52 plant species and cultivars tested, with visible symptoms in 18 of them.Myzus persicae andCuscuta subinclusa (dodder) did not transmit the virus. In addition the virus was not seed-transmitted in dandelion. Dilution end-point was 10–5, thermal inactivation occurred at between 80–85°C and longevity in vitro was approximately 24h. The virus had a sedimentation coefficient of 136 S. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the coat protein gave two bands, consisting of proteins with molecular masses ranging from 37 000 to 34 300 Da (band I) and from 34 000 to 32 800 Da (band II). The molecular mass of the RNA was 2.84 x 106 Da. The average buoyant density of the virus was 1.306 gcm–3 and the average A260/A280 ratio 1.16. The virus particles had a normal length of 668 nm. with the light microscope, large mainly vacuolate inclusions were observed in the epidermal cells of infectedNicotiana cleavelandii leaves. In ultra-thin sections of systemically infected leaves ofN. clevelandii, bundles of aggregated virus particles were detected, whereas in infected dandelion leaves there were fewer aggregates and more scattered virus particles. There was a close serological relationship to dandelion latent virus, chrysanthemum virus B and potato virus S and a more distant one to carnation latent virus, elderberry carlavirus,Helenium virus S and potato virus M. The occurrence of the virus was found to be restricted to dandelion plants in the experimental garden in Amsterdam. On the basis of large differences in host range, symptomatology and lack of transmission byM. persicae it was decided that the virus could not be considered a strain of either dandelion latent virus, chrysanthemum virus B or potato virus S. We therefore propose that it be called dandelion carlavirus.Samenvatting Een carlavirus werd geïsoleerd uit een paardebloemplant, die opgekweekt was in de proeftuin van het Hugo de Vries-Laboratorium in Amsterdam. Het virus kon gemakkelijk met sap worden overgebracht en was in staat 24 van de 52 getoetste plantesoorten en-cultivars te infecteren, waarbij op 18 van deze symptomen zichtbaar werden.Myzus persicae en warkruid (Cuscuta subinclusa) konden het virus niet overbrengen. Evenmin kon het virus met zaad van geïnfecteerde planten van paardebloem overgaan. De verdunningsgrens was 10–5, de inactiveringstemperatuur 80–80°C en de houdbaarheid in vitro ongeveer 24 uur. Het virus had een sedimentatiecoëfficiënt van 136 S. Polyacrylamide-gelelektroforese van het manteleiwit resulteerde in twee banden, bestaande uit eiwitten met molecuulmassa's die varieerden van 37000 tot 34 3000 Da (band I) en van 34 000 tot 32 800 Da (band II). De molecuulmassa van het RNA was 2,84×106Da. De gemiddelde zweefdichtheid van het virus bedroeg 1,306g cm–3 en de gemiddelde A260/A280 verhouding was 1,16. Het virus had een normale lengte van 668 nm. In de epidermiscellen van geïnfecteerde bladeren vanNicotiana clevelandii werden met de lichtmicroscoop insluitsels met draderige en vacuoleachtige structuren waargenomen. In ultradunne coupes van systemisch geïnfecteerde bladeren vanN. clevelandii waren bundels geaggregeerde virusdeeltjes zichtbaar. In geïnfecteerde bladeren van paardebloem werden daarentegen meer verspreid voorkomende virusdeeltjes gevonden en minder aggregaten. Het virus vertoonde een sterke serologische verwantschap met het dandelion latent virus, chrysantevirus B en aardappelvirus S; er was een geringe verwantschap met het latente anjervirus, het carlavirus van vlier, Helenium virus S en het aardappelvirus M. Het vóórkomen van het virus bleek beperkt te zijn tot paardebloemen in de proeftuin in Amsterdam. Gezien de grote verschillen in waardplantenreeks, symptomatologie en overdracht metM. persicae hebben we gemeend, dat het virus niet slechts als een stam kon worden beschouwd van hetzij het dandelion latent virus, hetzij het chrysantevirus B en het aardappelvirus S. We stellen voor de naam carlavirus van paardebloem aan dit virus te geven.  相似文献   

Alstroemeria samples collected in the UK were tested for a range of viruses using ELISA. Alstroemeria mosaic virus (AlMV), alstroemeria carlavirus (AlCV), lily symptomless virus (LSV), cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) and tobacco rattle virus (TRV) were detected either singly or in combination in 67.5% of 203 samples. AlCV and LSV isolates from Alstroemeria and lily were studied and characterised serologically using existing antisera, and by PCR, using primers to an 11kDa open reading frame (ORF) unique to carlaviruses and to the coat protein gene of LSV. Sequences of isolates of AlCV and LSV from the coat protein gene were 94–99% similar and were 99% similar in the 11kDa ORF, supporting the view that these are strains of the same virus.  相似文献   

The 3026 nucleotides upstream of the 3-polyadenylated tract of a mite transmitted virus fromHordeum murinum L. were cloned and sequenced, and portions of the sequence were expressed inEscherichia coli. Sequence comparisons with wheat streak mosaic virus (WSMV), Agropyron mosaic virus (AgMV) and Hordeum mosaic cirus (HoMV), three mite transmitted potyviruses, and potato virus Y (PVY), the type member of the genusPotyvirus, revealed that the virus is probably a potyvirus, but distinct from WSMV, AgMV, HoMV, and PVY. Serological tests further demonstrated these differences and that the virus is serologically related to another potyvirus, brome streak mosaic virus (BrSMV). We conclude that the virus should be named as the Hordeum isolate of BrSMV.  相似文献   

Virus interactions between Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) and Potato virus X (PVX) containing the nucleocapsid protein (N) gene sequences were examined to evaluate the capacity of the N gene sequences from TSWV to promote RNA-mediated cross-protection. Plants simultaneously inoculated with TSWV and PVX containing the 3 96bp of the N gene were highly resistant to TSWV infection, whereas no such resistance was observed in plants inoculated with TSWV and PVX containing the 5 96bp. These results suggest that the 3 portion of the N gene has a higher capacity for promoting RNA-mediated cross-protection of TSWV.  相似文献   

A virus with elongate particles (656 nm) was isolated from severalLonicera species. This virus, apparently belonging to the carlavirus group, is serologically distantly related to shallot latent virus and closely related to poplar mosaic virus. The inability to infect poplar and two other hosts of poplar mosaic virus characterizes the virus fromLonicera as a new virus which was namedLonicera latent virus.The virus was easily sap-transmissible but was not transmitted byMyzus persicae.Dilution end-point was about 10–3, thermal inactivation between 65°C and 80°C and ageing in vitro 1–6 days.Heat treatment, combined with tip-rooting appeared to be a good method to eliminate the virus from severalLonicera species and cultivars.Samenvatting In verschillende soorten en cultivars van het geslachtLonicera (kamperfoelie) blijkt een virus voor te komen dat gemakkelijk door sapinoculatie kan worden overgebracht op kruidachtige planten.Een tegen gezuiverd virus bereid antiserum had een titer van ca. 4096. Er kon mee worden aangetoond dat het virus van kamperfoelie serologisch nauw verwant is met populieremozaïekvirus (Tabel 1). Het virus van kamperfoelie is echter niet in staat om populier,Phaseolus vulgaris Bataaf enVigna sinensis te infecteren en wordt mede daarom als een afzonderlijk virus beschouwd. Het wordt aangeduid als latent kamperfoelievirus (Lonicera latent virus) en behoort evenals populieremozaïekvirus tot de carlavirusgroep (aardappelvirus-S-groep).Het virus blijkt vrij gemakkelijk te kunnen worden geëlimineerd door besmette kamperfoelieplanten gedurende ongeveer zes weken een warmtebehandeling (37°C) te geven en daarna de uiterste toppen (1 cm) te stekken. Van verschillende cultivars werd op deze wijze virusvrij uitgangsmateriaal verkregen.  相似文献   

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