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From comparison of theoretical and observed microwave brightness temperatures of Venus at 1.35 centimeters, the center of a water-vapor line, we obtain an upper limit of 0.8 percent for the water-vapor mixing ratio in the lower atmosphere. This limit is consistent with the amount of water vapor detected by Venera 4, the existence of aqueous ice clouds, and a greenhouse effect caused by water vapor and carbon dioxide. The computed spectra suggest that a sensitive procedure for detection of water vapor is examination of the wavelength region between I and 1.4 centimeters.  相似文献   

The Composite Infrared Spectrometer observed Jupiter in the thermal infrared during the swing-by of the Cassini spacecraft. Results include the detection of two new stratospheric species, the methyl radical and diacetylene, gaseous species present in the north and south auroral infrared hot spots; determination of the variations with latitude of acetylene and ethane, the latter a tracer of atmospheric motion; observations of unexpected spatial distributions of carbon dioxide and hydrogen cyanide, both considered to be products of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 impacts; characterization of the morphology of the auroral infrared hot spot acetylene emission; and a new evaluation of the energetics of the northern auroral infrared hot spot.  相似文献   

Two sets of passive radio observations of Venus-measurements of the spectrum of the disk temperature near the 1-centimeter wavelength, and interferometric measurements of the planetary limb darkening at the 1.35-centimeter water vapor resonance-show no evidence of water vapor in the lower atmosphere of Venus. The upper limit of 2 x 10(-3) for the mixing ratio of water vapor is substantially less than the amounts derived from the Venera space probes (0.5 x 10(-2) to 2.5 x 10(-2)). This amount of water vapor cannot produce dense clouds, and it is doubtful that it may contribute significantly to a greenhouse effect.  相似文献   

Observations made from the Viking I orbiter show very little water vapor in the Mars atmosphere in the southern hemisphere (0 to 3 precipitable micrometers) with a gradual increase across the equator to northern latitudes. Maximum amounts between 20 and 30 micrometers have been observed in the short period covered by the observations to date. The season, northern midsummer, corresponds to the beginning of the water vapor cycle in that hemisphere. A strong repetitive diurnal cycling between the solid and vapor phases is observed at a site to the east of the Tharsis Ridge at 10 degrees north latitude; the vapor lies close to the martian surface and is most probably in saturation equilibrium with a surface haze or fog throughout much of the day.  相似文献   

"Forward-looking" infrared measurements of water vapor from the C-141A Kuiper Airborne Observatory of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Ames Research Center show large, distinctly identifiable, signal anomalies from 4 to 10 minutes in advance of subsequent encounters with clear air turbulence (CAT). These anomalies are characteristically different from the signals not followed by CAT encounters. Results of airborne field trials in which the infrared radiometer was used indicate that, out of 51 situations, 80 percent were CAT alerts followed by CAT encounters, 12 percent were "false alarms" (CAT alerts not followed by CAT encounters), and 8 percent were CAT encounters not preceded by an infrared signal anomaly or CAT alert.  相似文献   

Ultrafast hydrogen-bond dynamics in the infrared spectroscopy of water   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We investigated rearrangements of the hydrogen-bond network in water by measuring fluctuations in the OH-stretching frequency of HOD in liquid D2O with femtosecond infrared spectroscopy. Using simulations of an atomistic model of water, we relate these frequency fluctuations to intermolecular dynamics. The model reveals that OH frequency shifts arise from changes in the molecular electric field that acts on the proton. At short times, vibrational dephasing reflects an underdamped oscillation of the hydrogen bond with a period of 170 femtoseconds. At longer times, vibrational correlations decay on a 1.2-picosecond time scale because of collective structural reorganizations.  相似文献   

The Cassini spacecraft flew close to Saturn's small moon Enceladus three times in 2005. Cassini's UltraViolet Imaging Spectrograph observed stellar occultations on two flybys and confirmed the existence, composition, and regionally confined nature of a water vapor plume in the south polar region of Enceladus. This plume provides an adequate amount of water to resupply losses from Saturn's E ring and to be the dominant source of the neutral OH and atomic oxygen that fill the Saturnian system.  相似文献   

Strong photoinduced nucleation of pure water vapor was found to occur in a wavelength range where no ultraviolet absorption of water vapor has been reported. Systematic studies were made of the dependence of the nucleation rate and the delay time for the initiation of nucleation on light intensity. The results obtained were accurately fitted by a phenomenological mechanism whereby the nucleation is initiated by clusters accumulating an appropriate number of photoexcited water molecules.  相似文献   

The vibrational dynamics of the retinal chromophore all-trans-to-13-cis photoisomerization in bacteriorhodopsin has been studied with mid-infrared absorption spectroscopy at high time resolution (about 200 femtoseconds). After photoexcitation of light-adapted bacteriorhodopsin, the transient infrared absorption was probed in a broad spectral region, including vibrations with dominant C-C, C=C, and C=NH stretching mode amplitude. All photoproduct modes, especially those around 1190 reciprocal-centimeters that are indicative for a 13-cis configuration of the chromophore, rise with a time constant of approximately 0.5 picosecond. The results presented give direct vibrational-spectroscopic evidence for the isomerization taking place within 0.5 picosecond, as has been suggested by previous optical femtosecond time-resolved experiments but questioned recently by picosecond time-resolved vibrational spectroscopy experiments.  相似文献   

Pielke RA  Klein R  Maricle G  Chase T 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2003,302(5649):1329; author reply 1329

During the 1990 Galileo Venus flyby, the Near Infaied Mapping Spectrometer investigated the night-side atmosphere of Venus in the spectral range 0.7 to 5.2 micrometers. Multispectral images at high spatial resolution indicate substanmial cloud opacity variations in the lower cloud levels, centered at 50 kilometers altitude. Zonal and meridional winds were derived for this level and are consistent with motion of the upper branch of a Hadley cell. Northern and southern hemisphere clouds appear to be markedly different. Spectral profiles were used to derive lower atmosphere abundances of water vapor and other species.  相似文献   

传统的茶叶品质感官审评方法和湿化学检测方法具有结果评价主观性强、测定费时、费力等局限性,而近红外光谱技术作为一种新型的分析技术手段,具有快速、无损、结果客观等优势,在茶行业上得到应用.本文在概述近红外光谱技术原理基础上,主要综述了近红外光谱技术在茶鲜叶品质分析、成分检测、茶叶等级识别、茶种类鉴别、茶地理溯源和茶叶深加工...  相似文献   

无损检测技术作为一门新兴的综合性应用学科,大致可分为光学检测法、声学检测法、视觉检测法和电磁学检测法.基于光学原理的无损检测技术——近红外检测技术由于其高效、快速的特点,已经广泛应用于果蔬品质的无损检测.综述近红外检测技术在水果品质检测方面的国内外研究进展,并展望该技术的发展前景.  相似文献   

With the use of newly obtained spectrograms of Mars in the region of the water vapor band at 8200 angstroms, we have derived a value of 35 +/- 15 microns for the amount of precipitable water in a vertical column in the Martian atmosphere.  相似文献   

Short-term power spectra of the fluctuations in the precipitable water vapor measured with a dual-channel microwave radiometer are presented. The spectra, taken over 34-hour sampling periods, encompass periodicities from I day to about 10 minutes. The fluctuation power is associated with the average precipitable water vapor for the sampling period. The background noise spectrum of the radiometric instrument is also discussed.  相似文献   

为快速测定人工林杨木的综纤维素含量,按国家标准测定了42 个杨木木材样品的综纤维素含量,并用近红 外光谱仪测定相应的光谱。在350 ~ 2 500、1 300 ~ 2 050、2 050 ~ 2 500 nm 3 个不同的光谱区域,采用未处理、 Baseline、一阶导数、二阶导数等光谱预处理方法,再用PLS1、PLS2、PCR 3 种不同建模方法建立相应的校正模型与 交互验证模型。结果表明:当光谱区域为1 300 ~2 050 nm、光谱数据未进行预处理、采用PLS1 的建模方法、主成分 数为8 时,建立的校正模型有最佳预测效果;采用建立的模型对未参与建模的样本进行预测,预测结果与实测结果 间的相关系数为0.818 8。   相似文献   

近红外光谱分析技术及其在农业领域的应用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
近红外光谱分析技术是一种高效、快速的现代分析技术,已在很多领域得到广泛应用。本文对近红外光谱分析技术的发展历程、技术原理、分析程序,技术特点以及在企业领域的应用作了简要介绍,并对其在农业领域的应用前景进行了讨论。  相似文献   

【目的】建立牛奶中尿素氮的快速、无损检测方法,为牛奶中尿素氮的快速检测提供支持。【方法】对200个牛奶样品进行近红外扫描,并用多功能乳制品分析仪对牛奶样品中尿素氮的含量进行测定;剔除20个异常样品后,得到由180个牛奶样品组成的得分样品,将得分样品分为定标集(144个)和验证集(36个),将正交试验设计与主成分回归法(PCR)、偏最小二乘法(PLS)、改进偏最小二乘法(MPLS)3种定量校正方法和多种光谱预处理方法结合,建立牛奶中尿素氮的近红外检测模型,利用目标函数法对模型预测效果进行评定。【结果】建立了定量检测牛奶中尿素氮的最优模型,其定标相关系数(R2)和定标标准差(SEC)分别为0.986 4和0.238 4。用验证集对所建模型进行验证,其校正相关系数(RSQ)和预测标准差(SEP)分别为0.976 0和0.360 0。利用所有得分样品对预测结果进行监控,并绘制尿素氮测定值与模型预测值的线性相关曲线,相关系数r2为0.980 5。【结论】利用近红外光谱法建立的尿素氮定量检测最优模型具有很好的适用性和准确性,可用于牛奶尿素氮的快速定量检测。  相似文献   

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