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The right and left cranial cervical ganglia in the heads of 10 adult guinea pigs (5 male, 5 female) were dissected in detail. The cranial cervical ganglion (CCG) was located on the caudo-ventral aspect of the distal ganglion of the vagus nerve, and medial to the digastric and styloglossal muscles. It was present also ventral to the tympanic bulla, ventro-lateral to the longus capitis muscle, and between the ascending pharyngeal and the internal carotid arteries. The branches of the CCG included the internal and external carotid nerves, the jugular nerve and connecting branches to the pharynx, vagus, glossopharyngeal, accessory, cranial laryngeal, first and second cervical nerves, and vessels in the carotid body region. The number of nerves ramifying from the CCG of the guinea pig varied among cases. Compared to other species, there are also differences in the number of nerve branches and the course patterns. No sex differences are present as far as the guinea pig CCG is concerned.  相似文献   

Ten specimens of the head and neck of the Bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus) were dissected to study the situation, arrangement and branches of the cranial cervical ganglion (ganglion cervicale craniale). The ganglion was a greyish fusiform structure, averaging 15–20 mm in length, 4–6 mm in width and 3 mm in thickness, located on the rostro-lateral surface of the longus capitis and covered by the mandibular gland. The branches of the cranial cervical ganglion included the internal carotid nerve, external carotid nerve, jugular nerve and the branches connecting with the glossopharyngeal, vagus, hypoglossal and first cervical nerves.  相似文献   

The heads of 12 White yaks (four castrated, four male and four female, 3-8 years old) were dissected to study the shape, location and branches of the cranial cervical ganglion macroscopically. The ganglion was a greyish arciform structure, with a mean length of 17.3 mm, a width of 8.0 mm and a thickness of 3.9 mm, located on the rostrolateral surface of m. longus capitis. Approximately 5% of the ganglion was covered laterally by the tympanic bulla and the rest by the m. stylohyoideus. The branches of the cranial cervical ganglion included the internal and external carotid nerves, the sympathetic trunk and communicating branches to the glossopharyngeal nerve, the pharyngeal branch of the vagus nerve and the hypoglossal nerve. In one specimen, the left cranial cervical ganglion was fusiform and only covered by the m. stylohyoideus. Gender differences of the cranial cervical ganglion in the White yak were not observed.  相似文献   

Seven heads and necks of Bactrian camels were dissected to investigate the origin, course, branches anddistribution of the accessory nerve and vagus nerve in the cranial cervical region. The spinal root and external branch of the accessory nerve were not present, but there was a delicate communicating branch between the dorsal root of the first cervical nerve and the root of the vagus nerve. The sternocephalic muscle was innervated by the second cervical nerve while the brachiocephalic and trapezius muscles were supplied by the sixth and seventh cervical nerves. In the head and cranial cervical region of the Bactrian camel the vagus nerve gave oft the auricular branch, pharyngeal branch, cranial laryngeal nerve, a common trunk to the larynx, oesophagus and trachea, and some communicating branches connecting with the glossopharyngeal, hypoglossal, first cervical nerves and the cranial cervical ganglion.  相似文献   

The cranial cervical ganglion and its branches in the yak (Bos grunniens)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The heads and necks of 10 yaks were dissected to study the shape, location, arrangement, and branches of the cranial cervical ganglion. The ganglion was a greyish fusiform structure, mean length 19.72 mm, width 7.65 mm and depth 4.55 mm, located on the rostrolateral surface of the m. longus capitis. Approximately 25% of the ganglion was covered by the tympanic bulla, the rest by the m. stylohyoideus. The branches of the cranial cervical ganglion included the internal and external carotid nerves, sympathetic trunk and the branches connecting with the glossopharyngeal, vagus and hypoglossal nerves. In one animal the right cranial cervical ganglia was a greyish pyramidal structure 10 mm long, 8 mm wide and 5 mm thick but the left ganglion was similar to those found in the other specimens examined.  相似文献   

This research is a study about the arterial vascularization of pelvic cavity and pelvic limb in pampas deer. For this study, 25 dead animals were used. The vascularization of the organs was investigated using a latex injection technique. Two animals were injected in the common carotid artery with contrast to cardiac angiography, and then, radiographs were taken. The aorta showed the two external iliac arteries, and after a short course, the aorta ended in two internal iliac arteries. The median sacral artery was originated from the dorsal surface cranially to the emergence of the internal iliac arteries. The last one gave off parietal (iliolumbar, cranial and caudal gluteal arteries) and visceral (umbilical and internal pudendal arteries) branches. The external iliac artery gave as first branch the deep circumflex iliac artery which was divided into a cranial and a caudal branch. After a short distance from the external iliac artery, the femoral and deep femoral arteries were originated. The deep femoral artery gave origin to the pudendoepigastric trunk and to the medial femoral circumflex artery. Based on the arterial distribution of the pelvic cavity and pelvic limb in the pampas deer, it is concluded that the internal iliac artery has a pattern of intermediate development. In reference to the distribution of the external iliac artery and its branches, the pattern of development is the cranial tibial type.  相似文献   

In this study, the spinal nerves that constitute the lumbosacral plexus (plexus lumbosacrales) (LSP) and its distribution in Chinchilla lanigera were investigated. Ten chinchillas (6 males and 4 females) were used in this research. The spinal nerves that constitute the LSP were dissected and the distribution of pelvic limb nerves originating from the plexus was examined. The iliohypogastric nerve arose from L1 and L2, giving rise to the cranial and caudal nerves, and the ilioinguinal nerve arose from L3. The other branch of L3 gave rise to the genitofemoral nerve and 1 branch from L4 gave rise to the lateral cutaneous femoral nerve. The trunk formed by the union of L4-5 divided into medial (femoral nerve) and lateral branches (obturator nerve). It was found that the LSP was formed by all the ventral branches of L4 at L6 and S1 at S3. At the caudal part of the plexus, a thick branch, the ischiadic plexus, was formed by contributions from L5-6 and S1. This root gave rise to the nerve branches which were disseminated to the posterior limb (cranial and caudal gluteal nerves, caudal cutaneous femoral nerve and ischiadic nerve). The ischiadic nerve divided into the caudal cutaneous surae, lateral cutaneous surae, common fibular and tibial nerve. The pudendal nerve arose from S1-2 and the other branch of S2 and S3 formed the rectal caudal nerve. The results showed that the origins and distribution of spinal nerves that constitute the LSP of chinchillas were similar to those of a few rodents and other mammals.  相似文献   

艇HRP法对兔减压神经进行了研究,标记的传入神经元绝大多数位于迷走神经结状节尾侧半部偏一侧,少数见于颈静脉神经节,其中枢突标记终末见于延髓闩以上的孤束核内侧部,腹侧部以及迷背核内。在颈前节也出现标记细胞,表明减压神经中也含有起源于 前节的交感节后纤维成分。主动脉压力感受器有经减压神经来的感觉神经交感节后神经纤维支配。提示减压神经是含有一般内脏传入和一般内脏传出纤维的混合神经,为研究心血管生理提供了  相似文献   

The caudal mesenteric ganglion (CMG) is located ventral to the abdominal aorta involving the initial portion of the caudal mesenteric artery. Its macro and microstructural organization was studied in 40 domestic dogs. From the CMG, there were three nerves: the main hypogastric, the left hypogastric and the right hypogastric. The main hypogastric nerve emits two branches: the left colonic nerve and the cranial rectal nerve. Afterwards they give rise to branches to the descending colon (colonic nerves) and rectum (rectal nerves). The cranial rectal nerve, and left and right hypogastric nerves were directed to the pelvic ganglia. The microscopic study permitted the observation of the histological organization of the CMG, which is a ganglionic complex composed of an agglomeration of ganglionic units. Each ganglionic unit is composed of three major cell types: principal ganglion neurones (PGNs), glial cells and small intensely fluorescent (SIF) cells, and they were separated by nerve fibres, septa of connective tissue (types 1 and 3 collagen fibres), fibroblasts and intraganglionic capillaries. Hence, the ganglionic unit is the morphological support for the microstructural organization of the CMG complex. Further, each ganglionic unit is constituted by a cellular triad (SIF cells, PGN and glial cells), which is the cytological basis for each ganglionic unit.  相似文献   

The circulation and innervation to porcine cervical trachea were studied in 54 animals in situ. The antemortem response of porcine tracheal muscle was measured isometrically during selective injection of acetylcholine into the cranial thyroid arterial circulation. A predominantly unilateral (70.4%), rather than bilateral (3.7%), arterial circulation was identified; a cranial thyroid artery was not demonstrated in 25.9% of swine, suggesting dominant perfusion from the caudal thyroid circulation. After animals were killed, dye injection through the dominant cranial thyroid trunk demonstrated homogeneous perfusion of the muscle in all instances. In 20 of these animals, the distribution of parasympathetic innervation to porcine tracheal muscle was studied by selective electrical stimulation of the vagus nerves in situ. Tracheal smooth muscle response was measured isometrically, using settings (20 v, 20 Hz) causing maximal contractile force. Bilateral electrical stimulation caused active tracheal tension of 23.2 +/- 1.9 g/cm. Unilateral stimulation of the left vagus nerve caused 17.8 +/- 1.5 g/cm contraction, which was significantly greater than the response caused by selective stimulation of the right vagus nerve (12.1 +/- 1.6 g/cm; P less than 0.001). Innervation to porcine cervical trachea, although bilateral, is derived predominantly from the left vagus nerve; circulation is derived almost always from the left cranial thyroid artery.  相似文献   

双峰驼脑硬膜外异网   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文用动脉内注射红色油画颜料,红色乳胶溶液的大体解剖学方法,解剖了15例双峰驼,研究了双峰驼的脑硬膜外异网,并追踪了进入和传出硬膜外异网的血管。结果发现双峰驼有发达的硬膜外异网,部分位于颅内硬膜下海绵窦内,部分位于眶圆孔和翼腭窝后部。构成异网的血管来自颈内动脉和颌内动脉的分支吻合动脉,这些动脉进入海绵窦后立即分支互相吻合形成异网;在异网的背内侧部这些吻合支又聚集形成颈内动脉颅内段和后交通动脉自海绵窦传出并互相连接形成大脑动脉环。在异网中找不到颈内动脉贯穿异网的迹象,这一点与牛的硬膜外异网不同。  相似文献   

The vascularization of the cranial cervical ganglion [superior cervical ganglion (SCG)] of 10 adult guinea-pigs (Cavia porcellus) was investigated by latex injection and dissection techniques. Compared with other species, there were differences in the arterial supply of SCG and in the number of branches originating from these vessels. The SCG received arterial blood from branches of the ascending pharyngeal and internal carotid arteries. In addition, it was demonstrated that the superior thyroid and occipital arteries contribute rarely to the vascularization of the SCG.  相似文献   

Extrinsic cardiac nerves and their patterns are described based on anatomical dissections of five goitred gazelle. Sympathetic cardiac innervation was mainly provided by the cervicothoracic and thoracic cardiac nerves. No left caudal cervicothoracic nerves, middle cervical cardiac nerves and vertebral cardiac nerves from the vertebral ganglion were observed. Parasympathetic cardiac innervation was supplied by the nerve fibres from the caudal vagal cardiac rami only. No cardiac rami from the cranial vagal cardiac nerves present in small ruminants were observed in this study. The caudal laryngeal and phrenic cardiac nerves also contributed to the cardiac innervation.  相似文献   

Reflexes associated with the trigeminal and facial nerves were investigated electromyographically in 14 barbiturate-anesthetized dogs. Using subcutaneous needle electrodes, electrical stimulation of the infraorbital, frontal, and zygomaticofacial branches of the trigeminal nerve produced reflex contractions of the ipsilateral orbicularis oculi muscle. Cutaneous and subcutaneous electrical stimulation of the internal auricular branches of the facial nerve also produced reflex contractions of the ipsilateral orbicularis oculi muscle. After sectioning of this branch between the vagus and facial nerves, electrical stimulation of the proximal portion of the auricular branch of the vagus nerve produced reflex contractions of the ipsilateral orbicularis oculi muscle. After sectioning of the auricular branch of the vagus nerve; electrical stimulation of the proximal portion of the caudal and middle internal auricular nerves did not produce reflex contractions of the ipsilateral orbicularis oculi muscle. Subcutaneous electrical stimulation of the palpebral nerve produced reflex contractions and direct-evoked muscle activity of the orbicularis oculi muscle. Subcutaneous electrical stimulation of the infraorbital and middle mental nerves produced reflex contractions of the rostral belly of the digastricus muscle.  相似文献   

The innervation pattern of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-immunoreactive (VIP-IR) nerves in the quail internal carotid artery (ICA) and cerebral arterial tree was investigated and compared with that of acetylcholinesterase-positive (AChE-P) nerves. The supply of VIP-IR nerves to the two arterial systems was distinctly richer than that of AChE-P nerves. It was focused mainly on the walls from the distal ICA to the caudal half of the anterior ramus (AR) through the cerebral carotid artery (CCA). Indeed, double staining clearly showed that numerous VIP+/AChE-axons were distributed over these arterial regions where VIP+/AChE+ or AChE+/VIP- axons were sporadic or often lacking. The finding that nerve bundles accompanying the ICA within the carotid canal contained abundant VIP+/AChE- nerve cells suggests that cerebrovascular VIP-IR nerves in the quail have their major source at these neurons and enter the cranial cavity through the CCA. Another significant finding was that a small number of nerve cells, which were mostly stained for AChE alone and occasionally for VIP alone or both, occurred in the major arteries located more rostral than the middle AR. Thus, the quail cerebral arterial tree, at least the rostral segment of the anterior circulation, is multiply innervated by these three distinct categories of the extracranial and intracranial VIP-IR and AChE-P neurons.  相似文献   

The present study was performed on 12 heads of donkey’s cadavers of both sexes for different anatomic techniques and on 20 live adult donkeys for ultrasonographic approaches of local anesthetic techniques. The aim was to achieve safe desensitization of the ear canal and tympanic membrane in addition to measuring different parameters of the structures occupying the infra-auricular parotid region. The internal auricular nerve was divided into two fine branches and constituting, at its origin, a characteristic V-shape with the caudal auricular nerve. The styloid process of auricular cartilage was an adequate landmark for ultrasonographic needle-guided anesthesia for internal auricular and auriculopalpebral nerves, whereas the great auricular nerve was easily palpated subcutaneously that showed safety and success in all cases. The auricular branch of mandibular nerve joined the auriculopalpebral branch of facial nerve. The maxillary vein was descending, partially embedded within the texture of the parotid glandular tissue. The parotid gland divided into five segments was clearly demarcated by maxillary vein tributaries with three main collecting radicles pouring into the parotid duct. The mandibular duct received about 12–15 fine radicles and supplied with a separate branch from the external carotid artery. Using the Doppler sonographic technique in donkeys for diagnosis of ear affections, evaluation of retrograde sialography to salivary glands with their blood vasculature and their indices might be helpful for the detection of different critical abnormalities, such as stenosis, thrombosis, and other vasopathological affections through measuring their resistivity and pulsatility indices.  相似文献   

To clarify the contributions of the nerves supplying the canine hip joint capsule for clinical application, cadaver study of six healthy mongrel dogs was performed. The pelvises and hindlimbs of cadavers were dissected and fixed in formaldehyde. Innervation of the joint capsule was investigated with the aid of an operative microscope. As a result, the canine hip joint capsule receives multiple innervations from articular branches of four nerves. They are articular nerve fibres of femoral, obturator, cranial gluteal and sciatic nerves from the cranioventral, caudoventral, craniolateral and dorsolateral directions of the joint, respectively. No branch originating from the caudal gluteal nerve was observed innervating the hip joint capsule. Our data provides useful information for research on the canine hip joint, including pain analysis with hip disorders and surgical nerve blockade to relieve pain.  相似文献   

In this paper, important connections between the two main contingents of the autonomic nervous system, intrinsic and extrinsic visceral plexus were analysed. Concerning heart innervation, the territories of extrinsic innervation are very important in the treatment of congenital or acquired cardiopathy, thoracic neoplasia and aortic arch persistence, among others. This research compared young and adult extrinsic cardiac innervation and described the surgical anatomic nerve segments. Animals were perfused with a 10% formaldehyde solution in PBS (0.1 m) (pH 7.4) and submitted to macro- and meso-scopic dissection immersed in 60% acetic acid alcoholic solution and 20% hydrogen peroxide aqueous solution. The nerve segments were assigned as: right vagus nerve segment, left vagus nerve segment, right middle cervical ganglion segment, left middle cervical ganglion segment, right caudal laryngeal nerve segment, left caudal laryngeal nerve segment, right phrenic nerve segment and left phrenic nerve segment.  相似文献   

The vessels that originate from the aortic arch were studied in 16 adult guinea-pigs. Two major vessels, the left subclavian artery and the brachiocephalic trunk, were easily identified as they were branching off from the aortic arch. The brachiocephalic trunk, at first branched off to the left common carotid artery and continued as a common trunk, which was then divided into the right subclavian artery and the right common carotid artery. The left subclavian artery branched off to the following vessels: the costacervical trunk, the internal thoracic artery, a common trunk from which the dorsal scapular artery and the vertebral artery originated, and the superficial cervical artery. The right subclavian artery branched off to the bronchoesophageal artery (in five cadavers), the caudal thyroid artery (in three cadavers) and the tracheal artery (in three cadavers) in addition to the above vessels. There were two vertebral arteries branching off to the right subclavian artery in all dissected cadavers. However, only 10 cadavers had two vertebral arteries originating from the left subclavian artery. The first vertebral artery originated from the common trunk, whereas the second vertebral artery arose from the dorsal scapular artery. The second vertebral artery entered the foramen transversarium of the seventh cervical vertebrae and anastomosed with the first vertebral artery just before entering the foramen transversarium of the sixth cervical vertebrae.  相似文献   

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