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The competitive ability of maize is low in its early growth stages and because of this weed control is essential. Agricultural practice is dominated by chemical weed control. The trials indicated that some herbicide mixtures used at 75% of the permitted dose have herbicidal potential. In trials in the states Brandenburg, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt and Thüringen, four herbicide mixtures were tested in the years 2004 to 2006.The practiced 75% of permitted dose and 50% of permitted doses were tested for their herbicidal potential. The weed species react differently to reduced herbicide doses. 50% of the 26 recorded weed species showed no drop in herbicide treatment efficacy at a reduced dose compared to the recommended dose. A drop in efficacy of between 1 and 5% was recorded after use of reduced herbicide rates in 25% of the other recorded weed species. 15?% of all recorded weed species showed a drop of efficacy of between 5 to 10%. Only 10% of recorded weed species reacted with an efficacy drop of more than 10?% between recommended and reduced doses. The tested herbicide mixtures had a different herbicidal potential for specific weed species. The herbicide treatment in maize is carried out after emergence of the weed species. It is therefore possible to choose the most suitable herbicide mixture at the 50% dose rate with the smallest drop of efficacy to target the specific species. In this way only slightly more weeds survive at a higher density compared with the recommended dose rate. The selection pressure is hardly higher. The knowledge of the herbicidal potential of mixtures could be used in agricultural practice. In this way the input of active ingredient/area can be reduced by the approximate efficacy of herbicide treatments. The tested herbicide mixtures are only an example of how, by the knowledge of efficacy reserves of herbicide in relation to the weeds present, the applied dose can be better adapted to the treatment frequency index.  相似文献   

Conservation tillage in Germany increased steadily in recent years. The mentioned benefits of conservation tillage are e.g. time saving and reduced energy consumption. In a long-term field trial at the JKI research field Dahnsdorf (federal state of Brandenburg), the effects of conservation tillage in different plant protection strategies are studied since autumn 2007. This paper examines the impact of energy-use of conventional and conservation tillage. The cultivation is done by the plow and packer (turning soil cultivation) and by cultivator (non-turning soil cultivation). The decision to use or not to use glyphosate in non-turning variants is done year by year and for each crop separately. There is no routine spraying. This is also true for the use of graminicide in winter rape. These decisions are highly dependent on the weather in autumn and the associated soil moisture. The use of the plow has an energy input of around 1,045 MJ/ha. The energy input for the non-turning soil cultivation amounts about 510 MJ/ha averaged over the years and the different crops. So conservation tillage has about half energy input in relation to conventional tillage. However, this value is highly depending on the weather conditions of the year and the crop.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Anwendung von Nutzarthropoden und entomopathogenen Nematoden hat in den letzten Jahren stetig zugenommen. Die Anfänge des biologischen Pflanzenschutzes mit Nützlingen in Deutschland liegen schon einige Jahrzehnte zurück. Im Freiland werden Trichogramma-Schlupfwespen seit über 25 Jahren gegen den Maiszünsler eingesetzt. Der Einsatz von Nützlingen unter Glas geht in die beginnenden 1970er zurück. Seit Anfang der 1980er werden in Deutschland Nützlinge produziert und kommerziell angeboten.Die etwa 60 eingesetzten Nützlinge sind zu mehr als 50% heimische Arten. Die von deutschen Firmen angebotenen nichtheimischen Arten sind nur an das Gewächshausklima angepasst und können dadurch nicht zur Gefahr in heimischen Ökosystemen werden. In Gewächshauskulturen, besonders in Tomaten und Gurken, ist zu fast 100% Pflanzenschutz durch Nützlinge möglich. In anderen Kulturen, wie Zierpflanzen, ist ein integrierter Schutz mit nützlingsschonenden Pflanzenschutzmitteln notwendig. Besonders Imidacloprid und verwandte, systemisch wirkende Pflanzenschutzmittel zeigen starke Nebenwirkungen auf Nützlinge.Der biologische Vorratsschutz mit Nützlingen ist seit über 6 Jahren in der Praxis erfolgreich. Biologische Bekämpfungskonzepte ermöglichen vom Getreidelager bis zum Haushalt einen verbraucherfreundlichen Schutz der Lebensmittel.In 2001 wurde der Verein der Nützlingsanbieter in Deutschland e. V. gegründet, um gemeinsame Interessen der Firmen zu vertreten. Eine Homepage soll als Informationsplattform der interessierten Öffentlichkeit die Möglichkeiten der biologischen Schädlingsbekämpfung mit Nützlingen näher bringen.  相似文献   

Rhizoctonia solani is an important soil-borne pathogen causing diseases in numerous economically important crops. The pathogen R. solani can be responsible for relevant yield losses as well as on lettuce and potato. To develop a biocontrol strategy, two bacterial strains, Pseudomonas fluorescens L13–6-12 and Serratia plymuthica 3Re4–18 were evaluated against R. solani causing black scurf in potato and bottom rot in lettuce. The disease suppression effect of the two antagonists was tested as well as in a climate chamber and in the field during two vegetation periods. The results of the climate chamber experiments showed, that R. solani can significantly reduced the lettuce growth. The dry mass losses on lettuce and the disease severity on potato sprouts were significantly limited through bacterization. The antagonist L13–6-12 showed best disease suppression effect in climate chamber experiments on both crops. A significant lower disease severity was to observed in treatments with bacterial antagonists as well as on lettuce plants and harvested potato tubers during both vegetation periods. Also the dry mass losses on lettuce were clear reduced in treatments with bacterial antagonists, whereas only a partly limitation of yield losses on potato was to achieved. In summary, the results supported that the use of bacterial antagonists can be part of a control strategy against R. solani.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Der Westliche Maiswurzelbohrer, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera (Dvv) LeConte (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), ist einer der wichtigsten Maisschädlinge in Nordamerika. Seit seiner Einschleppung nach Serbien und seinem Nachweis bei Belgrad im Jahr 1993 breitet er sich schnell über Südosteuropa und von dort zunehmend nach Zentraleuropa aus. Bis 2004 war Deutschland zwar noch frei von Dvv, ist aber außer an seiner Nordost- und Nordflanke von Ländern mit nachweislichen Dvv-Populationen umgeben. Es gibt außer stets möglichen Einschleppungen durch Flugzeuge drei Hauptrichtungen für das terrestrische Vordringen auf deutsches Staatsgebiet. Von diesen ist die südlich-nördliche Stoßrichtung von der Lombardei in Norditalien über den Tessin und die Nordschweiz bis nach Südbaden die wahrscheinlichste. Sie folgt einem sehr gut ausgebauten Straßen- und Schienennetz durch die Schweiz mit hochentwickelten Verteilungszentren für Güter und Dienstleistungen, womit die aktive Mitwirkung des Menschen als Verbreitungsvektor des Schädlings unterstrichen wird. Erzwungene Fruchtfolgevorschriften im Schweizer Kanton Tessin konnten die Ausbreitung nach Norden zwar bremsen, aber nicht verhindern. In Anbetracht seines jüngsten Vordringens bis an die deutschen Grenzen dürfte die Einschleppung von Dvv auf deutsches Staatsgebiet bevorstehen und als längerfristig unvermeidlich gelten.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Untersucht wurde, inwiefern sich Lactobacillus ssp. und Bacillus subtilis im Rahmen einer Gleisbettbegrünung positiv auf Wachstumsparameter und Bedeckungsgrad mit Sedum album auswirken. Die Versuche wurden auf den drei Substraten Ziegelbruch, Mineralwollmatten und Geotextilmatten im Jahre 2003 an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin durchgeführt. Zusätzlich wurden alle Varianten mit und ohne Nährmedium getestet.Aus den Versuchsergebnissen geht hervor, dass die Substratbeschaffenheiten und die induzierten Bakterienkulturen sehr stark das Pflanzenwachstum beeinflussen. Lediglich Ziegelbruchsubstrat zeigte gute Voraussetzungen für die Entwicklung des aeroben Bakteriums B. subtilis. Dieses ist physikalisch relativ stabil gegenüber Umwelteinflüssen und durch seine grobe Struktur ist auch eine gute Durchlüftung gewährleistet.Die Zugabe eines Nährmediums hatte in allen Versuchen auch ohne Applikation von Bakterien einen entscheidenden Einfluss auf die Wachstumsparameter als auch auf einen frühzeitig hohen Bedeckungsgrad. Drei Monate nach dem Versuchsbeginn konnten keine signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen den Behandlungen mehr nachgewiesen werden. Der Bedeckungsgrad lag zu diesem Zeitpunkt bereits bei mindestens 97%. Der Einsatz der beiden Bodenbakterien und/oder des Nährmediums hatten innerhalb der ersten zwei Monate eine gegenüber der Kontrolle schnellere Bedeckung des Substrats, basierend auf einem verstärkten Wachstum, zur Folge.  相似文献   

Maize production trials carried out in eastern middle of Germany from 1999–2008 were used for statistical analysis of the optimum date for silage maize ripeness. The Knowledge about difference in ripeness between grain and residual plants at the harvest were used for exactly choice of cultivar under drought conditions for silage and energy maize. The Silage maize Ripeness Index (the ratio of dry matter content of maize grains to dry matter content of residual plants) is more suitable for the leading of plant development, the determination of harvest date and the choice of cultivar as the dry matter content of the plant. The analysis is cheaper as well as not so material and time-consuming with a better financially results in food-, milk- and methane production in comparison to the dry matter content of the silage maize of different hybrid maize populations and environments. Ensilage optimum and yield maximum correspond with the physiological ripeness of silage maize and are close to the grain dry matter content of 64%, to the dry matter content of starch of 33% and a ripeness index from 2.55 to 2.9 for parameter of quality and quantity. Only under these conditions it is possible to reach the optimal ripeness of 33 to 35% in the whole plant silage maize. But under suboptimal conditions the harvest is carried out, if SRI had a maximal value. In dependence on the Silage maize Ripeness Index (SRZ) and (SRI) parameters of silage and energy maize were predicted differential development of ripeness and yield. The aims of silage and energy maize are similar. The Silage maize Ripeness Index (SRI) is, for whole plant maize, better than the Whole Plant Maize Ripeness Index (SRZ) for the choice of a hybrid in Germany. The dry matter content of grain in interaction with the dry matter of residual plants are better than dry matter content of the whole plant maize as ripeness indicator in the production of silage and energy maize at the harvesting time. SRI is also universal suitable for use as a standard in scientific trials and for better characteristic of cultivar types and environmental influence.  相似文献   

The final step leading to the death of an organism is the phenomenon of senescence. Senescence is a complex, highly regulated phase in the development of a plant which results in the coordinated degradation of macromolecules and mobilization of nutrients into other parts of the plant. Free radicals are thought to play an essential role in senescence, especially those derived from oxygen. These molecules are extremely toxic. The levels of the different reactive oxygen species appear to be tightly regulated. In low concentrations, hydrogen peroxide may serve as a signaling molecule. Therefore, a coordinated regulation of the free radical scavenging system is essential. This comprises enzymatic components such as catalase, superoxide dismutase, or ascorbate peroxidase, or nonenzymatic molecules such as ascorbate or glutathione. In the plant system, there are several indications that the cause of increased radical levels during senescence is not only the elevated generation of radicals but also the loss of the antioxidant capacity. This review is about the cellular processes and regulation of senescence, oxidative stress, and the reaction of the plant by activation of the antioxidative system. The correlation between oxidative stress and senescence should at last be discussed.  相似文献   

From 2003 to 2007 surveys have been conducted in different stone fruit growing regions in southwest Germany to detect European stone fruit yellows (ESFY) disease in Germany. Samplings have been done regularly in selected reference orchards in the regions Neuwieder Becken, Rheinhessen, Vorderpfalz and Südpfalz in summer on trees showing ESFY typical symptoms as well as on branches of trees with unspecific symptoms. All samples have been analysed by PCR for infection with Candidatus Phytoplasma prunorum. The phytoplasma could be detected in all investigated regions on the cultivated Prunus species P. armeniaca, P. persica and P. domestica. No infection was found in wild Prunus species. The main spread of the disease appeared on apricot while peach and European plum were less affected. A good correlation between symptoms and molecular detection of the pathogen could be shown for the typical symptoms in summer and winter for apricot as well as for peach. During regular psyllid captures in the reference orchards the population dynamics of Cacopsylla pruni could be described in southwest Germany for several years. By PCR-testing all collected insects individually a yearly natural infection rate of about 1–2% of all individuals of C. pruni could be calculated.  相似文献   

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