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The recent crises in the meat industry due to meat-associated risks such as salmonella, nitrofen and dioxin prove that the traditional ante- and post mortem inspection of slaughter animals and carcasses is not any longer able to recognise and prevent the risks of today. Therefore, the EU Commission has issued Reg. (EC) 853/2004 and Reg. (EC) 854/2004 that regulate the transition of the traditional meat inspection, which demands inspecting each individual carcass in the same way, to a risk-based meat inspection, which is using relevant pieces of information about the previous production stages for making risk-based decisions on the intensity of the inspection of slaughter pig batches. The new EU legislation is not any longer prescribing exactly the inspection procedure, but defines the food safety goals. The consequence is that there are still various ideas and opinions on how to implement a reasonable risk-based meat inspection, and, in particular, on how to design the "relevant food chain information". The present paper is describing the legal framework and the objectives of the risk-based meat inspection, and proposals for designing the food chain information for the implementation of the risk-based ante- and post-mortem meat inspection are made and discussed.  相似文献   

This article describes the Finnish meat-inspection curriculum and presents an expert-panel evaluation of meat-inspection education. The work tasks of the meat-inspection veterinarian are challenging and include classical meat inspection, meat hygiene, hygiene control, and animal disease and welfare. The meat-inspection veterinarian is not only an inspector, which by itself is very demanding, but also an expert or "consultant" on food safety. The significant role of the meat-inspection veterinarian in society puts high demands on meat-inspection education, which should provide veterinary students with sufficient tools to perform meat inspection and hygiene control in slaughterhouses, cutting premises, and further processing plants. To be of high quality, such education must be evaluated from time to time. An expert panel evaluated Finnish undergraduate meat-inspection education and found that it provides veterinary students with good knowledge of meat inspection. The structure of the curriculum, with theoretical studies followed by four weeks of practice in a slaughterhouse, was considered vital for learning and for creating interest in meat inspection. The evaluation also revealed that certain subjects should receive greater emphasis and some new subjects should be introduced. Hygiene-control tasks, in particular, have increased and should receive more emphasis in education. Personnel management and interaction skills should be introduced into the curriculum as these skills influence all the duties of the meat-inspection veterinarian. This article outlines the subjects to be included in the modern, high-quality meat-inspection curriculum recommended by the expert panel.  相似文献   

The future role of the veterinarian in the control of zoonoses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Developments in the rearing and the health status of meat animals is presented. Attention is drawn to the increase in latent infections, most of which are zoonotic diseases. Such infections escape official ante-mortem and post-mortem inspection as it is presently conducted in industrialised countries, which still rely on the classical rules established by Robert von Ostertag. This examination is thus in need of reform. Proposals submitted to the EEC Commission consist of a stepwise inclusion of the major herds of meat animals in systematic health control aimed at effective control of zoonoses and thus improved consumer protection. It is thus expected that the importance of meat inspection on the basis of pathological-anatomical changes will decrease the importance of establishing the health status during the animal's lifetime will increase. Nevertheless, there will be no complete substitution of classical meat inspection because there are numerous changes in the meat specific to the individual animal which can be detected only by meat inspection, and must be detected if the concept of consumer protection is properly applied. The reform of meat inspection which has become necessary will entail a variety of new tasks for research.  相似文献   

In a scientific project 469 slaughter groups originating from 39 farmers with 37.222 pigs in total were investigated concerning the usefulness of the food chain information. A standard statement does not include enough relevant information for the official veterinarian in the slaughterhouse to do a risk-based meat inspection. Even the food chain information for the visual meat inspection, which has certain limits, shows only farms, where the animals are of good health. Groups of fattened pigs with an extreme high rate of mortality and many abnormalities mean a potential risk for food safety. So for a risk-based meat inspection it is affordable to develop information-systems with real mortality and finding rates and the use of drugs on the farm.  相似文献   

In view of the future of our profession it is required urgently to improve the education, continue studies and special training in the field of veterinarian environmental hygiene energetically. At this the both subjects "Animal hygiene" and "Foodstuffs hygiene" combined with the epidemiology are the central nucleus. To make plain the veterinarian engagement in this field it is proposed to introduce, a lecture in ecology and to designate the subject "Animal hygiene" in future as "Environment and animal hygiene".  相似文献   

Poland as a new EC country is obliged in agree with Directive 95/53/EC to drawn up one, coherent and coordinated national programme of official inspection, irrespective of the organisational structure, and the number of inspection authorities in a country. Taking these facts into account the author has worked out the Polish National Programme of an official control conducted by the Veterinary Inspection in the field of animal feedingstuffs sector in Poland. The objective of the programme is to lay down the substantive scope of official inspections and laboratory control testing of animal feedingstuffs, appropriate for the surveillance exercised by the Veterinary Inspection. The programme is under implementation process which has begun in 2004.  相似文献   

One of the most important concepts for the protection of herd health is the implementation of structural and organisational measures to prevent infective agents and other adverse compounds from entering the farm. Safeguarding health, well-being and production efficiency is part of the overall management concept of hygiene in animal production systems. This paper presents an overview of the most important rules and recommendations to protect livestock production facilities from the intrusion of infectious pathogens, beginning with the right choice of the site for the farm and the animal housing ("safe distances" to neighbouring farm animal houses), solid fencing and control and disinfecting places at the entrance gate. The traffic of vehicles and people transporting animals, feedstuff, equipment and slurry or manure to and from the facility should be reduced to a minimum. Fallen animals should be stored in separate and safe containers until removed by specialised companies. Regular control of rodents, insects and wild birds is crucial to avoid the transfer of infectious agents from farm to farm and between herds within a farm. Equally important factors are the health status of personnel to avoid transmission of zoonotic diseases, the application of the all-in-all-out system and a strict cleaning and disinfecting regime. The internal and external organisational measures for preventing the spread of infections in animal production will gain increasing importance in the future because the farm animal producer bears the responsibility for the production of safe and healthy food at the primary segment of the food chain. Increasing restrictions on the use of veterinary drugs for food delivering animals will increase the importance of prophylaxis, prevention and protection of production units as the keys for safeguarding health, well-being and efficiency of farm animals. Only the application of strict hygiene principles in animal production will make it possible to meet the consumer demand for safe and high quality food of animal origin.  相似文献   

养殖场是动物源性食品安全监管的源头,而养殖场兽医工作至关重要,只有依法保护养殖场兽医合法权益,提高兽医社会地位,确保兽医相对独立开展工作,明确养殖场兽医的动物性食品安全保护职责,才能真正使养殖环节动物源性食品安全落到实处。本文就养殖场兽医监管过程中存在的问题提出建议。  相似文献   

The work of farm animal practitioners will change in the coming years as a result of the White Paper on food safety. Both government and the Royal Veterinary Association of the Netherlands are working on an accreditation system for veterinarians. The veterinary practitioner is a link in the chain to achieve safe products. Where in the past emphasis was on the individual animal, it will now be on the herd or flock. The veterinarian will officially determine the health status of the farm, which in turn will play a role in the inspection procedures at the slaughterhouse. This form of farm management will become compulsory for all stockholders within the framework of the Veterinary Network for Supervision. In turn, these developments will affect the veterinary medicine curriculum. New subjects such as quality management will become increasingly important.  相似文献   

Concerning the causal chain "healthy animal--healthy food--healthy man" there's no doubt that mainly veterinarians are responsible for a safe preharvest area. In the food processing sector, of which economical importance is increasing in inverse proportion to agricultural activity of developed nations, the veterinarians must win through against many other professions. In this competition the specific veterinarian competence to prevent or to control microbiological, parasitological and some chemical hazards should be used. Therefore scientific work in veterinary public health has to concentrate on risk management. Additionally to developing methods for rapid and/or discriminative determination of causative agents the implementation of integrated quality assurance systems is needed in future according to the spirit of "intelligent" food hygiene.  相似文献   

The post-mortem room can be an important focal point in the training of the small animal veterinarian. Repetitive necropsy demonstrations are necessary to provide a firm foundation of gross pathology for the clinician. More importantly, collaborative post-mortem demonstration/discussions involving clinicians, pathologist and laboratory diagnosticians are necessary to develop understanding of clinico-pathological correlation and this has an important function in developing clinical diagnostic skills and confidence.  相似文献   


Developments in the rearing and the health status of meat animals is presented. Attention is drawn to the increase in latent infections, most of which are zoonotic diseases. Such infections escape official ante‐mortem and post‐mortem inspection as it is presently conducted in industrialised countries, which still rely on the classical rules established by Robert von Ostertag. This examination is thus in need of reform.

Proposals submitted to the EEC Commission consist of a stepwise inclusion of the major herds of meat animals in systematic health control aimed at effective control of zoonoses and thus improved consumer protection. It is thus expected that the importance of meat inspection on the basis of pathological‐anatomical changes will decrease the importance of establishing the health status during the animal's lifetime will increase.

Nevertheless, there will be no complete substitution of classical meat inspection because there are numerous changes in the meat specific to the individual animal which can be detected only by meat inspection, and must be detected if the concept of consumer protection is properly applied. The reform of meat inspection which has become necessary will entail a variety of new tasks for research.  相似文献   

The principal responsibility of the Belgian Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain (FASFC) is to guarantee the safety along the food chain. In order to accomplish this responsibility, the FASFC has developed an integrated official control program to check compliance with various regulations. The original methodology developed and applied by FASFC is presented. This methodology is based on risk evaluation, statistical tools and current scientific knowledge.  相似文献   

A decree of the Hannoverian sovereign GEORGE III passed in 1787 regarding the treatment of slaughtering cattle affected with tuberculous changes of the pleura is presented. Special emphasis is placed on the practice of food hygiene at that time and on the fact that the veterinarian was regarded an equal expert compared to the physician.  相似文献   

The ability of pig suppliers to separate pigs with abnormalities from pigs without abnormalities at the end of the finishing period was investigated. Nineteen hundred and seventy-eight pigs, delivered by 22 pig suppliers, were involved in the experiment. The pigs were inspected on the farm by the pig supplier and, separately, by a veterinary expert. The animals were sent in 22 deliveries to one slaughterhouse. A veterinary meat inspector carried out the ante- and post-mortem inspections. The results of the inspections were compared. The measure of agreement, Cohen's Kappa (CK), indicated a poor (CK less than 0.40) to fair (0.40 less than CK less than 0.75) agreement among the results of the different inspection procedures, depending on the abnormality under investigation. There was a fair to good agreement for the abnormality 'tail lesion' among all inspections. Some findings of the live animal, such as 'straggler', were associated with a wide range of post-mortem abnormalities. It is concluded that preselection is possible and that the economic and practical feasibility of preselection should be investigated.  相似文献   

The Regulation (EC) No. 854/2004 refers in particularly to a broad spectrum of official supervision of products of animal origin. The supervision should be based on the most current relevant information which is available. The proposal presented includes forms for implementation of Food Chain Information (FCI) as laid down in the Regulation (EC) No. 853/2004 as well as suggestions for the implementation of the visual inspection and criteria for a practical approach to assist the competent authority and the business operator. These suggestions are summarised in two forms including the FCI and practical information from the farm of origin as well as from the slaughterhouse needed for the competent authority to permit the visual meat inspection of fattening pigs. The requested information from the farm level include i.e. an animal loss rate during the fattening period and diagnostic findings of carcasses and respectively on organs of the animals during meat inspection procedure. The evaluation of findings in liver and pleura at the slaughterhouse level indicate a correlation to the general health status of the fattening conditions at farm level. The criteria developed are in principle suited for a "gold standard" of the health status of fattening pigs and the criteria may serve as practical implementation of the term Good Farming Practice in relation to consumer protection. Only for fattening pigs deriving from farms fulfilling this "gold standard" the visual meat inspection shall be permitted. It is proposed to integrate the two forms for FCI and additional information for authorisation of visual meat inspection for fattening pigs in the working document of the DG SANCO titled "Commission regulation of laying down specific rules on official controls for the inspection of meat" (SANCO/2696/2006).  相似文献   

A brief overview of food hygiene legislation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Following several animal disease outbreaks and food contaminant scandals in Europe in recent years, the European Commission adopted the White Paper on Food Safety in 2000. This White Paper contains a number of recommendations aimed to increase food safety, improve the traceability of food products and regain consumer confidence in the food industry. To this effect a package of new European legislation on food and feed has been prepared with the following characteristics: responsibility of food safety lies with the food business operator, while the competent authority of the Member State verifies correct implementation of the new rules. Production should be based on good hygienic practice and HACCP principles and products are subject to microbiological criteria and temperature limits. The legislation deals with all food and covers the entire food chain ("from stable to table"). The general framework of the new food hygiene legislation is explained. The General Food Law (Regulation (EC) No 178/2002) is discussed in more detail as well as the Regulations concerning food hygiene. The characteristics and requirements of each one of the three Hygiene Regulations is presented (Regulation (EC) No 852/2004, Regulation (EC) No 853/2004 and Regulation (EC) No 854/2004) with a particular emphasis on the changes in the new (horizontal) legislation as compared to the old (vertical) Directives. Implementing measures of the Hygiene Regulations have been published in the form of four Commission Regulations in December 2005. The implementing measures deal with technical issues often in great detail and became applicable at the same time as the Hygiene Regulations with effect of 1 January 2006. The major issues as laid down in the four Commission Regulations are presented. Finally, various guidance documents are mentioned. These documents are available on the Internet site (http//ec.europa. eu/food/food/biosafety/hygienelegislation/guide_en.htm) of DG SANCO and explain in plain language some of the topics of the Hygiene Regulations.  相似文献   

高职《动物性食品卫生检验》课程的教学应以培养合格的从事动物性食品生产、经营、加工和卫生检验的综合性人才为目标.以具体的动物性食品为支点、以教学效果为评价指标提出改革的思路,利用现有的资源充分发掘学生的学习积极性和实践动手能力,强化基本技能的训练,并结合食品卫生界的最新研究思路,培养学生对食品安全系统的综合控制理念,以实现对该课程较为全面地掌握。  相似文献   

During the past 50 years, procedures for raising food-producing animals have changed. Intensification of food production was necessary to keep prices low and to fulfill market demands for the continuously increasing worldwide population. Intensification of farming procedures produced many new problems, some of which had a considerable impact on public opinion about how animals are raised and how food of animal origin is produced and preserved. "Man made diseases" of animals such as bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE); contamination of foods with dioxins either through contamination of animal feeds or from the environment; and increased microbial resistance to drugs used for treatment, for prophylaxis of animals from infectious agents, and for growth promotion are some well-known hazards of intensified farming. Veterinarians working on food-producing animals are faced with an increased demand for foods of high quality and safety in developed countries, and higher quantities in the rest of the world. These qualitative and quantitative changes indicate that they must adjust to these new conditions. They will be most successful if their education is adjusted to meet the challenges that the public has created for them through new concepts of the production of food of animal origin. One such concept is the production of foods under fully certified procedures from the farm to the consumer's table. Food safety measures protecting public health will better be achieved if the education of the future veterinarian includes the principles of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) starting at farm level. This article provides some market-driven ideas in this direction for European Union (EU) countries, including Greece.  相似文献   

Regulatory authorities are facing increasing challenges with respect to the newly-recognised public health risks associated with meat products. Meat inspection resources should be allocated according to their maximum ability to reduce food-borne hazards, rather than according to the classical rules of meat inspection. Scientific evaluation of routine post-mortem inspection procedures for each class of livestock, introduction of the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point approach to process control, on-line testing for microbiological hazards and residues, and effective management of production, processing and inspection data are central to this process. The meat inspection system that has evolved in New Zealand reflects a response to non-scientific forces such as market requirements and industrial practices rather than scientific discipline. In the future, the daily routine of meat inspectors will be extended well beyond their current slaughterfloor responsibilities, and veterinarians will require specialist skills. Science should be the basis for international food regulation and policy concepts such as equivalence or mutual acceptance are achievable on this basis.  相似文献   

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