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Serum samples from 1077 dogs suspected of having Neospora caninum infections from 35 states in the United States and 3 provinces in Canada were tested for N. caninum IgG antibodies by the indirect fluorescent antibody test. Antibodies to N. caninum were found in 75 of 1077 (7%) of the samples. Twenty of the positive dogs were females, 17 were males and the sex was not recorded on 38 dogs. Chi square analysis indicated no differences (P > 0.05) based on sex were present. Dogs from the Southeast and Midwest regions of the United States were more likely to be N. caninum antibody positive than were dogs from the Northeast or West regions.  相似文献   

Sera from 76 horses from Argentina were examined for antibodies to Sarcocystis neurona, Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum. Antibodies to S. neurona were found in 27 (35.5%) of 76 horses using immunoblots with culture derived merozoites as antigen. Antibodies to T. gondii were found in 10 (13.1%) of 76 horses by using the modified agglutination test with formalin-fixed tachyzoites and mercaptoethanol; titers were 1:25 (two horses), 1:50 (six horses), 1:100 (two horses), and 1:200 (one horse). Antibodies to N. caninum were not found in any of the 76 horses by the use of N. caninum agglutination test. This is the first report of S. neurona infection in horses in Argentina.  相似文献   

A total of 438 sera from Korean native beef cattle in 9 provinces were tested for Neospora caninum antibodies using an immunofluorescent antibody test (IFAT). Eighteen (4.1%) cattle were positive by IFAT. The titers ranged from 1:200 (10 animals), 1:400 (5 animals), 1:800 (2 animals) to 1:1,600 (1 animal). Although the seroprevalence was slightly higher in Chungnam (8.9%), this was not significantly different from those noted in Kyunggi, Kangwon, Kyungbuk, Kyungnam, and Cheju provinces. Sera obtained from beef cattle in the provinces of Chungbuk, Jeonbuk and Jeonnam were all negative. Neospora positive sera were also tested for anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibodies using a commercial latex agglutination test (LAT). Antibody to T. gondii was detected in only 1 (5.6%) of 18 N. caninum positive sera. These results indicate that N. caninum and T. gondii infection are present at a low level in the Korean native beef cattle.  相似文献   

Prevalence of antibodies to Neospora caninum in dogs from Amazon,Brazil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Neospora caninum is an important cause of abortion in dairy cattle worldwide. Dogs are important in the epidemiology of this parasite because they are the only hosts known to excrete N. caninum oocysts. Antibodies to N. caninum were assayed in serum samples from 157 dogs from Monte Negro, Rond?nia, Amazon, Brazil using the indirect fluorescent antibody test. Antibodies to N. caninum were found in 13 (8.3%) of dogs in titers of 1:50 in 1, 1:100 in 2, 1:200 in 5, 1:800 in 1, 1:1600 in 2, and 1:3200 in 2 dogs. These data indicate that N. caninum infection is prevalent even in remote areas of the Amazon.  相似文献   

Sera from 300 dogs from Ghent and Antwerp were tested for antibodies to Neospora caninurn using an Indirect fluorescent antibody test. Overall, 11 per cent (995 to 13 per cent; confidence interval of 95 per cent) of dogs were seropositive, at titres of 1:50 to 1:800. No sex or breed differences were detected, but there was an Increase In seropositivity with age.  相似文献   

AIM: To investigate the seroprevalence of Neospora caninum infection in populations of dogs from dairy farms, sheep/beef farms and urban areas in the central part of New Zealand. It was postulated seroprevalence would be higher for farm dogs than urban dogs if the life-cycle of this parasite involves transmission between dogs and cattle.

METHODS: Serum samples were obtained from dogs that lived on dairy farms (n=161), sheep/beef farms (n=154) and in urban situations (n=150). The relative risk of detecting antibodies to N. caninum using an immunofluorescent antibody test (IFAT) was compared between farm and urban dogs.

RESULTS: The relative risk of having a titre of ≥1:200 to N. caninum was 2.43 (95% CI=1.88-3.14) for dairy-farm dogs and 3.16 (95% CI=2.48–4.02) for sheep/beef-farm dogs, compared with urban dogs. At this titre, which is currently used in New Zealand to indicate seropositivity, seroprevalence of N. caninum infection was 30.7% in urban dogs, 74.5% in dairy-farm dogs and 96.8% in sheep/beef-farm dogs.

CONCLUSION: This observation is consistent with a cycling of this disease between cattle and dogs on farms in New Zealand and with higher exposure of dogs to N. caninum on farms than occurs in urban environments. The prevalence of antibodies in all three groups of dogs tested in this study (dairy-farm dogs, sheep/beef-farm dogs and urban dogs) is higher than has generally been reported elsewhere. New Zealand farm dogs have a higher serological prevalence of N. caninum infection than urban dogs.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Management and disease control practices that break the life-cycle of transmission between cattle and dogs should assist in controlling cattle abortion due to N. caninum.  相似文献   

AIM: To investigate the seroprevalence of Neospora caninum infection in populations of dogs from dairy farms, sheep/beef farms and urban areas in the central part of New Zealand. It was postulated seroprevalence would be higher for farm dogs than urban dogs if the life-cycle of this parasite involves transmission between dogs and cattle. METHODS: Serum samples were obtained from dogs that lived on dairy farms (n=161), sheep/beef farms (n=154) and in urban situations (n=150). The relative risk of detecting antibodies to N. caninum using an immunofluorescent antibody test (IFAT) was compared between farm and urban dogs. RESULTS: The relative risk of having a titre of > or = 1:200 to N. caninum was 2.43 (95% CI=1.88-3.14) for dairy-farm dogs and 3.16 (95% CI=2.48-4.02) for sheep/beef-farm dogs, compared with urban dogs. At this titre, which is currently used in New Zealand to indicate seropositivity, seroprevalence of N. caninum infection was 30.7% in urban dogs, 74.5% in dairy-farm dogs and 96.8% in sheep/beef-farm dogs. CONCLUSION: This observation is consistent with a cycling of this disease between cattle and dogs on farms in New Zealand and with higher exposure of dogs to N. caninum on farms than occurs in urban environments. The prevalence of antibodies in all three groups of dogs tested in this study (dairy-farm dogs, sheep/beef-farm dogs and urban dogs) is higher than has generally been reported elsewhere. New Zealand farm dogs have a higher serological prevalence of N. caninum infection than urban dogs. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Management and disease control practices that break the life-cycle of transmission between cattle and dogs should assist in controlling cattle abortion due to N. caninum.  相似文献   

The protozoan parasite Neospora caninum is a major cause of abortion in cattle throughout the world. In the process of propagating Neospora in vitro and producing specific antibodies for development of diagnostic assays in the food supply, our laboratory identified the presence of bovine antibodies to N. caninum in fetal bovine sera. The sera were produced commercially and preferentially recommended for tissue culture use and monoclonal antibody production. Seventeen different fetal bovine serum samples of different grades and from four different companies were examined for the presence of total IgG, IgG1, IgG2, and IgM specific for N. caninum. All of the tested serum samples recognized N. caninum specific bands on Western blot. Low IgG serum also recognized these antigens but with lower intensity. Antibody response was also evaluated using a commercially available ELISA kit for N. caninum.  相似文献   

Sera collected from hunter-killed wild boars (Sus scrofa) during 1999-2005 from seven different regions of the Czech Republic were assayed for antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii by indirect fluorescence antibody test and to Neospora caninum by competitive-inhibition enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and by indirect fluorescence antibody test. Antibodies to T. gondii were detected in 148 (26.2%) of 565 wild boars with serum dilutions of 1:40 in 40, 1:80 in 40, 1:160 in 27, 1:320 in 19, 1:640 in 18 and 1:1280 in 4 wild boars. Antibodies to N. caninum were detected in 102 (18.1%) of 565 wild boars with 30.1-94.6% inhibition in ELISA; statistical significant differences were observed between sampling regions, ranging from 0% to 31.8%. Sera, positive in ELISA, were examined in IFAT; 58 of 102 (56.9%) were positive with titres 1:40-1:160. Mixed infection (concurrent presence of both T. gondii and N. caninum antibodies) was found in 38 wild boars. It is the first report of antibodies to N. caninum in wild boar. Serological results indicate a common exposure to T. gondii and to N. caninum among wild boars in the Czech Republic.  相似文献   

Sera from 1770 dogs and 94 red foxes from Austria were examined for antibodies against Neospora caninum using the indirect immunofluorescent antibody test (IFAT). 3.6% of the dogs were seropositive with titres ranging from 1:50 to 1:6400. Dogs from rural areas were significantly more often seropositive for N. caninum than those from the urban area of Vienna (5.3% versus 2.1%). There were no significant differences in sex or breed, but a slight increase in seropositivity with age was apparent, indicating postnatal infection. None of the foxes had antibodies against N. caninum. Additionally, sera from 242 dogs and 94 foxes were examined for antibodies against Toxoplasma gondii using the IFAT. Thirty-five percent foxes and 26% of the dogs were positive; 1.7% of the dogs were positive for both parasites. This is the first report of the prevalence of N. caninum infections in dogs and foxes in Austria.  相似文献   

Serum samples from 251 wild carnivores from different regions of Spain were tested for antibodies to Neospora caninum by the commercial competitive screening enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (c-ELISA) and confirmed by Neospora agglutination test (NAT) and/or by indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT). Samples with antibodies detected by at least two serological tests were considered seropositive. Antibodies to N. caninum were found in 3.2% of 95 red foxes (Vulpes vulpes); in 21.4% of 28 wolves (Canis lupus); in 12.0% of 25 Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus); in 16.7% of 6 European wildcats (Felis silvestris); in 6.4% of 31 Eurasian badgers (Meles meles); in 21.4% of 14 stone martens (Martes foina); in 66.7% of 3 pine martens (M. martes) and in 50% of 2 polecats (Mustela putorius). Antibodies to N. caninum in common genets (Genetta genetta) and Egyptian mongooses (Herpestes ichneumon) were only observed by c-ELISA but were not confirmed by IFAT and/or NAT. No antibodies were detected in 5 Eurasian otters (Lutra lutra) by any technique. Statistically significant differences were observed among species and among geographical areas. The highest seroprevalence of N. caninum infection was observed in the Cantabric Coastal region characterized by high humidity. To our knowledge, this is the first report of antibodies to N. caninum in free ranging wild carnivores, other than wild canids, in Europe. The existence of a possible sylvatic cycle could have important implications in both sylvatic and domestic cycles since they might influence the prevalence of infection in cattle farms in those areas.  相似文献   

This study investigates the seroprevalence of Neospora caninum in cattle in the province of Kars in north-eastern Turkey. A total of 301 serum samples, 228 from local breeds of cows with a history of recent abortion and the remaining 73 collected at random from Simmental cows imported from Germany or their offspring, were tested for anti-Neospora antibodies by ELISA. All the serum samples from local breeds were negative for N. caninum antibodies, apart from one which tested inconclusive. In contrast six of the samples (8.2% with 95%CI: 2-14.5%) from Simmental cows tested positive. There was a significant difference (P<0.001) in the seroprevalence of N. caninum between local and Simmental breeds, even if the inconclusive test was considered positive, and the odds ratio of its occurrence in the Simmental breed was 20.3. In conclusion, it is unlikely that N. caninum contributes to abortion in local cattle breeds and our results also suggest that N. caninum was introduced to the region by the importation of Simmental cattle and that the vertical transmission of the parasite in cattle is important in the region.  相似文献   

The role of domestic dogs in the epidemiology of Neospora caninum as well as the relationship between N. caninum infection of farm dogs and cattle were demonstrated, however, evidence is scarce regarding the role of wild canids in domestic animal neosporosis. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the role of wild canids in the epidemiology of bovine neosporosis in Israel by analyzing the prevalence of antibodies to N. caninum in wild canids. Sera samples were collected from 114 free ranging wild golden jackals (Canis aureus), 24 red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) and nine wolves (Canis lupus), which were collected in Israel during the years 1999-2004. Of a total of 147 wild canids tested antibodies to N. caninum were only found in two golden jackals with IFAT titers of 1:50, and in one red fox and one wolf with IFAT titer of 1:400. The low seroprevalence found in this study (2.7%) indicated that wild canids probably do not have an important role in the epidemiology of N. caninum in Israel. However, since the diet of different species of wild canids and even diverse populations of the same canid species vary, it is possible that other results might be obtained from specific wild canids populations, which scavenge in the vicinity of infected bovines.  相似文献   

Neospora caninum is a newly described coccidian parasite which has been found in various species such as the dog, cattle, horse, sheep and goat. Morphologically it resembles Toxoplasma gondii with which it is related (Holmdahl et al. 1994), and with which it has earlier been confused. The life cycle of N caninum is only partially known. Tachyzoites and tissue cysts are the only known stages of the parasite, and transplacental transmission is the only known route of infection. Subclini-cally infected dams can transmit the parasite to their fetuses and successive offspring from the same mother might be born infected (Dubey et al. 1990b). Clinical neosporosis is mostly seen in pups or young dogs, and the majority or all pups in a litter are often affected. The disease is characterized by ascending paralysis of the legs, with the hind legs more severely affected than the front legs, paralysis of the jaw, difficulty in swallowing and muscle flaccidity and atrophy (Dubey 1992, Dubey & Lindsay 1993). Fatal infections with N caninum in dogs have been reported from many countries, e.g. Norway (Bjerkäs & Presthus 1988), USA (Dubey et al. 1988), Sweden (Uggla et al. 1989a,b) and the United Kingdom (Dubey et al. 1990a). Serological surveys for antibodies to N. caninum in dogs from Kansas, USA and England have shown a prevalence of 2 and 13%, respectively (Lindsay et al. 1990, Trees et al. 1993).  相似文献   

Parasite-specific antibody responses to Neospora antigens were detected using the immunofluorescent antibody test (IFAT) and immunoblot analysis in select equine populations. For comparison, a naturally infected Neospora hughesi horse and an experimentally inoculated Neospora caninum horse were used. In addition, all samples were tested for antibodies to Sarcocystis neurona by immunoblot analysis. A total of 208 samples was evaluated. The equine populations were derived from five distinct geographic regions. Locations were selected based on distribution of Didelphis virginiana, the native North American opossum which serves as the definitive host for S. neurona. Only 11% of the samples that had positive titers of 1:100 using the IFAT were also positive for antibodies by immunoblot analysis in this study. Overall, there was a 2% seroprevalence for Neospora antibodies in all horses tested based on immunoblot analysis described. The seroprevalence for S. neurona antibodies varied from 0% (New Zealand and Montana) to 54% (Missouri). We concluded that, in testing for antibodies against Neospora antigens using either IFAT or immunoblot analysis, as described, positive results should not be attributed to the presence of antibodies to S. neurona.  相似文献   

A cross-sectional study was carried out on Spanish ibex populations in Southern Spain to assess the seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum and to investigate the risk factors associated with these infections. Using the modified agglutination test, the seroprevalence to T. gondii was 27.5% (146/531; CI(95%), 23.7-31.3), and this seropositivity significantly increased with age. Among adults, statistically significant differences were observed between geographical locations and over different sampling years. Thirty of 531 (5.6%) ibex had antibodies to N. caninum using a competitive ELISA, of which 27/30 (5.1%; CI(95%), 3.1-7.1) were confirmed as seropositive by the indirect fluorescent antibody test. This study is the first to report the presence of N. caninum antibodies in Spanish ibex and also indicates widespread exposure of this species to T. gondii. The findings indicate that ibex are more exposed to T. gondii than to N. caninum in their natural environment and there is little evidence of co-infection with both parasites. The seroprevalence levels reported suggest a role for ibex in the sylvatic cycle of both parasites with potentially important environmental and public health implications.  相似文献   

Neospora caninum is an apicomplexan parasite that causes neuromuscular disease in dogs and abortions in cattle. Little is known about the prevalence of antibodies to this parasite in zoo animals. Sera from 556 animals, from 13 Czech and Slovak zoos were tested for antibodies to N. caninum and Toxoplasma gondii by indirect fluorescent antibody test. Antibodies to N. caninum were found in 31 of 556 zoo animals (5.6%), representing 18 of 114 species tested: Eurasian wolf (Canis lupus lupus), Maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus), fennec (Vulpes zerda), cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus), jaguarundi (Herpailurus yaguarondi), Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx), Indian lion (Panthera leo goojratensis), fisher (Martes pennanti), blackbuck (Antilope cervicapra), European bison (Bison bonasus), lechwe (Kobus leche), African buffalo (Syncerus caffer caffer), eland (Taurotragus oryx), sitatunga (Tragelaphus spekei gratus), Thorold's deer (Cervus albirostris), Eastern elk (C. elaphus canadensis), Vietnam sika deer (C. nippon pseudaxis) and Père David's deer (Elaphurus davidianus). Titres ranged from 1:40 to 1:2560. The highest prevalence 50% was found in family mustelidae of the order carnivora. Antibodies to T. gondii were detected in 193 of 556 zoo animals (34.7%) representing 72 of 114 species tested, with titres ranging from 1:40 to 1:40960. The highest prevalence 100% was found in families: hyaenidae, mustelidae, ursidae and viveridae of the order carnivora. The results of this study indicate that zoo animals have more exposure to T. gondii than to N. caninum. It is the first report of seroprevalence of antibodies to N. caninum in European zoo animals.  相似文献   

Little is known about the epidemiology of Neospora caninum in wild mammal populations. It has been suggested that a sylvatic cycle exists for N. caninum. Dogs and potentially other canids are a definitive host for N. caninum. The present study was done to determine the prevalence of antibodies to N. caninum in a population of gray foxes (Urocyon cinereoargenteus) from a nonagricultural setting in South Carolina. We also determined the prevalence of antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii in these animals. Antibody levels were measured in direct agglutination tests using either N. caninum or T. gondii formalin-fixed tachyzoites as antigen. Four (15.4%) of the 26 gray foxes had titers to N. caninum. Titers to N. caninum were low being 1:25 in three gray foxes and 1:50 in the fourth gray fox. Antibodies to T. gondii were observed in 16 (61.5%) gray foxes. Titers to T. gondii were usually >1:50 and two gray foxes had titers of 1:1600. Results of this study indicate that gray foxes have more exposure to T. gondii than to N. caninum in this environment.  相似文献   

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