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Deep-Focus Earthquakes and Recycling of Water into the Earth's Mantle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
For more than 50 years, observations of earthquakes to depths of 100 to 650 kilometers inside Earth have been enigmatic: at these depths, rocks are expected to deform by ductile flow rather than brittle fracturing or frictional sliding on fault surfaces. Laboratory experiments and detailed calculations of the pressures and temperatures in seismically active subduction zones indicate that this deep-focus seismicity could originate from dehydration and high-pressure structural instabilities occurring in the hydrated part of the lithosphere that sinks into the upper mantle. Thus, seismologists may be mapping the recirculation of water from the oceans back into the deep interior of our planet.  相似文献   

Water in Earth's Mantle: The Role of Nominally Anhydrous Minerals   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Most minerals of Earth's upper mantle contain small amounts of hydrogen, structurally bound as hydroxyl (OH). The OH concentration in each mineral species is variable, in some cases reflecting the geological environment of mineral formation. Of the major mantle minerals, pyroxenes are the most hydrous, typically containing approximately 200 to 500 parts per million H(2)O by weight, and probably dominate the water budget and hydrogen geochemistry of mantle rocks that do not contain a hydrous phase. Garnets and olivines commonly contain approximately 1 to 50 parts per million. Nominally anhydrous minerals constitute a significant reservoir for mantle hydrogen, possibly accommodating all water in the depleted mantle and providing a possible mechanism to recycle water from Earth's surface into the deep mantle.  相似文献   

Fukao Y 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1992,258(5082):625-630
Recent seismic tomography of the Earth's mantle has revealed a large-scale pattern of mantle convection comprising upwelling columnar plumes in the Pacific and Africa and downwelling planar sheets along the Circum Pacific. Upwelling and downwelling occur most extensively under the south Pacific and west Pacific, respectively. High-resolution image of plate subduction has been obtained from the dense seismic networks around Japan. Japanese seismologists are in the best position to resolve the internal structure of downwelling current as an integral part of the whole convection system.  相似文献   

Post RL  Griggs DT 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1973,181(4106):1242-1244
Recent information from experimentally deformed dunite coupled with a reanalysis of data on the Fennoscandian postglacial rebound suggest that the rheological behavior of the upper mantle is distinctly non-Newtonian, and that the shear strain rate is proportional to the shear stress raised to about the third power.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments suggest that a convective regime characterized by two length scales of motion is a reasonable model for circulations in the earth's upper mantle. The flows of largest horizontal scale represent a likely plate-driving mechanism, required by some theories of plate tectonics. It is also suggested that the small-scale circulations could influence the chemical evolution of the mantle by extracting primitive mantle material that is otherwise entrained in the large-scale flow.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional, spherical models of mantle convection in the earth reveal that upwelling cylindrical plumes and downwelling planar sheets are the primary features of mantle circulation. Thus, subduction zones and descending sheetlike slabs in the mantle are fundamental characteristics of thermal convection in a spherical shell and are not merely the consequences of the rigidity of the slabs, which are cooler than the surrounding mantle. Cylindrical mantle plumes that cause hotspots such as Hawaii are probably the only form of active upwelling and are therefore not just secondary convective currents separate from the large-scale mantle circulation. Active sheetlike upwellings that could be associated with mid-ocean ridges did not develop in the model simulations, a result that is in agreement with evidence suggesting that ridges are passive phenomena resulting from the tearing of surface plates by the pull of descending slabs.  相似文献   

An exceptionally low degree of melting of the upper mantle in the equatorial part of the mid-Atlantic Ridge is indicated by the chemical composition of mantle-derived mid-ocean ridge peridotites and basalts. These data imply that mantle temperatures below the equatorial Atlantic are at least approximately 150 degrees C cooler than those below the normal mid-Atlantic Ridge, suggesting that isotherms are depressed and the mantle is downwelling in the equatorial Atlantic. An equatorial minimum of the zero-age crustal elevation of the East Pacific Rise suggests a similar situation in the Pacific. If so, an oceanic upper mantle cold equatorial belt separates hotter mantle regimes and perhaps distinct chemical and isotopic domains in the Northern and Southern hemispheres. Gravity data suggest the presence of high density material in the oceanic equatorial upper mantle, which is consistent with its inferred low temperature and undepleted composition. The equatorial distribution of cold, dense upper mantle may be ultimately an effect of the Earth's rotation.  相似文献   

Stability of Perovskite (MgSiO3) in the Earth's Mantle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Available thermodynamic data and seismic models favor perovskite (MgSiO3) as the stable phase in the mantle. MgSiO3 was heated at temperatures from 1900 to 3200 kelvin with a Nd-YAG laser in diamond-anvil cells to study the phase relations at pressures from 45 to 100 gigapascals. The quenched products were studied with synchrotron x-ray radiation. The results show that MgSiO3 broke down to a mixture of MgO (periclase) and SiO2 (stishovite or an unquenchable polymorph) at pressures from 58 to 85 gigapascals. These results imply that perovskite may not be stable in the lower mantle and that it might be necessary to reconsider the compositional and density models of the mantle.  相似文献   

The reaction dolomite + 2 coesite --><-- diopside + 2 diamond + 2O(2) defines the coexistence of diamond and carbonate in mantle eclogites. The oxygen fugacity of this reaction is approximately 1 log unit higher at a given temperature and pressure than the oxygen fugacities of the analogous reactions that govern the stability of diamond in peridotite. This difference allows diamond-bearing eclogite to coexist with peridotite containing carbonate or carbonate + diamond. This potential coexistence of diamond-bearing eclogite and carbonate-bearing peridotite can explain the presence of carbon-free peridotite interlayered with garnet pyroxenites that contain graphitized diamond in the Moroccan Beni Bousera massif at the Earth's surface and the preferential preservation of diamond-bearing eclogitic relative to peridotitic xenoliths in the Roberts Victor kimberlite.  相似文献   

Analyses of x-ray-diffraction measurements on (Mg,Fe)SiO(3) perovskite and (Mg,Fe)O magnesiowüstite at simultaneous high temperature and pressure are used to determine pressure-volume-temperature equations of state and thermoelastic properties of these lower mantle minerals. Detailed comparison with the seismically observed density and bulk sound velocity profiles of the lower mantle does not support models of this region that assume compositions identical to that of the upper mantle. The data are consistent with lower mantle compositions consisting of nearly pure perovskite (>85 percent), which would indicate that the Earth's mantle is compositionally, and by implication, dynamically stratified.  相似文献   

Transformations involving a change from tetrahedrally coordinated to octahedrally coordinated silicon ((IV)Si --> (VI)Si) are observed to occur at high pressure when the mean (IV)Si-O bond compresses to approximately 1.59 angstroms based on known room-pressure crystal structures, Si-O bond compressibilities, and pressures of (IV)Si --> (VI)Si transformations. The lower two-thirds of the mantle transition zone of high-density gradient (500 to 900 kilometers) corresponds to the predicted range of (IV)Si --> (VI)Si transformations. The 10 percent density increase of this zone at zero pressure is attributed primarily to the density increase associated with the change in silicon coordination. Below 900 kilometers all silicon is predicted to be in octahedral or greater coordination. The concept of cation polyhedral stability fields is defined.  相似文献   

Sumita I  Olson P 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1999,286(5444):1547-1549
Thermal convection experiments in a rapidly rotating hemispherical shell suggest a model in which the convection in Earth's liquid outer core is controlled by a thermally heterogeneous mantle. Experiments show that heterogeneous boundary heating induces an eastward flow in the core, which, at a sufficiently large magnitude, develops into a large-scale spiral with a sharp front. The front separates the warm and cold regions in the core and includes a narrow jet flowing from the core-mantle boundary to the inner-core boundary. The existence of this front in the core may explain the Pacific quiet zone in the secular variation of the geomagnetic field and the longitudinally heterogeneous structure of the solid inner core.  相似文献   

Averaged helium to carbon dioxide ratios measured from systematic collections of gases from Sulphur Bank fumarole. Kilauea, Hawaii, when coupled with estimates of carbon in the earth's crust, give a helium flux of 1 x 105 atoms per square centimeter per second. This is within the lower range of other estimates, and may represent the flux from deep-seated sources in the upper mantle.  相似文献   

Theoretical work on the magnetohydrodynamics of the earth's liquid core indicates (a) that horizontal variations in the properties of the core-mantle interface that would escape detection by modern seismological methods might nevertheless produce measurable geomagnetic effects; (b) that the rate of drift, relative to the earth's surface, of nonaxisymmetric features of the main geomagnetic field might be much faster than the average zonal speed of hydrodynamic motion of core material relative to the surrounding mantle; and (c) why magnetic astronomical bodies usually rotate. Among the consequences of (a) and (b) are the possibilities that (i) the shortest interval of time that can be resolved in paleomagnetic studies of the geocentric axial dipole component of the earth's magnetic field might be very much longer than the value often assumed by many paleomagnetic workers, (ii) reversals in sign of the geomagnetic dipole might be expected to show some degree of correlation with processes due to motions in the mantle (for example, tectonic activity, polar wandering), and (iii) variations in the length of the day that have hitherto been tentatively attributed to core motions may be due to some other cause.  相似文献   

The melting curve of iron, the primary constituent of Earth's core, has been measured to pressures of 250 gigapascals with a combination of static and dynamic techniques. The melting temperature of iron at the pressure of the core-mantle boundary (136 gigapascals) is 4800 +/- 200 K. whereas at the inner core-outer core boundary (330 gigapascals), it is 7600 +/- 500 K. Corrected for melting point depression resulting from the presence of impurities, a melting temperature for iron-rich alloy of 6600 K at the inner core-outer core boundary and a maximum temperature of 6900 K at Earth's center are inferred. This latter value is the first experimental upper bound on the temperature at Earth's center, and these results imply that the temperature of the lower mantle is significantly less than that of the outer core.  相似文献   

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