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乌江流域坡耕地防护林体系建设研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
研究分析了乌江流域坡耕地构成与特点,并对坡耕地防护林体系建设技术进行了探讨性的研究。  相似文献   

淮河平原农田防护林建设规划设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过实施农防林建设的实践 ,总结出息县农田防护林规划设计应遵循的原则和适宜发展的模式 ;阐述了农田防护林网的林带走向、带间距离、林带宽度 ;在树种选择上提出了坚持以三杉 (水杉、池杉、落羽杉 )为主 ,三杨 (意杨、杂交杨、枫杨 )为辅 ,发展果树 ,不丢乡土树种的原则 ,以形成结构合理 ,林分稳定的农田防护林体系。  相似文献   

贵州坡耕地防护林营建模式选择及营建技术初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过乌江干流长防林工程区坡耕了构成和形成背景的调查分析以及长防林工程实践的总结,探讨了坡耕地防护林营建模式,营建技术,初步按坡度级选择了3种农村复合模式,并提出了配置方法。  相似文献   

在对国内部分地区银杏农田防护林调查研究的基础,对其林带结构,走向,间距,宽度等规划设计;整地施肥,树种组成,造林密度、立地条件,栽植技术,分层和平头嫁接、抚育保护等栽培技术;规划设计及栽培原则,银杏防护林建设中存在的问题等进行了系统研究。  相似文献   

本文选择了德江县马尿水集水区作为乌江中下游的试验点,进行坡耕地混农林滞留型防护林结构模式研究,初步探讨了这一特殊防护林的设计依据和原则,并叙述设计结果和造林对策。  相似文献   

刘新征 《绿色科技》2013,(1):161-163
分析了金山石化已建成的几条防护林带的特点,探讨了化工污染集中区防护林带建设如何从规划设计方面使防护林带更好地发挥生态效应。  相似文献   

在对国内部分地区银杏农田防护林调查研究的基础上,对其林带结构、走向、间距、宽度等规划设计;整地施肥、树种组成、造林密度、立地条件、栽植技术,分层和平头嫁接、抚育保护等栽培技术;规划设计及栽培原则;银杏防护林建设中存在的问题等进行了系统研究。  相似文献   

根据多年生产实践经验,提出农田防护林的防风原理、结构、影响因子、防护作用,并对营造农田防护林的技术措施等进行了阐述,对于山东农田防护林建设具有指导意义。  相似文献   

三北地区农田防护林体系建设探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文论述了三北地区农田防护林建设的成就以及所面临的严竣形势和艰巨任务,提出了如何顺应市场经济规律,挖掘自身潜力,提高经济效益的策略和措施。  相似文献   

马有国 《防护林科技》2000,(4):50-50,53
通过对乐都县 2 0年来农田防护林网体系建设的综合分析和评价 ,提出了今后发展对策  相似文献   

山西北部农田防护林的防风功能及结构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭学斌 《林业研究》2002,13(3):217-220
山西北部地区处于毛乌素沙漠前沿,是暖温带落叶阔叶林向温带干旱草原的过渡带。20世纪50-60年代当地营造了大面积的小叶杨(Populus simonii)人工林,形成了以林网为主体的农田防护林体系,对防治农田土壤风蚀起到了重要的作用。近年来,在旧林带更新改造中,对林带结构、树种配置缺乏技术,表现出在营造林带中有较大盲目性。为了对防护林今后的发展提供科学依据和方法,1996-2001年作者在山西北部的朔州、大同等地设置了定位调查观测点,使用轻便式风速风向仪、通风干湿球温度计、地温计、玻璃皿对小叶杨不同结构林带的防风功能进行了调查研究。提出了农田防护林的设计应以树木展叶期的防风能力为指标,以疏透结构为最佳配置,初植株行距为2 m3 m,4-6行配置,5年后可形成疏透结构林带。表4参13。  相似文献   

退耕还林工程检查验收面积浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对退耕还林工程年度检查验收和阶段检查验收的面积类型与结构的分析,以及对损失面积和不合格面积的界定,在对小班面积解剖的基础上提出了小班面积的具体解剖验收办法。  相似文献   

黄土丘陵区退耕还林的几种模式与生态农业建设   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
综述了退耕还林、建设生态农业的战略意义和退耕还林的目的 ;提出了半退半耕式、林粮结合式、乔灌结合式等 7种退耕还林模式 ,并就如何建设生态农业提出了新的思路  相似文献   

According to fixed-position data for 1985–2003 from nine runoff plots of Caijiachuan watershed which lies in Jixian County of Shanxi Province in Loess area, this paper studied the relationship between vegetation and runoff and sediment production in sloping lands in detail, which helps to provide scientific basis for vegetation re-construction and studies on environmental transformation of water and sediment in watersheds of Loess area. Although, many study results testify that forest vegetation has an important function in soil and water conservation and cutting runoff, the effect of vegetation on runoff and sediment transmission is complicated, and this needs to be studied in depth. The results of the paper showed the following. Firstly, the natural secondary forest performs better function of soil and water conservation than artificial Robinia pseudoacacia forest, and runoff and sediment produced in the former in individual rainfall were 65%–82% and 23%–92% of those produced in the latter. At the same time, better correlative relationship between runoff and sediment production and rainfall and rainfall intensity were testified by multiple regression, but the correlation decreased gradually with the increase of canopy density of forest. Secondly, the difference of runoff and sediment production in several land use types was very distinct, and the amount of runoff and sediment produced from Ostryopsis davidiana forest and natural secondary forest were the least, and runoff and sediment produced from in artificial Robinia pseudoacacia forest and Pinus tabulaeformis forest were 5-fold as much as those from O. davidiana forest. Besides, runoff and sediment produced in mixed planting of apple trees and crops were 16.14-fold and 2.96-fold than those of O. davidiana forest, respectively, but the amount decreased obviously after high-standard soil preparation in the case of the former. Thirdly, based on gray cognate analyses of factors affecting runoff and sediment production in sloping land, the factors of stand canopy density and herb and litter biomass were the most significant ones, whose gray incidence degree exceeded 0.6. Therefore, mixed forest with multi-layer stand structure and shrub forest should be developed in vegetation re-construction of Loess area, which will help to increase coverage and litter thickness in order to cut down the runoff and sediment dramatically in sloping land. __________ Translated from Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 2005, 16(9): 1,613–1,617 [译自: 应用生态学报, 2005, 16(9): 1,613–1,617]  相似文献   

Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, mainly carbon dioxide (CO2), can be mitigated by the planting of trees and shrubs. Appropriate agroforestry practices in Saskatchewan include field and farmyard shelterbelts, wildlife plantations, poplar plantations and managed woodlots. A study was conducted to determine the amount of carbon held in prairie shelterbelts. The effect of the soil type and tree species on biomass and carbon content was measured in shelterbelts in the brown, dark brown and black soil zones of Saskatchewan. For some of the main shelterbelt species, the mean aboveground carbon content was 79 kg/tree (32 t/km) for green ash, 263 kg/tree (105 t/km) for poplar, 144 kg/tree (41 t/km) for white spruce and 26 t/km for caragana. In the brown and the dark brown soils, which are more arid than the black soil zone, trees had 60.6% and 65.5%, respectively, of the biomass and carbon content of trees and shrubs in the black soil zone. Improved, fast-growing poplar clones had the greatest biomass at maturity and fixed the greatest amount of carbon. Simple equations were developed to calculate the carbon contents of prairie shelterbelts, based on easily measured tree or shrub parameters. This paper will discuss the results of this particular study and the broader implications of this work. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

本文简要分析了乐都林区通讯现状 ,提出了解决问题的措施。  相似文献   

本文通过对引进栽培的4种大果沙棘成活率和保存率及生长情况的调查,得出森淼二号、乌中杂种两种成活率和保存率高,且生长情况较好,引种试验成功,可在乐都县大面积推广栽培。  相似文献   

巴中地区推广“林草畜”三结合退耕模式的调查与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
巴中地区位于四川东北部 ,米仓山南麓 ,地处长江上游嘉陵江水系 ,是长江上游嘉陵江支流重要的水源涵养区和水土保持区。长期以来 ,由于森林过伐 ,土地过垦 ,形成 7.3 8万公顷坡耕地广种薄收、形成“愈垦愈穷 ,愈穷愈垦”的恶性循环 ,造成水土流失严重 ,区域生态环境恶化。全区水土流失面积 496 4平方公里 ,占幅员面积的 40 % ,年侵蚀总量达 2 3 84万吨 ,并且洪涝、干旱连年发生 ,病虫灾害接连不断 ,这给当地经济发展和长江中下游的安全带来严重威胁。自去年 1 0月省政府退耕还林试点工作会议以来。当地党政把退耕还林作为调整农业结构的突破…  相似文献   

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