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鲆鲽鱼类饲料产业现状与发展对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鲆鲽鱼类肉质细嫩,口感鲜美,营养价值高。大菱鲆(Psettamaxima)作为鲆鲽鱼类中重要的一种,1992年首次从英国引进,经过科学家几年艰辛的努力,高效的“温室大棚+深井海水”工厂化养殖模式得到建立,自此大菱鲆养殖产业得到快速发展。到2008年,大菱鲆年产量达8万多吨、年产值超过100亿元。  相似文献   

<正>大菱鲆具有生长速度快和易集约化养殖等特点,自1999年创立大菱鲆"温室大棚+深井海水"工厂化养殖模式以来,山东半岛及环渤海地区出现了大批的工厂化养殖企业和个体养殖户,大菱鲆养殖已经发展成为年产量超过6万吨的海水养殖支柱产业。然而,随着养殖规模的扩大,大菱鲆的病害问题也日趋严重,各种疾病的发生与流行越来越严重地制约大菱鲆养殖业的健康发展。其中盾纤毛虫病被广泛认为是大菱鲆工厂化养殖中最重要的疾病之一,其流行范围广、发病率高、造成损失大。本研究中,我们选取山东省的莱州、昌邑、海阳,辽宁省的兴城、绥中,以  相似文献   

海水鱼类工厂化养殖循环水处理系统研究现状与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、概况 鱼类养殖是继海带、扇贝、对虾以后我国海水养殖业的第四次发展浪潮,特别是大菱鲆的引进,及半滑舌鳎、漠斑牙鲆、塞内加尔鳎等新品种的相继开发,和“深井海水+温室大棚”工厂化养殖模式的确立,使我国的海水鱼类养殖近年来取得了举世瞩目的成就,目前我国工厂化养殖水体己达500万米^2,年产值超过40亿元。在巨大的成绩面前我们应该清楚地意识到,我国的海水鱼类工厂化养殖主要以农户为主体,规模小、设施简陋,是建立在对地下海水资源的过量开采和对沿岸生态环境的破坏基础上的,  相似文献   

<正> 迅猛发展的海水工厂化养鱼正在掀起我国海水养殖业的第四次浪潮,以鲽形目、鲈形目鱼类和河鲀为主要养殖对象的工厂化养殖场,如雨后春笋般在北方沿海各地建立。我省自1998年在唐海建成第一个3600m~2的工厂化养鱼大棚至今,短短三年时间,已发展到10万平方米,波及唐海、乐亭、滦南三县及秦皇岛市,养殖品种主要有河鲀、牙鲆和少量的大菱鲆。快速发展的大面积工厂化养殖规模,就要  相似文献   

莱州市利用当地优越的自然条件,创立了投资少、成本低、效益高的温室大棚养鱼技术,在大菱鲆设施渔业养殖方面走在了全国前列。本文结合生产实践及有关资料,具体介绍了大菱鲆温室大棚养殖技术,以促进温室大棚养鱼业的健康发展。一、温室养鱼大棚的建造丰富的地下海水资源是温室大棚养殖的先决条件,所以选择场址必须保证能够打出适宜的海水井。每700米2的大棚需配备直径80厘米的海水井2口,井水的水温、盐度、氨氮、pH值、化学耗氧量、重金属离子等水质理化指标要符合养殖用水标准且比较稳定。温室养鱼大棚的构造与冬暖式蔬菜大…  相似文献   

农业部针对我国近年出现的工厂化养鱼热潮,探讨今后发展工厂化养殖的技术和思路,特于今年7月份在山东省荣成举办了首期“全国海水工厂化养殖与管理专题研修培训班”,内容包括海水鱼、鲍和海参和工厂化养殖。本文综合报告了我国工厂化养殖概况、研修成果和今后的对策与建议,对我国今后工厂化养殖技术和管理水平的提高具有实际参考意义。  相似文献   

我国海水工厂化养鱼概述   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本世纪60年代以来,世界海水养殖技术获得突飞猛进的发展,伴随着海水鱼工厂化养鱼业崭露头角。作者围绕何谓工厂化养鱼,工厂化养鱼发展历史和现状,工厂化养鱼类型和特点,我国海水工厂化养鱼的技术现状和差距,我国海水工厂化养鱼发展方向探讨以及实施工厂化养鱼战略的对策等专题进行了全面概述。  相似文献   

近几年,我国海水工厂化养鱼发展较快,尤以山东半岛沿海的荣成、威海、烟台、日照、青岛等市为抵。仅荣成市现在就有海水工厂化养鱼厂18家,养殖水面8.7万m',牙解存养量800多万尾,1996年工厂化养鱼产量1000多吨。为更好地推动我国海水工厂化养鱼的快速发展,笔者就目前山东  相似文献   

近年来,“深井海水+温室大棚”的养殖模式在北方沿海各地得到了极大推广。但这种养殖模式也导致地下井盐水资源逐渐减少,因此如何合理、充分利用地下井盐水成为摆在科研、推广单位和广大养殖户面前的难题。乳山市水产技术推广站与山东科合高技术有限公司联合,探索工厂化养殖大菱鲆及海参育保苗的地下水再利用养殖海参的新模式,即将工厂化养殖大菱鲆和海参育保苗的污水经过排水系统排入沉淀池,污水经充分沉淀后,再循环利用,排入室外海参养殖池。该模式取得了良好的生态和经济效益,现总结如下:  相似文献   

海水工厂化养鱼向何处去   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
近几年我国海水工厂化养鱼发展迅猛 ,养鱼面积全国已达 1 30万平方米以上 ,仅山东省就有1 0 0万平方米 ,形成了我国海水养殖的一项新兴产业。然而 ,就在一片欢庆声中 ,2 0 0 1年却出现了危机。牙鲆鱼由每公斤 80~ 90元跌至 5 0元以下 ,已经到了赔钱的地步。大菱鲆由去年的 30 0元 /公斤跌到了 1 40元 /公斤。一时间 ,“狼来了”的惊呼令从业者十分不安。前景如何 ?怎么办 ?作为国家“九五”、“十五”工厂化养鱼设施装备研究三个课题的主持人、长期在生产第一线的老水产 ,我认为形势是严峻的。为了早日创造一个良好的环境和前途 ,我们必须…  相似文献   

The susceptibility of turbot, Psetta maxima, to infection with two strains of viral haemorrhagic septicaemia virus (VHSV) obtained from wild Greenland halibut, Reinhardtius hippoglossoides, and from farmed turbot was examined. A marine VHSV strain known to be highly pathogenic for turbot was also utilized for comparative purposes. Fish were infected by intra-peritoneal (i.p.), immersion or cohabitation, and maintained at two different temperatures (8 and 15 degrees C). Infection trials showed that the three VHSV isolates were pathogenic for turbot fingerlings by i.p. injection at both temperatures, with high levels of mortality. Virus was recovered from most pools of dead fish i.p. challenged, but not from surviving fish. Although clinical signs were not induced following waterborne exposure, viral growth was obtained from some pools of surviving fish challenged by immersion with strain GH40 from Greenland halibut, which indicates that the virus can survive in sea water and infect other fish via horizontal transmission. Furthermore, although low, the clinical signs and mortality observed in fish cohabitating with turbot challenged with strain GH40 confirms horizontal transmission and indicates that the passage through fish increases the virulence of this strain for turbot. These findings indicate that Greenland halibut, as other wild fish, may play an important role in the epizootiology of VHSV and suggest a potential risk for the turbot farming industry.  相似文献   

养殖渔业的传统技术与科技创新   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
我国养殖渔业的主体是池塘养鱼,长期的生长技术经验积累形成了一套经济合理的生态养鱼法,它与多种经营相关甚密,是农业复合生态结构中的重要组合,当前,来自资源,环境和市场需求等方面的压力对传统养殖淦业提出了挑战,节水,环保,高值水产品养殖等要求越来越迫切,随着工业化养鱼的兴起,与养殖有关的各种现代科技必须加以应用,如生物工程,微生态,动物营养及饲料,健康养殖以及病害防治等,从而使我国的养殖渔业尽快实现现代化。  相似文献   

大菱鲆仔稚鱼发育早期肠道菌群结构形成的影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究鱼类发育早期肠道菌群结构的演变过程及影响因素,运用高通量测序技术,分析了处于不同发育阶段的大菱鲆(Scophthalmus maximus)仔稚鱼肠道、受精卵、不同类型的饵料和水源中的菌群结构,以及它们之间的相关性。结果显示,以不同的OTU(Operational Taxonomic Units,可操作分类单元)作为分类依据,发现大菱鲆仔稚鱼的肠道菌群结构在开口摄食后不久已趋于稳定,其优势菌与受精卵所携带的细菌关联较大。并且在大菱鲆仔稚鱼不同的发育时期,这一菌群的结构非常稳固,几乎不受水和饵料中优势细菌的影响而发生改变。乳球菌属的Lactococcus piscium菌株一直是大菱鲆仔稚鱼肠道中的优势菌种,在不同发育时期的优势度高达45%~65%。本研究还发现,大菱鲆仔稚鱼肠道可能对定植的菌种具有选择性,一些水环境和饵料中的非优势菌,如Streptococcus sp.,Pseudomonas sp.,Carnobacterium sp.等细菌也会定植于肠道,成为大菱鲆肠道中的次优势菌。  相似文献   

鱼菜共生管式结构试验及应用模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文讨论一种以气力提水循环、生物膜降解和立体管式植物栽培为特征的鱼菜共生系统,在养鱼密度31.5kg/m3的条件下,芹菜 75天的试验产量为23.69kg/m2 。试验表明,用生物膜结合栽培植物的处理方法对养鱼污水有不同程度的净化效果,光照对植物的生物量也有影响,得出每立方米养鱼水体配置 2 ~4m2栽菜面积和管式栽槽直径以 10~20cm为宜的设计参数。此外,论及该形式的咸水鱼菜共生和磁场增效(8% ~10%)试验,并提出工厂化养鱼中生物膜、藻类、植物等多样生物综合净水的生态养鱼应用模式。  相似文献   

Moritella viscosa is the causative agent of winter ulcers in farmed salmonids and Atlantic cod in countries around the North Atlantic. The bacterium has also been isolated from various marine fish species. Bacterial diseases have been a limiting factor in farming of turbot, but M. viscosa has not so far been isolated. In this study, turbot was shown to be sensitive to M. viscosa infection in experimental challenges. Pathological changes in infected turbot were comparable with those previously described for winter ulcers in salmon. A multivalent commercial salmon vaccine, containing M. viscosa as one of five antigens and a mineral oil adjuvant, did not protect turbot against challenge 13 weeks post-vaccination. Weight gain of vaccinated turbot compared with controls was not reduced 7 weeks post-vaccination. Vaccination did not induce a specific anti-M. viscosa response, while elevated anti-M. viscosa antibody levels were detected both in vaccinated and unvaccinated fish 5 weeks post-challenge. The vaccine did, however, induce an antibody response against Aeromonas salmonicida, another vaccine component. Minor intra-abdominal adhesions were detected in vaccinated fish and fish injected with a mineral oil adjuvant. The measurement of various innate humoral immune parameters did not reveal significant differences between vaccinated and control groups.  相似文献   

根华岳 《水产学报》2019,43(1):116-127
新加坡是一个小岛国,农业用地及用于养鱼的海域面积均很有限。但新加坡观赏鱼产业相当独特和成功,是世界第一观赏鱼出口国,向80多个国家出售超过1 000种鱼类,2016年的年收入达到4 300万美元。该产业的成功主要源于其在许可证颁发,生物安全控制,养殖,包装,运输和疾病控制等各方面所具有的独特特征。新加坡正在努力驯养和培育许多高价值的海洋物种和新的淡水物种,并开发新型的循环水养殖系统。上游研究侧重于开发和使用基因组工具来培育新品种并维持野外种类的遗传多样性。但由于养殖鱼类的空间有限,邻国竞争激烈,该行业面临诸多挑战,其市场份额正在减少。在这篇综述中,我们将总结新加坡观赏鱼产业的现状和发展,讨论其面临的挑战,并提出保持该产业领先地位的建议。  相似文献   

我国是世界鲆鲽类养殖大国,近年来产业开始由开放式流水工厂化养殖向循环水工厂化养殖转变,但是受病害问题的困扰,产业转型提升受到巨大的制约,为此探讨疾病有效防控方法成为水产界的紧迫任务之一。目前,鱼病防治仍以化学药物防治为主,生态预防、免疫预防的研究与应用刚刚起步,渔用疫苗具有无残留、不会造成耐药性并能保证环境安全等优点而备受业界的关注。本综述分析了鲆鲽类疫苗的研制应用现状和存在的问题,并对其发展前景作了初步预测,以期为鲆鲽类养殖技术的转型提升,也为工业化养殖建立一条安全、高效的鱼病防控体系提供参考。  相似文献   

Abstract. The growth of the Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., aquaculture industry has been tremendous; from a modest beginning, today's world production of salmon farming is close to 260 million tonnes in ten different countries. In particular the last 20–30 years have seen a dramatic increase in annual sales and production.
The methods vary. From exploiting the natural migrations of this anadromous fish, sea ranching has produced a viable industry. However, controlling the entire life cycle in closed systems has been more successful.
The growth of the farming industry is seriously hampered by such factors as diseases and parasites, algae blooms, environmental pollution, sabotage and rough seas. Several of these factors will not easily be eliminated, although methodical research and development could make the fish farming industry more efficient. Most of the fish farming is situated in remote regions, and the product has to be transported to heavy populated areas for sale, often across borders. The approximate average production costs per kilo differ according to the organization of the industry, average salary, the feed costs and the industrial hurdles, expressed as loss of fish, due to a variety of factors. Even though the market is growing, we must expect fierce competition. Farms producing fish of high quality at low cost will survive. The industry needs healthy fish in well-run farms, smart farmers and a government which helps the industry with reasonable regulations, guidance, applied and basic research, and insight into the future.  相似文献   

The Spanish aquaculture sector has undergone a rapid and continuous growth becoming one of the biggest European producers. A wide range of species are farmed and, among them, the sea bass, sea bream and turbot make a significant contribution to the total of the Spanish fish farming output. In this paper, we analyse and predict the medium-term trend of the production and price level for the three leading species previously mentioned. The results obtained show a significant increase in the production of sea bream, sea bass and turbot. The results show also a slight decrease in the sea bream average price, a stable trends for the sea bass and increasing prices for the turbot.  相似文献   

Fish welfare at harvest is easily compromised by poor choice of handling and slaughter methods, lack of attention to detail and by unnecessary adherence to fish farming traditions. The harvest process comprises fasting the fish to empty the gut, crowding the fish, gathering and moving the fish using brails, fish pumps, and sometimes also road or boat transport and finally stunning and killing the fish. The harvesting processes commonly used for bass, bream, carp, catfish, cod, eel, halibut, pangasius, salmon, tilapia, trout, tuna and turbot are outlined. These harvesting processes are discussed; the consequences for fish welfare identified and practical tests which can be made at the harvest site highlighted. Welfare at harvest for the majority of farmed fish species can be improved by adopting and adapting existing procedures already known to be beneficial for fish welfare through their use in other fish farming systems or with other species. It is seldom necessary to develop completely new concepts or methods.  相似文献   

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