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<正>《养禽与禽病防治技术》是畜牧兽医专业的主干课和必修的专业课,也是一门实践性、技术性很强的课程,它主要研究家禽的生产过程、繁殖改良、饲养管理及禽病防治的基本知识与基本技能。通过学习,学生要能运用家禽生产与禽病防治的相关知识,独立完成孵化、育雏、育成、产蛋、疫病防治等岗位的工作任务,能胜任禽类养殖领域的孵化岗位、育雏岗位、育成岗位、成年禽生产岗位、禽病防治岗位工作,同时为考取家禽饲养工、家禽  相似文献   

本文针对生态休闲观光场所主要动物珍禽、观赏动物、家畜家禽等的饲养提出了规范管理技术,主要包括休闲观光场所动物饲养过程中引种(入)、饲养环境、饲养条件、消毒、日常管理、无害化处理等。  相似文献   

饲养密度是家禽饲养管理中的一个重要因素。提高饲养密度虽然可以降低饲养成本,但高密度可能引起家禽发生氧化应激,损害家禽健康、生产性能和肉品质。文章综述了提高饲养密度导致的肉禽生产性能、胴体品质、免疫机能等的影响及机制,并从日粮营养素、功能性氨基酸、有益微生物角度综述了现代营养技术措施调控肉禽饲养密度应激的研究进展。  相似文献   

《家禽科学》杂志是经国家新闻出版署批准正式出版的科技期刊,具有国内统一刊号。1979年创刊,曾获得"全国畜牧兽医优秀期刊"、"山东省优秀科技期刊"称号。《家禽科学》是我国家禽行业综合性的技术期刊,设置有研究报道、饲养管理、禽病防治、养殖户园地、文献综述、禽病门诊、禽业信息及供求商情等众多栏目。  相似文献   

《家禽科学》杂志是经国家新闻出版署批准正式出版的科技期刊,具有国内统一刊号。1979年创刊,曾获得"全国畜牧兽医优秀期刊"、"山东省优秀科技期刊"称号。《家禽科学》是我国家禽行业综合性的技术期刊,设置有研究报道、饲养管理、禽病防治、养殖户园地、文献综述、禽病门诊、禽业信息及供求商情等众多栏目。  相似文献   

《家禽科学》杂志是经国家新闻出版署批准正式出版的科技期刊,具有国内统一刊号。1979年创刊,曾获得"全国畜牧兽医优秀期刊"、"山东省优秀科技期刊"称号。《家禽科学》是我国家禽行业综合性的技术期刊,设置有研究报道、饲养管理、禽病防治、养殖户园地、文献综述、禽病门诊、禽业信息及供求商情等众多栏目。  相似文献   

正《家禽科学》杂志是经国家新闻出版署批准正式出版的科技期刊,具有国内统一刊号。1979年创刊,曾获得"全国畜牧兽医优秀期刊"、"山东省优秀科技期刊"称号。《家禽科学》是我国家禽行业综合性的技术期刊,设置有研究报道、饲养管理、禽病防治、养殖户园地、文献综述、禽病门诊、禽业信息及供求商情等众多栏目。  相似文献   

正山东省家禽信息服务平台,包括预警快讯、智能化生产决策、查看行情、专家咨询、学习技术与培训等10个主要功能模块,实现了一站式专家系统服务;包括家禽品种查询、山东省种禽企业检索、禽病诊断、饲养管理决策、生长发育决策、产蛋智能决策、饲料营养决策、家禽用药查询、家禽疫苗查询、  相似文献   

<正>《家禽科学》杂志是经国家新闻出版署批准正式出版的科技期刊,具有国内统一刊号。1979年创刊,曾获得"全国畜牧兽医优秀期刊"、"山东省优秀科技期刊"称号。《家禽科学》是我国家禽行业综合性的技术期刊,设置有研究报道、饲养管理、禽病防治、养殖户园地、文献综述、禽病门诊、禽业信息及供求商情等众多栏目。  相似文献   

<正>《家禽科学》杂志是经国家新闻出版署批准正式出版的科技期刊,具有国内统一刊号。1979年创刊,曾获得"全国畜牧兽医优秀期刊"、"山东省优秀科技期刊"称号。《家禽科学》是我国家禽行业综合性的技术期刊,设置有研究报道、饲养管理、禽病防治、养殖户园地、文献综述、禽病门诊、禽业信息及供求商情等众多栏目。  相似文献   

After sedation with xylazine (0.3 mg/kg intravenously [IV]), anesthesia was induced in six healthy horses with ketamine (2.0 mg/kg IV) and guaifenesin (100 mg/kg IV), diazepam (0.05 mg/kg IV), or diazepam (0.10 mg/kg IV). Anesthesia was maintained with halothane for 30 minutes. Heart rate, respiratory rate, direct arterial blood pressure, arterial blood gas, and pH measurements were made before, and at set intervals after, induction of anesthesia. Quality and characteristics of induction and recovery were evaluated objectively by an independent observer unaware of the protocol used. There were no significant differences among the three protocols from pre-induction values for arterial blood pressure, blood gas values, and pH. There was significantly greater ataxia at induction with the use of guaifenesin. The nature of induction, transition to and recovery from general anesthesia were comparable between guaifenesin and the higher dose of diazepam. Because of movements and difficulty with intubation, the lower dose of diazepam was considered unsatisfactory. It was concluded that diazepam (0.10 mg/kg) could be substituted for guaifenesin (100 mg/kg) to produce comparable quality of anesthesia in horses.  相似文献   

"紫·池×绿·湖"是新育成的中丝量四元家蚕新品种。本文主要介绍了该品种的选育经过,分析了湖州市农业科学研究所实验室鉴定、浙江省家蚕新品种实验室鉴定成绩以及农村少量试养情况。  相似文献   

The nematode genus Baylisascaris (order Ascaridida, superfamily Ascaridoidea) contains nine relatively host-specific, parasite species of carnivores, omnivores, herbivores, carnivorous marsupials or rodents. They have a facultative heteroxenous life cycle, at least under experimental conditions. Eggs passed in faeces embryonate in the environment and the second-stage larva infective for both definitive and intermediate hosts develops. In intermediate hosts larvae migrate extensively through tissues, where they grow and moult to the third-stage, causing extensive damage. All Baylisascaris spp. are considered a potential cause of visceral, ocular and/or neural larval migrans in mammals including humans and in birds. This paper summarises our current knowledge on the prevalence, biology, pathogenicity and zoonotic significance of three Baylisascaris species: B. transfuga, B. schroederi and B. procyonis which have as definitive hosts bears, giant pandas and raccoons (occasionally dogs), respectively.  相似文献   

Objective – To review the immunomodulatory effects of opioids. Data Sources – Original research publications and review articles using the PubMed search engine with the following keywords – opioids, morphine, immuomodulation, and immunosuppression. Veterinary and Human Data Synthesis – Opioids have been shown to modulate the immune system in animal models by affecting both the acquired and innate arms of the immune system. Natural killer cell activity, T‐cell proliferation, antibody production, phagocytic cell function, and cytokine production have all been shown to be affected by opioids. Many of these effects are reversed by opioid antagonists. Opioids have also been shown to induce sepsis in laboratory animals. Opioid administration alters immune parameters in healthy humans at analgesic doses and may increase the risk of infection in some patient populations. Conclusions – While opioids remain the most powerful and widely used analgesics available, their negative effects on the immune system are well established in the laboratory setting. Thoughtful consideration should be given to the use of certain opioids in critically ill patients, especially those with pre‐existing immunocompromise.  相似文献   

对四川地区10种区域性果树进行了观赏性的综合评价,以期为其在园林绿化中的应用提供参考资料。采用灰度关联分析法,选择了花量与花色、花期、果形与果色、挂果期、株形和株高6个指标,对四川地区10种区域性果树的园林观赏性进行综合评价。结果表明,石榴的观赏性与理想果树最接近。其次是荔枝、脆红李、甜樱桃、水蜜桃、柠檬、苹果、雷波脐橙、五星枇杷和红心猕猴桃,其中五星枇杷(γ5=0.5960)和红心猕猴桃的观赏性较差(γ6=0.5715)。石榴、荔枝、脆红李、甜樱桃和水蜜桃的观赏性较好,可广泛的应用于园林绿化。  相似文献   

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