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Chickens were given various fowlpox vaccines on food pellets--a commercial vaccine (strain M), and the same strain after a single passage on chorio-allantoic membrane or in chicken embryo fibroblasts. All three oral vaccines induced antibodies at levels similar to those induced by commercial strain M administered to the wingweb. The oral vaccine derived from chorio-allantoic membrane gave protection similar to that obtained with vaccine administered by the wingweb, but this required a thousandfold more virus.  相似文献   

Ismail MM  Tang AY  Saif YM 《Avian diseases》2003,47(3):515-522
We designed this study to compare the replication potential of turkey coronavirus (TCV) and its effect in chickens and turkeys and to study the effect of singleand combined infection of turkey poults with TCV and astrovirus. We studied the pathogenicity of TCV in experimentally inoculated turkey poults and chickens by observing the dinical signs and gross lesions. Two trials were conducted with 1-day-old and 4-wk-old specific-pathogen-free turkey poults and chickens. One-day-old turkey poults developed diarrhea at 48 hr postinoculation. Poults euthanatized at 3, 5, and 7 days postinoculation had flaccid, pale, and thin-walled intestines with watery contents. The 4-wk-old turkeys had no clinical signs or gross lesions. One-day-old and 4-wk-old chicks developed no clinical signs or gross lesions although the TCV was detected in gut contents of the birds throughout the experimental period (14 days). In another experiment, mean plasma D-xylose concentrations in 3-day-old turkey poults inoculated with TCV, turkey astrovirus, or a combination of both viruses were significantly lower than in the uninoculated controls.  相似文献   

Avian pneumoviruses (APVs) cause major disease and welfare problems in many areas of the world. In turkeys the respiratory disease and the effect on egg laying performance are clearly defined. However, in chickens, the role of APV as a primary pathogen is less clear, although it is widely believed to be one of the factors involved in Swollen Head Syndrome. The mechanisms of virus transmission over large distances are not understood, but wild birds have been implicated. APV has recently been reported in the USA for the first time and the virus isolated was a different type or possibly a different serotype from the APVs found elsewhere. Good biosecurity is crucial for controlling infection and highly effective vaccines are available for prophylaxis. Although different subtypes and possibly different serotypes exist, there is good cross protection between them. Diagnosis is usually based on serology using ELISAs, but the available kits give variable results, interpretation is difficult and improved diagnostic tests are required.  相似文献   

1 所有养分均以每磅饲料的代谢能(Mcal)的百分数表示。为了确定日粮中所需养分的实际百分数,应将表列数值乘上每磅配合日粮的代谢能(Mcal)。2 氨基酸的推荐值根据Thomas等(1992)公布的数据。3 肉鸡应有足够的粗蛋白,以保证有充分的氮贮存量供合成各种非必需氨基酸用。这些推荐值适用于玉米-大豆粕的典型日粮,当使用氨基酸补充物或优质蛋白达到良好平衡的情况时,推荐值可以适当减少。  相似文献   

In order to investigate the possibility of pathogenic Escherichia coli penetrating the bloodstream via the intestinal mucosa in normal and stressed turkeys and chickens, birds were inoculated orally with the bacteria or exposed environmentally to it. Immediately after hatch, intestines contained a substantial number of coliform bacteria that increased with time. In orally infected turkeys, the pathogenic bacteria (nalidixic-acid-resistant O78) replaced 10%-50% of the native coliform flora but could not be isolated from the trachea or blood. Environmentally exposed groups exhibited pathogenic bacteria in intestines but not in blood. Stressing of exposed turkeys resulted in isolation of the pathogenic bacteria from blood and even spleen. In orally infected broiler chickens, stress resulted in bacteremia and mortality. Chickens that were exposed to pathogenic bacteria at a young age and showed no mortality or morbidity demonstrated no detrimental effects due to challenge with the same pathogenic bacteria later in life. Stress seems to cause penetration of the pathogenic bacteria into the bloodstream, which in turn can cause severe disease and mortality.  相似文献   

A Campylobacter jejuni isolate obtained from a turkey liver, designated C101, and a C. jejuni isolate obtained from the feces of a chicken, designated C111, were used to inoculate their respective hosts. Isolate C101 depressed weight gain by 20% when inoculated into newly hatched poults or 4-day-old poults. It also caused death, hepatic necrosis, and generalized hemorrhages in turkey embryos. The chicken-derived isolate, C111, did not reduce weight gain in newly hatched chicks, but it did induce mortality in chicken embryos. The supernatant of the cultures of both C. jejuni isolates also caused mortality in embryos.  相似文献   

Sera samples from commercial broiler chickens and turkeys diagnosed with respiratory and disseminated aspergillosis were tested for the presence of antigen and antibody to Aspergillus. Antigen detection consisted of testing for two cell-wall components, beta-glucan and galactomannan, which have been used extensively in human medicine. There were significantly higher levels of galactomannan in all broiler chicken submissions (100%) and antibody to Aspergillus in 6 out of 9 submissions (66.6%) vs. control birds. Beta-glucan analyses did not show any differences among levels in the broiler chicken groups. There were significantly higher levels of galactomannan antigen in 4 out of 7 submissions (57.1%) of aspergillosis in commercial turkeys, while only 2 out of 7 submissions (28.5%) had higher levels of antibody to Aspergillus vs. the control group. This study shows that diagnosis of respiratory and disseminated aspergillosis may be performed by detection of galactomannan antigenemia and antibodies in broiler chickens and to an extent in turkeys.  相似文献   

Necropsy of dead or terminally ill birds is a key approach to disease diagnosis. It is important that one establish an orderly, consistent necropsy procedure and evaluate gross lesions as to their likely cause and significance. A very high percentage of farm flock poultry maladies can be diagnosed by gross lesions plus a few simple laboratory procedures, such as direct microscopy, Gram's stain, fecal flotation, and aerobic bacteriology.  相似文献   

Avian paramyxoviruses (APMV) are divided into nine serotypes. Newcastle disease virus (APMV-1) is the most extensively characterized, while relatively little information is available for the other APMV serotypes. In the present study, we examined the pathogenicity of two divergent strains of APMV-3, Netherlands and Wisconsin, in (i) 9-day-old embryonated chicken eggs, (ii) 1-day-old specific pathogen free (SPF) chicks and turkeys, and (iii) 2-week-old SPF chickens and turkeys. The mean death time in 9-day-old embryonated chicken eggs was 112 h for APMV-3 strain Netherlands and > 168 h for strain Wisconsin. The intracerebral pathogenicity index in 1-day-old chicks for strain Netherlands was 0.39 and for strain Wisconsin was zero. Thus, both strains are lentogenic. Both the strains replicated well in brain tissue when inoculated intracerebrally in 1-day-old SPF chicks, but without causing death. Mild respiratory disease signs were observed in 1-day-old chickens and turkeys when inoculated through oculonasal route with either strain. There were no overt signs of illness in 2-weeks-old chickens and turkeys by either strain, although all the birds seroconverted after infection. The viruses were isolated predominantly from brain, lungs, spleens, trachea, pancreas and kidney. Immunohistochemistry studies also showed the presence of large amount of viral antigens in both epithelial and sub-epithelial lining of respiratory and alimentary tracts. Our result suggests systemic spread of APMV-3 even though the viral fusion glycoprotein does not contain the canonical furin proteases cleavage site. Furthermore, there was little or no disease despite systemic viral spread and abundant viral replication in all the tissues tested.  相似文献   

Twenty chickens were inoculated intravenously with fowlpox (FP) virus, and clinical and pathological examinations were carried out chronologically. Upon gross examination, miliary nodules scattered in the kidneys were observed from 10 to 18 days postinoculation (PI), as were papules on the skin and diphtheritic lesions on the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract. Microscopically, characteristic FP lesions, composed of swelling and proliferation of cells with formation of Bollinger bodies, were observed in the epithelial cells of renal tubules from 4 to 14 days PI and in the epithelial reticular cells of the thymic medulla from 4 to 10 days PI, as well as in the skin and mucous membrane. Immunofluorescent and electron microscopic observations confirmed the presence of viral antigen and virus particles in the characteristic lesions of FP.  相似文献   

Local immunity of the respiratory mucosal system in chickens and turkeys   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This review article presents fundamental mechanisms of the local mucosal immunity in selected regions of the respiratory tract in healthy birds and in some pathological conditions. The respiratory system, whose mucosa come into direct contact with microorganisms contaminating inhaled air, has some associated structures, such as Harderian gland (HG), conjunctive-associated lymphoid tissue (CALT) and paranasal glands (PG), whose participation in local mechanisms of the mucosal immunity has been corroborated by numerous scientific studies. The nasal mucosa, with structured clusters of lymphoid tissue (NALT - nasal-associated lymphoid tissue) is the first to come into contact with microorganisms which contaminate inhaled air. Lymphoid nodules, made up of B cells with frequently developed germinal centres (GC), surrounded by a coat of CD4+ cells, are the major NALT structures in chickens, whereas CD8+ cells are situated in the epithelium and in the lamina propria of the nasal cavity mucosa. Studies into respiratory system infections (e.g. Mycoplasma gallisepticum) have shown the reactivity of the tracheal mucosa to infection, despite a lack of essential lymphoid tissue. Bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue (BALT) takes part in bronchial immune processes and its structure, topography and ability to perform defensive function in birds is largely age-dependent. Mature BALT is covered by a delicate layer of epithelial cells, called follicle-associated epithelium (FAE). Germinal centres (GC), surrounded by CD4+ cells are developed in most mature BALT nodules, while CD8+ lymphocytes are dispersed among lymphoid nodules and in the epithelium, and they are rarely present in GC. Macrophages make up the first line of defence mechanisms through which the host rapidly responds to microorganisms and their products in the respiratory mucosal system. Another very important element are polymorphonuclear cells, with heterophils being the most important of them. Phagocytic cells obtained from lung lavages in birds are referred to as FARM (free avian respiratory macrophages). Their number in chickens and turkeys is estimated to be 20 times lower than that in mice and rats, which indicates a deficit in the first-line of defence in the birds' respiratory system. There are numerous B cells and antibody secreting cells (ASC) present throughout the respiratory system in birds. Their role comes down to perform antigen-specific protection by producing antibodies (IgM, IgY or IgA class) as a result of contact with pathogenic factors.  相似文献   

1. Pharmacokinetics of acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) and sodium salicylate (SS) were assessed following single intravenous (i.v.) and oral administration at doses of 50 mg/kg body weight to chickens and turkeys. Plasma drug concentrations were determined using high-performance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection and pharmacokinetic variables were calculated using a non-compartmental model.

2. The mean residence time (MRT) of salicylate (SA) after i.v. administration of SS was 6.08 ± 0.59 and 3.32 ± 0.27 h and after oral administration was 6.95 ± 0.72 and 4.55 ± 0.71 h in chickens and turkeys, respectively. The elimination half-life (T 1/2 e) was shorter in turkeys compared with chickens. The value of body clearance (ClB) was higher in turkeys than in chickens, but the apparent volume of distribution (V ss) was similarly low in both species. The bioavailability of SS was complete and the maximal plasma concentration of SA (C max) after oral administration was 96.93 ± 8.06 and 91.76 ± 9.64 µg/ml, respectively, in chickens and turkeys.

3. The MRT of ASA after iv administration was 0.24 ± 0.08 and 0.24 ± 0.02 h and after oral administration was 0.78 ± 0.25 and 0.59 ± 0.13 h, respectively, in chickens and turkeys. In both species, T 1/2 e was very short, ClB and V ss were similar and markedly higher than those of salicylate. The bioavailability of unchanged ASA was low and C max after oral administration was 6.9 ± 3.6 µg/ml in chickens and 8.6 ± 1.3 µg/ml in turkeys.  相似文献   

Pathogenicity for chickens of a reovirus isolated from turkeys   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A viral agent that was isolated from livers of commercial turkey poults that died at approximately two weeks of age was characterized as a reovirus. Experimental infection of day-old chickens with this reovirus isolate resulted in the development of tenosynovitis, hepatitis, and myocarditis. In vitro neutralization of the turkey reovirus isolate by antiserum against chicken reovirus correlated with in vivo protection of maternally immune chickens from day-old oral challenge with the turkey reovirus isolate.  相似文献   

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