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不同化学诱导因子对蔬菜炭疽病的诱导抗性效应   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
选用水杨酸 (SA)、阿魏酸 (FA)、对羟基苯甲酸 (P -HBA)和香豆酸 (CA) 4种外源酚酸和氯化钾(KCl)、磷酸氢二钾 (K2 HPO4)、促根剂 (甲、乙两种配方 ) 3种化学试剂处理黄瓜和小白菜幼苗 ,研究这些试剂对小白菜和黄瓜的局部诱导抗性和系统诱导抗性。结果表明 ,K2 HPO4、CA、FA均可诱导 2个小白菜品种对炭疽病的抗性 ,相比之下对抗病品种的诱抗效果更好。K2 HPO4、SA、FA、CA、促根剂乙也可诱导黄瓜对炭疽病的抗性 ,挑战接种的强度影响诱抗效果 ,低浓度孢子悬浮液挑战接种效果好。K2 HPO4、CA还能有效地诱导黄瓜对炭疽病的系统抗性。  相似文献   

The endosperm proteins of the maize mutants, opaque-2, opaque-7, floury-2, brittle-2, and the double mutant of opaque-2 and brittle-2, were separated into five soluble fractions by the Landry-Moureaux method. As compared to their isogenic normal counterparts, the mutant endosperms had higher concentrations of albumins, globulins, and glutelin-3, and lower concentrations of prolamines. The combination of the opaque-2 and brittle-2 genes enhanced this difference. Although the four mutant genes are located on three different chromosomes, they exert a similar effect on endosperm protein composition. Five other starchmodifying mutants with high lysine content resemble the brittle-2 mutant in endosperm protein composition, when the gene is present either singly or combined with opaque-2. Therefore, the pattern of protein synthesis in all maize mutants with high lysine concentrations may be either identical or very similar. Because no synergistic effect on lysine concentration is obtained when floury-2 is combined with opaque-2, different pathways leading to reduced zein synthesis may exist in the floury and starch-modifying mutants with high lysine concentrations.  相似文献   

采用311-A拟饱和最优回归设计,对胡萝h施用氮、磷、钾肥料进行试验。试验结果运用计算机DPS数据处理系统进行统计分析,模拟出胡萝h氮、磷、钾肥料施用量码值与产量及利润的回归方程,应用边际分析方法,获得小白菜最高产量施肥量为氮肥177.26Kg/hm^2纯N,N:P2O5:K2O=1:0.51:1.61;最佳利润施肥量为氮肥174.43Kg/hm^2纯N,N:P2O5:K2O=1:0.50:1.66。获得胡萝卜高产时使用的施肥量及最佳利润施肥量。  相似文献   

为进一步提高蔬菜作物间套复种的经济效益,采用田间小区试验,研究甜玉米与蔬菜间套复种的8种种植模式的产值效益。结果表明:甜玉米与不同蔬菜间套作的总产量和总产值均高于蔬菜单作;其中,2004年2∶4带型处理年总产值最高,平均比单作增加49.1%;2005年夏播模式2行甜玉米‖4行甘蓝/4行莴笋(2∶4带型)的经济效益均高于其它处理,其作物总产值达到67 377 元·hm-2,比当季蔬菜单作增加96%;2005年甜玉米间作蔬菜(2∶4带型)的秋播模式2行萝卜‖11行大蒜/2行莴笋模式总产值达64 667 元·hm-2,比蔬菜单作增加161%,其年总产值比蔬菜单作平均增加299.5%。说明甜玉米与不同蔬菜间套作有利于提高农作物的经济效益,而2∶4带型的 种植模式可在蔬菜农业生产中推广应用。  相似文献   

为了提高户外用竹材防霉剂的抗水解、光降解和抗氧化降解能力,采用向防霉剂中添加抗氧剂、紫外线吸收剂等方法,以4年生新伐毛竹Phyllostachys edulis为试材,以防霉剂丙环唑和戊唑醇为试剂,通过24周野外防霉实验,研究抗氧剂和紫外线吸收剂的添加对防霉剂防霉性能的影响。结果表明:抗氧剂二叔丁基对甲酚(BHT)对戊唑醇的防霉效力具有较好的促进作用,以质量分数1.0%戊唑醇为例,其处理材上表面的综合防霉效力为19.14%,加入BHT后提高到34.84%,而同时加入BHT和BTA这2种添加剂可提高到42.75%;然而,BHT对丙环唑防霉效果的影响不明显。紫外线吸收剂苯骈三氮唑(BTA)对戊唑醇防霉效果有减弱作用,对丙环唑则起到明显的促进作用,以质量分数1.0%的丙环唑处理材上表面为例,纯药剂防霉效力为14.43%,加入BTA后提高到37.23%,同时添加BHT和BTA防霉效力增加到54.12%。;同时添加BHT和BTA对所选2种防霉剂均能起到明显的防霉促进作用。图4表6参17  相似文献   

Increased peroxidase activity and resistance to black rot was found in sweet potato roots incubated above infected roots in closed containers when compared with similar tissue incubated above uninfected roots. The peroxidase increases were detected in unpurified extracts and in extracts subjected to gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   

我国主要油料作物及植物油的起源与发展史   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
油料作物和植物油作为农业和手工业的重要组成部分,在中国古代经济社会中占有一席之地。中国古代油料作物的种植历史可以追溯到秦汉以前,油料作物(包括脂麻、油菜、花生等)和植物油(包括菜油、花生油、豆油等)的出现、加工、生产、使用及商品化,先后经历了从无到有(包括引进)由小面积种植到大范围普种、由自食自用到进入市场的过程。  相似文献   

通过5%高效盖草灵乳油对移栽油菜田禾本科杂草的防效试验,明确高效盖草灵乳油每667m^2施用45-60ml对油菜田中的禾本科杂草有很好的控制作用。在试验用量下,对油菜生长安全。  相似文献   

在玉米、大豆轮作或间作时,按现行除草剂处理方法防除杂草对作物易产生很大的药害。为选择对玉米和大豆安全、成本低、除草效果好的通用复配剂进行了本试验。试验结果表明,玉米、大豆地通用的乙草胺与扑草净混合液适宜比例为乙草胺(50%)1.5kgh/m2+扑草净(25%)0.75kgh/m2,杂草防除效果达90%以上,对玉米、大豆均安全,降低除草剂成本30~40元/hm2。  相似文献   

稻菜轮作套种技术的优势及推广建议   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
稻菜轮作是翁源县农民长期应用的耕作技其关键措施是选择适销对路的高产品种、适时播种及掌握简易的套种操作方法.在正常的田间管理水平条件下,稻菜轮作套种技术能获得较高的经济效益,成为当地农民致富的重要手段.  相似文献   

Colicin E1 blocks proline accumulation by membrane vesicles prepared from wild-type sensitive Escherichia coli. Two classes of mutant cells are unaffected by colicin. Vesicles from colicin-resistant strains are sensitive to colicin E1, whereas vesicles from colicin-tolerant strains are unaffected by colicin El. These results suggest that the colicin E1 receptor is on the cell membrane and that colicin-tolerant strains have altered membranes while colicin-resistant strains have altered cell walls.  相似文献   

水稻、小麦碳酸盐耐性突变体的筛选   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用 Na N3处理水稻、小麦 ,在 M3世代中筛选出了水稻碳酸盐耐性突变体。结果表明 ,水稻品种之间有耐性差异 ,耐性突变体有稳定遗传的趋势。可培育出稳定遗传的新材料。  相似文献   

作物抗旱鉴定指标的种类及其综合评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从直接指标(形态指标、生长指标、生理生化指标和理化指标)和间接指标(耐热性、叶绿素稳定指数和温度系数)2个方面综述了作物抗旱鉴定的各种指标,并对综合评价作了简要的讨论  相似文献   

化学诱变筛选木薯抗寒突变体的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以木薯品种SC8和SC124的组培苗带芽茎段为材料,进行不同浓度的甲基磺酸乙酯(EMS)处理、EMS与苯甲酰胺复合处理、硫酸二乙酯(DES)处理,确定其半致死浓度。再在4℃低温选择压力下,通过测定脯氨酸含量来鉴定植株抗寒性的变化,以获得抗寒突变体植株。结果表明:SC8的半致死处理为1.1%EMS、1.1%EMS 5mmol/L苯甲酰胺、0.9%EMS 10mmol/L苯甲酰胺以及0.4?S,SC124的半致死处理为0.8%EMS、0.7%EMS 5mmol/L苯甲酰胺、0.5%EMS 10mmol/L苯甲酰胺以及0.3?S;在SC8的0.3%EMS及0.3%EMS 5mmol/L苯甲酰胺处理中有可能获得抗寒性强的突变体,而对SC124通过降低温度或多次低温处理的方法增加选择压力,可望筛选到含抗寒突变株的群体。  相似文献   

农美利等除草剂对水稻药害的研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
通过盆栽试验明确了农美利等6种除草剂对水稻的药害症状及其发展过程。同时通过对不同影响因子的研究,初步探明农美利对不同水稻品种产生药害的差异较大,其中粳稻品种表现的药害重于籼稻和杂交稻品种;农美利和苯噻酰草胺对1~3叶期水稻的药害重于4叶期稻苗;农美利、苯噻酰草胺及骠马对水稻造成的药害随用药量的加大而明显加重;土壤上有薄水层时施药,可减缓农美利药害;高温条件下,农美利更易产生药害;农美利在不同土壤上应用,水稻受药害程度也有所不同;初步明确安全剂可减缓农美利药害的发生。  相似文献   

The resistance of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) to soybean cyst nematode (SCN, Heterodera glycines Ichinohe), which is a devastating pathogen in soybean production and causes a large quantity of annual yield loss worldwide, can shift during the long-term interaction and domestication. It is vital to identify more new resistance genetic sources for identification of novel genes underlying resistance to SCN for management of this pathogen. In the present study, first, two ethane methylsulfonate-mutagenesis soybean M2 populations of PI 437654, which shows a broad resistance to almost all of SCN races, and Zhonghuang 13, which is a soybean cultivar in China conferring strong resistance to lodging, were developed. Many types of morphological phenotypes such as four- and five-leaflet leaves were observed from these two soybean M2 populations. Second, 13 mutants were identified and confirmed to exhibit alteration of resistance to SCN race 4 through the forward genetic screening of 400 mutants of the PI 437654 M2 population, the rate of mutants with alteration of SCN-infection phenotype is 3.25%. Third, these identified mutants were further verified not to show any changes in the genomic sequences of the three known SCN-resistant genes, GmSHMT08, GmSNAP18 and GmSANP11, compared to the wild-type soybean; and all of them were still resistant to SCN race 3 similar to the wild-type soybean. Taken together, we can conclude that the 13 mutants identified in the present study carry the mutations of the new gene(s) which contribute(s) to the resistance to SCN race 4 in PI 437654 and can be potentially used as the genetic soybean sources to further identify the novel SCN-resistant gene(s).  相似文献   

【目的】利用病菌粗毒素离体筛选大蒜抗叶枯病变异系,建立抗病变异系离体筛选方法。【方法】以蒜瓣茎盘为外植体诱导愈伤组织;以大蒜叶枯病菌培养滤液制取的粗毒素为筛选剂,离体筛选大蒜抗叶枯病变异系;通过接种病菌粗毒素和病菌孢子鉴定变异株的抗病性,分析变异株的防御酶活性。【结果】大蒜叶枯病菌粗毒素对大蒜愈伤组织增殖有显著抑制作用,抑制作用随病菌粗毒素质量分数的增加而增强,不同大蒜品种愈伤组织对病菌粗毒素的抗性不同;利用不同体积分数的病菌粗毒素分步筛选分别获得大蒜品种G039变异系苗12株,G073变异系苗2株,它们对大蒜叶枯病菌粗毒素具有稳定的抗性。经病菌孢子悬浮液接种鉴定,变异系苗较其对照抗病性提高。大蒜抗叶枯病变异系苗接种病菌后叶片过氧化物酶(POD)、多酚氧化酶(PPO)和苯丙氨酸解胺酶(PAL)的活性在短时间内即达到峰值,且与抗病品种G064接近或更高,而感病品种G039的酶活性则明显低于前两者。【结论】利用不同体积分数的大蒜叶枯病菌粗毒素分步筛选可以获得大蒜抗叶枯病变异系,适宜大蒜抗叶枯病变异系分步筛选的上限粗毒素体积分数为30%;POD、PPO和PAL活性可作为大蒜抗叶枯病鉴定的生化指标。  相似文献   

瓜类蔬菜是蔬菜产业重要的种类之一,但其产量和品质严重受到白粉病的影响。解决白粉病危害瓜类蔬菜生产最为有效的途径是选育和推广抗病品种,而对瓜类蔬菜白粉病菌及其抗性分子遗传机理的了解和运用是加快抗病品种选育的前提和基础。文章综述了瓜类蔬菜白粉病病原菌种类和分布、抗性遗传和抗性基因、抗性分子标记技术的开发和应用,针对存在的问题提出进一步研究的方向,以期为瓜类蔬菜抗白粉病育种提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

Organic manure application is an important measure for high yield and good quality vegetable production, whereas organic manure is also a main source of residual antibiotic in soils. A 3-yr experiment was conducted on a fluvo-aguic soil in Tianjin of northern China. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of different fertilization patterns on yield of six-season vegetables with celery and tomato rotation, and dynamic change of tetracyclines residues in the soil during the sixth growing season(tomato season). The field experiment comprised six treatments depending on the proportion of nitrogen of each type of fertilizer: 4/4 CN(CN, nitrogen in chemical fertilizer), 3/4 CN+1/4 MN(MN, nitrogen in pig manure), 2/4 CN+2/4 MN, 1/4 CN+3/4 MN, 2/4 CN+1/4 MN+1/4 SN(SN, nitrogen in corn straw), and CF(conventional fertilization, the amounts of nitrogen application were 943 and 912 kg N ha–1 for celery and tomato season, respectively). In addition to CF treatment, the amount of nitrogen application in other treatments was greatly reduced and equal(450 and 450 kg N ha–1 for celery and tomato season, respectively). Results showed that the combined application of 3/4 CN+1/4 MN achieved the highest yield and economic benefit in the first four seasons, but addition of straw(2/4 CN+1/4 MN+1/4 SN treatment) performed better in the subsequent two seasons, and the average yields of 2/4 CN+1/4 MN+1/4 SN treatment were respectively higher by 9.9 and 12.8% than those of 4/4 CN treatment, and by 5.6 and 10.5% than those of CF treatment. The residual chlortetracycline(CTC) in manure-amended soil for three consecutive years increased along with the increase of applied amount of pig manure. Under the same amount of pig manure application, content of CTC in straw-amended soil was obviously decreased compared with no straw-amended soil(3/4 CN+1/4 MN treatment), and averagely decreased by 41.9% for four sampling periods in the sixth season. Addition of crop straw facilitated the degradation of CTC in manure-amended soil. As a whole, the conventional fertilization was not the desirable pattern based on yield, economic benefit and environment, the optimal fertilization pattern with the highest yield and profit and the least soil chlortetracycline residue was the treatment of2/4 CN+1/4 MN+1/4 SN under this experimental condition.  相似文献   

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