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近年来,河南省努力推进动物卫生监督暨畜牧兽医执法标准化建设,在工作机制、机构建设、队伍建设、工作实效等方面取得了显著成效,但也存在着资金投入不足、工作开展不均衡、执法难度大等难题。本文从标准研究、财政支持、队伍管理、执法办案等提出发展建议,以期为深化综合执法改革,全面提升基层执法能力提供参考。  相似文献   

Rabies remains a public health concern and is associated with a mortality rate of nearly 100%. An observational survey was undertaken in 2010 to assess the knowledge, attitudes and practices of primary care physicians (PCPs) in our area regarding the risk of rabies. Standardized questionnaires were sent to a random sample of 400 PCPs practicing in the Franche‐Comté region (eastern France), requesting their voluntary and anonymous participation. The questionnaires requested socio‐demographic details and self‐evaluation. Seven clinical situations were selected to assess the attitudes of physicians. The response rate was 38.5%. Most of the PCPs were based in rural and semi‐rural areas, 76% knew where their nearest rabies centre was located and 75% of them claimed their knowledge of the risk of rabies was poor. While most of them (>80%) knew which animals transmitted the disease as well as the severity criteria for bites, only 12% knew that there was no contraindication for the rabies vaccine in the event of exposure to the disease. Responses to the seven clinical situations showed that most of them did not know the precise indication for the rabies vaccine and rabies immunoglobulin. Primary care physicians are usually aware of the risk of rabies, but their knowledge of how to manage rabies exposure and prevention often requires updating. The health authorities should provide more detailed information to PCPs and to the general population about the risk of rabies.  相似文献   

动物检疫监督是《中华人民共和国动物防疫法》赋予农村农业部门的法定职责,它是农业行政执法的重要组成部分。现阶段在农业综合执法改革背景下,动物检疫监督执法工作还面临不少突出问题,普遍表现为监督管理和执法工作难以高效开展,监督管理机构和执法机构的权利归属没有理顺,动物检疫监督人员的数量相对较少,严重影响检疫监督执法工作高效开展,因此需要不断加强探索,认真分析动物检疫监督执法工作面临的诸多问题,确保检疫监督执法工作向着纵深化方向推进。  相似文献   

结合畜牧兽医执法工作实践,总结了10项执法工作中经常遇到的问题,并有针对性的提出了处理建议,以便为国内畜牧兽医执法人员正确执法办案提供参考。  相似文献   

Rabies is an invariably fatal, but preventable zoonotic disease. Despite a national programme for its prevention and control, the number of rabies associated deaths in Vietnam has increased in recent years. A cross‐sectional survey was undertaken in 2012 to assess and compare the knowledge, awareness and practices of 189 public health workers (PHW) and animal health workers (AHW) attending a joint training course for professionals from provinces in northern Vietnam with the highest number of deaths from rabies. Questionnaires facilitating self‐evaluation were provided, and total knowledge scores were calculated (maximum 38 points) and categorized into: ‘high’ (>30 points), ‘moderate’ (21–30) and ‘low’ (<21). The response rate was 100%, and among the 189 participants, 56% were PHW compared to 44% who were AHW. Although most respondents knew rabies could be transmitted through the bite of an animal, most commonly a dog, and that rabies is a preventable disease, significant differences between groups were identified. Major areas included poor knowledge of common rabies reservoirs, wound management and guidance on post‐exposure prophylaxis. Overall, the total mean knowledge scores for PHW was significantly higher (P = 0.011) compared to those for AHW, but both scores fell within the ‘moderate’ knowledge range. However, proportionately more PHW than AHW achieved ‘high’ knowledge scores (P = 0.0098). To our knowledge this is the first published study to simultaneously assess the knowledge and awareness of animal health and public health professionals attending joint training activities aimed at strengthening rabies prevention and control. To ensure effective prevention and control of rabies requires that AHW and PHW not only coordinate and collaborate, but have a common knowledge and understanding of rabies prevention and control measures. This study provides important baseline data in a relatively unexplored area of research that can focus future interventions and research.  相似文献   

吉林省动物卫生监督所创新动物卫生行政执法案卷评查模式,针对实案、实事、实际,采取巡回评查与专题培训相结合的方式,制定工作方案、程序和评分细则,组建案卷评查专家库,做好评审会前准备和会后总结,提升了全省动物卫生行政执法能力和办案水平,为行政执法部门开展案卷评查活动提供了借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

加强自然保护区执法能力,对于保护自然资源、维护生态安全、促进自然保护区与社区协调发展等具有重要意义。然而,自然保护区执法能力受到法律体系是否完善、是否具备可实施性,以及执法资质和执法力量等多种因素制约。本研究以49个国家级自然保护区为研究对象,通过系统调研,首次较为全面地摸清了我国国家级自然保护区的执法模式、执法依据、执法资格、罚没款返还、执法面临问题等有关执法能力的相关因素,并提出了相应的对策建议,以期为提升全国自然保护区执法能力提供技术支持。  相似文献   

用RT-PCR方法检测重庆地区2009—2010年发生的36份临床疑似狂犬病脑组织样品和969份临床健康犬唾液拭子样品,并利用流行病学调查方法对阳性样品进行疫情溯源。结果从20份临床疑似狂犬病样品中检测出狂犬病毒,流行病学调查显示未免疫的流浪犬是主要的传染源,而农民(55.95%)和儿童(30.95%)是最容易受到狂犬攻击的人群。从969份临床健康犬唾液拭子和犬脑组织样品中未检出阳性样品。因此重庆地区狂犬病防控应加强对犬的免疫及流浪犬的管理,实行强制性疫苗免疫,加强对儿童和农民的狂犬病知识宣传和安全防护工作。  相似文献   

针对目前狂犬病在全世界流行日益严峻的形势,通过大量的数字详细列举了国内外人和动物狂犬病的流行现状、欧美等发达国家防制狂犬病的有效措施及我国防制措施,结合我国狂犬病流行现状,分析了狂犬病流行的原因,提出了我国防制狂犬病的几点建议。  相似文献   

农业行政执法文书制作规范对执法案卷的文书归档作出了明确的要求,在体现了农业行政执法严谨性、程序性、时效性和规范性的同时实现了案卷文书归档同行政处罚法、档案法、机关文件材料归档范围和文书档案保管期限规定的有效接轨。2021年8月,根据安排对2021年上半年查办的农业执法案卷进行了集中评查,结果发现部分案卷存在结案归档不规范的问题,成为了影响案卷质量的瑕疵。为此本文就农业行政执法文书制作规范中案卷归档要求进行相关细化,在突出案件查处时间顺序的基础上形成了以文书类别为重点、查办环节为依据、证据材料为支撑的案卷归档举措,为规范文书归档要求、提升案卷制作水平提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

狂犬病是一种重要人畜共患传染病。本文就狂犬病病毒的分子生物学特征、致病机理及新型疫苗研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

狂犬病现状、危害与防制思路   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
简要介绍了国内外狂犬病病毒(RV)的研究进展,特别是我国大陆地区人、犬、猫、鹿和毛皮兽中的狐、貉、狼、獾狂犬病的流行状况与特点。并对我国在狂犬病防制中存在的问题,提出了诸如加强宣传,提高民众的公益意识,完善法律法规,实施对犬猫强制免疫,提高免疫质量等狂犬病防制的建议。  相似文献   

In Nepal, most dogs are free to roam and may transmit diseases to humans and animals. These dogs often suffer from malnutrition and lack basic health care. Minimal information is available about their demographics and about public attitudes concerning dogs and diseases. We carried out a study in Chitwan District (central Nepal), to collect baseline data on free‐roaming owned dog demographics, assess knowledge, attitudes and practices of dog owners concerning dogs and rabies, evaluate rabies vaccination coverage and anthelmintic treatment of dogs, measure dogs' response to rabies vaccination and assess dog health through body condition scores and parasites. We conducted household interviews with owners of free‐roaming female dogs (n = 60) and administered dogs with rabies vaccination and anthelmintics. Dog owners regularly fed free‐roaming dogs but provided minimal health care; 42% of respondents did not claim ownership of the dog for which they provided care. We collected skin, faecal and blood samples for parasite identification and for measuring rabies virus‐specific antibodies. Ninety‐two per cent of dog owners were aware of the routes of rabies virus transmission, but only 35% described the correct post‐exposure prophylaxis (PEP) following a dog bite. Twenty‐seven per cent of the dogs had measurable rabies virus‐specific antibody titres and 14% had received anthelmintics in the previous year. Following rabies vaccination, 97% of dogs maintained an adequate antibody titre for ≥6 months. Most dogs appeared healthy, although haemoprotozoans, endoparasites and ectoparasites were identified in 12%, 73% and 40% of the dogs, respectively. Poor skin condition and parasite load were associated. Seventy‐four per cent of the females had litters in 1 year (mean litter size = 4.5). Births occurred between September and February; we estimated 60% mortality in puppies. We concluded that vaccination coverage, PEP awareness and anthelmintic treatment should be emphasized in educational programmes focussed on animal welfare, veterinary and public health.  相似文献   

畜牧养殖是山东省无棣县车王镇的重点产业,近年发展速度较快,显著促进了地区居民的增收致富。在畜牧养殖过程中,动物疾病防控是关键管理环节。为提升动物疾病防控成效,需深入分析动物疾病的出现原因,采取针对性的解决对策,最大程度控制动物疾病的发生与影响。  相似文献   

由河南省南阳地区患“怪叫病”黄牛脑组织分离鉴定了5株狂犬病病毒,建立了检测狂犬病病毒抗原的夹心间接斑点酶联免疫吸附试验、检测狂犬病病毒抗体和中和抗体的夹心阻断酶联免疫吸附试验和微量免疫酶试验.应用所建立的方法,结合小鼠中和试验,对疫区牛、马、猪、羊、犬、猫、鸡、鼠和蝙蝠9种动物的1138份血清标本进行了检测,结果发现阳性率达12.65%,其中疫点内牛、猪、犬、猫和鼠的阳性率更高,为20%左右.根据动物群中较高阳性率,亦即隐性感染动物的存在,提出了南阳地区黄牛狂大病除因疯犬或带毒犬咬伤所致者外,可能还有因其他动物如鼠等咬伤甚至非咬伤感染途径的存在.在确定病性以及上述流行病学调查的基础上,实施了以管(制)、免(疫)、灭(扑杀)为中心的综合防制措施,经3年的工作,收到了明显的防制效果.  相似文献   

一事不再罚是现代法治社会的一个重要原则,目的在于防止重复处罚,体现过罚相当的法律原则,以保护当事人的合法权益。《行政处罚法》第24条规定,对当事人同一违法行  相似文献   

2021年5月,A市农业综合行政执法队接群众举报,发现刘某涉嫌经营依法应当检疫而未经检疫动物.经立案调查,认定当事人违法事实存在,根据《动物防疫法》规定,依法给予了行政处罚.结合执法人员对案件中行政相对人法律责任认定的4种观点进行一一辨析,指出案件存在多个行政相对人涉嫌违法时,应如何准确认定货主并予以正确处置,以期为同...  相似文献   

畜产品质量安全问题日益突出,如何从各环节入手提高安全水平十分重要。本文结合德州市实际,从标准化养殖基地建设、加强防管控、深化兽医管理和畜产品质量监管体制改革三个方面进行详细介绍,具有较好的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

MEEREB is an informal network of rabies experts from the Middle East, Eastern Europe and Central Asia, seeking to eliminate rabies from the region. They met for the second time to review the current rabies situation, both globally and in their respective countries, highlighting current rabies control problems and potential solutions. Success stories in Latin America, in Western Europe, in some Asian countries, as well as in Croatia and Serbia prove that elimination of human rabies is achievable in the MEEREB region. It requires political willingness and cooperation of all stakeholders, including Ministries of Health and of Agriculture; adequate management of animal bites through post‐exposure prophylaxis; pre‐exposure prophylaxis for populations at high risk of rabies exposure, animal vaccination and humane control of stray dog populations. MEEREB members called for a regional initiative for rabies elimination in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. They are confident that the elimination of human rabies of canine origin can be achieved in the region through adopting a One Health approach, and that campaigns for rabies elimination will have significant benefit for public health, including strengthening the structure for control of other zoonoses.  相似文献   

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