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Fecal samples from 131 cattle clinically suspect for paratuberculosis were cultured bacteriologically, using the traditional sedimentation processing method and a processing method that included a centrifugation step. Of 16 samples that were contaminated, 6 were culture-positive on at least 1 medium and by 1 processing method. Ten of 131 (7.6%) fecal samples processed by both methods were lost because of contamination. The number of culture-positive samples (using both processing methods) were 65 of 121 (53.7%) on media without miconazole and 60 of 121 (49.6%) on media with miconazole. Seven of the 121 (5.8%) samples were culture-positive, using centrifugation, after 16 weeks' incubation at 37 C. Thirteen of 60 (21.7%) isolates were obtained only with centrifugation, and 10 of these had low colony counts, suggesting that a centrifugation step may have concentrated microorganisms that would have gone undetected without centrifugation. Six of 60 (10%) isolates positive for M paratuberculosis on the sedimentation method were negative on the centrifugation method. Contamination rates were significantly (P less than 0.001) increased when centrifugation was used. The miconazole significantly (P less than 0.001) decreased contamination rates when centrifugation was used.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis is considered as one of the most serious problems affecting the world’s ruminant industry due to its significant impact on the global economy and the controversial issue that it may be pathogenic for humans. M. avium subspecies paratuberculosis is the causative agent of Johne’s disease in animals and might be implicated in cases of human Crohn’s disease. We provide an insight into M. avium subspecies paratuberculosis from some bacteriological, clinical, and molecular epidemiological perspectives.  相似文献   

Biochemical activities of 20 wild-type strains and of 2 laboratory strains of Mycobacterium paratuberculosis were evaluated. Biochemical activities evaluated were growth at 30 C, 37 C, and 42 C; production of urease, niacin, pyrazinamidase, arylsulfatase, and catalase; hydrolyzation of Tween 80; reduction of nitrate and tellurite; and growth in 5% NaCl. Antimicrobial susceptibility to thiophene-2-carboxylic acid hydrazide (10 micrograms/ml), neotetrazolium chloride (1:40,000), streptomycin (2 micrograms/ml), rifampin (0.25 micrograms/ml), and isoniazid (10 micrograms/ml) also was determined. Generally, M paratuberculosis was biochemically inactive, with only a few strains producing pyrazinamidase and maintaining catalase activity after heating. All strains grew optimally at 37 C, grew slightly at 30 C, and did not grow at 42 C. Wild-type strains did not grow in the presence of neotetrazolium chloride, streptomycin, and rifampin, and grew in the presence of thiophene-2-carboxylic acid hydrazide and isoniazid. Although biochemical evaluation can be used as an aid in the identification of M paratuberculosis, growth rate, and mycobactin dependency remain major criteria for positive identification.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium avium strain P-55 and M. avium strain DENT differ from M. avium strain 16909-338 on the basis of their fatty acid spectra (C14:0, C18:0 and tuberculostearic [TBS] acids) studied by multivariate statistical analyses. Strains P-55 and DENT are closer to M. paratuberculosis strain 5889 than to M. avium strain 16909-338, a finding which is in harmony with earlier immunological observations. The recently isolated M. paratuberculosis strain 385 has proved different from M. paratuberculosis strain 5889.  相似文献   

Serologic diagnosis of bovine paratuberculosis (Johne's disease) with currently available tests may give false-positive results due to cross-reactions with avian and bovine tuberculosis viruses and other infectious agents. Indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) for detection of antibodies against paratuberculosis based on antigens from Mycobacterium avium subsp. avium (A-ELISA) and M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis (P-ELISA) were compared. Despite an expected higher specificity for M. a. paratuberculosis in the P-ELISA, the 2 antigens were equally suitable for demonstration of antibody to M. a. paratuberculosis in cattle. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves was used to demonstrate the possible antigenic relationship. The area under the curve (AUC) was calculated for each of the 2 ROC curves. The AUC for the P-ELISA ROC curve was 0.9197, and the AUC for the A-ELISA ROC curve was 0.9149, demonstrating a negligible difference in efficiency of the 2 tests (z = 0.182).  相似文献   

The ability of BACTEC radiometric 7H12 broth, Middlebrook 7H10 Tween broth, Middlebrook 7H10 agar, and Herrold's egg-yolk medium to provide early detection of Mycobacterium paratuberculosis was evaluated. The minimum detection times in days for the various media were: 7H12, 9; 7H10 agar, 23 (plate), 28 (slant); 7H10 Tween broth; 27; and Herrold's egg-yolk medium, 43 (plate), 49 (slant). The radiometric broths provided the earliest detection of M. paratuberculosis, and 3625 organisms ml-1 were required to produce a positive, radiometric growth-index reading. Of the non-radiometric plate and slant media evaluated, microscope examination of the translucent 7H10 agar plate resulted in the earliest detection and highest mean colony counts (387) as compared with Herrold's egg-yolk agar plate (208). Similar results were noted for 7H10 and Herrold's egg-yolk agar slants; however, accurate colony counts could not be determined because of confluent growth. All media were supplemented with 2 micrograms ml-1 of mycobactin J and excess amounts of this supplement inhibited the growth of M. paratuberculosis in radiometric 7H12 media.  相似文献   

Ruminant infection by Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) causes a granulomatous inflammatory response in the intestine and associated lymph nodes. Differences either in the affected organs or in the inflammatory infiltrate were observed between species and individuals. Such differences are usually attributed to variations in host immune responses or to inconsistent effects among different MAP strains. To evaluate if different MAP strains induce different immuno-pathological responses in lambs, 28 one-month-old individuals were divided into six groups and inoculated with different MAP strains. Groups 1 and 2 were inoculated with two bovine strains isolated in Argentina that showed different genetic patterns after BstEII-IS900-RFLP (hereafter strains E and A respectively). Group 3 was inoculated with a bovine strain isolated in Spain obtained after a previous step of culture (patterns C1). Group 4 was inoculated with a homogenate of intestinal mucosa of a clinical case affected by the same bovine strain as that of group 3. Group 5 was inoculated with an ovine strain that was directly purified from the intestinal mucosa of a clinical case, and group 6 was kept as control (i.e. no inoculation). Peripheral immune responses were assessed until 150 days post-infection (dpi), when lambs were humanely killed. Pathological studies were performed in tissues from the intestine and lymph nodes. Lesion types and inflammatory infiltrates were examined as indicators of pathogenicity. All the lambs infected with bovine MAP strains showed a common lesion pattern regardless of the strain type. Such pattern was characterized by focal lesions mainly in the mesenteric lymph nodes, the presence of fibrous tissue, and, occasionally, necrosis in the granulomas as well as the presence of numerous giant cells. Differences in lesion severity were observed among groups: lambs from groups 1 and 2 had the highest number of granulomas and the largest lymph node area affected. Lesions in animals from group 5 (infected with an ovine strain) were more severe and occurred mostly in the intestinal lymphoid tissue; necrosis, fibrosis or giant cells were never detected in this group. These results indicate that the MAP strain type induces different pathological responses in lambs.  相似文献   

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) preparations from 3 reference strains of Mycobacterium paratuberculosis and from 23 isolates of M paratuberculosis obtained from cattle in New Zealand were characterized by restriction endonuclease analysis, using the enzymes BstE II, Pvu II, and Bcl I. Patterns of DNA fragments for strain 18 (one of the reference strains) differed markedly from patterns of other strains, indicating genetic differences between strain 18 and the other strains of M paratuberculosis evaluated. The other 2 reference strains (TMC 1613 and Weybridge strain 316) and all but 1 of the isolates from cattle had identical patterns with the 3 enzymes. These 2 reference strains differed from each other in their dependence on exogenous mycobactin, but this was not reflected in their restriction patterns. The single variant isolate from cattle had patterns identical to those of the other isolates, using Pvu II and Bcl I, and had only 1 fragment line difference with BstE II. Although close genetic homogeneity of cattle strains of M paratuberculosis prevented development of a typing system on the basis of restriction endonuclease analysis, the results provided a basis for genomic comparison with other closely related organisms.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to verify the presence of small ruminant lentivirus in the amniotic fluid of goats using molecular tests and viral isolation by cocultivation in the amniotic fluid of naturally infected goats. The study analyzed eight goats: seven were small ruminant lentivirus-positive and one was negative. The amniotic fluid was collected from each of the eight animals during cesarean section at 147 days of pregnancy. Cocultivation was undertaken using secondary goat nictitating membrane cell cultures obtained by explant from a small ruminant lentivirus-negative calf followed by trypsinization and sub-cultivation of the cells for 63 days. During this period, five supernatant collections were performed for DNA extraction and subsequent nested polymerase chain reaction. DNA was extracted from the amniotic fluid after 3 h of cellular sedimentation, from which a sample of 600 μL was taken from the sediment and another 600 μL sample from the supernatant. After DNA extraction, nested polymerase chain reaction was performed. Of the eight goats, 62.5 % (05/08) were small ruminant lentivirus-positive, with 43.75 % (07/16) of the total samples positive when considering the two repetitions (supernatant and cell sediment). Moreover, positivity was confirmed by small ruminant lentivirus pro-viral DNA amplification in the cell supernatant throughout the cocultivation period. Small ruminant lentivirus were present in the amniotic fluid samples from the naturally infected goats indicating an intrauterine transmission route. Moreover, this biological fluid can be adopted for the diagnosis of these lentiviruse because it is an important risk factor related to intrauterine transmission.  相似文献   

A modified procedure was used for culture of Mycobacterium paratuberculosis (Mptb) from bovine feces. Bovine fecal samples were decontaminated with NaOH, exposed to a mixture of oxalic acid and malachite green, incubated in a mixture of neomycin and amphotericin B. Decontaminated specimens were inoculated onto modified L?wenstein-Jensen medium. Specimens processed by high-speed centrifugation showed growth earlier than specimens prepared by low-speed centrifugation. However, the overall number of positive cultures at 16 weeks was not different for the 2 methods. When infected dairy herds were sampled 4 times at 6-month intervals and culture-positive cows were culled, the prevalence of infected cattle declined over time. After selective culling, the cattle left in the herds shed low numbers of Mptb, which explains why it took longer for cultures to become positive. No heifers younger than 11 months were culture positive, but heifers 13-14 months of age were more frequently culture positive than were heifers of any other age. The 16-week culture period is needed with this method to detect cattle shedding low numbers of Mptb. High-speed centrifugation of samples does not increase the efficiency of identification of animals shedding Mptb.  相似文献   

Detection of Mycobacterium paratuberculosis (MAP) in tissues of patients suffering from Crohn's disease has given rise to speculation that this mycobacterium may play some role in the development of this disease in humans. Food products, especially milk obtained from animals infected with paratuberculosis, may be a potential vector of MAP to humans, yet the detection of this pathogen poses a number of difficulties. This study was aimed at comparing the effectiveness of MAP isolation from milk samples. Mycobacteria were detected by means of two methods: direct isolation of DNA using a QIAamp DNA Mini Kit by Qiagen, and a culture method with the use of HEYM culture medium. Analyses were carried out on 87 samples of udder cow milk originating from a herd that exhibited seropositive and serodoubtful reactions against paratuberculosis. The presence of an insertion sequence IS-900 was detected in 18 samples of udder milk analyzed with the method of direct DNA isolation and in two samples analyzed by means of the culture method.  相似文献   

A DNA probe for the detection of Mycobacterium paratuberculosis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A genomic library of DNA extracted from Mycobacterium paratuberculosis was constructed in the expression vector lambda gt 11. The library was screened by plaque hybridization with labelled M. paratuberculosis genomic DNA as probe. Strongly hybridizing plaques were isolated and their DNA extracted and characterised for M. paratuberculosis specificity by hybridization to DNA from other Mycobacteriaceae. A clone was obtained which was specific for M. paratuberculosis. DNA from this clone could detect 7 ng M. paratuberculosis DNA.  相似文献   

In October 2004, 41 goats > 2 years old from a Saanen dairy goat herd located in Purranque County, 10th Region, Chile, were sampled and tested for paratuberculosis. While collecting samples it was observed that several goats were thin and emaciated. One goat was sufficiently debilitated to warrant humane euthanasia. This animal was brought to the Veterinary School at the Universidad Austral de Chile for necropsy. The goat selected for necropsy was a 12-year-old doe. The animal showed classical clinical signs of caprine paratuberculosis: emaciation despite willingness to eat, dry and rough hair coat, and no evidence of diarrhea. Gross pathology and histopathology of the necropsied goat were consistent with paucibacillary paratuberculosis. Bacteriology, serology, and PCR confirmed the diagnosis. This is the first published report of goat paratuberculosis in Chile confirming a case of caprine paucibacillary paratuberculosis.  相似文献   

Faecal slurry of animal origin from sale yards and raw sewage from a sewage treatment plant were sampled for the radiometric culture over 5 months at approximately weekly intervals. Before the radiometric culture, samples were decontaminated using the double incubation method. One set of triplicate samples of slurry and sewage was decontaminated at 37 degrees C and the other set was decontaminated at 42 degrees C. M. a. paratuberculosis or its DNA was detected in seven of 45 cultures (15.6%) of slurry decontaminated at 37 degrees C and in 14 of 39 cultures (35.9%) of slurry decontaminated at 42 degrees C. The contamination rates in cultures of slurry processed at 37 degrees C and 42 degrees C were 82.2% and 69.2%, respectively. M. a. paratuberculosis DNA was also detected in one of 45 cultures (2.2%) of sewage decontaminated at 42 degrees C. The contamination rates in samples of sewage processed at 37 degrees C and 42 degrees C were 84.4% and 4.4%, respectively. Results of this study warrant further investigations to evaluate the suitability of a decontamination method at 42 degrees C for the isolation of M. a. paratuberculosis from faeces, tissues and milk.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium paratuberculosis is receiving increasingly wider interest of scientific groups worldwide. This slow-growing mycobacterium does not only evoke paratuberculosis--an infectious cattle disease that brings huge economic losses--but it is also regarded as a potential cause of human Crohn;s disease. It is very difficult to diagnose precisely this kind of animal infection in its very early stages, as well as to detect occurrence of M. paratuberculosis cells in the environment, including food of animal origin. This paper reviews currently known and employed diagnostic techniques for M. paratuberculosis cell detection and identification.  相似文献   

Diagnostic tests for small ruminant lentiviruses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Maedi visna virus and caprine arthritis encephalitis virus are closely related retroviruses that cause chronic inflammatory disease in small ruminants. The infections are characterised by insidious onset and slow progression. Diagnosis of infection is usually by serological testing. A variety of assays are available for this purpose, though the relative sensitivity and specificity of these assays has not been compared systematically. Here we review recent developments in laboratory diagnostic methods and their use in field diagnosis. The results suggest that a combination of ELISA and PCR might afford optimal detection of SRLV infection.  相似文献   

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