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Color analysis is a critical quality evaluation procedure in the potato processing industry. This research sought to determine whether potato chip color could be quantified by video image analysis. Russet Burbank and Shepody potatoes, stored at 8 and 5 C, were processed into 8 mm thick chips, which were fried for three time periods. Chip color was characterised by mean gray level values. Changes in video equipment operation and sample presentation were investigated to establish the most reproducible conditions for chip color measurements. The use of image analysis software to analyze mean gray level values from specific regions of the chip was demonstrated. Differences in chip color from potatoes stored at the two temperatures could be distinguished by mean gray level values. For potatoes that had been stored at 5 C, different chip frying times were distinguished on the basis of mean gray level. Chips of 1 mm thickness were prepared from 13 selections and 2 cultivars and color measured by mean gray level, Lvalue (Hunterlab D25L-2 colorimeter) and by Agtron value (Agtron M31A color meter, green mode). Good correlation was found between color assessed by mean gray level and color measured by the Agtron and Hunterlab. A repeatability study showed that image analysis color was not as repeatable as color measured by the two other techniques. Nevertheless, video image analysis appears to have potential as an objective assessor of chip color, and through software development, has specific advantages over other color assessment techniques.  相似文献   

Summary The performance of potato platato plants raised under glass and transplanted to the field after emergence was compared with that of field-raised plants. The transfer from the warmer environment of the glasshouse to the cooler environment of the field resulted in immediate initiation of tubers. The period between initiation and the commencement of rapid bulking was, however, prolonged so that some of the advantage was lost. Nevertheless, this technique enabled yields, in the range of 2–6 tons per acre to be achieved some 4–5 days carlier; the tubers were also more uniform in size. Foliar applications of urea after tuber initiation hastened and extended the phase of rapid bulking, leading to carlier marketable yields and to higher yields at maturity. Urea applied before tuber initiation delayed its commencement. Plants which were transplanted after raising under glass always matured more quickly and gave lower final yields than field-raised plants. The physiological bases of the respones found are discussed. Some plants were exposed to frosts. Recovery from frost damage was rapid; the rate of tuber bulking was slower but yields at maturity were slightly higher than those of plants protected from forst.  相似文献   

Phosphite is a general term used to describe the salts of phosphorous acid H3PO3. It is effective in suppressing a number of plant diseases caused by oomycetes and has been shown to reduce populations of several insect species. We investigated the effects of phosphite on the Colorado potato beetles in the field and laboratory. Beetle numbers and defoliation on phosphite-treated plots were lower compared to the control plots during one out of two years of the study. No phosphite effects were detected in the field during the second year of the study. However, larval mortality was significantly higher the second year in the laboratory when larvae were fed on potato foliage excised from the potato plants treated with phosphite in the field. Laboratory tests with excised leaves dipped in a solution of phosphite revealed lower beetle survivorship and prolonged development on the treated foliage. Because of its dual properties as a fungicide and an insecticide, as well as its low toxicity to vertebrates, phosphite is a potentially good fit for integrated pest management programs.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the effects which dihydroquercetin (DHQ) has on the natural healing process of suberization and wound periderm initiation in cut seed potatoes. Dihydroquercetin is a phenolic compound extracted from the bark of Douglas Fir,Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco. Anatomical studies of treated seed potato tissue showed that treatment with bark-383, the cork-rich fraction of the whole bark containing approximately 2% pure DHQ, increases the thickness of the suberized layer formed below the cut surface. Treatment with 4% bark fraction I, which is blended to that concentration with the inert carrier dust Pyrax and contains approximately the same amount of DHQ as does the bark-383, also promoted the formation of a thicker layer of suberized cells. The thickness of the wound periderm did not significantly vary as a result of the use of any treatments containing DHQ. The use of Captan (Orthocide 50W) as a cut seed treatment in these studies was found to inhibit the formation of a suberized layer and subsequently the initiation of a wound periderm. The combination of bark-383 and Orthocide 50W in a treatment mixture reversed the inhibitory affect of the Orthocide 50W alone and therefore allowed for the formation of a well suberized layer and a wound periderm. It was found that wound healing on the cut surface of seed potatoes is largely dependent on the type of tissue present at any given point on that cut surface. Therefore, the response to treatment of the stolon end, center, and blossom end tissues was related to the type of tissue which was present in each of those tuber regions. The fungal mold growth on treated seed pieces incubated in a controlled environment was adequately retarded when Orthocide 50W was combined with bark-383 in a mixture ratio of 1:9 respectively. The longer the treatment material was allowed to remain on the seed piece, the greater was the protection against mold growth afforded by the mixture.  相似文献   

Russet Burbank, Red Pontiac, and Superior potato plants were treated with vine desiccants at the rate of 0.50 kg/ha and 1.12 kg/ha paraquat + X77, diquat + X77 and 2.24 kg/ha of Dow General, alone and with Crop Oil, 2 to 4 weeks before harvest. Untreated and treated tubers were selected for anatomical examination directly after harvest and after 22 weeks of storage. The tubers were cut in half longitudinally and exposed to optimum environmental conditions for 25 days when they were examined for periderm formation. Wound periderm in untreated tubers consisted of uniformly shaped and continuous layers of cambial cells. Tubers treated with 0.56 kg/ ha paraquat had a less developed periderm than untreated ones, but it would serve as a barrier against the invasion of pathogens. Diquat at the same concentration had fewer cambial cells and they were not continuous so that pathogen entrance was possible. With 1.12 kg/ha paraquat the periderm was less and with diquat more differentiated than the 0.56 kg/ha treatment indicating that concentration had some effect. Treatment with Dow General resulted in the formation of a periderm adequate for prevention of pathogen entrance. The effectiveness of the 3 chemicals to form periderm in Superior and Red Pontiac was similar to that of Russet Burbank. Periderm was most highly differentiated in untreated tubers followed by paraquat, Dow General, and diquat treated tubers.  相似文献   

Summary Diploid parents with some resistance to PLRV, were intercrossed to give 3 families with 191 clones which were evaluated for reaction to PLRV and yielding ability. After inoculation with PLRV the clones could be separated into those: 1) resistant, 2) susceptible, 3) intolerant, reacting with low virus concentration, 4) tolerant and 5) intermediate in reaction. Both the ELISA test and the evaluation of external disease symptoms were necessary to separate the clones. No correlation was found between resistance to PLRV and tuber yielding ability.  相似文献   

Progenies from a group of tetraploid parental clones from the USDA potato breeding program were used to investigate variation in resistance to the potato leafhopper,Empoasca fabae (Harris), and the potato flea beetle,Epitrix cucumeris (Harris). The study utilized two mating designs: i) selfing and testing both the parents and the S1 progeny; and ii) nine clones, used as males, were each crossed to three different clones, and progenies from the resulting families were tested. Statistically significant differences between families were measured in each test for both insects. Non-additive genetic variance was larger than additive genetic variance in progeny reaction to leafhopper infestation and hopperburin, but was smaller in progeny reaction to flea beetles. Environmental variation contributed heavily to the total variation of plant reaction to both insect species. Selecting individuals was indicated to be slightly more effective than selecting males on half-sib progeny performance but not as effective as selecting clones on S1 progeny performance. Because of the large environmental variance and small additive variance for both the leafhopper and flea beetle, slow progress in increasing the level of resistance to these two species in this sample population was predicted. Resistance to leafhopper infestation was genetically quite highly correlated (positive) with resistance to hopperburn, but phenotypically the correlation was considerably smaller. Negative genotypic, phenotypic, and environmental correlations between leafhopper infestation and flea beetle infestation suggest that selecting for resistance to one of these species, in the population sampled for these tests, would tend to increase susceptibility to the other.  相似文献   

The concentration of potato virus Y (PVY) was determined, using ELISA values (A405 nm), in twenty-six potato cultivars belonging to five resistance groups, grown in the field and in the greenhouse. On the basis of virus concentration, potato cultivars of group A, B, and C did not differ significantly and constitute the most susceptible group; those of group D and E differ significantly with each other and with group A, B, C, and constitute moderate and highly resistant groups, respectively. In the second year of infection, virus concentration was higher in each group, irrespective of resistance level. Thus, the infected plants of resistant groups, in a second year of growth, could be as rich sources of virus to aphids as plants from susceptible groups.  相似文献   

Summary In field trials simulating commercial conditions, secondary PLRV infection of autumn-grown potato crops in Israel significantly reduced yield, although symptoms were not perceptible. Plots containing 7.3% PLRV-infected seed showed an increase in yield per plant of 17%, compared with plots with 36.2% infected seed; in plots with only 1.3% infected seed the increase of yield was 21%. In a second experiment, where individual plants were assayed, the yield of PLRV-infected plants of cv. Blanka was only 68.7% of that of PLRV-free plants; corresponding figures for cv. Up-to-Date and Désirée were 79.2 and 58% respectively. PLRV infection was not associated with reduced emergence or with the yield of deformed tubers.
Zusammenfassung W?hrend der ersten zwei Monate der im Herbst liegenden Wachstumszeit der Kartoffel (August-Januar) sind in Israel sehr hohe Temperaturen (mittleres Maximum 34,7° C) und hohe Sonneneinstrahlung; anschliessend fallen die Temperaturen und die Lichteinstrahlung stark ab. Unter diesen Bedingungen bleibt die Infektion mit PLRV meist symptomlos und es gibt vom Pflanzenwuchs her keine Anzeichen dafür anzunehmen, dass der Ertrag beeintr?chtigt ist. Imersten Versuch (A) wurden die Ertr?ge von Best?nden verglichen, die die gleiche Pflanzgutgr?sse (Sorte Désirée) hatten, aber von drei Herkünften I, II und III stammten. Der Anteil der PLRV infizierten Knollen in diesen Herkünften betrug 1,3, 7,8 und 32,6% (Abb. 1A). Der durchschnittliche Ertrag pro Parzelle für Herkunft I, II und III lag bei 12,6 kg, 10,0 kg und 7,6 kg (Abb. 1C); die Differenzen zwischen den Herkünften waren signifikant (P<0,05). Der Unterschied zwischen Herkunft I und II gibt vielleicht die unterschiedlichen Auflaufraten wieder (Abb. 1B), aber die Differenz zwischen den Herkünften II und III scheint eine Folge der Virusinfektion zu sein, und ?hnliche Differenzen wurden beim Vergleich des Ertrages pro Pflanze gefunden (Abb. 1D). Diese Annahme wurde im Versuch B best?tigt, in dem der Ertrag PLRV-infizierter Pflanzen mit dem PLRV-freier Pflanzen verglichen wurde. Die Infektion mit PLRV war nicht mit einer verringerten Auflaufrate oder dem Ertrag an deformierten Knollen verbunden, aber infiziertes Pflanzgut der Sorte Blanka ergab nur 68,7% des Ertrages virusfreien Pflanzgutes, Up-to-Date 79,2% und Désirée 58%; die Verluste waren statistisch signifikant (Abb. 3). Diese Ergebnisse lassen annehmen, dass betr?chliche Ertragsverluste durch die Infektion mit PLRV in den im Herbst gepflanzten Kartoffeln eintreten k?nnen, obwohl die Symptome nicht wahrnehmbar sind. Im Hinblick auf den hohen PLRV-Befall in den Herbstbest?nden (Marco, 1981b), kann es von Vorteil sein die im Frühjahr gepflanzten Best?nde vor einer PLRV-Infektion zu schützen, da sie das Pflanzgut für den Herbst stellen.

Résumé Pendant les deux premiers mois de végétation des pommes de terre cultivées à l'automne en Israel (Ao?t-Janvier), les températures sont très élevées (moyenne maximale de 34,7°C) et la luminosité très forte. Puis les températures et l'intensité lumineuse diminuent rapidement. Sous de telles conditions, la contamination par le virus de l'enroulement est généralement existante mais sans l'apparition de sympt?mes; rien ne permet donc d'indiquer en végétation que le rendement est affecté. Dans une première expérience (A), le rendement est comparé pour trois cultures obtenues à partir de plants de même calibre (variété Désirée), mais de sources différentes (I, II et III). Suivant l'origine I, II et III les pourcentages de la contamination par le virus de l'enroulement est respectivement 1,3, 7,8 et 32,6% (fig. 1A). Le rendement moyen obtenu par parcelle est respectivement 12,6, 10 et 7,6 kg (fig. 1C), la différence entre les trois origines étant significative (P<0,05). L'écart de rendement entre les plants de source I et II s'explique sans doute par le taux de levée différent (fig. 1B); mais entre les plants de source II et III, la différence semble provenir de la contamination par le virus et ceci est également observé pour le rendement par pied (fig. 1D). Cette hypothèse est confirmée par l'expérience B ou le rendement obtenu à partir de plants contaminés est comparé à celui du témoin planté avec des tubercules indemnes de virus. L'incidence de la contamination n'est pas correlée au manque à la levée et au rendement des tubercules difformes. Les plants contaminés ont donné pour les variétés Blanka, Up-to-Date et Désirée respectivement 68,7%, 79,2% et 58% du rendement obtenu à partir de tubercules sains, la diminution de rendement étant significative (fig. 3). Les résultats montrent qu'il peut y avoir des

Summary Of five growth regulators applied to seed tubers in January when sprout growth had just started, only gibberellic acid (GA) materially affected apical dominance or subsequent development. GA increased the number of sprouts by one third and induced the production of many stolon-like branches. After planting, the number of main stems was greater with GA, as was the number of branch stems and tubers; total yield was not affected, but the yield of seed-sized tubers was increased by up to 70%.
Zusammenfassung Frühere Arbeiten über den Einfluss der Keimbildung zu verschiedenen Zeitpunkten deuteten an, dass eine Kombination von früher Keimildung und Verminderung der apikalen Dominanz notwendig ist, um die Knollenzahl pro Pflanzstelle zu erh?hen. Es wurde ein Versuch gemacht, die apikale Dominanz zu verringern, indem Pflanzkartoffeln im Januar unmittelbar nach Beginn des Keimwachstums mit fünf Wachstumsregulatoren in je drei Konzentrationen behandelt wurden. Die Einzelheiten der Verfahren sind im Abschnitt ‘Material and Methods’ angegeben; ihre Wirkung auf das Keim- und Stengelwachstum sowie auf die Knollenzahl und den Ertrag sind in Tabelle 1 aufgeführt. Nur die Gibberellins?ure (GA) beeinflusste die apikale Dominanz oder das nachfolgende Wachstum wesentlich. GA erh?hte die Anzahl der Keime und der Haupttriebe um 1/3, ebenso erh?hte sie stark die Anzahl der stolonenartigen Seitentreibe an den Keimen; einige der letzteren entwickleten sich nach dem Auspflanzen wahrscheinlich in Seitenstengel. Zweimalige Behandlung der Knollen mit Konzentrationen von 50und 100 ppm verursachten ein früheres Auflaufen und eine frühere Knollenbildung; dies im Gegensatz zu Bruinsma et al. (1967) und Lovell und Booth (1967), die fanden, dass GA den Beginn der Knollenbildung verz?gere. Der frühere Beginn der Knollenbildung wurde durch das frühere Auflaufen und das fortgeschrittene Stolonen-wachstum zur Zeit des Auspflanzens erm?glicht. Es waren kein signifikanten Einfluss von GA auf den Krautertrag bei irgendeiner der drei Musterentnahmen (Abb. 1) und keine ungünstigen Symptome, wie z.B. die von andern Forschern beobachtete Chlorose, festzustellen. Unbehandeltes Pflanzgut und solches, das zweimal mit einer GA-L?sung von 5, 50 und 100 ppm behandelt wurde, ergaben 10.8, 13.7, 17.0 bzw. 19.8 Knollen pro Staude und einen Pflanzknollenertrag von 12.4, 15.6, 17.6 bzw. 21.2 Tonnen/ha (Tabelle 2). Diese Unterschiede in der Knollenanzahl waren zur Zeit des Beginns der Knollenbildung schon klar ersichtlich (Abb. 1). Die in der Literatur berichtete Unterschiedlchkeit in der Reaktion der Gibberellins?ure wird im Zusammenhang mit der Anwendungs-methode und dem Zusatand der Pflanzknolle zur Zeit der Behandlung besprochen. Man kommt zum Schluss, dass weitere Arbeiten über Faktoren, die die Aufnahme von GA durch die Knollen beeinflussen, notwendig sind, bevor die Verwendung für die Produktion von Pflanzkartoffeln für den Handel empfohlen werden kann.

Résumé Une étude précédente sur l'effet des variations dans la durée de la germination a suggéré l'hypothèse qu'une combinaison de la germination précoce et de la réduction de la dominance apicale était nécessaire pour accro?tre le nombre de tubercules par touffe. On a réalisé un essai de réduction de la dominance apicale par application de cinq régulateurs de croissance, à 3 concentrations chacun, à des plants de pomme de terre, en janvier, au moment du départ de la germination. Les détails des traitements sont donnés dans le paragraphe ‘Materials and methods’ et leurs effets sur la croissance du germe et de la tige, de même que sur le nombre de tubercules et la production figurent au tableau 1. Seul l'acide gibberellique (GA) influence réellement la dominance apicale ou la croissance subséquente. GA augmente de 1/3 le nombre de germes et de tiges principales et augmente également le nombre de ramifications semblables à un stolon sur les germes; plusieurs de ces derniers se développent probablement en branches de tiges après la plantation. GA pulvérisé deux fois sur les tubercules aux concentrations de 50 et 100 ppm a donné une levée plus précoce, de même qu'une initiation plus précoce des tubercules, contrairement à Bruinsma et d'autres (1967), Lovell et Booth (1967) qui trouvaient que GA retardait celle-ci. Il est possible que l'initiation plus précoce précoce soit due à une levée plus rapide et à une croissance plus avancée de stolons au moment de la plantation. Il ne se révèle aucun effet significatif de GA sur le développement foliaire à aucun des trois arrachages d'échantillons (Fig. 1) et aucun sympt?me nuisible, telle la chlorose signalée par certains chercheurs, n'a été observée. Les plants non traités et ceux traités deux fois avec des solutions de GA de 5, 50 et 100 ppm donnaient 10,8, 13,7, 17 et 19,8 tubercules par touffe, et les productions de plants étaient de 12,4, 15,6, 17,6 et 21,2 tonnes/ha respectivement (Tableau 2). Ces différences dans les nombres de tubercules apparaissent clairement au moment de l'initiation des tubercules (Fig. 1). L'auteur discute des variations dans la réaction à l'acide gibberellique rapportées dans la littérature en fonction de la méthode d'application et de l'état du plant au moment du traitement; il conclut qu'une recherche ultérieure sur les facteurs qui affectent l'absorption de GA par les tubercules est nécessaire avant que l'on puisse recommander son utilisation dans la production commerciale de plants.

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