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枣大球蚧的发生和综合防治   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
席勇 《植物检疫》1997,11(6):340-341
枣大球蚧的发生和综合防治席勇(新疆喀什地区森防检疫站844000)枣大球蚧Eulecaniumgigantea(Shinji),又名瘤大球蚧,是国内1996年颁布的森林植物检疫对象。主要寄主有枣、酸枣、巴旦杏、刺槐、白榆、圆冠榆、复叶槭、合欢、文冠果...  相似文献   

桑盾蚧又名桑白蚧、桑介壳虫、桃介壳虫、黄点介壳虫等,属同翅目介壳虫总科,盾蚧科。分布在我国南北各省区,危害桃、李、杏、柿、樱桃、梅、梨、苹果、无花果、核桃、粟、银杏、猕猴桃、葡萄、醋栗、木瓜、椰子、橄榄、芒果、枇杷、海枣、香石榴、香木瓜、柑桔、巴蕉等...  相似文献   

蚧壳虫是我县柑桔的主要害虫。在各种蚧壳虫中,以柑桔矢尖蚧Unaspis yanoneasis(Ku Wana)、糠片蚧Parlatoria pergendii Gomstock,褐园蚧Chrysomphalus,aonidum(Linnaeus),为主每年发生面积2866.7公顷以上,严重影响树势、产量和品质,成为发展柑桔生产的广大障碍。为此,我们于1991年5月进行了药剂防治试验。试验选择在本县白沙  相似文献   

瘤大球坚蚧综合防治技术研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
瘤大球坚蚧在新疆1a发生1代,以2龄若虫在枝干上越冬。翌年3月下旬树体萌动后开始危害,被害林木枝干枯萎,导致枣树等减产甚至绝收。球蚧蓝绿跳小蜂是瘤大球坚蚧优势天敌,可抑制该蚧的发生。以营林护林为基础,刮皮涂药为主,保护天敌,可有效控制瘤大球坚蚧的危害,达到有虫不成灾水平。  相似文献   

齐晓丰  武三安 《植物检疫》2008,22(2):102-103
本文记述中国栎链蚧属新记录种——欧洲栎链蚧Asterodiaspis iliciola(Targioni-Tozzetti),对其雌成虫及1龄若虫的形态分别进行详细描述并绘图。  相似文献   

覃庆洋 《广西植保》1999,12(4):18-19
立新农场是以柑橙为主要经营项目的专业化水果场,现有柑橙面积418.7hm2。其中,温州柑180.1hm2、?柑65.8hm2、杂橙54.1hm2,脐橙118.7hm2。年产量约1150万kg。近几年来,矢尖蚧、糠片蚧已成为该场柑橙的主要虫害之一,它们主要危害枝、叶和果实,引起叶片发黄、脱落,树势衰退,枝条枯死,甚至全株死亡,且严重影响柑桔产量及果实的外观和品质。1 田间消长规律  矢尖蚧:据多年来的观察,矢尖蚧在我地果园中,以受精雌虫和少数若虫越冬,次年4月下旬至5月上旬开始产卵孵化。田间低龄若…  相似文献   

日本卷毛蚧是我国南方油茶产区重要经济害虫,周期性暴发,常造成油茶果蒲大量减产,经济损失严重。防治策略上,以营林措施为基础,大力推广生物防治,合理使用化学农药,因地制宜采取综合防治措施,达到经济有效地控制日本卷毛蚧的危害。  相似文献   

曹颖  曹云翔等 《江西植保》2002,25(2):55-55,53
金边瑞香是江西名贵花种。花白色 ,芳香凝人 ,为我国南方传统的芳香园林花木 ,也是庭园、家庭盆景观赏花木之一。近年来金边瑞香发生两种蚧虫为害 :一是红圆蚧 ,属同翅目、盾蚧科 ,其寄主种类很多 ,有金边瑞香、君子兰、鸢尾、万年青、沿陛草、茉莉、香橼、佛手、柑桔、柚、迎春花、山茶、无花果、桂花、棕榈、罗汉松等花木 ;二是褐盔蜡蚧 ,又名东方盔蚧 ,属同翅目 ,蚧科 ,其寄主有金边瑞香、樱花、木兰、桃、杏、苹果、锦鸡儿等花木。上述两种蚧虫 ,都以成虫、若虫密集固定植株枝叶吮吸汁液 ,严重时叶片发黄 ,并诱致煤污病 ,叶片乌黑、早落…  相似文献   

考氏白盾蚧(Pseudaulacaspiscockerelli)是危害园林树木——白兰Micheliaalba的主要害虫,其吸取叶片上的汁液,使叶面出现许多黄斑,植株长势衰弱,严重时引起落叶。近年来,该虫在玉林市白兰树上为害严重,对该市的园林苗木生产造成极大影响。对此,笔者于1996年选择了当前常用的三种药剂在我市信达园艺社花卉生产基地的白兰园中进行了药剂试验,以了解其对考氏白盾蚧的控制效果。现报道如下。1 材料与方法1.1 试验设计  试验设40%速扑杀乳油(江苏汽巴农化有限公司)1000倍、1500倍;40%氧化乐果乳油(石家庄农药厂)1000倍;20%杀蚧威CaS4膏剂(…  相似文献   

概述了吴茱萸主要病虫害种类,介绍其了预测预报、农业防治、物理防治、化学防治等防治方法,并提出了生物防治技术和基因工程技术在其病虫害研究中的应用前景.  相似文献   

饶秀通 《江西植保》2013,(2):206-209
总结武平县近3年来马尾松毛虫、松墨天牛和萧氏松茎象3种松树主要有害生物的发生、分布与危害特点,分析提出各种害虫的综合防控措施与对策,为进一步保护森林资源、建设武平现代林业提供参考。  相似文献   

Integrated weed management: Quo vadis?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The different components of Integrated Weed Management (IWM), such as crop selection, crop husbandry, plant nutrition, crop protection, farm hygiene, and the site-specific conditions, all are factors having an influence on the successful adoption of the basic IWM concept. Farmers' field activities, directly or indirectly, affect germination and development of weeds as well as weed population dynamics. However, also important non-agronomic parameters indirectly affect weed management. They include farm structure, farmers' personal targets and preferences, the provision and communication of technical know-how, economics, but also demands from society and in the area of ecology. In the light of the many additional important influences and interactions, rather than thinking in terms of IWM, it seems appropriate to view crop production as a whole process, probably best defined as Integrated Crop Management (ICM). Boiling down the mass of information and outlining a rational, straightforward, easy-to-apply and cheap approach for the site-specific weed management is needed for the successful implementation of IWM principles within the framework of ICM.  相似文献   

两种昆虫病原线虫防治核桃云斑天牛田间效果评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
云斑天牛Batocera lineolata Chevrolat是核桃树的严重蛀干害虫,隐蔽性强,化学、物理防治方法难以奏效,昆虫病原线虫可以主动寻找寄主并在蛀道内建立种群,省工长效。本研究评价了不同剂量(250、500、1000、2000和4000 IJs/mL)的2种昆虫病原线虫(小卷蛾斯氏线虫Steinernema carpocapsae和嗜菌异小杆线虫Heterorhabditis bacteriophora)对核桃云斑天牛卵和幼虫的防治效果。结果表明,2种线虫对天牛卵和幼虫的最终防控效果随施用剂量增大而增强。施用剂量为4000 IJs/mL的小卷蛾斯氏线虫和嗜菌异小杆线虫对该天牛卵的校正防治效率分别达65.0%和39.5%,对幼虫的最终校正防治效率分别达93.8%和82.4%;2种线虫在2000 IJs/mL剂量下对天牛卵的校正防治效率分别达48.8%和32.3%,对幼虫的校正防治效率分别达85.9%和83.4%。从而说明,适宜剂量的昆虫病原线虫对云斑天牛幼虫的田间防控效果好于对卵的效果,可以作为云斑天牛的有效防治技术。  相似文献   


A total of 13 species of shootflies from two genera, Atherigona and Acritochaeta, were reared over a four-year period from a range of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) cultivars showing typical ‘dead heart’ symptoms. Atherigona soccata Rond. was the dominant species (<99% of the flies reared), while the second most common species was Acritochaeta orientalis Schin. An interesting record was Atherigona eriochloae Mall. reared from tillers of ratooned sorghum. Three species as yet undescribed were recorded. More females than males were reared in the course of the study — the sex ratio was 1:1.27. It was concluded that only A. soccata is likely to be important when considering control of damage to sorghum by resistance breeding or the use of insecticides.  相似文献   

鄂北地区栗瘿蜂综合防治技术研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
栗瘿蜂在鄂北地区一年发生一代,以初龄幼虫在被害芽内越冬。翌年4月上旬栗芽萌动时开始为害,使被害芽形成虫瘿抑制新梢生长,导致减产甚至绝收。当地该瘿蜂优势种天敌是中华长尾小蜂,益害比1∶5时能抑制栗瘿蜂的大发生。以冬季清园铲除杂草,剪除病虫枝等农业防治为基础,收集虫瘿于3月下旬挂于栗园保护天敌为主导,辅之以化学防治的综合防治措施能有效地控制栗瘿蜂的为害。  相似文献   

加拿大一枝黄花是一种恶性外来入侵杂草,近年来对华东地区的生物多样性和农业生产造成严重威胁,宁波市从2005年起建立了10余个监测与防控示范区,从化学防治、人工和机械防除、压缩生存空间以及将加拿大一枝黄花加工成饲料、成型燃料、食用菌替代基质等方面开展了一系列研究,并总结提出了一套较为科学实用的综合防治及利用对策,从而有效遏制了加拿大一枝黄花的传播蔓延。  相似文献   

杨梅果蝇综合防治技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从农业、物理、生物防治的角度出发,对昆明地区为害杨梅的果蝇进行综合防治技术研究,结果表明,果蝇对颜色无明显趋性,对气味较敏感,对水、糖、醋、酒比例为10∶6∶3∶1的糖醋液趋性最强;生物源杀虫剂0.3%印楝素乳油300倍液、600倍液,2.5%多杀菌素悬浮剂600倍液对为害杨梅的果蝇均具有较好防效,且对果品安全;及时清除地上落果并运出果园集中处理,也是较好的农业防治措施。  相似文献   

河北省谷田杂草综合防控技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
春播谷田杂草发生有3个峰期,夏播谷田杂草发生仅1个峰期。综合防控技术方案为:44%单嘧.扑灭WP的最佳剂量为1 800 g/hm2,播后苗前进行土壤处理;整地要平整、紧实;土壤含水量要求达到15%;药后不喷灌,或避开有中到大雨的天气用药。这样药效持续期在45 d以上,能有效控制谷田杂草危害,确保谷子安全生长。  相似文献   

Leaf eating insect outbreaks of unprecedented severity occurred on oil palms and cocoa in what became Malaysia, from the late 1950s to early 1960s. Growers faced two crucial questions, what to do about the attacks, and what caused them. The tropical climate generally continues suitable for phytophagous insects to realise their large increase capacity, a factor emphasised in the stable agroecosystem of perennial tree crops. Parasitic and predatory natural enemy insects are equally favoured and maintain control. It became increasingly evident that the prime cause of outbreak was disruption of this balance by the introduction of broad spectrum, long residual contact insecticides (bslrcs), with various contributory factors. Patchy pesticide residues would continue to eliminate inherently exploratory parasitic and predatory insects, something worsened by uneven initial application. In these conditions, there is a complete overlap of generations of both pests and enemies, with no evolution of synchronised or otherwise coordinated life cycles (‘continuous generation mode’– CGM). In outbreaks the pests tend to be at a similar lifecycle stage (‘discrete generation mode’– DGM), so that at times a high proportion of an enemy population that may be building up cannot find a suitable host stage. Simply stopping application was often enough to end the vicious circle of treatment and reoutbreak, but also, commonly, there was heavy damage in the meantime. Selective application was developed, involving inherent pesticide characteristics or method of use opposite in at least one aspect to bslrc (i.e. narrow spectrum, short residue life, or non-contact). Large areas were treated, e.g., from the air. Infestations mostly disappeared with only one or a few applications. In that era of the 1960s, chemical application compatible with biological control was known as ‘integrated control’. The bslrcs had been introduced to control other regularly occurring pests (‘key’ pests), limited localised build up of the target pests e.g., from climatic fluctuations (‘occasional’ pest), or as a ‘precaution’. Some species only appeared after disruption started (‘potential’ pest). Development of selective chemical control continued to be for key and occasional pests, aiming at effective kill once decided upon. Census monitoring ensured application only when justified economically, with timing to the most vulnerable stage in the pest lifecycle. Among non-chemical approaches, cultural methods include provision of suitable flora in the ground vegetation for food sources for adult parasitic insects. Reasonably dense ground vegetation cover is grown to suppress rhinoceros beetle damage in oil palm replantings. Other possibilities include dissemination of insect diseases, traps and attractants, and resistant plant types. This fitted ‘pest management’ which by the mid-1970s came to encompass selective chemical use, as ‘integrated pest management (IPM)’. There were similar developments in other parts of the world, and in other perennial tree crops, extended also to short term crops (e.g., rice and vegetables). IPM is not an esoteric methodology awaiting ‘complete knowledge’. It can be applied on the basis of principle and existing knowledge for the most reliable economic control, targetted to encompass any aspect, such as toxicology and environmental effects. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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