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Close interactions are existing between poultry husbandry and poultry health. The more housing systems and the environment of the animals can be controlled, the less the general risk of disorders in poultry flocks--especially of diseases which are caused by the introduction of microoganisms. Resulting deterimental effects will affect not only the animals themselves, but also pose a risk indirectly for humans via food originating from animals under production. Also, by keeping the risk of infections as low as possible, the use of therapeutics can be avoided. This will reduce the risk of residues in food of animal origin. In summary, with all probability open poultry husbandry systems, especially those including free range systems pose increased risks for poultry health and consequently for the quality of food originating from poultry production. At least, those systems require highest standards of biosecurity, defined as management, location, farm layout, cleaning and desinfection incl. pest control programs, immunization and specific veterinary monitoring concepts to prevent infections.  相似文献   

前进中的水禽业   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wezyk  S 《中国家禽》2001,23(10):35-36
在过去的十多年中,人们对水禽育种和生产科学实践的兴趣越来越浓。第一届世界水禽会议由世界家禽协会 (WPSA)台湾地区分会在台南大学、政府动物生产研究所、世界家禽协会欧洲联盟负责水禽的第 8工作组协助下主办。   考虑到欧洲在家禽育种和生产方面的主导优势和亚洲国家在鸭生产方面的主导地位,就可以理解台湾被选为第一届世界水禽会议的东道主不是偶然的了。从 1986年到 1997年,台湾的产蛋禽从 2100万只增加到了 3100万只,其中仅蛋鸭就从 200万只增加到 300万只。在 90年代初期,花羽兼用鸡与肉鸡的屠宰比例是 2∶ 1。在过去的十…  相似文献   

以产业链建设促进畜牧业健康养殖   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近年来,我国畜牧业迅猛发展,2006年产值已超过1.4万亿元,占农业总产值比重的34%、占国民生产总值的7%。快速发展的养殖业向市场供应8000多万吨肉、8500万吨水产品、2400万  相似文献   

当前水禽研究亮点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由哈雷--维滕贝格大学和WPSA(世界家禽科学协会)水禽工作组赞助的国际鸭鹅研讨会于2001年11月13~15日在靠近德国哈雷市的Wermsdorf举行.来自埃及、法国、德国、波兰、匈牙利、意大利、乌克兰的研究者及许多德国水禽饲养者和育种人员出席了会议.  相似文献   

新年伊始,中共中央国务院发布了今年的1号文件——《关于积极发展现代农业扎实推进社会主义新农村建设的若干意见》。不久,国务院又发布了《关于促进畜牧业持续健康发展的意见》。这两个文件的接连发布,显示了党和政府对“三农”的高度重视。  相似文献   

One hundred and two pet rabbits were examined and their husbandry, health and welfare were reviewed. The most common breed was the dwarf lop (n = 38). The most common problem was dental disease, which affected 30 rabbits although only six of their owners were aware of the problem, which was significantly associated with feeding a rabbit mix. All the rabbits were housed in ;hutches' at some stage, but 89 had access to the outside and 47 came inside the home at times. Hutches bought at pet shops were significantly smaller than home-made hutches. Forty-five of the rabbits were housed alone; the relationships between rabbits with rabbit companions were described by their owners as ;very friendly' for 84 per cent of them and ;quite friendly' for the rest.  相似文献   

张吉涛男,1955年3月生,1981年末毕业于沈阳农学院(现沈阳农业大学)。现任辽宁省畜牧技术推广站站长、农业推广研究员、辽宁省畜牧协会副会长、辽宁省畜牧兽医学会副理事长、辽宁省畜牧兽医专业技术职称高级评委会主任、辽宁省教授研究员级专业技术资格评委会评委、国务院特贴获得者,2002年4月被辽宁省委、省政府评为辽宁省优秀专家。张吉涛同志自毕业以来,一直从事草原、畜牧技术推广工作,主持“草畜结合生态模式推广”、“半农半牧区草地治虫灭鼠综合配套技术推广”、“建植人工草地技术推广”等多项省级科研推广项目,先后获辽宁省政府科技…  相似文献   

卫广森 男,研究员,1980年毕业于黑龙江八一农垦大学,留校任预防兽医专业副教授,1994年任辽宁省益康生物制品厂副厂长、厂长、研究员。2001年考入南京农业大学研究生院攻读预防兽医专业博士学位。现任辽宁省动物防疫站站长、沈阳农业大学、中国人民解放军军需大学硕士生导师,《辽宁畜牧兽医》杂志副主编、中国畜牧兽医学会生物制品学分会副理事长、中国畜牧兽医学会家畜传染病  相似文献   

朱国兴 教授研究员级高级畜牧师,1987年毕业于锦州畜牧兽医学校,1992年毕业于沈阳农业大学,研究生学历。现任辽宁省畜牧兽医信息中心主任、《辽宁畜牧兽医》杂志主编、辽宁畜牧兽医学会秘书长、辽宁畜牧业协会副会长、中国畜牧协会理事。朱国兴同志一直从事草原、饲养、饲料等  相似文献   

Ducks, geese, and swans are an easily recognized group of birds. There are approximately 50 native species in North America, all of which are considered migratory. Despite being a legally hunted family of birds, native waterfowl are federally protected, and there are federal laws associated with their rehabilitation, disposition of nonreleasable animals, and disposal of carcasses. In the United States, there are several nonnative species found with increasing frequency that many don’t realize are feral exotics. There also are state laws dealing with owning exotic waterfowl and prohibition of their release. Native waterfowl occupy a variety of wet habitats, have unique feeding requirements, have specific enclosure and substrate needs, and should be treated by someone with expertise to ensure recovery sufficient for return to the wild. If a practitioner is going to accept wild waterfowl as patients, it is important they know the laws, identify species, understand species natural history, and learn about associated common problems. This article discusses legalities, basic husbandry issues, common presentations, and basic veterinary/rehabilitation matters of waterfowl commonly found by the public. It also covers some common problems seen with feral exotic waterfowl as well.  相似文献   

<正>中国家禽:您和您的团队一直从事水禽方面的研究,请您介绍一下近年来您在水禽方面开展的研究和未来方向。王教授:国内有些大型企业曾经从国外引进过朗德鹅,构成了我  相似文献   

An investigation into the health and husbandry of 15 small poultry flocks was undertaken. Each flock was visited in July and a questionnaire on management practices and disease history was completed. The flocks were clinically examined and serological tests for Salmonella pullorum, Mycoplasma gallisepticum, M synoviae, M meleagridis, Newcastle disease, infectious bursal disease, infectious bronchitis, eggdrop syndrome 76, adenoviruses and reoviruses were carried out. Oesophageal and cloacal swabs were cultured for mycoplasma and pullorum reactors were cultured. M gallisepticum, M synoviae, M meleagridis and M gallinarum infections were detected and serological reactions for all the viral diseases, except egg drop syndrome 76, were found. Evidence of Newcastle disease and pullorum disease was encountered. Lice were present in five flocks and mites in four flocks. Welfare standards varied.  相似文献   

2019年新年伊始,国务院就颁布了"国家职业教育改革实施方案(国发〔2019〕4号)",自此中国职业教育将驶入内涵建设的快车道.紧接着国家启动实施中国特色高水平高等职业学校和骨干专业(群)建设计划,这表明专业群建设将是形成高职院校核心竞争力的关键.  相似文献   

瑞典不仅是科技高度发达的工业强国,农牧林业也相当发达。农业现代化水平和农业劳动生产率都居于前列。瑞典农业产值约占国内生产总值的1.1%,其中,畜牧业占农业总产值的80%,以养牛业为主。  相似文献   

近年来,村外牧业小区建设发展迅速,一改过去居民区内散养畜禽的传统方式,这对发展现代畜牧业、提高畜产品质量、净化居住环境、保护人畜健康有重要意义。但在日常动物防疫监督工作中发现,当前牧业小区虽数量上增长很快,但在建设质量、标准化生产方面还存在诸多不足。尤其一些地方在养殖小区建设及经营时,忽视了动物卫生防疫方面的基本要求,  相似文献   

Problems have been identified in the delivery of extension messages about the maintenance of healthy and well-fed working animals. The different factors that need to be considered in developing effective disease control and prevention programmes for working oxen and equids including vector-borne diseases, helminth disease, and vaccination programmes have been reported and discussed and experiences in improving husbandry including footcare, harness, and worm management reported. Most draught animals are owned by people who lack the financial means to pay for or to access the information needed on nutritional supplements, vaccinations and drug treatment. Smallholder farms are often remote from veterinary services, thereby requiring greater emphasis on preventive measures and local remedies. Several NGOs have traditionally provided static and mobile treatment teams for equines and training courses for farriers and harness makers. The effectiveness and sustainability of these services and ways in which delivery of health care and husbandry messages could be delivered to improve impact are discussed.  相似文献   

Public health risk from avian influenza viruses   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Since 1997, avian influenza (AI) virus infections in poultry have taken on new significance, with increasing numbers of cases involving bird-to-human transmission and the resulting production of clinically severe and fatal human infections. Such human infections have been sporadic and are caused by H7N7 and H5N1 high-pathogenicity (HP) and H9N2 low-pathogenicity (LP) AI viruses in Europe and Asia. These infections have raised the level of concern by human health agencies for the potential reassortment of influenza virus genes and generation of the next human pandemic influenza A virus. The presence of endemic infections by H5N1 HPAI viruses in poultry in several Asian countries indicates that these viruses will continue to contaminate the environment and be an exposure risk with human transmission and infection. Furthermore, the reports of mammalian infections with H5N1 AI viruses and, in particular, mammal-to-mammal transmission in humans and tigers are unprecedented. However, the subsequent risk for generating a pandemic human strain is unknown. More international funding from both human and animal health agencies for diagnosis or detection and control of AI in Asia is needed. Additional funding for research is needed to understand why and how these AI viruses infect humans and what pandemic risks they pose.  相似文献   

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