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根据近年海门市农作物药害诊断,除草剂药害明显多于杀虫剂和杀菌剂.作物一旦发生除草剂药害就很难挽救.  相似文献   

本文记述了常用除草剂对水稻2叶1心期秧苗和移栽田水稻药害症状,为正确判断水稻产生药害的原因,指导除草剂安全使用和药害补救提供依据。  相似文献   

张锦成  范存森 《杂草科学》1991,(2):41-41,F003
近年来,我们对本县常用的除草剂,因田间使用不当造成药害的症状进行了观察,並对补救措施进行了试验研究,取得了一定的成效,现报道如下。一、绿麦隆在水稻上的药害绿麦隆常被误作除草醚,用于防除稻田杂草,或用量过大而对后茬稻株产生药害。在秧田施用绿麦隆后,稻苗从落谷至立针阶段,一般不出现中毒症状。到秧苗2叶1心期后,地上部叶片出现褪绿斑纹,地下部根系变黑褐色,次生根不生长,导致秧苗枯死。误用绿麦隆  相似文献   

棉田常见除草剂药害症状及预防措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
棉田化除过程中,常因农户选药不当、喷雾方式不合理或是天气状况不良等原因造成药害。现将生产上常见的几种棉田除草剂药害症状及其预防解救措施介绍如下。  相似文献   

科健 《江西植保》2004,27(2):73-73
使用安全保护剂如25788可以防止和解除酰胺类除草剂的药害。BNA-80能有效抑制杀草丹的脱氯,避免水稻矮化。激素型除草剂造成的药害,可喷施赤霉素或撒石灰、草木灰、活性炭等缓解。光合作用抑制剂和某些触杀型除草剂的药害,可施用速效肥,促进作物恢复生长。土壤处理剂的药害可通过翻耕、泡田和反复冲洗土壤,尽量减少残留。当然,有些除草剂的药害是可以恢复的,如野燕枯喷药后,小麦叶片短时期变黄;草甘膦作为定向喷雾剂用于棉田,施用后,短时间内也会造成棉苗叶子发黄;都是属于可恢复的药害症状,不影响作物的产量和品质。除草剂药害的补救措施…  相似文献   

除草剂的药害及其预防   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
不是人们有意识栽培的植物即是杂草,它们与作物没有本质的区别,人们在化学除草的同时也会对作物产生或多或少的影响,当这种影响超出作物的忍受范围时,就构成了药害。随着化学除草的普及,药害问题也越来越突出。河南省近几年就发生化除药害大事故上百起,受害作物面积达66.7万hm~2。1988年的盐城发生小麦百草敌药害,1996年江苏省水稻秧苗发生扫茀特药害等大事故。除草剂  相似文献   

几种除草剂对玉米的药害症状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄春艳  陈铁保 《杂草科学》2000,(4):29-29,24
玉米是黑龙江省的主要粮食作物之一。玉米田的化学除草面积已占玉米种植面积的30%左右。除草剂在给农业生产带来经济效益的同时,也伴随着某些不利的影响,除草剂对作物造成药害就是其中的一个重要问题。本文报道的几种除草剂在玉米上的药害症状观察结果,可为农业生产实践中对除草剂药害的认识提供参考。1 材料与方法1.1 试验材料供试玉米品种为龙辐玉2号。供试除草剂见表1。表1 除草剂品种及用量除草剂品种用量(L/hm2)用量标准5%普施特水剂32倍剂量4%金豆水剂32倍剂量20%豆磺隆可溶性粉剂75正常剂量4%玉农乐悬浮剂32倍剂量72%2,4—D丁…  相似文献   

张玉 《杂草科学》2006,(2):55-56
淮北地区随着麦田除草剂使用面积的扩大,除草剂的残留对后茬大豆的药害发生面积逐年加大,危害程度逐年加重。本文分析了淮北地区麦田除草剂对后茬大豆的药害症状和产生原因,提出了具体的控制措施。  相似文献   

直播稻田除草剂药害形成的原因及预防   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
直播稻田除草剂药害每年都会出现,只有找出药害形成的原因,并配套完整的预防技术,才能减少药害的产生,才能使直播水稻正常生长。  相似文献   

薛光 《植物保护》1991,17(5):46-47
除草剂对应用技术要求较严,由于施用不当或其他疏忽,除草剂可能对作物造成药害。了解其可能产生药害的症状及预防措施,可减轻新药害造成的损失。根据笔者的试验观察并参考有关文献,本文介绍5种除草剂在施用不当时可能对水稻造成的药害诊断及  相似文献   

农田杂草是影响农作物丰产与丰收的重要限制因素。农田化学除草是农田杂草防除中最重要的手段,具有省工、省时、高效、快捷的优点,是提高劳动生产效率,发展高效与优质农业的重要措施。近几年来,我国除草剂的应用得到了快速发展,除草剂已成为我国农药生产与农业应用中最为活跃的  相似文献   

吡嘧磺隆在水稻直播田产生药害的原因及对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章叙述了10%吡嘧磺隆可湿性粉剂在水稻直播田使用产生药害的症状以及原因,提出了产生药害后的补救措施,同时对该药剂的基本使用方法和安全使用注意事项作了说明。  相似文献   

A simple quantitative test was developed to examine the tendency of spray oils to cause peel injuries to oranges. It was based on the correlation between the appearance of certain peel discolorations a short time after oil treatment, and subsequent oil blotches. In a trial carried out in a ‘Shamouti’ orange grove, fruitbearing branches were treated with various concentrations and compositions of spray oils. Spots which appeared on the immature fruits several days after application were found to give a fair forecast of the subsequent occurrence and intensity of oil blotches on the mature rind. This early spotting appeared spontaneously (aslight-colored spots) but could also be developed artificially by ethylene degreening (green spots).  相似文献   

An investigation revealed a paraquat-compatible fluorochrome that fluoresces at 600 nm where the herbicide fluorescence is negligible. Acceptable amounts of this fluorochrome are recoverable from dry spray deposits of paraquat + fluorochrome mixture sprayed on various broad-leaf weeds and bean leaves but care must be taken if a wetting agent is used for extraction purposes because the fluorescent intensity of the fluorochrome is affected by wetting agents. A procedure is given for extracting and measuring the fluorochrome from spray deposits on foliage.  相似文献   

恶性杂草--紫茎泽兰的危害及控制对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
综述紫茎泽兰的危害及控制措施,着重说明防治与开发利用相结合的综合控制措施对降低紫茎泽兰的危害性较有效。  相似文献   

A malformation in hyacinths, first observed in recent years, was found to be an effect of uptake by the roots of the herbicide chlorpropham. The risk of this malformation is even present when normal doses of this compound are used for weed killing, especially on sandy soils with very little organic matter and under conditions of shallow planting.Samenvatting De laatste jaren wordt in hyacinten een onbekende afwijking gevonden. In de neus van de bol bevindt zich een grotere of kleinere holte, vandaar de naam holle neuzen (Fig. 1). De bollen zijn niet rond zoals gezonde, maar aan één zijde, naar de bolschijf toe, afgeplat. In de rokken komen op die plaats talloze, glazige vlekjes voor, waardoor het weefsel een crème-achtige kleur heeft. Ernstig beschadigde bollen hebben een krans van klisters (Fig. 1 en 2). In het veld zijn vóór de oogst al afwijkingen in de bol te vinden. Wanneer beschadigde bollen in de herfst opnieuw worden geplant, ontstaan planten met verscheidene spruiten, zgn. bosjesplanten.Het verschijnsel wordt vooral waargenomen op zeer humusarme duinzandgronden (spuittuinen). De meeste klachten over holle neuzen zijn pas de laatste jaren ontvangen, min of meer sedert het ogenblik dat het machinaal planten sterk is toegenomen. In veldproeven en een potproef werd aangetoond, dat deze afwijking een gevolg is van het door de wortels opnemen van het onkruidbestrijdingsmiddel chloorprofam (Tabel 1 en 2). Het middel kan de wortels gemakkelijk bereiken op zeer humusarme grond en ook als de bollen ondiep of onregelmatig zijn geplant, zoals het geval kan zijn bij machinaal planten. De bol komt dan vaak niet met de bolschijf naar beneden gekeerd in de grond terecht. In dat geval groeien de wortels eerst omhoog in plaats van naar beneden, waardoor de kans op een rechtstreeks contact met het gebruikte herbicide sterk toeneemt.  相似文献   

农田杂草抗药性的发生为害、原因与治理   总被引:22,自引:4,他引:22  
抗药性是杂草防除最大难题之一。杂草抗药性演化速度由抗药性突变起始频度、除草剂选择压、杂草适合度及杂草种子库寿命四个因素控制。治理抗药性杂草必须进行综合治理:在农业防治基础上根据除草剂发生抗药性的风险大小,采取合理轮用、混用等措施可延缓、预防抗药性;抗性杂草发生后及早发现,控制抗性中心以防止其蔓延。  相似文献   

‘Sylgard® 309’ organosilicone surfactant is a very effective adjuvant for broadleaf weed control with a number of herbicides. It is also effective in providing rainfastness lo these post-emergence herbicide applications. To elucidate the basis for herbicide activity enhancement and rainfastness, the absorption of [14C]acifluorfen, [14C]bentazone and [14C]‘Sylgard 309’ were studied. Non-ionic surfactants and crop oil concentrates were used as adjuvants with [14C]acifluorfen and [14C]bentazone, respectively, for purposes of comparison. Maximum absorption of [14C]acifluorfen and [14C]bentazone was obtained within 15 min after herbicide application with the organosilicone, versus ≥ 24 h with the convenlional adjuvants. [14C]-Organosilicone absorption closely paralleled that of the [14C]-herbicides. The organosilicone appears to exert its action by increasing greatly herbicide absorption. The enhancement effect did not appear to be a function of reduced surface tension. Rainfastness appeared to be a result of greatly accelerated herbicide penetration through the leaf cuticle in the presence of the organosilicone.  相似文献   

A single dominant mutation conferring resistance to aryloxyphenoxypropionate (AOPP) and cyclohexanedione (CHD) herbicides was incorporated into a quantitative model for the population development of Alopecurus myosuroide s Huds. The model predicts that from an initial seedbank of 100 seed m–2, 10–6 of which mutate to resistance each generation, and annual use of AOPP/CHD herbicides which kill 90% of susceptible but no resistant plants, a threshold of 10 plants m–2 surviving herbicides ('field resistance') will develop: in 9–10 years if all tillage is by tine cultivation to 10 cm deep; after 28–30 years of annual ploughing; in 12 years if tine cultivations are interspersed with ploughing once every 4 years. If AOPP/CHD herbicides are alternated with herbicides with different modes of action, outcomes depend on the annual kill rate: with 95% kill (of susceptible plants by AOPP/CHDs and all plants by alternative herbicides) and tine cultivation, field resistance develops in 22 years; however, resistance can be delayed for 45 years if AOPP/CHDs are rotated with two additional herbicides, each with a different mode of action. The model predictions on the number of years required for field resistance to develop are not highly sensitive to the density of the seedbank or the initial frequency of resistance.  相似文献   

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