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Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) is the most important industrial and summer cash crop in Syria and many other countries in the arid areas but there are concerns about future production levels, given the high water requirements and the decline in water availability. Most farmers in Syria aim to maximize yield per unit of land regardless of the quantity of water applied. Water losses can be reduced and water productivity (yield per unit of water consumed) improved by applying deficit irrigation, but this requires a better understanding of crop response to various levels of water stress. This paper presents results from a 3-year study (2004-2006) conducted in northern Syria to quantify cotton yield response to different levels of water and fertilizer. The experiment included four irrigation levels and three levels of nitrogen (N) fertilizer under drip irrigation. The overall mean cotton (lint plus seed, or lintseed) yield was 2502 kg ha−1, ranging from 1520 kg ha−1 under 40% irrigation to 3460 kg ha−1 under 100% irrigation. Mean water productivity (WPET) was 0.36 kg lintseed per m3 of crop actual evapotranspiration (ETc), ranging from 0.32 kg m−3 under 40% irrigation to 0.39 kg m−3 under the 100% treatment. Results suggest that deficit irrigation does not improve biological water productivity of drip-irrigated cotton. Water and fertilizer levels (especially the former) have significant effects on yield, crop growth and WPET. Water, but not N level, has a highly significant effect on crop ETc. The study provides production functions relating cotton yield to ETc as well as soil water content at planting. These functions are useful for irrigation optimization and for forecasting the impact of water rationing and drought on regional water budgets and agricultural economies. The WPET values obtained in this study compare well with those reported from the southwestern USA, Argentina and other developed cotton producing regions. Most importantly, these WPET values are double the current values in Syria, suggesting that improved irrigation water and system management can improve WPET, and thus enhance conservation and sustainability in this water-scarce region.  相似文献   

Mulching is one of the important agronomic practices in conserving the soil moisture and modifying the soil physical environment. Wheat, the second most important cereal crop in India, is sensitive to soil moisture stress. Field experiments were conducted during winter seasons of 2004-2005 and 2005-2006 in a sandy loam soil to evaluate the soil and plant water status in wheat under synthetic (transparent and black polyethylene) and organic (rice husk) mulches with limited irrigation and compared with adequate irrigation with no mulch (conventional practices by the farmers). Though all the mulch treatments improved the soil moisture status, rice husk was found to be superior in maintaining optimum soil moisture condition for crop use. The residual soil moisture was also minimum, indicating effective utilization of moisture by the crop under RH. The plant water status, as evaluated by relative water content and leaf water potential were favourable under RH. Specific leaf weight, root length density and dry biomass were also greater in this treatment. Optimum soil and canopy thermal environment of wheat with limited fluctuations were observed under RH, even during dry periods. This produced comparable yield with less water use, enhancing the water use efficiency. Therefore, it may be concluded that under limited irrigation condition, RH mulching will be beneficial for wheat as it is able to maintain better soil and plant water status, leading to higher grain yield and enhanced water use efficiency.  相似文献   

In the present study, water and nitrogen interaction on soil profile water extraction and evapo-transpiration (ET) was investigated taking a field experiment on a clay loam soil (Typic Haplustept) at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi with four consecutive crops (maize-wheat-maize-wheat) taken from July 2002 to April 2004. Three levels of water regime, namely W1, W2 and W3 referring to limited, medium and maximum irrigation were applied to each crop depending on the seasonal rainfall and the critical crop growth stage. The three water regimes were used with five nitrogen levels from T1 to T5, (T1, 0% N; T2, 75% N; T3, 100% N; T4, 150% N; T5, 100% N from organic source) in a split plot design for the four crops grown in sequence.Significant water and nitrogen interaction was observed for ET and soil profile water extraction pattern. Averaged across nitrogen treatments, ET in W2 and W3 were higher by 17 and 26%, respectively than W1 in maize 2002 and by 12 and 19% in maize 2003. In case of wheat, ET in W2 and W3 were higher by 27 and 58% than W1 in 1st crop and by 37 and 70% in 2nd crop. The effect of nitrogen regime, however, was prominent in both crops of maize and wheat, with significantly higher profile soil moisture depletion in T4 of each water regime. In all cases, lowest water depletion was observed in control plots receiving 0% N.In both crops, water extraction from surface 60 cm was highest in W3 followed by W2 and W1. In maize, the % extraction from 0 to 60 cm layer varied from 71 to 76% (W1), 70-79% (W2) and 75-82% (W3), whereas the values for wheat were 70-77, 72-79 and 75-83% for W1, W2 and W3, respectively. The 90-120 cm layer contributed only 3-14% to total water extraction in both the crops. From 90 to 120 cm layer, higher extraction was observed in W1 as compared to W3. The extraction values in W1, W2 and W3 in maize were 9-13, 7-14 and 3-9, respectively, whereas the corresponding values in wheat were 8-14, 5-12 and 3-7% for the three water regimes. Effect of nitrogen treatments on water extraction from deeper layer was observed with higher extraction in highest fertilized treatment (T4) as compared to other treatments.  相似文献   

Good water management combined with appropriate soil management is necessary for sustainable crop production in drylands. A pot culture experiment was conducted using sand dune soil under greenhouse conditions to evaluate the response of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) to the application of farmyard manure (FYM) or poultry manure (PM), and irrigation with water at two salinity levels (0.11 and 2.0 dS m−1) and two irrigation intervals (daily and every second day). The manure was applied at a rate of 20 Mg ha−1. The soil water content, measured 1 h before every irrigation, showed that soil treated with PM retained more water than that treated with FYM, while the control (no manure) contained the least water. FYM treatment resulted in 78 and 21% higher dry matter yield compared to the control and PM treatments, respectively, under daily irrigation using good-quality water. The increase was 29 and 55%, respectively, when saline water was used for daily irrigation. A similar trend was observed with the alternate day irrigation treatment; FYM gave the highest dry matter yield. The number of tillers and plant height showed that FYM was better than PM, which in turn was better than the control under irrigation with good-quality water regardless of the irrigation interval. When water of the highest salinity was used for irrigation, FYM was still always the best, but the control was now better than the PM treatment. The electrical conductivity of the soil measured at the end of the experiment was slightly higher with PM, as compared to the FYM and control treatments. A significant interaction between irrigation water quality and manure application was observed, affecting plant growth. PM aggravated the adverse affect of saline water on plant growth by increasing soil salinity.  相似文献   

In the North China Plain (NCP), while irrigation using groundwater has maintained a high-level crop productivity of the wheat-maize double cropping systems, it has resulted in rapid depletion of groundwater table. For more efficient and sustainable utilization of the limited water resources, improved understanding of how crop productivity and water balance components respond to climate variations and irrigation is essential. This paper investigates such responses using a modelling approach. The farming systems model APSIM (Agricultural Production Systems Simulator) was first calibrated and validated using 3 years of experimental data. The validated model was then applied to simulate crop yield and field water balance of the wheat-maize rotation in the NCP. Simulated dryland crop yield ranged from 0 to 4.5 t ha−1 for wheat and 0 to 5.0 t ha−1 for maize. Increasing irrigation amount led to increased crop yield, but irrigation required to obtain maximum water productivity (WP) was much less than that required to obtain maximum crop yield. To meet crop water demand, a wide range of irrigation water supply would be needed due to the inter-annual climate variations. The range was simulated to be 140-420 mm for wheat, and 0-170 mm for maize. Such levels of irrigation applications could potentially lead to about 1.5 m year−1 decline in groundwater table when other sources of groundwater recharge were not considered. To achieve maximum WP, one, two and three irrigations (i.e., 70, 150 and 200 mm season−1) were recommended for wheat in wet, medium and dry seasons, respectively. For maize, one irrigation and two irrigations (i.e., 60 and 110 mm season−1) were recommended in medium and dry seasons, while no irrigation was needed in wet season.  相似文献   

Oilseed and pulse crops have been increasingly used to replace conventional summer fallow and diversify cropping systems in northern high latitude areas. The knowledge of water use (WU) and its distribution profile in the soil is essential for optimizing cropping systems aimed at improving water use efficiency (WUE). This study characterized water use and distribution profile for pulse and oilseed crops compared to spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in a semiarid environment. Three oilseeds [canola (Brassica napus L.), mustard (Brassica juncea L.) and flax (Linum usitatissimum L.)], three pulses [chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), dry pea (Pisum sativum L.) and lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.)], and spring wheat were seeded in removable 100 cm deep × 15 cm diameter lysimeters placed in an Aridic Haploboroll soil, in southwest Saskatchewan in 2006 and 2007. Crops were studied under rainfed and irrigated conditions where lysimeters were removed and sampled for plant biomass and WU at various soil depths. Wheat yields were greater than pulse crop yields which were greater than oilseed yields, and WUE averaged 4.08 kg ha−1 mm−1 for pulse crops, 3.64 kg ha−1 mm−1 for oilseeds, and ranged between 5.5 and 7.0 kg ha−1 mm−1 for wheat. Wheat used water faster than pulse and oilseed crops with crop growth. Pulse crops extracted water mostly from the upper 60 cm soil depths, and left more water unused in the profile at maturity compared to oilseeds or wheat. Among the three pulses, lentil used the least amount of water and appeared to have a shallower rooting depth than chickpea and dry pea. Soil WU and distribution profile under canola and mustard were generally similar; both using more water than flax. Differences in WU and distribution profile were similar for crops grown under rainfall and irrigation conditions. A deep rooting crop grown after pulses may receive more benefits from water conservation in the soil profile than when grown after oilseed or wheat. Alternating pulse crops with oilseeds or wheat in a well-planned crop sequence may improve WUE for the entire cropping systems in semiarid environments.  相似文献   

Rapid urbanization and industrialization have increased the pressure on limited existing fresh water to meet the growing needs for food production. Two immediate responses to this challenge are the efficient use of irrigation technology and the use of alternative sources of water. Drip irrigation methods may play an important role in efficient use of water but there is still limited information on their use on sugar beet crops in arid countries such as Iran. An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of irrigation method and water quality on sugar beet yield, percentage of sugar content and irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE). The irrigation methods investigated were subsurface drip, surface drip and furrow irrigation. The two waters used were treated municipal effluent (EC = 1.52 dS m−1) and fresh water (EC = 0.509 dS m−1). The experiments used a split plot design and were undertaken over two consecutive growing seasons in Southern Iran. Statistical testing indicated that the irrigation method and water quality had a significant effect (at the 1% level) on sugar beet root yield, sugar yield, and IWUE. The highest root yield (79.7 Mg ha−1) was obtained using surface drip irrigation and effluent and the lowest root yield (41.4 Mg ha−1) was obtained using furrow irrigation and fresh water. The highest IWUE in root yield production (9 kg m−3) was obtained using surface drip irrigation with effluent and the lowest value (3.8 kg m−3) was obtained using furrow irrigation with fresh water. The highest IWUE of 1.26 kg m−3 for sugar was obtained using surface drip irrigation. The corresponding efficiency using effluent was 1.14 kg m−3. Irrigation with effluent led to an increase in the net sugar yield due to an increase in the sugar beet root yield. However, there was a slight reduction in the percentage sugar content in the plants. This study also showed that soil water and root depth monitoring can be used in irrigation scheduling to avoid water stress. Such monitoring techniques can also save considerable volumes of irrigation water and can increase yield.  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted at the Luancheng Agro-Ecosystem Experimental Station of the Chinese Academy of Sciences during the winter wheat growing seasons in 2006-2007 and 2007-2008. Experiments involving winter wheat with 1, 2, and 3 irrigation applications at jointing, heading, or milking were conducted, and the total irrigation water supplied was maintained at 120 mm. The results indicated that irrigation during the later part of the winter wheat growing season and increase in irrigation frequency decreased the available soil water; this result was mainly due to the changes in the vertical distribution of root length density. In ≤30-cm-deep soil profiles, 3 times irrigation at jointing, heading, and milking increased the root length density, while in >30-cm-deep soil profiles, 1 time irrigation at jointing resulted in the highest root length density. With regard to evapotranspiration (ET), there was no significant (LSD, P < 0.05) difference between the regimes wherein irrigation was applied only once at jointing; 2 times at jointing and heading; and 3 times at jointing, heading, and milking. Compared with 1 and 3 times irrigation during the winter wheat growing season, 2 times irrigation increased grain yield and 2 times irrigation at jointing and heading produced the highest water-use efficiency (WUE). Combining the results obtained regarding grain yield and WUE, it can be concluded that irrigation at the jointing and heading stages results in high grain yield and WUE, which will offer a sound measurement for developing deficit irrigation regimes in North China.  相似文献   

含盐土壤不同作物根系分布对水盐分布的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以相同含盐水平农田种植的紫花苜蓿与玉米为研究对象,研究根系分布变化对水盐分布的影响,为盐渍化土壤紫花苜蓿合理化种植提供参考.结果表明:整个生育期0~100 cm苜蓿平均土壤含水率显著低于玉米,深层60~100 cm土壤平均含水率比玉米低1.98%,其有效利用深层水分.土壤平均储盐量随时间上下波动逐渐减小,二者盐分分布规律不同,苜蓿8月前后浅层土壤盐分均匀分布,玉米主要体现在8月后期.苜蓿脱盐率显著高于玉米,生长后期苜蓿深层根系占比增大,根系分布密集土层,脱盐效果明显.苜蓿细根根长密度与HCO3-呈正相关关系,HCO3-随根长密度增大而增大,土壤中HCO3-可减缓K++Na+,Cl-增加,使作物土壤达到降盐效果.  相似文献   

Drought and fresh water shortage are in the way of sustainable agriculture development in the North China Plain. The scarcity of fresh water forces farmers to use shallow saline ground water, which helps to overcome drought and increase crop yields but also increases the risk of soil salinization. This paper describes salt regimes and crop responses to saline irrigation water based on field experiments conducted from October 1997 to September 2005. It was found that use of saline water causes the ECe of the topsoil (0–100 cm, Cv: 0.196∼0.330) to be higher and more variable than the subsoil (100–180 cm, Cv: 0.133∼0.219). The salt load rapidly increased, notably in the upper 80 cm and especially during the season of October 1999 to June 2000. It was concluded that the maximum soil depth to which the soil was leached during the wet season was about 150 cm. The relative yields of winter wheat could be ranked Fresh Sufficient (FS, 100%) > Fresh Limited (FL, 91.80%) > Saline Sufficient (SS, 91.63%) > Saline Limited (SL, 88.28%) > Control (C, 69.58%) and for maize FS (100%) > FL (96.37%) > SS (93.05%) > SL (90.04%)> C (89.81%). The best irrigation regime was Saline Limited for winter wheat and maize, provided rainfall is sufficient. The experiments confirm that saline irrigation water appears to be economically attractive to farmers in the short term and ecological hazards can still be controlled with proper leaching.  相似文献   

The 2-year field experiments were carried out to research the effect of different irrigation methods, namely border irrigation, sprinkler irrigation, and surface drip irrigation, on root development and profile water uptake in winter wheat. Results showed that the main root distribution zone moved upward under sprinkler and surface drip irrigation when compared to the traditional border irrigation. Profile root distribution pattern changed with irrigation methods. Soil profile water uptake was correlated to the root system and soil water dynamics. Due to the appropriate soil water and higher root density in the surface soil layer under sprinkler and surface drip irrigation, the main water uptake zone was concentrated in the upper layer. Because of the water deficit in the surface layer under border irrigation, water uptake in 50–100 cm depth was stimulated, which caused the main uptake zone downward. The amount and pattern of root water uptake varied with irrigation methods. This may provide valuable information on the aspect of agricultural management.  相似文献   

为获取冬小麦根系层水量转化情况,该文采用系统动力学的建模思想和Vensim软件构建了冬小麦一维逐日土壤水量平衡模型。模型将2m土层概化为十个串联的水箱,计算了灌溉降雨后的土壤水分下渗、土壤蒸发、作物蒸腾、毛管上升补给和水分重分配等物理过程。利用河北省石津灌区军齐干渠北二支一斗渠2007-2009年两季冬小麦的田间试验资料对模型进行了率定和验证,结果显示率定期和验证期的平均残差比例和分散均方根比例均在15%以内。三种极端条件测试和六种参数的敏感性测试以及与Hydrus-1模型的比较表明模型假定合理,没有发生结构性错误。对灌区两季冬小麦生育期的土壤水分转化进行模拟,结果表明降雨和灌溉是主要供水水源,毛管水上升量很小,底部渗漏较大,而土壤储水量变化很小。  相似文献   

In most parts of Iran, water scarcity has been intensifying and posing a threat to the sustainability of agricultural production. Wheat is the dominant crop and the largest irrigation water user in Iran; hence, understanding of the crop yield-water relations in wheat across the country is essential for a sustainable production. Based on a previously calibrated hydrologic model, we modeled irrigated and rainfed wheat yield (Y) and consumptive water use (ET) with uncertainty analysis at a subbasin level in Iran. Simulated Y and ET were used to calculate crop water productivity (CWP). The model was then used to analyze the impact of several stated policies to improve the agricultural system in Iran. These included: increasing the quantity of cereal production through more efficient use of land and water resources, improving activities related to soil moisture conservation and retention, and optimizing fertilizer application. Our analysis of the ratio of water use to internal renewable water resources revealed that 23 out of 30 provinces were using more than 40% of their water resources for agriculture. Twelve provinces reached a ratio of 100% and even greater, indicating severe water scarcity and groundwater resource depletion. An analysis of Y-CWP relationship showed that one unit increase in rainfed wheat yield resulted in a lesser additional water requirement than irrigated wheat, leading to a larger improvement in CWP. The inference is that a better water management in rainfed wheat, where yield is currently small, will lead to a larger marginal return in the consumed water. An assessment of improvement in soil available water capacity (AWC) showed that 18 out of 30 provinces are more certain to save water while increasing AWC through proper soil management practices. As wheat self-sufficiency is a desired national objective, we estimated the water requirement of the year 2020 (keeping all factors except population constant) to fulfill the wheat demand. The results showed that 88% of the additional wheat production would need to be produced in the water scarce provinces. Therefore, a strategic planning in the national agricultural production and food trade to ensure sustainable water use is needed. This study lays the basis for a systematic analysis of the potentials for improving regional and national water use efficiency. The methodology used in this research, could be applied to other water scarce countries for policy impact analysis and the adoption of a sustainable agricultural strategy.  相似文献   

为了研究枯草芽孢杆菌菌剂在盐胁迫下对冬小麦生长与土壤水氮分布的影响,以盆栽冬小麦种植为试验手段,在8 g/kg的盐分质量比下,设置枯草芽孢杆菌菌剂质量比为0(CK),1(G1),3(G3),5(G5)和7(G7)g/kg等5种施加梯度处理,分析了冬小麦株高、叶面积、生物量以及土壤水分和硝态氮含量的变化情况.结果表明:①...  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate the effects of applied water and sprinkler irrigation uniformity on alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) growth and hay yield in a semi-arid region. Field experiments were carried out in 2006 in Varamin, Iran, on three plots of 25 m × 30 m. Each plot was subdivided into 25 subplots of 5 m × 6 m. Different irrigation depths and sprinkler water uniformities were obtained by various scenarios of sprinkler nozzle pressure. In each plot, applied water was measured at 250 points (125 points above and 125 points below canopy) and the soil water content of 40 cm deep below soil surface was monitored at 25 points, each in the center of a subplot, throughout the irrigation season. The results showed that sprinkler water and soil water content uniformity varied between 66-78 and 88-91%, respectively. The findings revealed that soil water content uniformity was around 20% higher than sprinkler water uniformity. The irrigation uniformity below the canopy was estimated to be 2.5% greater than above the canopy, and canopy-intercepted water could account for 11-15% of the total seasonal applied water. Evaluation showed that alfalfa leaf area index relies more heavily on farm water application uniformity than hay yield and crop height. The experimental results illustrated that water distribution in sprinkler irrigation systems has a direct effect on alfalfa growth, hay yield and water productivity such that the applied water reduction and the increased sprinkler water uniformity led to an increased alfalfa water productivity of 2.41 kg m−3.  相似文献   

In a field experiment in the Yellow River Basin conducted in 2007 and 2008, it was found that, under full irrigation, the roots of maize not only penetrated deeper than those of soybean but also extended into soybean stands underneath the space between inner rows of soybean. The roots of soybean, however, were confined mainly to the zone near the plants. Horizontal growth of the roots of both the crops was confined mainly to the soil layer 16-22 cm below the surface, a layer that lay above an existing plough pan. Root length density (RLD) was much higher in the top layer (0-30 cm deep) and in the zone closer to the plants. The exponential model proved suitable to describe the RLD vertically and horizontally in both sole cropping and in intercropping.  相似文献   

In Ethiopia vertisols cover about 10% of the total land area and is the fourth most important soil used for crop production, accounting for nearly 23% of the total arable land used for crop production. More than half of the vertisols are found in the Central Highlands of Ethiopia, with an altitude of more than 1500 m above mean sea level. The unique physical and chemical properties of these soils and the high rainfall during the main cropping season create severe surface waterlogging problems which hinder crop production activities. Severe surface waterlogging affects the growth of plants by impeding nutrient uptake and creating oxygen deficiency around the root zone. To address this crop production problem, three surface water drainage methods, namely broad bed and furrow (BBF), ditch, and flat (traditional) methods were evaluated using the water balance of the plant root zone and wheat as a test crop. The experiment was conducted at the Ginchi Research Station in the central highlands of Ethiopia over two consecutive seasons (2000 and 2001). The results showed that both the BBF and the ditch drainage methods gave about 33% and 22% more grain yield than the flat treatment, respectively. However, there were no significant differences between BBF and ditch for both grain and biomass yield during both experimental seasons. During both seasons the total water balance (ΔWr) at the root zone especially, in the months of June, July and August on all the treatments was higher than the crop water requirement (ETc) and showed no significant difference between the treatments. Thus, the results of this study indicated that the soil water in the root zone was not significantly altered by surface drainage systems and therefore implies the need of further improvement of the different surface drainage methods regarding improving the waterlogging condition and hence the productivity of the vertisols in the Central Highlands of Ethiopia.  相似文献   

A drought index is defined based on the inland river runoff from Hexi corridor, Gansu Province, Northwest China. The relationship between this drought index and yields of spring wheat is examined. The data used in this study include the following: monthly runoff data during 1959-2004 from the hydrological stations at Changmapu, Yingluoxia and Jiutiaoling on the three representative inland rivers in the Hexi corridor belt; the yields of spring wheat, monthly temperature and precipitation from three agro-meteorological stations in Jiuquan, Zhangye and Wuwei; and monthly precipitation data from three meteorological stations at Tole, Qilian and Menyuan.The runoff, following the Pearson type III distribution, is normalized to translate into the standard normal distribution as function of Z. Z is the variable in normalizing process. According to the characteristic of standard normal distribution of Z, a runoff-denoted drought index (Zrd hereafter) is defined. The grades of Zrd are determined by the standard normal distribution theoretical frequencies of Z. In order to validate the drought grades, runoff drought indices are compared with the atmospheric dryness indices determined by the precipitation. Results indicate that the division of drought categories based on runoff is rational and thus reliable. The Zrd, as it considers both temperature and rainfall in upstream mountains, is close to reality.Based on the relationship between the drought grade and water usage, suggestions are made for irrigation in the area. Five grades of Zrd are then translated into 4 grades of runoff irrigation drought index (Zir). The relationship between Zir and tendency-free yield (i.e. climate yield) of spring wheat from the Hexi Corridor irrigation zones at station Jiuquan, Zhangye and Wuwei is investigated. Results show that the Zir represents an anti-phase trend of the climate yields of the crops. As a conclusion, Zir can be utilized to qualitatively predict the trend of the wheat yield. An empirical yield model is created using a multi-variable regression method.  相似文献   

根据下压式高速取苗方式的取苗特点及需求,设计一种与下压取苗方式配套使用的底板可抽离的组合式穴盘,并采用常规方法播种育苗,运用靶形分区累加法探究秧苗生长位置分布区域规律,研究开发新型高速压苗顶头,优化下压式取苗顶头结构参数,实现低损伤、高成功率的高速自动化取苗。试验结果表明99.4%的秧苗生长位置集中分布在穴格中心处半径为18 mm的圆形区域内,88.7%的秧苗生长位置集中分布在穴格中心处半径为14 mm的圆形区域内。结合试验结果,利用Matlab对压苗顶头结构参数进行优化,得到直角梯形压苗顶头最优参数为前端宽度6.25 mm、后端宽度31 mm、纵向长度30 mm,综合取苗成功率达98.28%,且对秧苗损伤较小。  相似文献   

Drought is the major abiotic constraint affecting peanut productivity and quality worldwide. There is a pressing need to improve the water use efficiency (WUE) of rain-fed peanut production. Breeding varieties with higher water use efficiency is seen as providing part of the solution. The objectives of this work were to (i) evaluate genetic variation in WUE, harvest index, root dry weight, specific leaf area (SLA) and SPAD chlorophyll meter reading (SCMR) among peanut genotypes in response to different available soil water levels and (ii) assess the relevance of root dry weight, SLA and SCMR to WUE in peanut under receding soil moisture levels. Two greenhouse experiments were conducted in the dry and rainy seasons in 2002/2003. The 11 peanut genotypes (ICGV 98300, ICGV 98303, ICGV 98305, ICGV 98308, ICGV 98324, ICGV 98330, ICGV 98348, ICGV 98353, Tainan 9, KK 60-3 and Tifton-8) and three soil moisture levels [field capacity (FC), 2/3 available soil water (AW) and 1/3 AW] were laid out in a factorial randomized complete block design (RCBD) with six replications. At 37, 67, and 97 day after sowing (DAS), data were recorded for SLA and SCMR. Root dry weight, harvest index (HI) and WUE were recorded at harvest. Drought reduced WUE, root dry weight and HI. Across both seasons, Tifton-8 and ICGV 98300 had high WUE and also had large root systems under drought conditions. ICGV 98324 and Tifton-8 had low SLA and high SCMR under stressed and non-stressed condition. Under drought conditions, ICGV 98324 had high HI and Tifton-8 had low HI. Root dry weight had a greater contribution to WUE under well-watered and mild drought (2/3 AW). Under severe drought (1/3 AW), SLA showed a more important contribution to WUE than the other traits. Traits that were associated to high WUE under drought conditions were different among different peanut genotypes. ICGV 98300 maintained high root dry weight under 2/3 AW and ICGV 98324 maintained low SLA and high SCMR under 1/3 AW. Tifton-8 had both large root systems and low SLA associated with high WUE.  相似文献   

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