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强效艾美耳鸡球虫苗Ⅰ型的田间试验   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
索勋  汪明 《畜牧兽医学报》2001,32(3):265-269
本文报道了强效艾美耳牌鸡球虫苗I型对AA肉用仔鸡的田间免疫效果,马杜霉素或地克珠利作为对照药物,另一组以不用任何制球虫药物作为对照,实验显示,与马杜霉素相比,使用强效艾美耳牌鸡球虫苗I型后,AA肉用仔鸡在增重,饲料效率和成活率方面的优势,与地克球利相比,使用强效艾美耳牌鸡球虫苗I型后,AA肉用仔鸡在增重和饲料效率方面,效果相当,但成活率高1%,与不用抗球虫药物组相比,使用强效艾美耳牌鸡球虫苗I型后,鸡群在增重,饲料效率,成活率方面,均有显著优势。  相似文献   

强效艾美耳牌鸡球虫苗Ⅰ型的田间试验   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
本文报道了强效艾美耳牌鸡球虫苗Ⅰ型对AA肉用仔鸡的田间免疫效果,马杜霉素或地克珠利作为对照药物;另一组以不用任何抗球虫药物作为对照。实验显示,与马杜霉素相比,使用强效艾美耳牌鸡球虫苗Ⅰ型后,AA肉用仔鸡在增重、饲料效率和成活率方面的优势;与地克珠利相比,使用强效艾美耳牌鸡球虫苗Ⅰ型后,AA肉用仔鸡在增重和饲料效率方面,效果相当,但成活率高1%;与不用抗球虫药物组相比,使用强效艾美耳牌鸡球虫苗Ⅰ型后,鸡群在增重、饲料效率、成活率方面,均有显著优势。  相似文献   

试验应用鸡球虫弱毒苗的3种剂型,微囊型一丸口服(灌服)疫苗、微囊型拌料疫苗和液状滴服疫苗,按照各自的免疫方法进行鸡球虫免疫,以增重量、饲料转化率和每克粪便卵囊数等为指标,综合判定微囊型疫苗的免疫效果,同时比较这3种免疫方法在免疫效果上存在的差异。试验结果表明,微囊型球虫疫苗无论是直接灌服免疫还是拌料免疫都能够产生与液态滴服疫苗相似的免疫效果,组间差异不显著,但与感染对照组间的差异显著。试验证明,微囊型一丸口服(灌服)疫苗和微囊型拌料疫苗应用于鸡球虫病的免疫预防是可行的。可通过的临床免疫效果试验获取更多实验数据,为球虫疫苗的研制和应用奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

为评价一种商品化鸡球虫病四价活疫苗[柔嫩艾美耳球虫(E.tenella)、毒害艾美耳球虫(E.necatrix)、巨型艾美耳球虫和堆型艾美耳球虫]对E.necatrix和E.tenella的免疫保护效果,本研究基于试验鸡血便记分、存活率、相对增重率、病变值、卵囊值及抗球虫指数(ACI)等指标对其免疫效果进行检测.结果表明,免疫攻虫组抗E.necatrix和E.tenella的ACI分别为157.3和135.6,均低于160,表明该球虫疫苗抗两种球虫的效果均为低效.然而,免疫攻虫组鸡血便数量、血便记分、增重、卵囊产量和病变记分等指标均优于阳性对照组.综合指标显示,该疫苗对E.necatrix和E.tenella具有一定的免疫保护力,但单纯采用疫苗并不能够达到防控鸡球虫病的目的.  相似文献   

球虫疫苗在肉种鸡中的应用效果   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
鸡球虫病是由多种鸡艾美耳球虫寄生于鸡的肠上皮细胞引起的一种原虫病。本病分布广泛,感染普遍,发病重剧,死亡率高,是鸡多发也是危害较严重的疾病之一。多年来在球虫病的控制上,我们主要采用呋喃类、磺胺类、聚醚类等抗球虫药物进行防治,并且经常轮换用药来避免耐药性的产生,但控制效果不理想,球虫病仍时有发生,而且抗球虫药的选择余地愈来愈小。为解决这一实际问题,自1997年以来我们使用北京农业大学动物医学院研制的强效艾美耳牌鸡球虫疫苗预防种鸡球虫病,经5批次25万套种鸡使用,取得了较好的效果。1免疫程序和方法选择3日龄或5…  相似文献   

柔嫩艾美耳球虫早熟耐药株对几种抗球虫药的敏感性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了探讨鸡柔嫩艾美耳球虫早熟耐药株对常用抗球虫药的敏感性,采用尼卡巴嗪、氯苯胍、球痢灵、地克珠利和常山酮5种抗球虫药,对由晋球1号球虫疫苗虫株复制的病鸡进行防治试验,通过相对卵囊产量(ROP)、相对增重率、抗球虫指数(ACI)、病变记分减少率(RLS)和最适抗球虫活性百分率(POAA)5项指标进行综合评定.结果表明,柔嫩艾美耳球虫早熟耐药株对盐酸氯苯胍无抗药性,对地克珠利有轻度抗药性,对常山酮、球痢灵、尼卡巴嗪有部分抗药性,它们的抗球虫指数为187.46~246.75,达到了抗球虫效果.  相似文献   

陕西省杨陵区鸡球虫病原种类的调查研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
于三科  冯凯 《动物医学进展》1999,20(3):39-41,49
对杨陵区四乡一镇的68组鸡群进行了鸡球虫病的调查研究。结果表明,杨陵区鸡球虫病比较普遍,15 ̄50日龄雏鸡的球虫病特别严重。全区鸡的球虫平均感染率为58.3%,在所检查的青年,成年鸡群中,笼养鸡群的球虫感染率为35.1%,散养鸡群的球虫感染率为57.4%。雏鸡的球虫感染率为68.4%。经实验室鉴定,共查见柔嫩艾美耳球虫,毒害艾美耳球虫,巨型艾美耳球虫,堆型艾美耳球虫和缓艾美耳球虫和哈氏艾美耳球虫等  相似文献   

鸡球虫病是由艾美耳属(Eimeria)球虫引起的一种寄生性原虫病,严重危害集约化养鸡场的疾病之一。全世界每年因球虫病造成的经济损失约为20亿美元,其中每年用于抗球虫药的年支出约为3亿美元。本试验通过四种饲料药物添加剂,比较其对鸡球虫疫苗免疫建立效果的影响。  相似文献   

王淇芳 《饲料工业》1994,15(11):31-32
肉鸡球虫病及其防治药物浙江德清拜克生物有限公司王淇芳一、球虫病对鸡的危害球虫是属于顶器门的原虫,分属于孢子虫纲球虫亚纲真球虫目的阿德莱亚目和艾美耳亚目。致鸡患球虫病的球虫种类大多属于艾美耳亚目的艾美耳亚科(Eimeriidae)。鸡的肠道球虫中有7种...  相似文献   

我国鸡球虫病防治研究的概况   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
鸡球虫病是一种危害性很大的原虫病。主要是由艾美耳属9种球虫所致,其中最重要的有6种,即柔嫩艾美耳球虫、毒害艾美耳球虫、堆型艾美耳球虫、布氏艾美耳球虫、巨型艾美耳球虫和变位艾美耳球虫。据统计,本病每年给美国养鸡业造成2亿美元的损失。在英国,据保守的估计,养鸡业每年至少要花费550万英磅用于防治鸡球虫病。据北京农业大学调查,鸡球虫病遍布全国各地,其发病率高者可达100%。随着集约化养鸡的发展,本病的危害将日趋严重。因此,如何防治本病是目前养鸡业的重要课题之一。多年来,我国的科学工作者为了防治鸡球虫病进行了大…  相似文献   

强效艾美耳牌鸡球虫苗的免疫效果   总被引:23,自引:5,他引:18  
在实验条件下,研究了强效艾美耳牌鸡球虫苗对平养鸡群的免疫效果。实验1比较了免疫鸡群和对照鸡群在接种后1、2、3、4、5、6周的肠道病变分,结果表明免疫鸡群较自然感染建立免疫的对照鸡群的免疫整齐度高,判断依据是免疫后2周盲肠细小、内容物亦少的眼观指标。实验2比较了免疫鸡群、不免疫不用药鸡群、不免疫用药鸡群在攻虫后的三处肠道病变,结果表明免疫鸡群对大剂量卵囊攻击有很强的抵抗力。实验3比较了免疫鸡群、不  相似文献   

The efficacy and economic benefits of Supercox, a live anticoccidial vaccine were examined and compared with an anticoccidial drug in a trial in broiler chickens under modern commercial conditions in China. In total, 40,660 chickens were used in the present study, half of which were vaccinated with the Supercox vaccine comprising a precocious line of Eimeria tenella and non-attenuated lines of Eimeria maxima and Eimeria acervulina, and the other half were medicated with Diclazuril delivered as feed additive at the dosage of 1mg/kg of feed. The vaccine was administered orally to 7-day-old chickens. No clinical diseases were diagnosed in any of the vaccinated birds. However, clinical coccidiosis occurred in a large proportion of medicated control birds and these chickens had to be treated with anticoccidial drugs (Diclazuril and Toltrazuril). Comparison of production performance between vaccinated birds and medicated control birds revealed that the vaccine Supercox performed better than anticoccidial drugs in terms of mortalities, costs and overall economic benefits (profits). These findings demonstrated that the use of the Supercox vaccine could control clinical coccidiosis in broilers and achieve production performance superior to that using anticoccidial drugs, particularly where drug resistance might result in failure to control clinical diseases.  相似文献   

Background: Due to presence of drug-resistant Eimeria strains and raised public health safety concerns about drug residues in the meat, there is renewed interest in the search for natural alternatives to the coccidiosis control agents. This study was conducted to test the anticoccidial efficacy of oregano and Citrus spp.-based essential oils for broilers.Methods: A total of 280 7-day-old broiler chicks were fed a control diet or diets with salinomycin or essential oils for up to 35 d of age. On d 14, half of the control groups and the treated groups were orally challenged with a coccidiosis vaccine at 25 times higher than the recommended vaccine dose. Control diet-fed chickens that were gavaged with phosphate-buffered saline were considered non-challenged control group.Results: Eimeria challenge or dietary additives failed to affect growth performance during the 7 to 20 d growth period although essential oil-fed chickens exhibited the lowest body wight gain(P = 0.332) and the highest feed conversion ratio(P = 0.062). Oocysts in the litter were detected in the challenged control diet group and the challenged/essential oil-fed groups at 21 and 35 d, respectively. Superoxide dismutase activity in the serum was elevated(P = 0.059) in the salinomycin-fed chickens compared to the challenged controls. Alpha-1-acid glycoprotein was decreased by 28.7% in the salinomycin-fed chickens but increased by 38.1% in the essential oil group compared with the challenged control group. Challenged control group exhibited a significantly higher cooking loss of the thigh meat, compared to the non-challenged control diet group, which was marginally mitigated by dietary supplementation with essential oils. Chickens fed essential oil-added diet had the highest branched-chain fatty acids contents in the cecum.Conclusions: In conclusion, this study shows that oregano and Citrus-based essential oil preparation did not affect growth performance in broiler chickens challenged with the coccidiosis vaccine nor did Eimeria-specific duodenal lesion. However, dietary essential oil preparation lowered oocysts present in litter materials and altered branchedchain fatty acids in cecal digesta. Beneficial findings of the essential oil preparation on volatile fatty acids and oocysts output may warrant further research into assessing its effectiveness and its efficacy in pathogenic fieldisolate Eimeria spp.-induced coccidiosis disease model.  相似文献   

免疫增强剂对鸡球虫免疫保护力的作用   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
选取免疫增强剂卡介苗(BCG)与黄芪多糖(APS)以比较不同用法、不同攻虫强度下其增强鸡球虫免疫保护力的效果。结果表明:BCG和APS均具有明显的免疫促进作用,能更有效地抵抗5万和25万E.Tenella卵囊的攻击,但BCG效果优于APS;BCG和APS大剂量或重复使用效果均不理想;BCG的最佳使用方法为:以0.025ml/只的剂量于球虫免疫前7d使用1次。  相似文献   

鸡球虫微囊型口服疫苗免疫效果的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
应用本研究室研制的微囊型口服鸡球虫疫苗,通过拌料口服免疫法,测定了微囊型口服鸡球虫疫苗不同免疫次数的免疫效果.实验结果表明:经两次拌料口服免疫的鸡只在实验性攻虫后,其发病率、死亡率、病变记分、血便记分、料肉比等各项指标均低于一次免疫组和感染对照组,说明在免疫两次后鸡机体对鸡球虫产生了较好的免疫力,有了明显的抵抗鸡球虫的能力,而只免疫一次的鸡只较免疫两次的鸡只抗鸡球虫的能力弱.微囊型口服鸡球虫疫苗使用方便,易于在生产中推广使用.  相似文献   

京海黄鸡杂交组合亲本鸡球虫抗性指标的比较   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为研究京海黄鸡杂交组合亲本BB鸡与FF鸡鸡球虫病抗性的差异,试验选取BB和FF公鸡各30只,饲养至9日龄时,每个群体随机分为免疫组(n=15)和非免疫对照组(n=15),分组当天免疫组京海黄鸡杂交组合亲本按正典鸡球虫病四价活疫苗说明书要求接种鸡球虫疫苗,疫苗免疫后第8天采用生物素双抗体酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)测定免疫组和非免疫对照组8个血浆球虫抗性指标,并进行差异显著性检验.结果显示,BB鸡免疫组过氧化氢酶(CAT)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和白介素17(IL-17)的含量显著高于FF鸡免疫组(P <0.05);BB杂交组合亲本免疫组CAT含量极显著高于对照组(P <0.01),SOD含量显著高于对照组(P <0.05);FF杂交组合亲本免疫组CAT和谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-Px)含量均显著高于对照组(P <0.05).综合分析结果表明,BB鸡免疫效果优于FF鸡群体,BB鸡球虫病抗性优于FF鸡群体.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of various coccidiosis control programs in combination with antibiotic growth promoters (AGPs) on growth performance and host immune responses in broiler chickens. The coccidiosis programs that were investigated included in ovo coccidiosis vaccination (CVAC) with Inovocox or in-feed medication with diclazuril as Clinacox (CLIN) or salinomycin (SAL). The AGPs were virginiamycin or bacitracin methylene disalicylate plus roxarsone. As a negative control, chickens were non-vaccinated and fed with non-supplemented diets (NONE). All animals were exposed to used litter from a commercial broiler farm with confirmed contamination by Eimeria parasites to simulate in-field exposure to avian coccidiosis. Broiler body weights in the CVAC group were greater at 14 and 32 days of age, but not at day 42, compared with the NONE, CLIN, and SAL groups. At day 14, the SAL group showed decreased body weight and reduced ConA-stimulated spleen cell proliferation compared with the CLIN and SAL groups. In contrast, at days 34 and 43, splenocyte proliferation was greater in the CVAC and CLIN groups compared with the NONE and SAL groups. Lymphocyte subpopulations and cytokine mRNA expression levels in the intestine and spleen were also altered by the denoted treatments. Collectively, these results suggest that in ovo coccidiosis vaccination or coccidiostat drug medication programs in combination with AGPs influences chicken growth and immune status in an Eimeria-contaminated environment.  相似文献   

Marek's disease virus (MDV) vaccines of serotypes 1 and 2 administered in 18-day-old embryonated eggs induced better protection against post-hatch challenge at 3 days with virulent MDV than vaccines given at hatch. Embryonal vaccination with a polyvalent vaccine containing equal quantities of serotypes 1 and 2 of MDV and serotype 3 virus (turkey herpesvirus, HVT) was also significantly more effective than post-hatch vaccination. These and earlier results indicate that protective efficacy of single or combined Marek's disease vaccine serotypes against post-hatch challenge at 3 days can be substantially improved if the vaccines are injected into 18-day embryos rather than at hatch. Injection of vaccines of serotypes 1 or 2 into embryonated eggs or hatched chicks did not cause detectable gross or microscopic lesions in chickens. Vaccine viruses of serotypes 1 and 2 could be isolated from spleen cells of chickens 1 week post-vaccination, and the titer of recoverable viruses was higher in chickens that received the vaccines at the 18th day of embryonation than in chickens vaccinated at hatch. Although embryo vaccination with HVT usually provided better protection than post-hatch vaccination against early post-hatch challenge with variant pathotypes of MDV, the protection was poor regardless of vaccination protocol. If challenge with variant pathotypes of MDV was delayed until embryonally or post-hatch HVT-vaccinated chickens were 21 days of age, protection of chickens by HVT was not enhanced. Thus, resistance induced by embryonal vaccination with HVT was qualitatively similar to that induced by post-hatch vaccination with this virus.  相似文献   

The safety and efficacy of the cell-associated (C-A) vaccine prepared by chicken embryo fibroblast (CEF) cells infected with the tissue-culture-modified strain of infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT) virus were studied in chickens. Over seventy percent of chickens inoculated with the C-A vaccine by the subcutaneous (S.C.) or intramuscular (I.M.) route at 1 day of age was protected against challenge with a virulent strain of ILT virus without any clinical signs. Chickens vaccinated with the C-A vaccine at 1 day of age acquired immunity within 6 days after vaccination, and the protection rate maintained more than 60% until 10 weeks post-vaccination. The C-A vaccine was invariably effective for chickens at various age. There was no evidence that the development of immunity was hindered by further vaccination with Newcastle disease and infectious bronchitis combined live vaccine. In addition, the C-A vaccine was safe when chickens were inoculated with 10 doses. In the field trials of the C-A vaccine, no adverse reaction was observed, and over 65% of vaccinated chickens was protected against the challenge of the virulent ILT virus at 8 weeks after vaccination.  相似文献   

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