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Bovine neonatal pancytopenia (BNP) is a recently described haemorrhagic disease of calves characterised by thrombocytopenia, leucopenia and bone marrow depletion. Feeding colostrum from cows that have previously produced a BNP affected calf has been shown to induce the disease in some calves, leading to the hypothesis that alloantibodies in colostrum from dams of affected calves mediate destruction of blood and bone marrow cells in the recipient calves. The aims of the current experimental study were first to confirm the role of colostrum-derived antibody in mediating the disease and second to investigate the haematopoietic cell lineages and maturation stages depleted by the causative antibodies. Clinical, haematological and pathological changes were examined in 5 calves given a standardised pool of colostrum from known BNP dams, and 5 control calves given an equivalent pool of colostrum from non-BNP dams. All calves fed challenge colostrum showed progressive depletion of bone marrow haematopoietic cells and haematological changes consistent with the development of BNP. Administration of a standardised dose of the same colostrum pool to each calf resulted in a consistent response within the groups, allowing detailed interpretation of the cellular changes not previously described. Analyses of blood and serial bone marrow changes revealed evidence of differential effects on different blood cell lineages. Peripheral blood cell depletion was confined to leucocytes and platelets, while bone marrow damage occurred to the primitive precursors and lineage committed cells of the thrombocyte, lymphocyte and monocyte lineages, but only to the more primitive precursors in the neutrophil, erythrocyte and eosinophil lineages. Such differences between lineages may reflect cell type-dependent differences in levels of expression or conformational nature of the target antigens.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A mysterious disease affecting calves, named bovine neonatal pancytopenia (BNP), emerged in 2007 in several European countries. Epidemiological studies revealed a connection between BNP and vaccination with an inactivated vaccine against bovine virus diarrhea (BVD). Alloantibodies reacting with blood leukocytes of calves were detected in serum and colostrum of dams, which have given birth to calves affected by BNP. To understand the linkage between vaccination and the development of alloantibodies, we determined the antigens reacting with these alloantibodies. Immunoprecipitation of surface proteins from bovine leukocytes and kidney cells using sera from dams with a confirmed case of BNP in their gestation history reacted with two dominant protein species of 44 and 12 kDa. These proteins were not detected by sera from dams, free of BVDV and not vaccinated against BVD, and from sera of animals vaccinated with a different inactivated BVD vaccine. The 44 kDa protein was identified by mass spectrometry analysis as MHC I, the other as β-2-microglobulin. The presence of major histocompatibility complex class I (MHC I) in the vaccine was confirmed by Western blot using a MHC I specific monoclonal antibody. A model of BNP pathogenesis is proposed.  相似文献   

A case control study on farm level was conducted at the Clinic for Ruminants, LMU Munich, to identify possible risk factors associated with the observed increase in numbers of calves showing clinical signs of Bovine Neonatal Pancytopenia (BNP) since 2006 in southern Germany. Interviews were conducted between August 2008 and June 2010. The characteristics of 56 dairy farms with at least one confirmed case of BNP (thrombocytopenia and leukocytopenia and/or typical findings in post-mortem examination and bone marrow histology) were compared with those of two sets of 50 control dairy farms each, with no history of BNP. The first set of 50 control farms was selected randomly from veterinary practices which had never observed a BNP case on the farms they serviced. The second set of 50 control farms was matched by the veterinary practices which had provided case farms. Two separate analyses were conducted: (1) case farms (n=56) vs. randomly selected control farms (n=50) and (2) case farms (n=56) vs. a matched set of control farms (n=50). All variables with p<0.2 in the univariable analysis were included in stepwise logistic regression models. In the first analysis, only the use of PregSure(?) BVD vaccine was positively associated with BNP with an odds ratio of 1292 (95% CI: 114-14707). In the second analysis, conditional logistic regression models did not converge, therefore non-conditional logistic regression models were conducted. In the non-conditional analysis five variables remained in the model, three of which were negatively associated with BNP: the use of vitamin E and selenium, the frequent use of mastitis tubes, and the use of stem growth regulators in grain production. The use of prophylactic measures (such as control of parasites or vaccination of calves against respiratory disease) was positively associated with BNP with an odds ratio of 14.3 as well as the use of PregSure(?) BVD vaccine with an odds ratio of 426 (95% CI: 20-9095).  相似文献   

Blood was obtained from 61 neonatal Holstein calves originating from a farm in Germany with a high incidence of bovine neonatal pancytopenia (BNP). In order to detect alterations that might be related to BNP, selected haematological analytes were determined. Haematological examinations demonstrated alterations in at least two of the three cell lineages in 10 calves (16.39 per cent). Six animals (9.84 per cent) developed a bleeding disorder indicative of BNP at approximately two weeks of age. None of these animals showed alterations in complete blood cell count at sampling in the first week of life. In weeks when calves with BNP were born, an increase in the number of apparently healthy calves demonstrating decreases in blood cell counts was observed.  相似文献   

Receptors of the immunoglobulin-like superfamily are critically involved in virtually every aspect of immune responses. One large chromosomal area encoding such immunoregulatory receptors is the leukocyte receptor cluster. Here we review various aspects of the chicken Ig-like receptor (CHIR) family, located on microchromosome 31, an orthologous position to the mammalian leukocyte receptor cluster. The CHIR family has been massively expanded with over hundred CHIR genes that are further distinguished into activating, inhibitory and bifunctional receptors. Comparisons of various features such as amino acid motifs, genomic structure, expression and associated adaptor molecules reveal the homology of CHIR to both the killer Ig-like and the leukocyte Ig-like receptor families, with most pronounced correlation of certain CHIR to the NK cell receptor KIR2DL4. To date the CHIR ligands remain largely obscure with the exception of CHIR-AB1 that binds to chicken IgY. Detailed analyses of CHIR-AB1, its crystal structure, the interaction to IgY and functional capabilities allow us to draw conclusions regarding Fc receptor phylogeny and function.  相似文献   

Bovine neonatal pancytopenia (BNP) is a haemorrhagic disease of newborn calves elicited by colostrum from specific cows. Two studies have indicated that BNP-inducing colostrum might be associated with alloantibodies directed against MHC class I in response to vaccination with a distinct inactivated viral vaccine. However, the proportion of alloantibody-producing individuals by far exceeds the proportion of clinical BNP cases in the vaccinated population. This raises the question about the incidence of subclinical, unrecognised cases and also suggests further factors involved in BNP pathogenesis, e.g., genetic predisposition. Our results on neonatal calves from a closely monitored resource population confirmed the hypothesis of a genetic predisposition for clinical BNP and suggest that the predisposition is also involved in subclinical BNP-cases. No indication was obtained for a higher frequency of subclinical BNP-cases compared with clinical cases. Neither time point nor frequency of vaccination was a relevant factor for BNP in our resource population.  相似文献   

Bovine neonatal pancytopenia (BNP) is a bleeding and pancytopenic syndrome in neonatal calves, which recently emerged all over Europe. The present study tested whether antibodies directed against calf leukocytes are present in sera from known BNP dams. Sera from BNP dams (n=11) were combined with leukocytes from 11 calves (5 BNP survivors and 6 controls). After adding a fluorescein conjugated F(ab')(2) fragment of rabbit anti-bovine IgG (H&L) the level of antibody binding was measured by flow cytometry. As control groups both sera from dams from BNP affected (n=48) as from unaffected (n=54) herds were combined with leukocytes from the same calves. With sera from BNP dams, antibody binding could be visualised by immunofluoresence in both peripheral blood as in bone marrow smears. Mean fluoresence intensity values of all leukocyte subpopulations were significantly higher for the BNP dams compared to both control groups (P<0.01). BNP dams showed significantly more antibody binding on multiple leukocyte subpopulations of both BNP survivors and control calves and this from cut off values of MFI 100 onwards (P<0.01). The BNP survivor calves reacted significantly more often with sera from the BNP dams than the control calves (P<0.01). In conclusion the present study supports the hypothesis that BNP is an immune-mediated disease.  相似文献   

Addition of 5% freeze-dried IBD virus (IBDV)-immune bovine colostrum to the diet of chickens prevented infection when housed in an IBDV-contaminated environment. Four of five chickens receiving 2.5%, and all chickens receiving 0.5% or no IBDV-immune colostrum were infected. No interference with development of an active immunity was found in chickens receiving 5% IBDV-immune colostrum in their diet and vaccinated intramuscularly with modified IBDV.  相似文献   

牛初乳的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
初乳是指奶牛分娩后7 d内特别是3 d内所分泌的乳汁,新鲜初乳色泽黄而浓稠、酸度高、具有特殊的乳腥味和苦味.  相似文献   

用柠檬酸三钠还原氯金酸,制备了20nm粒径的胶体金,颗粒均匀,在检测时颜色清晰,易于辨析。胶体金标记牛标准IgG的最适稳定量为22ug/mL。标记后免疫胶体金用含有1%BSA和0.02%叠氮钠的0.01mol/L的PBS作为稳定剂,可使制备的免疫胶体金在4℃条件下保存3个月以上。制作的检测膜片可以在15min内显示结果,且结果可长期保存。用本方法和琼脂免疫单扩散法对10份牛初乳样品和6份牛初乳制品进行检测,结果显示:牛初乳及初乳制品稀释倍数与检测膜片显色同免疫单扩散法测定的结果均有很好的相关性,但灵敏度比琼脂免疫单扩散法低。本法不仅操作过程更为简单快速,不需要特殊仪器和设备;而且检测试剂的制备简单,稳定性高,更适合于作现场实验,因此本方法具有广泛的应用及推广价值。  相似文献   

Colostrum contains factors that are protective for the neonate and may be a source of immunomodulary molecules that positively influence the immune status of the neonate. To confirm that colostrum contains a variety of cytokines with immunomodulatory properties, we established a bovine cytokine specific ELISA and five cytokines (IL-1 beta, IL-6, TNF-alpha, INF-gamma or IL-1 receptor antagonist, IL-1ra) in the whey samples from cows at different stages of lactation were monitored. The expression of cytokine mRNAs (IL-1 beta, IL-6, TNF-alpha and INF-gamma) in the colostral cells was detected by RT-PCR. The concentrations of cytokines in colostrum were significantly higher concentrations than those in the mature milk. A positive correlation was observed between the concentrations of IL-1ra and IL-1 beta in the colostrum samples. In conclusion, colostrum contains high levels of cytokines that could be produced and secreted in the mammary gland and that may have an immunomodulatory activity and influence neonatal immunity.  相似文献   

Bovine neonatal pancytopenia (BNP), a disease of neonatal calves, has been described in a number of European countries since 2006. The disease results in high mortality of calves aged 1-4 weeks and is characterised by severe bone marrow pathology resulting in profound thrombocytopenia and consequent haemorrhagic diathesis. A number of hypotheses including a novel virus infection, plant toxins, a vaccine associated isoimmune disease, or a genetic defect have been suggested to explain the aetiology of this disease. However, as the number of cases in affected herds remains small, it is hypothesised that the genetic background of the calf may influence disease susceptibility. To test this we focused on the class II region of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) which is often associated with variations in immune response and susceptibility to antibody mediated autoimmune disease. Forty-three cases of BNP and sixty-eight controls were genotyped at the polymorphic class II MHC-DRB3 locus. Twenty DRB3 alleles were identified with seven appearing at frequencies ≥ 0.05. A comparison of the allelic frequencies between diseased and control groups showed that there was no evidence for any significant differences, suggesting that the MHC does not appear to be a predisposing risk factor in the development of BNP in Holstein dairy cattle.  相似文献   

初乳因理化因素不同于常乳,而刚出生的动物没有吮吸到充足的初乳则成活率较低,并且影响到后期的生长发育,这些都说明初乳对新生动物的生长发育具有较大的作用,但其机理除报道的含有较多的促生长活性物质和免疫作用外,还有一个不容忽视的营养作用,只有了解了这方面的作用,才能对初乳的应用及进一步开发起到推动作用。  相似文献   

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