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Rain-fed lowland rice is by far the most common production system in south eastern Tanzania. Rice is typically cultivated in river valleys and plains on diverse soil types although heavy soil types are preferred as they can retain moisture for a longer period. To assess the effects of soil bunds on the production of rain-fed lowland rice, the crop was cultivated in bunded and non-bunded farmers’ plots under the common agronomic practices in the region, in three successive seasons on Grumic Calcic Vertisols (Pellic). For the three seasons and for the two plot types, crop transpiration was simulated with the BUDGET soil water balance model by using the observed weather data, soil and crop parameters. Comparison between the observed yields and the simulated crop transpiration yielded an exponential relationship with a determination factor of 0.87 and an RMSE of 0.15 tonnes ha−1. With the validated soil water balance model crop yields that can be expected in bunded and non-bunded fields were subsequently simulated for wet, normal and dry years and various environmental conditions. Yield comparison shows that soil bunds can appreciably increase the production of rain-fed lowland rice in south eastern Tanzania in three quarters of the years (wet and normal years) when the soil profile is slow draining (KSAT equal to or less than 10 mm day−1). In normal years a minimum yield increase of 30% may be expected on those soil types. In wet years and when the soil hardly drains (drainage class of 0–5 mm day−1), the yield may even double. In dry years the yield increase will be most of the time less than 10% except for plots with a percolation rate of 0–5 mm day−1.  相似文献   

The practice of long fallowing, by omitting a year of cropping, is gaining renewed focus in the low rainfall zone of the northern agriculture region of Western Australia. The impetus behind this practice change has been a reduced use of pasture breaks in cereal crop rotations, and the belief that a fallow can improve soil water accumulation and thus buffer the negative effects of dry seasons on crop yields. We evaluated the benefits of long fallowing (full stubble retention, no weed growth allowed) in a continuous wheat sequence via simulation modelling with APSIM at two rainfall locations and five soil types. The simulated benefits to long fallowing were attributable to soil water accumulation only, as the effects on soil nitrogen, diseases or weeds were not evaluated.The long-term (100 years) mean wheat yield benefit to fallowing was 0.36-0.43 t/ha in clay, 0.20-0.23 t/ha in sand and loam, and 0-0.03 t/ha in shallow sand and shallow loams. Over the range of seasons simulated the response varied from −0.20 to 3.87 t/ha in the clay and −0.48 to 2.0 t/ha for the other soils. The accumulation of soil water and associated yield benefits occurred in 30-40% of years on better soils and only 10-20% on poorer soils. For the loam soil, the majority of the yield increases occurred when the growing-season (May-September) rainfall following the fallow was low (<210 mm) and the difference in plant available soil water at sowing between fallowed and continuously cropped soil was high (>30 mm), although yield increase did occur with other combinations of growing-season rainfall and soil water. Over several years of a crop sequence involving fallow and wheat, the benefits from long fallowing due to greater soil water accumulation did not offset yield lost from omitting years from crop production, although the coefficient of variation for inter-annual farm grain production was reduced, particularly on clay soils during the 1998-2007 decade of below-average rainfall. We conclude that under future drying climates in Western Australia, fallowing may have a role to play in buffering the effects of enhanced inter-annual variability in rainfall. Investigations are required on the management of fallows, and management of subsequent crops (i.e. sowing earlier and crop density) so as to maximise yield benefits to subsequent crops while maintaining groundcover to prevent soil erosion.  相似文献   

An application of the FAO56 approach to calculate actual evapotranspiration (AET) and soil moisture is reported, implemented by means of the HIDROMORE computerized tool, which performs spatially distributed calculations of hydrological parameters at watershed scale. The paper describes the application and validation of the model over 1 year in an area located in the central sector of the Duero Basin (Spain), where there is a network of 23 stations for continuous measurement of soil moisture (REMEDHUS; Soil Moisture Measurement Stations Network) distributed over an area of around 1300 km2. The application integrated a series of Landsat 7 ETM+ images of 2002, from which the NDVI series (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) and the map of land covers/uses were derived. Validation consisted of the use of the REMEDHUS soil moisture series and their comparison with the series resulting from the application. Two simulations were performed, with soil parameters values at the surface (0-5 cm depth) and at the mean of the profile scale (0-100 cm depth). The behaviour of the simulated soil moisture was described by means of its correlation with the measured soil moisture (determination coefficient, R2 = 0.67 for the surface values and 0.81 for the mean profile values), and the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), resulting in a range of it for the 23 stations between 0.010 and 0.061 cm3 cm−3. The application afforded an underestimation of the soil moisture content, which suggests the need for a redefinition of the limits of the plant available water used in the calculation. The results showed that HIDROMORE is an efficient tool for the characterization of hydrological parameters at global scale in the study zone. The combination of the FAO56 methodology and remote sensing techniques was efficient in the spatially distributed simulation of soil moisture.  相似文献   

为了提高黄土高原雨养区谷子的降水利用效率,该文利用中型称重式蒸渗仪和微型蒸渗仪并结合谷子整个生育期内生物指标的动态变化过程,对神木六道沟流域谷子棵间蒸发与田间蒸散规律进行了研究。结果表明,Logistic模型可以很好地模拟谷子株高和盖度的变化,模型计算值与实测值的相关系数均达到0.99。神木六道沟流域的降水总量和谷子的耗水量基本持平,在谷子抽穗期到灌浆期出现了阶段性的缺水。在谷子整个生育期内谷子棵间蒸发占总耗水量的44%。叶面积指数、0~10 cm土层土壤含水率与棵间蒸发与田间蒸散比值间均呈指数函数关系,其决定系数均在0.8以上,且呈现出极显著的相关性。研究为当地合理利用有限水资源和提高水分利用效率提供理论支持。  相似文献   

Paddy rice fields are kept inundated during most of the growing period. This requirement is challenging to achieve because of the lack of suitable technologies to detect rapidly percolation prone zones within these fields. The objective of this study was to evaluate a methodology to identify water leakage areas to support precision soil–water management at a within-field level. Therefore, a Floating Sensing System (FloSSy) was designed to record the soil apparent electrical conductivity (ECa) of a paddy field both under dry and inundated conditions using the electromagnetic induction sensor EM38. Comparison of ECa data sets obtained under inundated and dry conditions showed that the ECa measurements under inundated condition (ECa-i) were more strongly related to soil properties due to the absence of variability in soil moisture and the increased stability of the floating sensing platform. Therefore, we proceeded with the ECa-i measurements and grouped them into two classes using a fuzzy k-means classification method. These classes showed significant differences in water infiltration: lower ECa values represented a higher infiltration rate and vice versa. This effect was attributed to differences in soil texture, more specifically the sand content, and its effect on water retention. It was concluded that an ECa-i survey with FloSSy allowed the detection of soil heterogeneity linked to downward water fluxes which has a potential to support precision soil–water management in inundated fields.  相似文献   

The alfalfa pastureland in the semiarid Loess Plateau region of Northwest China usually has dry soil layers. A field experiment was conducted from October 2000 to October 2004 to examine soil water recovery and crop productivity on a 9-year-old alfalfa pasture. This experiment included six treatments: alfalfa pasture for 10-14 years, a conventional farming system without prior alfalfa planting, and four alfalfa-crop rotation treatments. For the rotation treatments, after 9 years of alfalfa selected crops were planted from 2001 to 2004 in the following sequence: (1) millet, spring wheat, potatoes, peas; (2) millet, corn, corn, spring wheat; (3) millet, potatoes, spring wheat, corn; (4) millet, fallow, peas, potatoes. The results showed that dry soil layers occurred in alfalfa pasture. We then plowed the alfalfa pasture and planted different crops. The soil water gradually increased during crop growth in the experimental period. The degree of soil water recovery in the four alfalfa-crop rotation treatments was derived from comparison with the soil water in the conventional system. After 4 years, the soil water recovery from the alfalfa-crop rotation systems at 0-500 cm soil depth was 90.5%, 89.8%, 92.2% and 96.7%, respectively. Soil total N content and soil respiration rate were high in the alfalfa-crop rotation systems. The yields of spring wheat in 2002, peas in 2003 and potatoes in 2004 in the alfalfa-crop rotation systems were not significantly different from yields in the conventional system. In the alfalfa-crop rotation systems, the yields of spring wheat and peas were greatly influenced by rainfall and were lowest in the dry year of 2004; the yields of corn and potatoes had a direct relationship with water use and were lowest in 2003. In summary, soil water in dry soil layers can recover, and crop yields in the alfalfa-crop systems were equal to those of the conventional system.  相似文献   

为探究不同种植年限对土壤水分入渗的影响,利用室内垂直一维土柱入渗试验分析了不同种植年限(2,5,10,20,30,40 a)压砂地土壤水分入渗速率、累积入渗量和湿润锋运移规律,借助4种入渗模型对土壤水分入渗过程进行拟合并评价其适用性,通过一维代数模型及相关参数预测土壤剖面含水率分布特征.结果表明:随种植年限增加,土壤累积入渗量、入渗速率及湿润锋运移距离均减小,入渗时间为300 min时,5,10,20,30,40 a的累积入渗量相较于2 a分别减少了27.01%,43.32%,53.22%,54.79%和54.68%,湿润锋运移距离减小了24.84%,38.38%,48.56%,52.67%和54.00%.4种入渗模型的R2从大到小依次为Horton模型、通用经验模型、Kostiakov模型、Philip模型.入渗完成后同一深度土壤剖面含水率呈现出随种植年限增大而减小的趋势,一维代数模型拟合的不同种植年限土壤剖面含水率值与实测值间的MAE均为0.48%~2.09%,RMSE为0.52%~2.13%,D均大于0.782,t检验P值均大于0.05,说明其可以较好地拟合...  相似文献   

Crop models are useful tools for integrating knowledge of biophysical processes governing the plant-soil-atmosphere system. But few of them are easily usable for water and yield management especially under specific cropping systems such as direct seeding. Direct seeding into mulch (DSM) is an alternative for conventional tillage (CT). DSM modifies soil properties and creates a different microclimate from CT. So that, we should consequently consider these new conditions to develop or to adapt models. The aim of this study was to calibrate and validate the PILOTE [Mailhol, J.C., Olufayo, A.A., Ruelle, P., 1997. Sorghum and sunflower evapotranspiration and yield from simulated leaf area index. Agric. Water Manag. 35, 167-182; Mailhol, J.C., Zaïri A., Slatni A., Ben Nouma, B., El Amami, H., 2004. Analysis of irrigation systems and irrigation strategies for durum wheat in Tunisia. Agric. Water Manag. 70, 19-37], an operative crop model based on the leaf area index (LAI) simulation, for corn and durum wheat in both DSM and CT systems in Mediterranean climate. In DSM case, simple model modifications were proposed. This modified PILOTE version accounts for mulch and its impact on soil evaporation. In addition root progression was modified to account for lower soil temperatures in DSM for winter crops. PILOTE was calibrated and validated against field data collected from a 7-year trial at the experimental station of Lavalette (SE of France). Results indicated that PILOTE satisfactorily simulates LAI, soil water reserve (SWR), grain yield, and dry matter yield in both systems. The minimum coefficient of efficiency for SWR was 0.90. This new version of PILOTE can thus be used to manage water and yield under CT and DSM systems in Mediterranean climate.  相似文献   

Estimation of the design water requirement (DWR) is a key part of design and operation of agricultural water resource systems. DWR is determined from frequency analysis of crop water requirement, and the reference return period has been 10 years in South Korea. This study aimed to propose a guideline for determining DWR using Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Penman–Monteith method and optimal probability distribution function (PDF). To find an optimal PDF, nine types of PDF were tested using the Kolmogorov–Smirnov (K–S) and Probability Plot Correlation Coefficient (PPCC) goodness-of-fit methods. From the test, the Generalized Logistic (GLO) was selected and DWRs were estimated using the chosen optimal PDF. To demonstrate the DWR differences among the PDFs, DWR and drought reference design year were compared for the three selected PDFs, GLO, Generalized Extreme Values (GEV) and Weibull (WBU). The results would effect on the design and operation of the agricultural water resources structures in terms of capacity and capability in South Korea.  相似文献   

A variety of indices have been used to measure soil and crop drought for irrigation scheduling. However, simple indices with physiological mechanisms from soil water content are still expected. Based on the water flow and supply in a soil-plant continuum, we examined the concepts of soil drought intensity and drought degree and found an empirical correlation between soil water storage and depletion in a given layer. Accordingly, an index of soil drought intensity (I) and degree (D) was established using the soil water data obtained from a field experiment conducted in Xianning, Hubei, China. Corn plants (Zea mays L., Yedan 13) were grown at field plots under a movable rain shelter. From the V6 stage to R1 stage, the corn plants were grown under seven soil water deficit levels, by no irrigation applied for 0-36 days in 2005 and 0-32 days in 2006. At the end of the irrigation withholding period, it was found that soil water below 70 cm still remained at high level, but the soil water was not easily transported to the root zone in the upper layer. The daily values of I in different soil layers reflected the soil water depletion rates in the drying course. The values of D in different soil layers, which were calculated from I, increased with the progressive soil drying course. The D index in different soil layers not only revealed the drought severity of the layer, but it was also inversely correlated with corn yields when D was less than the threshold values. When D went beyond the thresholds, for example 0.68 in 2005 (soil dried 25 days) and 0.70 in 2006 (soil dried 17 days) in the 0-10 cm soil layer, the corn yield was reduced significantly. Based on soil water changes, index D is the comprehensive result of antecedent soil water condition, crop growth and root development, soil properties, and potential atmospheric evaporation. It is also comparable to the development of drought hazard on a crop. The results suggest that soil drought degree D, together with I, can be an index for monitoring and evaluating soil-crop drought, as well as complementing the crop water stress index (CWSI) in irrigation scheduling.  相似文献   

Cropping schemes have developed in east-central Argentina for rainfed soybean (Glycine max Merr.) production that invariably employ no-tillage management. Often these schemes include growing soybean in a sequence of crops including wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and maize (Zea mays L.). The full impact of various rotation schemes on soil water balance through a sequence of seasons has not been explored, although the value of these rotations has been studied experimentally. The objective of this work was to investigate through simulations, potential differences in temporal soil water status among rotations over five years. In this study, mechanistic models of soybean (Soy), maize (Maz), and wheat (Wht) were linked over a five-years period at Marcos Juárez, Argentina to simulate soil water status, crop growth, and yield of four no-till rotations (Soy/Soy, Soy/Wht, Soy/Maz, and Soy/Maz/Wht). Published data on sowing dates and initial soil water contents in the first year from a no-till rotation experiment were used as inputs to the model. After the first year, soil water status output from the model was used to initiate the next crop simulation in the sequence. The results of these simulations indicated a positive impact on soil water balance resulting from crop residue on the soil surface under no-till management. Continuous soybean and the two-year soybean/maize rotation did not efficiently use the available water from rainfall. Residue from maize was simulated to be especially effective in suppressing soil evaporation. Thus, the Soy/Maz simulation results indicated that this rotation resulted in enhanced soil water retention, increased deep water percolation, and increased soybean yields compared with continuous soybean crops. The simulated results matched well with experimental observations. The three-crop rotation of Soy/Maz/Wht did not increase simulated soybean yields, but the additional water retained as a result of decreased soil evaporation resulting from the maize residue allowed the addition of a wheat crop in this two-year rotation. Simulated soybean yields were poorly correlated with both the amount of soil water at sowing and the rainfall during the cropping period. These results highlight the importance of temporal distribution of rainfall on final yield. These models proved a valuable tool for assessing the consequences of various rotation schemes now being employed in Argentina on temporal soil water status, and ultimately crop yield.  相似文献   

Agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa is a low-input low-output system primarily for subsistence. Some of these areas are becoming less able to feed the people because of land degradation and erosion. The aim of this study is to characterize the potential for increasing levels of soil carbon for improving soil quality and carbon sequestration. A combination of high- and low-resolution imagery was used to develop a land use classification for an area of 64 km2 near Omarobougou, Mali. Field sizes were generally small (10–50 ha), and the primary cultivation systems are conventional tillage and ridge tillage, where tillage is performed by a combination of hand tools and animal-drawn plows. Based on land use classification, climate variables, soil texture, in situ soil carbon concentrations, and crop growth characteristics, the EPIC-Century model was used to project the amounts of soil carbon sequestered for the region. Under the usual management practices in Mali, mean crop yield reported (1985–2000) for maize is 1.53 T ha−1, cotton is 1.2 T ha−1, millet is 0.95 T ha−1, and for sorghum is 0.95 T ha−1. Year-to-year variations can be attributed to primarily rainfall, the amount of plant available water, and the amount of fertilizer applied. Under continuous conventional cultivation, with minimal fertilization and no residue management, the soil top layer was continuously lost due to erosion, losing between 1.1 and 1.7 Mg C ha−1 over 25 years. The model projections suggest that soil erosion is controlled and that soil carbon sequestration is enhanced with a ridge tillage system, because of increased water infiltration. The combination of modeling with the land use classification was used to calculate that about 54 kg C ha−1 year−1 may be sequestered for the study area with ridge tillage, increased application of fertilizers, and residue management. This is about one-third the proposed rate used in large-scale estimates of carbon sequestration potential in West Africa, because of the mixture of land use practices.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the performance of three soil water content sensors (CS616/625, Campbell Scientific, Inc., Logan, UT; TDT, Acclima, Inc., Meridian, ID; 5TE, Decagon Devices, Inc., Pullman, WA) and a soil water potential sensor (Watermark 200SS, Irrometer Company, Inc., Riverside, CA) in laboratory and field conditions. Soil water content/potential values measured by the sensors were compared with corresponding volumetric water content (θv, m3 m−3) values derived from gravimetric samples, ranging approximately from the permanent wilting point (PWP) to field capacity (FC) volumetric water contents. Under laboratory and field conditions, the factory-based calibrations of θv did not consistently achieve the required accuracy for any sensor in the sandy clay loam, loamy sand, and clay loam soils of eastern Colorado. Salt (calcium chloride dihydrate) added to the soils in the laboratory caused the CS616, TDT, and 5TE sensors to experience errors in their volumetric water content readings with increased bulk soil electrical conductivity (EC; dS m−1). Results from field tests in sandy clay loam and loamy sand soils indicated that a linear calibration (equations provided) for the TDT, CS616 and 5TE sensors (and a logarithmic calibration for the Watermark sensors) could reduce the errors of the factory calibration of θv to less than 0.02 ± 0.035 m3 m−3. Furthermore, the performance evaluation tests confirmed that each individual sensor needed a unique calibration equation for every soil type and location in the field. In addition, the calibrated van Genuchten (1980) equation was as accurate as the calibrated logarithmic equation and can be used to convert soil water potential (kPa) to volumetric soil water content (m3 m−3). Finally, analysis of the θv field data indicated that the CS616, 5TE and Watermark sensor readings were influenced by diurnal fluctuations in soil temperature, while the TDT was not influenced. Therefore, it is recommended that the soil temperature be considered in the calibration process of the CS616, 5TE, and Watermark sensors. Further research will be aimed towards determining the need of sensor calibration for every agricultural season.  相似文献   

目前饲料烘干技术上最大的难点在于缺乏有效的干燥数学模型来准确预测饲料的含水率,为此,文章基于指数函数建立三种水产饲料的含水率预测数学模型,并进行试验验证.首先在循环风机频率为30 Hz,料层厚度为30 mm的条件下,对三种水产饲料进行单一温度(90℃、105℃、120℃、135℃)烘干试验,其次基于单一温度试验数据,采...  相似文献   

Available water holding capacity (AWC) and field capacity (FC) maps have been produced using regression models of high resolution apparent electrical conductivity (ECa) data against AWC (adj. R2 = 0.76) and FC (adj. R2 = 0.77). A daily time step has been added to field capacity maps to spatially predict soil water status on any day using data obtained from a wireless soil moisture sensing network which transmitted hourly logged data from embedded time domain transmission (TDT) sensors in ECa-defined management zones. In addition, regular time domain reflectometry (TDR) monitoring of 50 positions in the study area was used to assess spatial variability within each zone and overall temporal stability of soil moisture patterns. Spatial variability of soil moisture within each zone at any one time was significant (coefficient of variation [% CV] of volumetric soil moisture content (θ) = 3-16%), while temporal stability of this pattern was moderate to strong (bivariate correlation, R = 0.52-0.95), suggesting an intrinsic soil and topographic control. Therefore, predictive ability of this method for spatial characterisation of soil water status, at this site, was limited by the ability of the sensor network to account for the spatial variability of the soil moisture pattern within each zone. Significant variability of soil moisture within each ECa-defined zone is thought to be due to the variable nature of the young alluvial soils at this site, as well as micro-topographic effects on water movement, such as low-lying ponding areas. In summary, this paper develops a method for predicting daily soil water status in ECa-defined zones; digital information available for uploading to a software-controlled automated variable rate irrigation system with the aim of improved water use efficiency. Accuracy of prediction is determined by the extent to which spatial variability is predicted within as well as between ECa-defined zones.  相似文献   

The study explores the potential of introducing an additional crop during dry season in Rwanda, comparing the efficiency of in situ soil moisture conservation techniques to sustain rain-fed agriculture. Comparative study of in situ soil moisture conservation techniques in bench terraces and unterraced field with maize crop had been conducted from June 2007 to October 2007. Bench terrace increased the average soil moisture content in 90 cm soil depth by more than 50% than that of unterraced land. Within the bench terraced field compartment bund and ridges and furrows increased soil moisture by 19.5% and 27.9% higher than plain bed. In terms of efficiency of moisture conservation, ridges and furrows performed well with 85.8% followed by compartment bund with 75.9% in terraced field. Unterraced field conserved moisture very poorly with 13.9% efficiency inferring importance of bench terraces for soil moisture conservation. No maize grain yield was recorded in all the techniques because soil water depleted to 60% and above from the beginning of the cropping period inferring the need of supplementary irrigation. Analysis of rainfall, crop water demand and in situ moisture conservation reveals exciting opportunities for water productivity enhancements by integrating components of water management within the context of rain-fed farming through water harvesting and supplemental or microirrigation for dry spell mitigation. Detailed analysis is needed for feasibility of lift irrigation with different crops under different altitudes to derive suitable policy for hill land irrigation.  相似文献   

作物冠层温度是反映作物水分状况的一个良好指标,在研究环境因素对冠层温度影响的基础上,分析了不同土壤水分条件下棉花冠层温度的变化规律。研究表明了冠层温度与细胞液浓度之间存在良好关系,建立的冠层温度与气温差同气象因素和土壤水分的关系可用于判断作物的缺水状况  相似文献   

根据土壤冻结过程中水热迁移的基本方程,推导了土壤水热耦合方程,改进了冻结条件下土壤水热迁移问题的求解方法。用该模型模拟了室内土柱冻结试验,模拟结果与试验结果吻合较好,同时计算速度较快。根据地表能量平衡原理、微气象学理论,建立了冻结条件下土壤蒸发模型,将其作为土壤水热迁移的上边界条件,模拟了北京永乐店试验站冬小麦试区1995~1996年越冬期(1995.12.01~1996.02.29共3个月)土壤的冻融过程,模拟结果与实测值基本符合。在模拟过程中,采用有限差分法求解土壤水热运动方程,水、热方程的上边界分别为第二、三类边界。根据模拟结果,分析了越冬期土壤水热状况的变化规律  相似文献   

为探寻稻田不同阶段土壤水分状况下的差异性,基于重庆丘陵区紫色土常规轮作水稻土壤水分的连续监测数据,利用HYDRUS-1D模型对稻田淹水、排水落干和收获后3个不同干湿阶段(阶段Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ)的土壤水力参数和土壤含水量开展验证模拟分析.研究表明:(1)根据R2与RMSE的误差分析结果,HYDRUS可以实现对不同阶段稻田土壤水分变化的有效模拟.(2)根据土壤水量平衡分析,阶段Ⅰ的稻田土壤水分以水分补充的形式为主;阶段Ⅱ和Ⅲ的土壤水分以水分损失为主,底层渗漏量分别占总水分损失量的52%和95%.(3)根据HYDRUS的模拟结果,降雨直接影响土壤上下边界流的变化;阶段Ⅱ的实际作物蒸腾量和实际地表蒸发量低于阶段Ⅰ的,阶段Ⅲ稻田土壤的地表实际蒸发量与日照时数的关系更密切.  相似文献   

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