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为明确陕西关中酥梨产区梨茎蜂的发生规律,为有效防治提供依据,2019年-2021年,通过田间定期取样结合黄色粘虫板监测,系统调查了梨茎蜂生活史和成虫发生动态。结果表明,梨茎蜂在陕西关中一年发生1代,以老熟幼虫在梨树被害枝条内越冬。春季梨芽萌动时,梨茎蜂越冬幼虫开始化蛹,3月中旬成虫陆续羽化出枝,3月中下旬达到高峰,雌蜂造成的折梢高峰期紧随成虫发生高峰期;4月下旬幼虫为害枝梢髓部,8月下旬幼虫老熟后在被害枝条内越冬。黄色粘虫板不仅诱杀梨茎蜂成虫,同时也诱杀蜜蜂、瓢虫、草蛉、食蚜蝇和寄生蜂等有益昆虫。因此,应抓住梨茎蜂出枝盛期诱杀防治,一旦成虫数量大幅降低,及时解除黄板。  相似文献   

梨茎蜂 (JamuspiriOkamata .etMoratsu) ,属膜翅目 ,茎蜂科。主要危害梨树 ,偶尔也危害苹果。据剑河县柳川镇麻连梨园、城关附近梨园调查 :梨树春梢枝一般损失率达 15 % ,最高损失率达 73% ,被害株率达 95 %以上 ,受害严重的梨园 ,满园断梢累累。大树被害后 ,影响树势及产量 ;幼树被害后 ,则影响树冠扩大和整形。 2 0 0 0年至 2 0 0 2年笔者对该虫的发生规律及防治进行了系统的研究 ,现将结果报道如下 :1 发生规律梨茎蜂在剑河县 1年发生 1代。以老熟幼虫在被害枝梢内越冬 ,也有以蛹在枝梢内越冬的。据观察 :该虫…  相似文献   

麦茎蜂是干旱和半干旱地区小麦的一种主要害虫,以幼虫钻蛀小麦茎秆为害,使植株的光合作用减弱,产量减少,籽粒的蛋白质含量下降,发芽率和出苗率降低。麦茎蜂幼虫为害隐蔽,单一的措施很难及时有效地降低其种群数量,不同防治方法的综合应用,也即害虫综合治理,已成为治理麦茎蜂的主要策略。本文以灰翅麦茎蜂和北美麦茎蜂为主,综述了麦茎蜂的为害特点、寄主选择、田间分布、造成的损失及防治措施等研究进展,并初步探讨了今后麦茎蜂害虫防控的研究和应用方向,以期为进一步有效控制其危害提供参考。  相似文献   

吴向军  高洪 《植物医生》1998,11(6):14-15
麦茎蜂(CephuspygmaeusLinnaeus)是南阳地区小麦主要害虫之一。80年代以来,邓州市植保站的有关技术人员对其发生规律及其生物学特性等进行了研究,现将研究结果报告如下,以期为麦茎蜂综合防治提供参考。一、麦茎蜂的预测预报1.根据其化蛹进...  相似文献   

我国3种梨茎蜂的生物学特性及形态比较   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
对我国3种梨茎蜂成虫形态特征、生物学特性进行比较 ,建立了3种梨茎蜂成虫图文检索表 ,并提出了相应防治措施  相似文献   

青海省麦茎蜂的初步观察及防治对策   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
黄相国 《植物保护》1989,15(1):41-41
自70年代后期以来麦茎蜂在青海、甘肃等地区危害越来越严重,影响了春小麦产量的提高。为此,我们对该虫进行了初步观察并探讨了防治对策。 一、形态特征及危害 麦茎蜂(Cepbus pygmacus L.)成虫体长10—12mm,全身呈黑色,触角丝状,前胸长,翅膜质透明,幼虫浅黄色,体长9—10mm左右,呈“S”形,口器褐色,足退  相似文献   

香梨茎蜂严重危害库尔勒香梨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈尚进 《植物保护》2000,26(5):52-52
香梨茎蜂 (JanuspiriodorusYangsp .n .)成虫产卵时锯断新梢 ,幼虫钻蛀嫩枝 ,造成大量香梨新梢断枝枯萎 ,幼树受害更为严重 ,一般单株新梢受害率 10 %~ 6 0 % ,最高可达 10 0 %。该蜂在新疆库尔勒市 1年发生 1代 ,除严重危害驰名中外的库尔勒香梨外 ,还  相似文献   

烟翅麦茎蜂是取食冬、春小麦的单食性害虫,在甘肃、青海一年发生1代,以4龄老熟幼虫在根茬中滞育越夏、越冬。经研究明确了此虫的生活习性及防治方法,以大面积轮作倒茬最为有效,药剂防治以40%甲基异柳磷乳油每hm23.75~4.5kg或3%颗粒剂60~75kg配制为毒砂土,在成虫羽化盛期地面撒施防治幼虫效果好,对成虫效果很差。  相似文献   

刘爱萍  徐林波  路慧 《植物保护》2008,34(6):117-121
对甘肃、青海地区春、冬小麦麦茎蜂及其天敌发生情况进行调查,发现灰翅麦茎蜂(Cephus fumipennis Eversmann)在甘肃地区的平均危害率为7.9%,在青海地区平均危害率为12.5%。调查发现,灰翅麦茎蜂天敌以镜面茎姬蜂(Collyria catoptron Wahl)为优势种,甘肃地区天敌寄生率为9.6%,青海地区仅为1.6%。有针对性地对麦茎蜂的发生原因进行了分析,提出了以天敌保护利用、抗虫育种为主的综合防治措施。  相似文献   

麦茎蜂属膜翅目茎蜂科,是南阳地区小麦的重要害虫之一,以幼虫取食小麦茎内组织,使麦株提前枯死形成白穗,被害株千粒重下降48—61%。我们在邓州市及有关县、市,通过人工饲养观察和田间调查,对该虫的发生规律、预测预报和防治方法进行了初步研究,现将结果整理如下。1 形态特征 成虫:体黑色,后胸背板有一梨形淡黄斑;触角丝状,长5—6mm,顶端几节略大;雌成虫  相似文献   

The citrus thrips,Scirtothrips aurantii Faure (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), is a pest of mango in South Africa. The aim of the study was to monitor the different stages ofS. aurantii in mango orchards throughout the year. Populations ofS. aurantii were monitored using different methods,i.e., yellow sticky traps, dispersal/emergence traps, counts on fruit and in flowers. Eggs and emergence holes on the new leaves were recorded. The number of adults increased at the end of flowering (September) and remained at high levels until fruiting (November). Low numbers were present from May to August. Much higher population levels were present during 1995/96 than during the 1996/97 season. There was higher infestation present on the cultivar ‘Sensation’ than on ‘Zill’.S. aurantii was present on the fruit for only a short period (less than 10 weeks) during the season and the population was maintained on flush that was present throughout the year.  相似文献   

目前在防治麦红吸浆虫的药效试验中,尚缺乏穗期防治的试验方法。本试验采用黄色粘板监测麦红吸浆虫成虫的发生动态,在小麦齐穗期,用不同剂量20%呋虫胺可溶粒剂喷雾对麦红吸浆虫进行防治。结果表明,20%呋虫胺可溶粒剂用量为20、25和30g/667m2时对麦红吸浆虫的防治效果可达90%以上。本试验为今后制定麦红吸浆虫穗期防治的药效试验准则提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

黑胫腮扁叶蜂(Cephalcia nigrotibialis Wei)以雌虫为模式标本,描述于我国陕西(周至)和河南(内乡)。2009年在北京延庆发现它是油松上一种新的重要害虫,1年1代,以老熟幼虫在土室中越冬,越冬虫口密度平均达20.7头/m2。6月初开始化蛹,6月下旬出现成虫;成虫产卵于2年生的松针上,幼虫在小枝上做丝质的巢,咬断松针基部后取食,为害盛期为8-9月。色带诱集试验表明,5种色带均可诱到成虫,不同颜色之间差异不显著。目前在延庆将红色胶带用于黑胫腮扁叶蜂的防治。本文对各虫态进行了描述,并提供了彩色图片,讨论了该虫的分布特点和成灾原因。  相似文献   

Experiments on the development of a sticky trap monitoring system for the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (L.), were carried out in six cabbage fields (two in each of three villages) in North Sulawesi, Indonesia. This region is characterized by small, closely‐situated, fields. Yellow cardboard traps with a sticky upper surface were placed 10 cm below the crop canopy, four traps per field, and were maintained throughout the 1991 growing season. Larvae were sampled weekly in quadrats centred around each trap. One village where continuous cabbage growing occurred had higher P. xylostella populations than the other two villages, where growing is discontinuous. Although the relationship between trap catches and larval populations for individual fields was weak, the relationship between catches in all fields pooled and larval populations 2 weeks later was very strong, suggesting that a region‐wide predictive system would be feasible. An increase in larval numbers as distance from the traps increased further suggests that sticky traps may have potential for use in mass trapping.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Greenhouse whiteflies, Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood), are notorious pests that, through the reduction of crop yields and excretion of honeydew, cause significant economic losses for sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) growers. Chemical and biological controls are the two most common forms of whitefly management in greenhouses. Consequently, insecticide resistance and inadequate control have rejuvenated interest in alternative tactics. In the present study, whitefly responses to trap crops (eggplant and squash) and yellow sticky traps were compared in order to identify the most effective traps for dispersing and resident adults. RESULTS: Results indicated that yellow sticky traps were most effective at trapping adult whiteflies. Significantly more dispersing whiteflies were recorded on eggplant than on squash trap crops. None of the traps significantly reduced adult populations on the main crops (peppers) compared with the control. However, yellow sticky traps did significantly reduce oviposition on peppers. CONCLUSIONS: Adult whiteflies were most effectively trapped on yellow sticky traps followed by eggplant trap crops. Further study of whitefly trapping using visual cues may enhance trapping management. Specifically, research combining yellow sticky traps with other control strategies is recommended. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

A study was carried out to determine the optimal height, position (angle) and direction of yellow sticky traps for maximum attraction ofLiriomyza trifolii flies above gerbera plants. Catches at 30 cm above the plant tops were greater than at 70 cm above the tops. Horizontal and 45° angle traps caught larger numbers on the upper side, whereas with vertical traps there was no effect of side. Catches on vertical traps were greater than those on horizontal and 45° angle traps. Free-hanging vertical traps caught more flies than fixed traps facing north and south. Publication of the Agricultural Research Organization. No. 2437-E, 1988 series.  相似文献   

应用正交试验法研究了黄板悬挂高度、黄板形状、黄板距温室出口距离、黄板距北墙距离4个因素对黄板诱杀3种温室西葫芦害虫的影响。结果表明:4个因素对诱杀温室白粉虱都具有显著、极显著影响,黄板悬挂高度和黄板距出口距离对诱杀美洲斑潜蝇有显著影响;黄板距北墙距离对诱杀有翅瓜蚜具有极显著影响。黄板诱杀害虫的4因素组合为黄板高出植株0.2 m、平板形、距出口91 m、距北墙距离0.7 m时诱杀虫量最大。  相似文献   

黄色粘虫板对番石榴园螺旋粉虱的诱捕试验   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
应用黄板诱集番石榴园中螺旋粉虱的成虫。结果表明:黄板以垂直悬挂在树冠中层外缘的南面诱集效果最佳,而黄板悬挂的高度以黄板的上端与树冠底部平行为最佳。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Gynaikothrips uzeli Zimmerman was first detected in North America from galls on weeping fig (Ficus benjamina L.) in 2003. It has been reported from ten states in the continental United States, Hawaii, Trinidad and Costa Rica. Adult thrips induce leaves to fold permanently along the midvein, making it a significant pest of weeping fig. Studies were initiated to determine monitoring methods and establish control recommendations.RESULTS: Comparison of captures of adult G. uzeli on blue, yellow, white and green sticky traps found yellow to be the most effective color. Yellow traps were effective for capturing adult Thripastichus gentilei (del Guercio), a larval parasitoid of G. uzeli. Thrips were first captured around 10:00 h. Captures peaked around 15:00-16:00 h and typically ceased by 21:00 h. Systemic neonicotinoid insecticides applied to container media were ineffective against adult G. uzeli feeding on foliage, and foliar applications of these products provided < or =7 days control. Conventional products provided satisfactory control after 1 day, but efficacy declined thereafter. Bifenthrin provided > or = 14 days residual control of adults.CONCLUSION: This paper represents the first report of monitoring phlaeothripids with sticky traps. Data from multiple trials suggest that products effective against other thrips have limited use against G. uzeli.  相似文献   

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