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气候变化对农业的影响及应对   总被引:11,自引:8,他引:3  
农业是气候变化最敏感脆弱的领域之一,直接受制于气候变化与气象要素。未来气候变化与气象要素时空性与振荡性的加剧,需对农业生产系统全方位影响做因地制宜、因时制宜全方位多层次应对。气候变化带来很多影响,需积极开展农业生产系统性减缓、适应应对策略和农业技术研究,全面理清农业应对气候变化的科学思绪和国家农业扶持政策。综合运用多学科理论方法,开展气候变化对农业生产影响机理和应对机制的系统构成和集成研究,更科学更合理地指导气候变化下的农业生产与积极有效应对,为农业可持续发展和粮食安全献策。  相似文献   

DSSAT模型在中国农业与气候变化领域应用进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
为了掌握农业转移支持决策系统(Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer, DSSAT)模型在国内农业与气候变化领域的研究进展,更好地让模型在今后气候变化对农业生产影响评估和适应研究中应用,本文以近年来国内的研究和实践为基础,通过梳理模型应用的相关研究案例、方法和成果,从DSSAT 模型本地化适用性验证、数据库构建、参数订正和优化方案、气候变化影响评估及适应的应用等方面全面总结了模型的应用进展。结果表明:DSSAT模型在我国应用比较广泛,包括不同地区和不同作物之间;利用DSSAT模型研究气候变化对农业生产的影响的研究较多,研究结果比较丰富。但模型在应用中存在研究方法和结果比较分散、应用的作物种类有限、数据需求量大而实验数据有限等问题,这些都需要在今后的研究中不断完善解决。  相似文献   

气候变化对中国种植制度影响的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为研究气候变化对中国农业种植制度的影响,综述了学者们在气候变化对中国种植制度和复种指数影响上的研究结果。结果显示:未来气候变化将会使中国的3熟区面积扩大,1熟区面积缩小,2熟区面积变化较小。农业复种指数在总体增加的情况下,在不同地区的增加幅度有所不同。但是,研究中还存在着气候模型自身的不足以及未考虑技术进步等因素对种植制度和复种指数的影响。因此,在今后的研究中,需要加强模型精确度及多因素综合对中国种植制度的影响研究,以提高预测结果的准确度。  相似文献   

气候变化对三大粮食作物产量影响研究进展   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:9  
气候变化对中国农业生态环境及作物产量的影响越来越受到关注。通过总结近十年来国内外的研究成果,着重叙述了气候变化对三大粮食作物的产量影响研究方法及其最新进展,归纳了不同研究方法存在的差异。同时对中国未来粮食产量变化进行了分析,指出存在的问题和可能发展的方向,提出了农业适应气候变化和可持续发展的依据。  相似文献   

在社会全面发展的今天,气候的全面变化对中国农业生产产生了极大的影响。为了全面降低气候对农业的影响,需要采用不同的方式降低气候变化的影响。主要针对气候变化对中国农业生产的影响进行了分析,并提出了相应的优化措施。  相似文献   

中国农田减缓气候变化的潜力与技术途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以全球变暖为主要特征的气候变化是当前人类面临的主要环境问题之一,并且对农业生产和粮食安全产生了重大影响。增强作物对气候变化的响应与适应能力,提升农田系统固碳减排潜力,是中国农业生产上亟待解决的重要问题。笔者简要分析了国内农业固碳现状,总结了农业生产上应对气候变化的相关技术体系。通过分析国内农业生产适应和减缓气候变化的潜力和技术途径,对未来增加农业固碳潜力的研究做出了展望,为气候变化背景下实现中国农业的可持续发展提供了新的参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

气候变化对作物产量影响的研究进展   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
近年来全球气候变化研究正逐步深入,气候变化对作物产量影响的研究取得了明显的进展.本文在总结气候变化对作物产量影响的研究方法后,从CO2浓度升高、温度升高、CO2浓度与温度升高的交互作用、降水变化、每日的温差变化以及极端气候事件和气候变化综合影响7个方面总结了气候变化对作物生产和产量影响的研究进展,最后指出了气候变化对作物产量影响评价尚需加强和深入研究的几个方面.  相似文献   

气候变化对中国油料作物的影响研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
油料作物是中国重要的粮食作物,对气候变化十分敏感。目前中国食用油自给率较低,存在严重的供需矛盾,油料安全是中国粮食安全中最为薄弱的环节。近年来气候变化也对中国油料作物生产带来了显著影响,因此如何客观准确地评价气候变化对中国油料作物生产的影响,对提高中国食用油自给率、保障粮油安全具有重大意义。综述了气候变化对中国三大主要油料作物(花生、大豆、油菜)影响的相关研究,概括了主要的研究方法和气候变化对油料作物的生长发育及产量、品质以及种植制度的影响,并据此讨论了研究中存在的不足和未来展望。  相似文献   

气候变化对中国水稻生产的影响研究进展   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
水稻生产系统是响应气候变化最敏感的农业生态系统之一,本文综述了当前和未来气候变化对我国水稻生产的影响。气候变化背景下,我国水稻生长季的热量资源增多,辐射资源减少,降水不均一性加大。高温热害、干旱、暴雨和洪涝灾害发生更频繁,这可能降低水、热资源的有效性。气候变化使我国单季稻和双季稻潜在种植边界显著北移,导致单季稻、早稻和晚稻的主要生育期缩短。基于统计模型和水稻生长模型的研究结果表明,如果不考虑品种改良和栽培技术的进步,气候变化使单季稻、早稻和晚稻产量下降,但不同稻作区和方法间存在差异。我国水稻生产重心北移、实测生育期延长和产量增加的变化趋势,反映了水稻生产系统通过种植分布调整、品种改良和技术改进来适应气候变化的能力。未来气候变化将进一步导致水稻生育期缩短和产量下降,对我国水稻生产和粮食安全带来严峻挑战。仍需加强气候变化影响机制的研究及其在影响评估中的应用,减小影响评估的不确定性并增加其系统性,为制定有效的应对策略提供可靠的理论支持。  相似文献   

气候变化对中国东北地区生态与环境的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
【研究目的】综述了气候变化对东北地区的影响,以期在区域发展中能利用气候变化的有利方面,降低其不利的影响;【方法】根据近年来发表的相关论文,文章综述了东北地区已经发生的气候变化影响及未来可能受到的影响;【结果】结果表明,过去100年东北地区的温度升高明显且降水普遍减少,干旱化趋势严峻。温度的升高改善了东北的热量资源,部分农业生产从中受益。但由于气候变化,目前特殊的生态系统如湿地,冻土退化或消失。未来的气候变化,会改变农业生产布局,降低主要作物的产量,生态系统结构发生改变,农牧带沙漠化的风险增加;【结论】东北地区必须客观认识气候变化的利弊影响,采取相应的适应和应对措施,促进区域发展。  相似文献   

The studies on anthropogenic climate change performed in the last decade over Europe show consistent projections of increases in temperature and different patterns of precipitation with widespread increases in northern Europe and decreases over parts of southern and eastern Europe. In many countries and in recent years there is a tendency towards cereal grain yield stagnation and increased yield variability. Some of these trends may have been influenced by the recent climatic changes over Europe.A set of qualitative and quantitative questionnaires on perceived risks and foreseen impacts of climate and climate change on agriculture in Europe was distributed to agro-climatic and agronomy experts in 26 countries. Europe was divided into 13 Environmental Zones (EZ). In total, we had 50 individual responses for specific EZ. The questionnaires provided both country and EZ specific information on the: (1) main vulnerabilities of crops and cropping systems under present climate; (2) estimates of climate change impacts on the production of nine selected crops; (3) possible adaptation options as well as (4) adaptation observed so far. In addition we focused on the overall awareness and presence of warning and decision support systems with relevance for adaptation to climate change.The results show that farmers across Europe are currently adapting to climate change, in particular in terms of changing timing of cultivation and selecting other crop species and cultivars. The responses in the questionnaires show a surprisingly high proportion of negative expectations concerning the impacts of climate change on crops and crop production throughout Europe, even in the cool temperate northern European countries.The expected impacts, both positive and negative, are just as large in northern Europe as in the Mediterranean countries, and this is largely linked with the possibilities for effective adaptation to maintain current yields. The most negative effects were found for the continental climate in the Pannonian zone, which includes Hungary, Serbia, Bulgaria and Romania. This region will suffer from increased incidents of heat waves and droughts without possibilities for effectively shifting crop cultivation to other parts of the years. A wide range of adaptation options exists in most European regions to mitigate many of the negative impacts of climate change on crop production in Europe. However, considering all effects of climate change and possibilties for adaptation, impacts are still mostly negative in wide regions across Europe.  相似文献   

It is widely accepted that our climate is changing due to the increasing atmospheric concentrations of the ‘greenhouse gases’, and these changes may exercise strong impacts on different economic sectors. In particular for agricultural systems, such a change may have significant impacts on crop yield, cattle breeding and related management practices. Accordingly, the economic viability of agricultural production systems in future scenarios is a main concern especially for policy-making purposes. Up until now, the impact of climate change on agriculture has focused on change in crop yield, whereas a ‘holistic’ approach, considering both benefits (in terms of direct economic income) and detrimental environmental impacts of agricultural practices (soil loss, nitrogen leaching, water balance) has not been considered. On these premises, the objective of the present article was to assess agricultural sustainability on a farm level in Tuscany (central Italy) under the climate change regime, considering both conventional and organic farming systems (CFS and OFS, respectively). In particular, an ecological–economic optimisation model was run for both the present and future scenarios to perform an integrated assessment of sustainability of CFS and OFS on the case-study farm.  相似文献   

Climatic conditions and hence climate change influence agriculture. Most studies that addressed the vulnerability of agriculture to climate change have focused on potential impacts without considering adaptation. When adaptation strategies are considered, socio-economic conditions and farm management are often ignored, but these strongly influence current farm performance and are likely to also influence adaptation to future changes. This study analysed the adaptation of farmers and regions in the European Union to prevailing climatic conditions, climate change and climate variability in the last decades (1990–2003) in the context of other conditions and changes. We compared (1) responses in crop yields with responses in farmers’ income, (2) responses to spatial climate variability with responses to temporal climate variability, (3) farm level responses with regional level responses and (4) potential climate impacts (based on crop models) with actual climate impacts (based on farm accountancy data). Results indicated that impacts on crop yields cannot directly be translated to impacts on farmers’ income, as farmers adapt by changing crop rotations and inputs. Secondly, the impacts of climatic conditions on spatial variability in crop yields and farmers’ income, with generally lower yields in warmer climates, is different from the impacts of temporal variability in climate, for which more heterogeneous patterns are observed across regions in Europe. Thirdly, actual impacts of climate change and variability are largely dependent on farm characteristics (e.g. intensity, size, land use), which influence management and adaptation. To accurately understand impacts and adaptation, assessments should consider responses at different levels of organization. As different farm types adapt differently, a larger diversity in farm types reduces impacts of climate variability at regional level, but certain farm types may still be vulnerable. Lastly, we observed that management and adaptation can largely reduce the potential impacts of climate change and climate variability on crop yields and farmers’ income. We conclude that for reliable projections of the impacts of climate change on agriculture, adaptation should not be seen anymore as a last step in a vulnerability assessment, but as integrated part of the models used to simulate crop yields, farmers’ income and other indicators related to agricultural performance.  相似文献   

干旱对农业生态系统影响研究进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
笔者综述了国内外近10 年干旱对农业生态系统的影响研究,国内外学者主要基于田间试验观测,从细胞微观、单株作物、站点尺度较好地研究了干旱对农作物干物质合成、分配的影响机制,分析了不同生长阶段干旱对作物生长的影响差异。干旱明显降低了作物气孔导度,影响了ATP 合成酶的活性,降低了光合作用效率。在部分作物生长前期,干旱会适当地增加干物质向根部的分配比例,提高水分利用效率;但在大部分作物生长中后期,干旱将直接影响作物地上生物量合成,降低作物产量。但是,干旱对农业生态系统的区域性研究稍显不足。干旱影响范围广,持续时间长,受灾地区农作物品种复杂。单一站点田间试验观测不能反映干旱的区域性影响,且在大范围下开展多站点田间实时观测耗时费力。遥感可以实现干旱影响的大范围监测,但却不足以反映干旱对不同作物的影响差异。随着计算机模拟技术的不断发展,基于田间试验观测构建的作物生长模型能有效克服田间试验的时空局限性,且通过不同的作物模型或参数设置,能够较为准确地反映干旱对不同作物的影响差异,成为开展干旱对农业生态系统影响的重要手段。  相似文献   

气候变化对中国粮食生产的影响已得到高度关注,并形成了诸多研究成果,但影响的评估结果存在一定的争议。笔者对21世纪以来百篇国内外相关高质量文献进行整合梳理,总结讨论了气候变化对中国粮食生产的影响。研究表明:(1)1961年以来气候变化主要通过影响作物生长发育、引起种植结构改变、导致农业病虫害和气象灾害加剧的方式影响了中国的粮食生产,影响结果正负共存,总体上呈负效应,且气温升高的负效应最为显著。(2)气候变化对粮食生产的影响存在地域差异,在东北、西北绿洲等高纬度地区,气温升高改善了区域热量条件,粮食产量有增加趋势;在华北平原、南方稻区、西南地区和西北旱作区,气温升高缩短了作物生育期,加上降水变化,导致区域的粮食产量下降。(3)不考虑CO2肥效作用,未来气候变化很可能造成粮食产量下降,且小麦的减产幅度可能高于水稻和玉米;考虑CO2肥效作用,负面影响将会减弱,并可能对东北地区的水稻和华北平原的小麦产生正面影响。  相似文献   

以直接研究观测到气候变化对作物发育和产量的影响,可以为评估气候变化对作物生产影响提供更准确的信息。利用西北地区特干旱(敦煌)、干旱(武威)、半干旱(定西)、半湿润(临夏)、湿润(岷县)5个案例区1981(1986)—2017年地面观测数据,分析气象变化趋势,确定春小麦生长、产量与气候因子的关系。结果表明,1981—2017年间,5个案例区的气候变化模式及其对春小麦物候和产量的影响在空间和时间上是不同的。除极端干旱地区出现较暖和较潮湿的趋势,其他地区观测到较暖和较干燥的趋势。相关分析表明,1981(1986)—2017年武威、定西、临夏站春小麦产量呈增加趋势,但变化趋势除武威站外均不显著,其中武威站生育期内≥30℃天数的减少致使武威站近37年来产量增加,而定西站生育期内降水增多、每穗粒数显著增多及不孕小穗数的显著减少致使定西站近32年产量呈增加趋势。预计随着全球气温的持续升高和未来降水格局的变化,将进一步影响中国西北地区春小麦生产。  相似文献   

作物生长模型研究综述   总被引:59,自引:2,他引:59  
作物生长模型的构建有利于既有科研成果的综合集成,也是作物种植管理决策现代化的基础,还是辅助决策的有力工具.本文以荷兰Wageningen,美国DSSAT,澳大利亚APSIM和中国CCSODS等作物生长模型研究流派为例,回顾了作物生长模型的发展历程,论述了作物生长模型的主要功用,并指出了在模型研究和开发应用中存在的问题.  相似文献   

为了辽宁西部山区小流域综合治理和农业生产工程服务,掌握近地面层气候变化规律,利用1953—2012年辽宁西部7个观测站逐月地面温度资料,采用气候统计诊断分析方法,对近60年辽宁西部年、季、月地面平均温度、平均最高温度和平均最低温度的气候变化特征和气候突变进行研究。结果表明:地面平均温度、平均最高温度和平均最低温度存在不同的升温趋势和变化特征。地面平均温度年均值气候倾向率为0.403℃/10 a,气候突变在1987年,大部分月份升温明显,各个季节不存在气候突变;地面平均最高温度年均值气候倾向率为0.331℃/10 a,不存在气候突变,仅有1—4月呈现升温,其他各月变化平稳;地面平均最低温度年均值气候倾向率为0.590℃/10 a,气候突变在1993年,各月、季升温显著。地面温度的上升趋势主要取决于地面最低温度的升高。研究结果对气候资源利用和开发,农作物种群的调整和布局,农业气象风险性决策具有参考价值。  相似文献   

Spatial evaluation of the uncertainty associated with climate data would allow reliable interpretation of simulation results for regional crop yield using gridded climate data as input to a crop growth model. The objective of this study was to examine the spatial uncertainty of regional climate model data through determining optimal seeding date with the ORYZA2000 model for assessment of climate change impact on rice productivity in Korea. The optimal seeding date was determined at each grid point using regional climate model outputs under the RCP 8.5 scenarios. In major rice production areas such as inland plain regions, where temperatures of regional climate data were relatively accurate, the optimal seeding date determined using those gridded data were reasonable. However, areas with complex terrains including areas near bodies of water, e.g. coastal areas, riverbasins, lakes, and mountainous areas, had a relatively large uncertainty of the optimal seeding date determined using the regional climate data. These results indicated that the uncertainty of regional climate data at a high spatial resolution of 12.5 km should be taken into account in the regional impact assessment based on crop growth simulations in Korea. In addition, further studies would be merited to assess the impact of climate change on rice yield at an ultra-high spatial resolution of 1 km in Korea. Crop yields were projected to decrease after the 2020s when crop yield simulations from inland plain areas were considered, which suggested that adaptation strategies should be established and implemented in the near future.  相似文献   

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