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现代科技改造传统农业的途径及其完善   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
现代农业建设是一个技术创新和制度创新相互交织、相互推动的发展过程。本文从近年来现代科技在农业的推广应用实践出发,概括出政府技术供给推动、龙头企业带动、中介组织联动和农业生产者自动等4种现代科技改造传统农业的途径,并在此基础上提出了进一步完善现代科技改造传统农业途径的若干对策。  相似文献   

Project hindsight. A Defense Department study of the utility of research   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recently developed weapon systems were compared with systems of similar function in use 10 to 20 years earlier. The most significant finding was that the improvement in performance or reduction in cost is largely the synergistic effect of a large number of scientific and technological innovations, of which only about 10 percent had been made at the time the earlier system was designed. The common scientific and technological base of the systems was not analyzed. Of the innovations, or Events, 9 percent were classified as science and 91 percent as technology. Ninety-five percent of all Events were funded by the defense sector. Nearly 95 percent were motivated by a recognized defense need. Only 0.3 percent came from undirected science. The results of the study do not call in question the value of undirected science on the 50-year-or-more time scale. In light of our finding that 5 to 10 years are often required before even a piece of highly applied research is "fitted in" as an effective contributing member of a large assembly of other Events, it is not surprising that "fragments" of undirected science are infrequently utilized on even a 20-year time scale. The most obvious way in which undirected science appears to enter into technology and utilization on a substantial scale seems to be in the compressed, highly organized form of a well-established, clearly expressed general theory, or in the evaluated, ordered knowledge of handbooks, textbooks, and university courses.  相似文献   

关于技术创新中的"技术"限定问题应以狭义的"技术"为主;对技术创新概念广义和狭义界定的认识问题应以广义的理解为主;技术创新的"创新"强度的限定问题应对创新程度不应加以限定为宜;技术创新在市场上成功实现的"成功"标准问题应适当宽泛一些,获得利润、改善市场、提高创新主体素质都属于成功实现;技术创新与技术进步是两个内涵不同、侧重点不同的概念,技术进步是与宏观相对应的,其包括多种要素,其中技术创新是核心要素;技术创新与科技创新、知识创新层次不一样、范围不同,科技创新泛指科技体制、科技体系的变革,通过创新使科技与经济有效结合,知识创新比技术创新的范围更广并包括技术创新;创新建立在发现、发明的基础上,但发现、发明不一定都导致创新,只有发现、发明实现了商业化应用才是创新。  相似文献   

解宗方  张伟 《安徽农业科学》2011,39(24):15077-15079
阐述了科技发展与现代农业发展之间的关系,分析了河南省现代农业发展现状,提出了依靠科技创新加快河南省现代农业发展的对策和建议。  相似文献   

促使传统农业向现代农业转变是农业国工业化过程中必须解决的问题。农业变工业化进程的一个内生变量。工业化与农业技术、制度变迁之间联系微弱是造成我国农业变迁缓慢的主要原因。因此,变革农村2工业化方式,培育农业变迁微观主体。  相似文献   

Livestock are important assets in Africa, helping improve the nutritional status of their owners, and contributing to economic growth. Can these roles continue and can livestock production systems be further developed so that they will be sustainable? A key feature of livestock in Africa is that they fulfill multiple roles, ranging from draught power, to providing manure, milk, and meat. Constraints to increasing productivity include both physical and institutional. In the former category, constraints to adopting draught power include insufficient numbers at the individual household level. Lack of adequate pasture is probably the most important constraint. Diseases are also notable constraints to improving productivity, particularly those categorized as Group I (highly contagious — e.g., rinderpest) or Group II (vector-borne parasitic and viral—e.g., trypanosomiasis). Institutional constraints include lack of research and market distortions. To improve productivity, at the macroeconomic level, governments must continue or start policies aimed at liberalizing markets and revaluing exchange rates. Also, research institutions need an increase in funding for periods of ten or more years. Research and other livestock institutions may be able to leverage limited resources by forming more collaborative relationships at the regional level. Research priorities include breeding on specific aspects, such as increased milk production. However, it must be realized that breeding programs have an inherent problem in disseminating improved breeds in a rapid and equitable manner. Quality of pasture may be improved by further research on more accurately calculating stocking rates and on developing mechanisms to control numbers on pastures (e.g., community controlled grazing schemes). Other research priorities include new technologies to improve animal health, funding of micro-enterprises to add value to livestock products, and market information systems for small-scale farmers. Schemes to increase livestock production in Africa will only occur if innovations closely match the local sets of circumstances. Given the multiple roles of livestock, research into innovations that local communities will readily adopt must take a systems approach.  相似文献   

新型科研机构要实现促进科技成果转移转化、推动科技创新和经济社会发展深度融合的发展目标,需要在如何使用好财政支持科研经费上下功夫,高度重视绩效管理工作。在法律支持的环境下,加大改革创新力度,构筑起完善、公正、严格、可操作性强的预算制度和工作体系,从而为其高水平开展科技创新提供坚实基础和制度保障。新型科研机构需要进一步加深对绩效评价的认识与理解,找到当前存在的主要问题或难点,创新评价路径,对项目支出进行多维度评价,分析总结财政资金对科技创新、人才培养及成果转化的具体效益,为其下年度财政预算提供更加精确的数据支持,以期实现财政资金的科学合理调配。同时,要通过项目支出的绩效评价,从源头上防范资金使用风险,使财政资金的管理更加透明化、科学化1。  相似文献   

陈建芳 《安徽农业科学》2006,34(10):2277-2278
知识经济时代下的企业可持续发展需要企业在制度上、技术上、组织上、观念上进行创新。针对当前丽水园林企业管理不够健全,提出需从管理制度以及技术上加以创新才能顺应新经济时代的发展并提出了具体的丽水园林企业管理创新思维。  相似文献   

农职学院内办IT专业是时代和社会发展的必然,能说会做的教师队伍、理实结合注重岗位能力培养的教学方法,校企结合强化实训基地是培养高素质应用型人才的保障.产学研结合是培养高素质人才的有效模式.  相似文献   

科技创新是区域经济发展和行业技术进步的动力源泉。在海峡西岸经济区建设中,作为主体的福建省坚持以科技创新为主导,有效加快了发展方式转变,推进了经济的发展。为进一步支持科技发展,鼓励科技人员服务企业发展,该文探讨了政府、企业及人才三要素如何在建立健全科技人才服务企业行动的长效机制中发挥有效作用。  相似文献   

本文在阐明了农业科技推广对实现农业科技成果市场化重要性的基础上; 通过对中外农业科技推广工作的比较分析, 指出了我国农业科技推广工作存在的问题; 进而提出了加强农业科技推广工作的对策建议。  相似文献   

This article examines differences in the research approaches of farmers and scientists and analyzes how these differences are related to the conditions under which both groups engage in experimental work. Theoretical considerations as well as practical experiences are presented to emphasize the great potential of farmer–researcher collaboration for rural innovation. In the first part of the article, the innovative power of farmer research and experimentation is acknowledged by presenting examples such as crop and animal breeding, development of new production systems, farm equipment, and social innovations. Considering the respective comparative advantages of farmers and scientists, and inspired by theoretical concepts in the fields of knowledge management and innovation processes, we discuss five topics for optimizing the collaboration between farmers and scientists in the field of technological innovation: user orientation, decentralization, informal modes of experimentation, externalization of tacit knowledge, and economic considerations. A better understanding of such issues could help researchers to define their own role in the research process, acknowledge the strengths and weaknesses of their own and farmers’ research approaches, overcome communication gaps, and find creative solutions for problems that typically occur in the process of participatory technology development.  相似文献   

大型仪器设备是科研院所科技创新、人才培养、成果转化的重要基础条件,在社会科技进步和技术创新过程中起着重要的支撑作用,促进大型仪器设备开放共享和可持续健康发展是目前科研院所需要重视的问题。文章分析了目前国内科研院所大型仪器设备开放共享平台建设的现状和不足,提出了健全大型仪器设备共享平台管理制度、加强专业技术人才的培养和引进、设立大型仪器设备运行维护专项经费和多渠道加强对外宣传等建议,希望为进一步加强大型仪器设备共享平台建设提供积极参考。  相似文献   

Lal R 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1987,236(4805):1069-1076
Many constraints to intensive food-crop production in tropical Africa are related to tropical soils. Improved technologies are available for different ecological regions. Important technological innovations include manual land clearing, mulch farming, conservation tillage and tiedridges, agroforestry, cover crops, mixed- and relay-cropping, and early sowing for improved and sustained productivity. Irrigation, animal traction or draft animals, and the use of chemical fertilizers are also important. Much of the agrarian stagnation in Africa is caused by neglect and misuse of the most basic of all resources, the soil. In fact, the root cause of the perpetual famine can be traced to the misuse of soil and water resources and issues related to their misuse. Substantial increases in food production are possible if the proven technologies can be effectively transferred and implemented. Priorities lie in both short-term development projects and in initiating long-term research to understand soil and water resources and how to manage them. The agrarian research must address the issue of improving the welfare of resource-poor farmers.  相似文献   

指出了中小企业在技术创新中的重要作用 ,分析了信息对中小企业创新表现出的不可或缺性 ,主要从技术交易的角度说明了信息的不对称给中小企业带来的风险 ,提出了降低中小企业信息不对称程度的若干对策建议  相似文献   

评介近年国内外电子商务的迅速推广态势 ,并推论企业内部管理也应当实现相应的思想、制度和技术创新 ,即推行数字化管理。后者可以从我国实施的财务网络化入手 ,直到实现企业在信息沟通、业务组织、资源整合、管理控制、绩效考评等环节的全面电子化  相似文献   

Folk experiments     
Folk experiments in agriculture are often inspired by new ideas blended with old ones, motivated by economic and environmental change. They tend to save labor or capital. These notions are illustrated with nine short case studies from Nicaragua and El Salvador. The new ideas that catalyze folk experiments may be provided by development agencies, but paradoxically, the folk experiments are so common that the agencies that inspire them usually pay little attention to them. Some folk experiments are original, but others simply copy innovations that farmers have seen somewhere else. Unlike formal scientific research, in which results are consistently written, folk experiments are rarely “inscribed,” because the results are for use by individual farmers and need not be shared with an audience.  相似文献   

"碳汇渔业"主要是指通过渔业生产活动促进水生生物吸收水体中的CO_2,并通过收获水生生物产品,把这些碳移出水体的过程和机制。更具体地说,是指通过养殖和收获贝类、藻类、滤食性鱼类、甲壳类、棘皮类等水产品将碳移出水体,使碳被再利用或被储存,但这一渔业生产方式的转型需要一系列机制保证。这些机制既可以保证"碳汇渔业"的可持续性发展,又能使之成为"蓝色粮仓"国家战略的基础保障。这些措施包括:选择固碳速率高的养殖品种、科学组合养殖品种、提升养殖技术、以海洋牧场革新生产组织方式、推动建立国际蓝碳交易体系、扩大"一带一路"沿线国家间的水产养殖业合作等,这其中海洋牧场的规划与建设是"碳汇渔业"与"蓝色粮仓"战略相结合的关键。  相似文献   

Recent debates over the persistence of family farms have focused on the importance of naturalistic obstacles to the capitalist development of agriculture. According to these arguments, the existence of these barriers in some realms of agricultural production precludes the development of wage labor. I argue, however, that in many instances these obstacles are based primarily on political factors. To demonstrate this thesis I illustrate how the tobacco program until recently has proved to be an obstacle to consolidation and structural change in tobacco production. The tobacco program has conditioned the extent of technological development and structural change in tobacco production. From the 1940s to the 1970s, the tobacco program maintained a system of small-scale producers and discouraged technological change in the industry. Changes in the program in the 1970s and 1980s, however, have contributed to the rapid mechanization and structural change among tobacco producers. Many of the obstacles to consolidation were overcome not by technological change, but by weakened political support for the tobacco program. These results suggest that in addition to economic and technological considerations, we need to assess more carefully the political foundations of the capitalist development of agriculture.Gary P. Green is an Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology and the Institute of Community and Area Development at the University of Georgia. His research concentrates on the sociology of agriculture, political economy of rural development, and economic development and community change. He is currently involved in research on the effectiveness of local economic development strategies and self-development strategies among rural communities.  相似文献   

The evolutionary forces responsible for intron loss are unresolved. Whereas research has focused on protein-coding genes, here we analyze noncoding small nucleolar RNA (snoRNA) genes in which introns, rather than exons, are typically the functional elements. Within the yeast lineage exemplified by the human pathogen Candida albicans, we find--through deep RNA sequencing and genome-wide annotation of splice junctions--extreme compaction and loss of associated exons, but retention of snoRNAs within introns. In the Saccharomyces yeast lineage, however, we find it is the introns that have been lost through widespread degeneration of splicing signals. This intron loss, perhaps facilitated by innovations in snoRNA processing, is distinct from that observed in protein-coding genes with respect to both mechanism and evolutionary timing.  相似文献   

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