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Three cats showing chronic, intermittent respiratory distress associated with increased noise on inspiration were examined. Head, neck and thoracic radiographs were unremarkable and laboratory findings were within normal ranges. In all three cats direct laryngoscopy revealed bilateral redundant arytenoid mucosa, which collapsed into the supraglottic and glottis airways during inspiration. Temporary tracheostomy and endoscopic diode laser excision of the excessive mucosa resolved symptoms in all three cats. Redundant arytenoid mucosa is a rare condition that may cause signs similar to laryngeal paralysis or laryngeal mass in cats. According to our results, diode laser surgery in association with temporary tracheostomy appears an appropriate mode of therapy.  相似文献   

Medical records of 34 dogs and 16 cats undergoing surgical repair of diaphragmatic hernia of >2 weeks' duration were reviewed, and long-term follow-up information was obtained. The most common clinical signs were dyspnea and vomiting; however, many of the animals were presented for nonspecific signs such as anorexia, lethargy, and weight loss. Thoracic radiographs revealed evidence of diaphragmatic hernia in only 66% of the animals, and additional imaging tests were often needed to confirm the diagnosis. Thirty-six hernias were repaired through a midline laparotomy; 14 required a median sternotomy combined with a laparotomy. In 14 animals, division of mature adhesions of the lungs or diaphragm to the herniated organs was necessary to permit reduction of the hernia. Fourteen animals required resection of portions of the lungs, liver, or intestine. All hernias were sutured primarily without the use of tissue flaps or mesh implants. Twenty-one of the animals developed transient complications in the postoperative period; the most common of these was pneumothorax. The mortality rate was 14%. Thirty-four (79%) of the animals that were discharged from the hospital had complete resolution of clinical signs, and none developed evidence of recurrent diaphragmatic hernia during the follow-up period. Nine were lost to follow-up.  相似文献   

Diaphragmatic hernia frequently occurs as a consequence of traffic accidents. The 'pendulating' or 'inspiratory abdominal' respiration and the sinistro- or dextrocardia are often diagnostic. Palpation of the apex beat proved to be reliable way of determining whether median, left- or right-sided thoracotomy was indicated. In this paper the results of surgical treatment of 49 dogs and 72 cats by means of a thoracic approach are presented. In 46 dogs full recovery was achieved, three animals died. From the 72 cats 10 patients died and 62 recovered. Based upon the comparison of these figures and reports from the literature using the abdominal approach, we consider thoracotomy superior to the abdominal approach for this type of patient.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether signalment, duration of hernia, clinical signs, contents of hernia, CBC and serum biochemical abnormalities, concurrent injuries, perioperative treatment and administration of analgesics, results of intraoperative anesthetic monitoring data, or level of training of the veterinarian performing the herniorrhaphy was associated with mortality rate after surgical repair of traumatic diaphragmatic hernia in cats. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 34 cats. PROCEDURE: Review of medical records and a telephone follow-up with owners and referring veterinarians were performed. RESULTS: Mean age of affected cats was 3.6 years; cats that survived to the time of discharge were significantly younger than cats that died or were euthanatized. Tachypnee was the most common clinical sign at hospital admission; cats that survived to the time of discharge had significantly higher respiratory rates than cats that died or were euthanatized after surgery. Postoperative complications developed in 50% of cats; tachypnea and dyspnea were most common. Mortality rate was not associated with duration of hernia or results of preoperative CBC and serum biochemical analyses, but was significantly associated with concurrent injuries. Mortality rate was not associated with hernia contents, intraoperative use of positive inotropes or corticosteroids, episodes of hypotension or severe hypoxia during anesthesia, or level of training of the veterinarian performing the surgery. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Cats that are older or have low to mildly increased respiratory rates and concurrent injuries are more likely to die after surgical repair of traumatic diaphragmatic hernia.  相似文献   

The records of 31 cats and eight dogs undergoing surgical correction of peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic hernia (PPDH) from 2000 through 2007 were reviewed. Weimaraners and long-haired cats of varying breeds, particularly Maine Coon cats, appear to be at higher risk of PPDH. Presenting complaints were most commonly related to the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts in both dogs and cats, although respiratory signs were more prevalent in cats, and gastrointestinal signs were more common in dogs. The most common herniated organs were liver, gallbladder, and small intestine. Mortality associated with surgical repair of PPDH in cats and dogs was low in the first 2 weeks postoperatively, and prognosis for return to normal function was excellent. Peri-and postoperative complications were typically minor and self-limiting.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma spp were isolated in pure culture from bronchoalveolar lavage specimens from three cats with clinical, cytological and radiographic signs of bron-chopneumonia or suppurative bronchitis. Predisposing factors were not identified in the first case, the second cat had oesophageal hypomotility, while the third cat had been exposed to cigarette smoke and had advanced periodontal disease. Respiratory signs resolved promptly and completely in all cases following antimicrobial therapy directed against mycoplasmas. Mycoplasma spp are possible causes of lower respiratory tract disease in cats and this should be considered when selecting empirical therapy for feline airway disease and pneumonia. In some situations mycoplasmas may behave as primary lower respiratory tract pathogens in cats.  相似文献   

Aetiology, clinicopathological findings and treatment outcomes were documented in 23 cats (1.5-13 years of age) with sinonasal (SNA, n=6) or sino-orbital (SOA, n=17) aspergillosis. Cases recruited retrospectively and prospectively were included if fungal hyphae were identified on cytological or histological examination and the fungal pathogen was identified by PCR and DNA sequencing (ITS1 or ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 regions, rDNA gene cluster). Fungal culture was positive in 22/23 cases. In cases of SNA, the fungal pathogen was Aspergillus fumigatus (n=4), Neosartorya fischeri or A. lentulus (n=1) or a non-speciated Neosartorya spp. (n=1). In all cases of SOA (n=17), the fungal pathogen was identified as Neosartorya spp. Nine cats had brachycephalic conformation. Cats with SNA were more likely to be infected with A. fumigatus and had a better prognosis than cats with SOA.  相似文献   

Hypercalcemia (12.0 to 18.3 mg/dl) was detected in 3 cats that had eaten a rodenticide that contained cholecalciferol. Clinical signs included lethargy, anorexia, vomiting, and polydipsia. Treatment with furosemide and fluids administered IV resulted in normalization of the serum calcium concentration and in remission of the clinical signs in 2 cats. One cat with a serum calcium concentration of 18.3 mg/dl did not have clinical signs, was not treated, and was reportedly normal 9 months after initial examination. We attributed the uniformly favorable outcome of exposure to the rodenticide in these cats to the small quantity of the toxin ingested.  相似文献   

The present report describes the clinical signs, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings, surgical procedure, pathological findings and follow-up in four cats with multiple meningiomas; three castrated male and one spayed female domestic shorthair indoor cats, ranging in age from 11 to 14 years. In three of four cats, clinical signs at presentation were suggestive of a focal lesion. Three cats had two meningiomas and one had four meningiomas. Most of the tumours were supratentorial, one arose from the tentorium and one was infratentorial. The duration of presenting signs before surgery ranged from 10 days to 11 months. Postoperative MRI revealed complete gross tumour removal in three cases. In one cat with two cranial fossa meningiomas, subtotal excision with a small basal remnant (2 x 2 mm) of the ventral part of one meningioma lying on the floor of the skull, was observed. Based on histopathological architecture, six tumours revealed features of a transitional subtype meningioma, and four of a meningotheliomatous meningioma. In each cat, the multiple meningiomas were all assigned to the same histopathological group. The preoperative presenting signs had resolved by the follow-up examinations 4 weeks after surgery in two cats. Long-term follow-up evaluation revealed that surgically-induced or exacerbated neurological deficits in two cats had completely or almost completely resolved within 8 weeks of surgery. All patients are still alive 12 to 21 months after surgery and no clinical signs of recurrence could be detected at that time.  相似文献   

The well recognized cardiac effects of severe hyperkalemia include progressive rhythm and conduction disturbances such as bradycardia, spiked and narrow T waves, widening QRS complex, widening and flattening P wave, disappearance of the P wave, and cardiac arrest. Paradoxically, a heart rate greater than 200 beats/min may coexist with hyperkalemia in some cats. This report describes three cats with moderate to severe hyperkalemia and concurrent rapid heart rate. In each cat, the serum potassium (K(+)) concentration was > or =7.5 mEq/dl with a concurrent heart rate > 200 beats/min. In each cat, nine-lead electrocardiograms demonstrate an absence of P waves and a wide-complex tachycardia. Hyperkalemia should be considered in the differential diagnosis when a feline electrocardiogram demonstrates a wide-complex tachycardia without identifiable P waves.  相似文献   

Brucella suis is an emerging, zoonotic disease predominantly affecting dogs and humans that engage in feral pig hunting in Australia and other countries. Although B. suis infection in dogs shares some clinical similarities to the host-adapted species (B. canis), B. suis remains an incompletely understood pathogen in dogs with limited published data on its pathogenesis and clinical features. This case series describes the presentations, diagnosis, and clinical management of B. suis infection in three dogs: (1) a bitch with dystocia, abortion and mastitis; (2) an entire male dog with septic arthritis and presumptive osteomyelitis; and (3) a castrated male dog with lymphadenitis. Unique features of these cases are reported including the first documented detection of B. suis from milk and isolation from lymph nodes of canine patients, as well as the follow-up of pups born to a B. suis-infected bitch. Consistent with previous reports, all three dogs showed a favourable clinical response to combination antibiotic therapy with rifampicin and doxycycline. Individually tailored drug regimens were required based on the clinical presentation and other factors, including owner expectations and compliance with therapy as well as a zoonotic risk assessment (generally considered low, except around time of whelping). The authors include their recommendations for the clinical management of dogs that are at-risk or seropositive for B. suis with or without clinical signs or laboratory-confirmed infection.  相似文献   

Five cases of central diabetes insipidus (CDI) in domestic shorthair cats are described. All cats were under 3 years of age at the onset of clinical signs, and outdoor or outdoor/indoor cats, in which a prior trauma was either present or possible. The history included polydipsia and polyuria, and physical examination abnormalities included urinary bladder distention and dehydration. All cats had hyposthenuria with a urine specific gravity between 1.003 and 1.006. The diagnosis was confirmed by an observed inability to concentrate urine during a water deprivation test or compatible serum osmolality, followed by an increase in urine concentration after desmopressin administration. All cats in this report were treated successfully with oral desmopressin. The dose (25-50 microg q8-12h) and the response to therapy were variable. Oral desmopressin administration may serve as an effective alternative route for cat owners who find the conjunctival or nasal application of the solution an inconvenient mode of therapy.  相似文献   

Feline idiopathic cystitis (FIC) is the most common cause of feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD). This retrospective, case-controlled study evaluated possible risk factors associated with FIC and compared different clinical presentations in 64 cats with FIC. Several risk factors known to be involved in FLUTD were identified as playing a role in FIC. Of the stressful situations considered, most did not occur with increased frequency in cats with FIC compared to controls, except for a house move. The presence of pyuria, haematuria and an increased urine protein:creatinine ratio were significantly higher in obstructed males compared with non-obstructed males. An obstruction was significantly more likely in cats with struvite crystalluria compared with cats without struvite crystalluria. These findings suggest that urethral plugs might be an important cause or contributing factor of obstruction in FIC. Episodes of FIC seem to occur mainly in susceptible cats in combination with a deficient environment.  相似文献   

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