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Black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) is one of the most important stand-forming tree species in Hungary and its importance is increasing in many countries. The main aim of the discussed new selection programme is to identify black locust clones with good performance and good form for setting up clonal seed orchards. As a result of selection programme 16 new black locust clones have been improved. In spring 2002 a black locust seed orchard was established with the newly selected clones. About 40% of the plants can be considered to belong to the height growth rate class 1 and 2. Hungary was the first country where micropropagated black locust planting material was used for seed orchard establishment.  相似文献   

Black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) is one of the most important stand-forming tree species in Hungary and its importance is increasing in many countries. The main aim of the discussed new selection programme is to identify black locust clones with good performance and good form for setting up clonal seed orchards. As a result of selection programme 16 new black locust clones have been improved. In spring 2002 a black locust seed orchard was established with the newly selected clones. About 40% of the plants can be considered to belong to the height growth rate class 1 and 2. Hungary was the first country where micropropagated black locust planting material was used for seed orchard establishment.  相似文献   

刺槐是 17世纪初由北美引入欧洲的第一批林木树种 .刺槐之所以在世界快速传播 ,归功于其对环境条件的广泛适应能力 ,易于培育的特性 ,结实频繁、结种量大 ,萌蘖力强 ,种苗保存率高而且速生高产 ,同时又是优良的蜜源植物 .事实上 ,很少有什么病虫对其造成伤害 .刺槐是匈牙利现有林分中最重要的成林树种之一 ,它覆盖 2 0 %的林地 .匈牙利的刺槐的木材产量占全国产量的 18% .鉴于许多国家对培育刺槐的兴趣越来越浓 ,在此将匈牙利的经验和研究结果整理成文 ,期望在刺槐课题方面有所裨益  相似文献   

In Hungary, black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) is one of the most important exotic species, forming entire stands. Its importance is increasing in many other countries. As a result of a new selection program eight black locust clones have been improved for establishing clone trials and a seed orchard. In this study juvenile growth and stem quality of micropropagated clones of black locust were evaluated on a marginal site in central Hungary. At ten years old, the clones ’MB17D3/4’ and ’PV201E2/4’ appeared to be especially promising for high quality wood production under arid hydrological conditions. A tissue culture method can be considered a suitable tool of propagating superior individual trees and offers new prospects for the rapid cloning of selected genotypes.  相似文献   

匈牙利刺槐(Robinia pseudoacacia L.)改良的繁殖方法(英文)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在匈牙利,匈牙利刺槐(Robinia pseudoacacia L.)是重要的成林树种之一,且该树种的重要性在世界其它国家也日益增加。该树种的生产通常有两种方法:种子和根插条。组织培养对该种来说是一种相对较新的方法。对于在各种环境条件下大规模地生产苗木来说,种子栽培是相对简单的方法,机械化方法比较容易且生产成本相对较低。根插条和组织培养对于优势个体或品种繁殖是有价值的。利用这些方法,所选出的树木的优势品质可以在无性系得以保存。近期实验表明,微繁殖树木可以成功地移植到土壤中,在野外生长。  相似文献   

Black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) is one of the most important stand-forming tree species in Hungary and its importance is increasing in many countries. Black locust plants are commonly produced by two methods, by seed and by root cuttings. Tissue culture propagation can be considered as a relatively new method. Growing trees from seed is a relatively simple method for reliably producing seedlings on a large scale under a variety of circumstances. Mechanization of the method is easy and the production cost is relatively low. Propagation from root cuttings and tissue culture are valuable for reproduction of superior individuals or varieties. By applying these methods, superior traits of the selected trees can be preserved in the clones. Recent experiments demonstrated that micropropagated trees could be successfully transplanted into soil, hardened and grown in the field. Biography: Karoly Redei (1952), male, doctor, deputy director general of Hungarian Forest Research Institute H-1023 Budapest, Frankel Leó Str. 42 44, HUNGARY. Responsible editor: Chal Ruihai  相似文献   

The AhDREB1 gene, cloned from Atriplex hortensis L., was transferred into black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) by an Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. The results suggest that stems of black locust sub-cultured in vitro for 20 d are suitable for genetic transformation. The optimum concentrations of kanamycin and cefotaxime were 30 and 150 mg.L-1, respectively. Impor-tant factors affecting the transformation efficiency were studied by means of a L9(34) orthogonal design. An effective system for ge-netic transformation in black locust was developed as follows: the stems were pre-cultured for 2 d, immersed in the Agrobacterium solution (OD6oo = 0.7) with 10 mg'L-1 acetosyringone for 21 min and then co-cultured for 2 d. The selection pressures, changing from low to high, could improve transformation efficiency. The transgenic plants were identified by a PCR method. The PCR results indicated that the AhDREB1 gene had been integrated into the genome of black locust and two lines of the transgenic plants were obtained.  相似文献   

匈牙利刺槐((RobiniapseudoacaciaL.)是在17世纪初从北美引入到欧洲的第一个森林树种。在匈牙利,刺槐是非常重要的速生树种,为经济和生态目的,可以成功营造刺槐人工林。结合该树种的生长特点选择营林措施,可以最大限度的提高刺槐人工林的成活率和生产力。本文根据林分结构和森林产量长期实验林的研究成果,提出了刺槐林的抚育作业次序。制定好的营林计划和模式将会培育出效益刺槐林,并能使土地经营者更好地接受该树种。同时,刺槐也是一个非常有用的能源生产树种,本文展示了对这方面的研究成果。图2表1参8。  相似文献   

KarolyREDEI 《林业研究》2002,13(4):260-264
匈牙利刺槐((Robinia pseudoacacia L.)是在17世纪初从北美引入到欧洲的第个森林树种。在匈牙利,刺槐是非常重要的速生树种,为经济和生态目的,可以成功营造刺槐人工林。结合该树种的生长特点选择营林措施,可以最大限度的提高刺槐人工林的成活率和生产力。本文根据林分结构和森林产量长期实验林的研究成果,提出了刺槐林的抚育作业次序。制定好的营林计划和模式将会培育出效益刺槐林,并能使土地经营者更好地接受该树种。同时,刺槐也是一个非常有用的能源生产树种,本文展示了对这方面的研究成果。图2表1参8。  相似文献   


Female fertility is the basis for the output of seeds from clonal orchards and its variation is of major interest for the economics and biology of seed orchards, especially for the efficiency and diversity of seed orchard crops. Assessments of female fertility variation in 10 mature (>15 years old) seed orchards of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) were evaluated and compared. Depending on the individual orchard, fertility variation for each clone was assessed in slightly different ways, e.g. number of strobili, cones, seeds or litre of cones per ramet. Assessments in five of the orchards were made over consecutive years. The main result was that the clonal variation in mean female fertility per surviving ramet was lower than expected from the literature; the Kang–Lindgren sibling coefficient (Ψ) within individual years averaged 1.35. The variation between ramets within clones and years was of similar magnitude as that between clones. Clone by year interactions were noticeable, but were slightly lower than the variation between as well as that within clones in individual years. There was considerable variation in the variance components between years. The limited variation in female fertility indicated that it should not be a selection criterion when selecting clones for a seed orchard. Furthermore, it will not result in large differences between clones in seed set or large reductions in gene diversity in productive Scots pine seed orchards.  相似文献   

Black locust(Robinia pseudoacacia L.) was the first North-American tree species imported to Europe at the beginning of the seventeenth century. It is commonly planted worldwide because of its adaptability to environmental stresses, its valuable wood, easy propagation, frequent and abundant seed production, excellent coppicing,high seedling survival, and relatively high wood yield. In Europe, Romania and Hungary have the most highly-developed black locust growing techniques and experiences.As a result of increasing interest in black locust in many countries, this review aims to provide a comprehensive overview of state-of-the-art site requirements, propagation, improvement and management(including growth and yield as well as use in energy plantations).  相似文献   

The proportion of background pollen grains in the seed crops of two Pinus sylvestris seed orchards in Central Finland was estimated with the aid of multilocus allozyme markers. The orchards studied were more than 30 years old and in full pollen production. For the bulked seed crops of the seed orchard with southern clones the estimated average of background pollination over four years was 26%. There were statistically significant differences between years. No significant heterogeneity in the degree of background pollination between clones was found. Among single ramets there was significant heterogeneity in the estimated contamination rates, but the variation was not related to position in the orchard. For the seed orchard with northern clones the bulked seed crop was studied only for one year and the level of background pollination was found to be 33 %. These estimates are fairly high, but lower than for many other orchards. Background pollination at this level will cause losses in expected genetic gains. Part of the seeds from northern orchards will not be adapted to the intended area of use.  相似文献   

为进一步提高华北落叶松种子园建园质量,从砧木培养、接穗采集、苗木嫁接、园区选择、园区区划、建园整地、无性系配置、无性系定植和母树管理等主要技术环节对不同时期的二代园建园技术进行分析和阐述,认为科学进行园区选择、苗圃培育嫁接苗、扩大群体选育范围、无性系配置设计和加强二代园的精细管理是提高建园质量的有效措施。  相似文献   

The joint levels of outcrossing and contamination in two young northern Swedish Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) seed orchards were studied with the aid of allozyme markers. High levels of contamination (21–36%) were estimated and were attributed to the observed low within orchard pollen production. Outcrossing rate estimates were high (0.957–0.961), though they departed significantly from complete outcrossing (t= 1.0) in spite of the observed high contamination levels. These results confirmed reported relationships between outcrossing and contamination levels in open‐pollinated seed orchards. It was concluded that a crop management option relying on supplemental mass‐pollination would be effective in reducing both contamination and inbreeding levels.  相似文献   

Kang  K.S.  Harju  A.M.  Lindgren  D.  Nikkanen  T.  Almqvist  C.  Suh  G.U. 《New Forests》2001,21(1):17-33
The effective number of clones (N c) wasestimated for 255 conifer clonal seed orchards in Finland, Korea, andSweden, based on the variation in the number of ramets among clones. Themean census number of clones (N) varied from 70, in 13 KoreanPinus koraiensis seed orchards, to 139 in 176 Finnish Pinussylvestris seed orchards. The mean effective number of clones(N c) was 66, with a range from 10 to 421. One fifthof the orchards had N c between 10 and 40, and twothirds between 41 and 160. On average, the relative effective number ofclones (N r =N c/N) was 0.74, with a range from 0.2to almost 1.0. Thus, the census number of clones in a seed orchard isgenerally rather informative, but the effective number of clones is moreinformative. Many of these first-generation seed orchards wereestablished with an intention to have near-equal numbers of ramets foreach clone. The use of effective number of clones may be more importantin future seed orchards and genetically thinned seed orchards.  相似文献   

The AhDREB1 gene, cloned from Atriplex hortensis L., was transferred into black locust (Robiniapseudoacacia L.) by an Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. The results suggest that stems of black locust sub-cultured in vitro for 20 d are suitable for genetic transformation. The optimum concentrations of kanamycin and cefotaxime were 30 and 150 mg.L-1, respectively. Important factors affecting the transformation efficiency were studied by means of a L9(3^4) orthogonal design. An effective system for genetic transformation in black locust was developed as follows: the stems were pre-cultured for 2 d, immersed in the Agrobacterium solution (OD600 = 0.7) with 10 mg·L^-1 acetosyringone for 21 min and then co-cultured for 2 d. The selection pressures, changing from low to high, could improve transformation efficiency. The transgenic plants were identified by a PCR method. The PCR results indicated that the AhDREB1 gene had been integrated into the genome of black locust and two lines of the transgenic plants were obtained.  相似文献   

对杉木初级种子园进行适时合理疏伐,可使种子园种子产量大幅度增加。按照无性系生长的差异,每公顷保留240~300株、300~360株对种子增产效果显著。疏伐后种子产量年均每公顷达114.2kg。  相似文献   

豫东开封8个刺槐无性系9年生试验材料表明:参试无性系树高、胸径和材积差异达显著水平,用布雷津综合评价法对无性系进行排序,选择出1个刺槐优良无性系3—Ⅰ,9年生树高、胸径、材积分别超豫刺槐1号22 75%、27 38%、73 14%。  相似文献   

The alien woody legume, black locust(Robinia pseudoacacia), has invaded Japanese black pine(Pinus thunbergii) forests located in Japan's coastal plain and hill regions where gaps are formed in pine forests after nematode infestation. Nitrogen fixation by legumes accelerates N cycling in forest ecosystems. We studied temporal change in the annual tree-ring resolution N stable isotope composition(δ15N, a per mil deviation of δ15N/14 N ratio, relative to atmospheric N2δ15N=0‰) at two natural locations of Japanese black pine forest with black locust that differed in the time since black locust establishment(Shohnai in northeast and Kita-Kyushu in southwest Japan). Analyzed tree-rings covered the period from 1990/1992 to 2009. N acquisition by Japanese black pine from black locust N input to the soil was evidenced by temporal shifting of N stable isotope composition on the annual pine tree rings. With progressive development of the forest stand, δ15N values of earlier tree-rings δ15N of-5‰) from black pine associated with black locust shifted towards values similar to those of black locust δ15N values nearly to-1‰), which suggests acquisition of N by N2 fixation(Shohnai site). In contrast, in a forest where black locust had settled for two or three generations, in a black pine stand(Kita-Kyushu site), longer periods of N enrichment in the soil were reflected in the elevated tree-ring δ15N values of newly established black pine trees. Based on tree-ring δ15N data from the Shohnai site, we determined that about 10 years after black locust establishment, soil N had already been enriched by black locust N, this, in turn, contributed to N fertilization of surrounding trees in mixed stands.  相似文献   

华山松种子园无性系开花习性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
云南楚雄华山松种子园的无性系,其雌球花着生在树冠外围枝条,而雄球花主要着生在树冠的内膛枝条。在水平方向上,雌球花多着生在树冠南部,雄球花的分布比较均衡;在垂直方向上,雄球花基本分布在树冠的中下部,雌球花则分布在树冠的中上部。大多数无性系的雄球花散粉期比雌花可授期早2~4 d;不同无性系间的雌雄花期具有一定的同步性。各无性系间雌、雄球花数量存在极显著差异,且有明显的偏雌或偏雄特性。雄球花量与无性系生长性状间存在显著正相关,雌球花量与树体生长相关性不显著。  相似文献   

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