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Recent drilling in the Red Sea has shown that much of the basin is underlain by evaporites of a similar age to that of evaporites found in the Mediterranean Sea. These evaporites and their structural positions indicate that other brine areas are present-and, indeed, several others have been discovered.  相似文献   

Red sea enigmas     
Girdler RW 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1994,264(5166):1782-1783

Ross DA 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1972,175(4029):1455-1457
A return expedition to the hot brine area of the Red Sea in 1971 found that the temperature of the brine had increased, indicating that the process that formed the underlying deposits rich in heavy metals is still occurring. About 0.346 cubic kilometers of water having a minimum temperature of 104 degrees C has been added over the last 52 months. Calculations suggest that this water may have come from a relatively shallow depth; this result coupled with the fact that fracture zones are found north and south of the brine area indicates a relatively local source for the brine, rather than the Strait of Bab el Mandeb, as previously suggested.  相似文献   

Spreading of the ocean floor: new evidence   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Vine FJ 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1966,154(3755):1405-1415
It is suggested that the entire history of the ocean basins, in terms of oceanfloor spreading,is contained frozen in the oceanic crust. Variations in the intensity and polarity of Earth's magnetic field are considered to be recorded in the remanent magnetism of the igneous rocks as they solidified and cooled through the Curie temperature at the crest of an oceanic ridge, and subsequently spread away from it at a steady rate. The hypothesis is supported by the extreme linearity and continuity of oceanic magnetic anomalies and their symmetry about the axes of ridges. If the proposed reversal time scale for the last 4 million years is combined with the model, computed anomaly profiles show remarkably good agreement with those observed, and one can deduce rates of spreading for all active parts of the midoceanic ridge system for which magnetic profilesor surveys are available. The rates obtained are in exact agreement with those needed to account for continental drift. An exceptionally high rate of spreading (approximately 4.5 cm/year) in the South Pacific enables one to deduce by extrapolation considerable details of the reversal time scale back to 11.5 million years ago. Again, this scale can be applied to other parts of the ridge system. Thus one isled to the suggestion that the crest of the East Pacific Rise in the northeast Pacific has been overridden and modified by the westward drift of North America, with the production of the anomalous width and unique features of the American cordillera in the western United States. The oceanicmagnetic anomalies also indicate that there was a change in derection of crustal spreading in this region during Pliocene time from eastwest to southeast-northwest. A profile from the crest to the boundary of the East Pacific Rise, and the difference between axial-zone and flank anomalies over ridges, suggest increase in the frequency of reversal of Earth's magnetic field, together, possibly, with decrease in its intensity, approximately 25 million years ago. Within the framework of ocean-floor spreading, it is suggested that magnetic anomaliesmay indicate the nature of oceanic fracture zones and distinguish the parts of the ridge system that are actively spreading. Thus data derived during the past year lend remarkable support to thehypothesis that magnetic anomalies may reveal the history of the ocean basins.  相似文献   

Red sea: detailed survey of hot-brine areas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A bathymetric and geophysical survey of the Red Sea rift valley between 21 degrees 10' and 21 degrees 30'N has defined three separate pools of hot brines. The brines and their associated heavy metals are believed to be periodically discharged from the eastern side of the largest deep, Atlantis II. Cores taken from the flanks of the deeps show repetitive cycles of sedimentation of hydrous amorphous iron oxides which fill most of Atlantis II Deep.  相似文献   

Elemental abundances of major (Ti, Al, Fe, and Ca), minor (Na, Mn, and Cr), and trace elements [14 rare-earth elements (REE), Y, In, Cd, Rb, Cs, Ba, Co, and Sc] in lunar anorthosites separated from Apollo 11 sample 10085 coarse fines have been determined by means of instrumental and radiochemical neutron activation analysis. The REE distribution pattern of lunar anorthosites, relative to ordinary chondrites, has a positive Eu anomaly. On the assumption that (i) the lunar composition is similar to that of ordinary chondritic meteorites low in total Fe ( approximately 13 percent); (ii) lunar anorthosites are derived from highland cratering events and are representative of the highlands; and (iii) the moon differentiated into olivine, hypersthene, and basaltic and anorthositic phases, and plagioclase crysstallization began after approximately 93 percent solidification, then mass balance calculations yield approximately 30-kilometer and approximately 10-kilometer thicknesses for the lunar highlands for the melting and chemical differentiation of the entire moon and of the upper 200 kilometers, respectively. Corresponding thicknesses of the basaltic basement rocks were approximately 5 kilometers and approximately 2 kilometers, respectively. Alternatively, if the anorthosites of this study are representative of the highlands and the onset of plagioclase crystallization occurred after approximately 50 percent solidification of the initially melted moon, calculations with REE and Ba partition coefficients suggest that the REE and Ba abundances in the primeval moon were similar to those observed in basaltic achondrites.  相似文献   

A 0.6-centimeter-thick sublayer was found in horizontal flow profiles obtained by traversing a heated thermistor from 19 centimeters above to 2 centimeters below the water-sediment interface in 200-meter-deep water on the Oregon continental shelf. In this sublayer the speed of the current varies linearly with distance above the sediment. Estimates of viscous stress from this sublayer and turbulent stress from the profile agree within 5 percent. Stress calculated from a current-meter spectrum agrees within its 95 percent confidence limits.  相似文献   

Dott RH 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1969,166(3907):874-876
The hypothesis of sea floor spreading and lithosphere plates seems to unify the origins of both oceanic ridges and volcanic arc-trench systems; therefore knowledge of well-known land areas should shed light upon sea floor tectonics. Impressive evidence of a major mid-Cenozoic discontinuity in the tectonic history of circum-Pacific land areas suggests a roughly synchronous change in sea floor development, more evidence for which may be anticipated in the future.  相似文献   

Giant larvacean houses: rapid carbon transport to the deep sea floor   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An unresolved issue in ocean science is the discrepancy between the food requirements of the animals living on the deep sea floor and their food supply, as measured by sediment traps. A 10-year time-series study of the water column off Monterey Bay, California, revealed that the discarded mucus feeding structures of giant larvaceans carry a substantial portion of the upper ocean's productivity to the deep seabed. These abundant, rapidly sinking, carbon-rich vectors are not detected by conventional sampling methods and thus have not been included in calculations of vertical nutrient flux or in oceanic carbon budgets.  相似文献   

Cycads: fossil evidence of late paleozoic origin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Plant fossils from Lower Permian strata of the southwestern United States have been interpreted as cycadalean megasporophylls. They are evidently descended from spermopterid elements of the Pennsylvanian Taeniopteris complex; thus the known fossil history of the cycads is extended from the Late Triassic into the late Paleozoic. Possible implications of the Permian fossils toward evolution of the angiosperm carpel are considered.  相似文献   

Investigation of 33 islands, scattered widely across the Caroline and Marshall Island groups in the Central Pacific revealed no emerged reefs in which corals had unquestionably formed in situ, or other direct evidence of postglacial high stands of sea level. Low unconsolidated rock terraces and ridges of reefflat islands, mostly lying between tide levels, were composed of rubble conglomerates; carbon-14 dating of 11 samples from the conglomerates so far may suggest a former slightly higher sea level (nine samples range between 1890 and 3450 and one approaches 4500 years ago). However, recent hurricanes have produced ridges of comparable height and material, and in the same areas relics from World War II have been found cemented in place. Thus these datings do not in themselves necessarily indicate formerly higher sea levels. Rubble tracts are produced by storms under present conditions without any change in datum, and there seems to be no compelling evidence that they were not so developed during various periods in the past.  相似文献   

The grade of copper and nickel in manganese nodules is negatively correlated with their abundance on the sea floor, within small regions and in the Pacific Ocean as a whole. Although the correlation tells nothing about estimates of commercially mineable reserves at particular sites, it contradicts an assumption on which many predictions with respect to manganese nodule resources are based.  相似文献   

Craig H 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1966,154(3756):1544-1548
Abstract. Deuterium and oxygen-18 measurements show that the Red Sea and Salton Sea brines are the results of a single process, the leaching of sediments by surface water circulating downward to a geothermal reservoir. The Salton Sea brine is derived from local precipitation but the Red Sea brine originates 1000 kilometers south of its basin, on the shallow sill which controls the circulation of the Red Sea. On this sill sea water penetrates a thick evaporite sequence to a depth of 2000 meters, and, driven by its increased density relative to sea water, flows northward to emerge in the brine-filled deeps.  相似文献   

Hypertension of renal origin: evidence for two different mechanisms   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Antibody to angiotensin 11, or a specific peptide competitive inhibitor of angiolensin II, was used to investigate the role of the renin-angiotensin system in two types of renal hypertension in rats. The data indicate that angiotensin II is in fact critically involved in the pathogenesis of the form of renal hypertension in which one renal artery is clamped and the contralateral kidney is left in place, but that it probably plays no significant role in the maintenance of experimental renal hypertension in which the opposite kidney has been removed.  相似文献   

The asymmetry of irradiation features of grains in the Kapoeta and Fayetteville meteorites suggests irradiation on a regolith before meteorite formation. Chondrules and broken grains require approximately 10(4) years of irradiation time between formation or fracturing and compaction into the meteorite. Shock erasure of tracks from irradiated Kapoeta feldspars requires a severe shock event during or after meteorite formation.  相似文献   

In sediments west of the East Pacific Rise between the equator and 20 degrees N, Eocene microfossils are recorded no farther east than 134 degrees W; Oligocene, no farther east than 125 degrees W; while Miocene and Pliocene occurrences extend closer to the crest of the rise. This distribution may result from post-Eocene spreading of the sea floor here averaging about 8 centimeters per year.  相似文献   

A large crater has been discovered on the sea floor, Gulf of Mexico, in a water depth of 2176 meters. Deep-tow high-resolution imagery shows that the crater is cut into a low hill surrounded by near-surface concentric faults. Approximately 2 million cubic meters of ejected sediment forms a peripheral debris field. The low hill and faults may be related to mud diapirism or intrusion of gas hydrates into near-surface sediments. A recent eruption evacuated sediments from the crater, apparently because of release of overpressured petrogenic gas.  相似文献   

Four dives were made to the floor of the Middle-America Trench with the U.S. Navy's deep research submersible DSV Turtle. The area investigated is located between Costa Rica and the Cocos Ridge where the depth of the trench floor does not exceed the 2000-meter capability of the submersible. At the axis of the trench floor a series of steep northeast-facing scarps 10 to 20 meters high lie parallel to the trench axis. Here oceanic crust appears to have been carried down by near-vertical normal vaults of small displacement. Between these small scarps and the landward wall of the trench a narrow line of recent deformation interrupts a smooth apron. Unconsolidated sediments are thrust in sharply serrated piles and cut by sharp-edged chasms. This line of deformation is interpreted as the present sea floor trace of crustal subduction.  相似文献   

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