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2006年1月~12月在全省设置测报站8个对1.49万hm2养殖水面的16个养殖品种的病害进行为期12个月的监测,一共监测到28种病原,其中细菌性病是主要水产养殖病害,细菌病  相似文献   

2004年湖南省水产养殖病害监测报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2004年4—12月在全省设置测报站7个.对1.22万hm^2养殖水面的15个养殖种类病害进行为期9个月的监测,一共监测到22种病原.其中细菌性病害和寄生虫病是主要水产养殖病害.分别占病原比例的37%和29.5%。4—10月是我省鱼病综合发病期.根据各主要养殖品种的平均死亡率。估测2004年全省水产养殖病害死亡造成的直接经济损失约为3亿元。  相似文献   

2003年4~10月在全省设置测报站点7个,对1.2万hm^2养殖水面的15个养殖种类病害进行为期7个月的监测,一共监测到34种病原,其中细菌性病害是主要水产养殖病害,占病原比例的59%。5~9月是我省鱼病综合发病高峰期,根据各主要养殖品种的平均发病率,估测2003年全省水产养殖病害死亡造成的直接经济损失超过2亿元。  相似文献   

本文主要介绍了四大家鱼常见细菌性疾病的诊断和治疗方法,主要包括烂鳃病、赤皮病、肠炎病、细菌性败血症、打印病、竖鳞病等细菌性疾病,旨在为四大家鱼的细菌病临床诊断和治疗提供实践参考依据。  相似文献   

四大家鱼种质资源的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
四大家鱼是我国淡水养殖和捕捞的主要对象,本文从种质资源鉴定、保护、种质标准的角度出发,简要介绍了目前我国四大家鱼种质资源的现状,以及遗传标记在四大家鱼种质资源中研究进展,并就目前普遍存在的四大家鱼遗传衰退的原因进行分析,比较详细的提出了四大家鱼种质资源保护的目的、策略和措施。  相似文献   

2008年,在长沙、岳阳、常德、湘潭、益阳、邵阳、怀化、永州、衡阳9个测报站,对我省21961hm^2养殖水面的水产病害进行为期12个月的监测,其结果表明:被监测水面有青鱼、草鱼、鲢鱼、鳙鱼、鲤鱼、鲫鱼、鳜鱼、鲴鱼、鮰鱼、翘嘴鲌、黄鳝、牛蛙、鳖、珍珠蚌14个养殖种类发生病害,其中细菌性疾病是主要病害,3—10月是主要发病期。  相似文献   

四大家鱼产卵水文水动力特性研究综述   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
四大家鱼是中国重要的经济鱼类,长江是四大家鱼的天然种质库,长江四大家鱼的自然繁殖数量对四大家鱼的资源保护意义重大.四大家鱼产卵与河流水文水动力关系密切.较为全面的阐述了四大家鱼产卵与水温、涨水过程的关系,并对四大家鱼产卵场的分布和水动力特性进行了简要描述.本工作将为针对四大家鱼产卵的水库生态凋度和四大家鱼产卵场修复提供一定技术支持.  相似文献   

四大家鱼自然繁殖对水文过程的响应关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探究长江中游监利江段四大家鱼繁殖行为对水文过程的响应关系,并了解水文过程刺激四大家鱼自然繁殖的生态水文指标量化范围,于2014—2016年的每年5—7月,在长江中游监利断面进行鱼类早期资源调查,同时,对采集到的四大家鱼卵苗与流量以及水温之间关系进行分析。结果显示:水温在20~24℃,流量日增长率为1 125 m~3s~(-1)d~(-1)及以上,涨水持续时间为3 d及以上的涨水过程情况下,可刺激家鱼发生大规模繁殖。而两次涨水过程间隔仅为1 d时,涨水持续时间和流量日增长率无论高低,持续2次涨水过程对家鱼繁殖行为也有刺激作用。  相似文献   

本文介绍了瑞昌独特的地理位置和水文条件形成独特的长江四大家鱼鱼苗资源,采用特制的网具进行捕捞,通过筛、挤、撇办法除去野杂鱼苗,选留四大家鱼鱼苗,从事长江四大家鱼原种选育保种工作,向全国水产科研单位和良种场供应原种,并供养殖者使用。  相似文献   

中国海洋一般中上层经济鱼类生物学研究的回顾与前瞻   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国海洋一般中上层经济鱼类种类繁多,大多为r选择型或由K选择型演变为r选择型,资源更新速度较快、可持续利用的前景较为广阔,在中国海洋捕捞业产量中的比重呈上升趋势。本文综述了中国海洋一般中上层经济鱼类的渔业发展概况,着重介绍了鳓(Ilisha elongata)、灰鲳(Pampus cinereus)、竹鱼(Trachurus japonicus)、金色小沙丁鱼(Sardinella aurita)、黄海鲱(Clupea harengus pallasi)和黄鲫(Setipinna taty)等6种主要种类资源生物学的研究进展,概述了这些种类的种群鉴别和划分、洄游分布、越冬场、产卵场及其产卵期、年龄和生长、摄食习性、生殖力和群体结构变动,以及其资源量和可捕量的评估,同时展望了其资源生物学研究的前景并提出了前瞻性建议。  相似文献   

Frozen copepods, frozen adult Artemia, live rotifers and live Artemia nauplii were used as feed for the megalopa of Eriocheir sinensis during desalination stage to determine the most nutritious and cost‐effective feed. The biochemical composition of the four feeds was analysed. Then, the individual wet weight, individual dry weight, survival rate, the cost and the biochemical composition of the megalopa were measured after the desalination. The resulting effects on the metamorphosis ratio and the duration of the megalopa were also assessed. The results showed that the duration of desalinated megalopa to first stage crab for all treatments was approximately 3.5 days, while the metamorphosis rate of the copepod treatment was significantly higher than the other treatments with the value of 96.33 ± 3.79%. In terms of biochemical composition, after desalinization, the moisture content of megalopa in the adult Artemia treatment was the highest, and the total lipid in the Artemia nauplii treatment and rotifer treatment was significantly higher than the other two treatments. The desalinated megalopa from copepod treatment had the highest percentages of DHA (22:6n‐3) and EPA (20:5n‐3) among the four treatments. The desalinated megalopa from copepod treatment and rotifer treatment had the higher contents of protein. In conclusion, frozen copepods have higher nutritional value for the megalopa during the desalination period. Therefore, feeding the megalopa with copepods can improve the culture performance and megalopa quality, and can also reduce the feed cost during desalination stage.  相似文献   

The pituitaries of male and female common carps were subjected to the treatment with recombinant human activin A. Basal LH secretion decreased in females during wintering, but stimulated basal and sGnRH-induced LH secretion during ovulatory period. It stimulated LH secretion in males during wintering, but not during spawning, suggesting sex-specific effect of activin on LH secretion in common carp.  相似文献   

湖南沅江南洞庭湖虾蟹资源的初步调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对湖南沅江南洞庭湖虾蟹资源作一调查,结果表明:有游泳亚目虾类6种,分属2科3属,其优势种群为秀丽白虾,爬行亚目虾类1种;爬行亚目蟹类3种,分属2科2属,其中优势种群为锯齿溪蟹。对该地区的虾、蟹类组成和种群大小进行了初步分析;提出了经济虾、蟹类的利用前景及保护措施。  相似文献   

长江湖口水域四大家鱼幼鱼的耳石与生长研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用微耳石日轮鉴定了2009年7-8月采自长江湖口水域的23尾青鱼幼鱼、111尾草鱼幼鱼、73尾鲢幼鱼和70尾鳙幼鱼的日龄,其平均日龄分别为52.4±5.6d、57.1±10.6d、49.8±4.7d和57.5±7.1d。回归分析表明,四大家鱼幼鱼微耳石短半径与日龄及鱼体大小均呈显著线性关系,日龄与体长、体重也均呈显著线性关系。依据日龄推算,青鱼、草鱼、鲢和鳙幼鱼的体长平均生长率分别为0.1651 cm/d、0.1426cm/d、0.0928 cm/d、0.0997 cm/d,体重平均生长率分别为0.9412 g/d、1.0211g/d、0.4978 g/d、0.7292 g/d。  相似文献   

Fish from the family Scombridae exhibit a biogeographical pattern that includes pelagic habits, high swimming ability, and migratory behavior of its species. Although genetic studies aimed at the management and conservation of some of its more intensely exploited species are available, cytogenetic analyses of Scombridae are scarce. In the present study, individuals of four species of this family were obtained in the vicinity of the St. Peter and St. Paul Archipelago in the Mid-Atlantic region. The chromosomes of these four species were analyzed using conventional staining, Ag-NORs, C-banding, CMA3/DAPI fluorochrome staining, and dual-color FISH with 18S and 5S rDNA probes. Acanthocybium solandri and Scomberomorus brasiliensis showed 2n = 48 chromosomes (2st + 46a; FN = 50), while Thunnus albacares and T. obesus, which also had 2n = 48 chromosomes, share another karyotype structure (2m + 2st + 44a; FN = 52). Discrete heterochromatic blocks are present in the centromeric regions of the chromosomes. 18S rDNA/Ag-NORs/CMA3 +/DAPI?sites are located on the short arms of a subtelocentric pair that is apparently homeologous among the four species. The 5S rDNA genes on pair 24 are conserved in all of the species. Cytogenetic patterns showed a high degree of chromosomal conservation between the species. However, Thunnus species displayed greater karyotypic differentiation than A. solandri and S. brasiliensis. Pericentric inversions seem to be the primary mechanism involved in karyotype differentiation in this important fish group.  相似文献   

论池塘养殖技术改进   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
陈昌齐 《淡水渔业》1999,29(2):41-43
池塘养殖在我国淡水渔业中占有重要地位。为适应水产品市场供求关系、养殖环境条件及生产投入能力等因素的显著变化,池塘养殖在生产方式、生产手段等方面产生出以全面提高生产管理精细程度为核心的“模式化”、“规范化”养殖技术,以多种水、陆生动物和经济作物混养( 种) 为基础的池塘综合利用技术,与网箱养殖、流水养殖相互渗透、相互融和而形成的“循环流水型”和“箱池型”养殖技术以及极具集约化养殖特征的“集约型”养殖技术。上述技术改进较好地适应了池塘养殖生产发展的需要,显著提高了池塘养殖技术水平和经济效益。技术改进是现阶段池塘养殖技术稳定发展的必然选择。  相似文献   

An 80‐day mesocosm experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of four commercial microbial products on production performance and water quality in integrated culture of freshwater pearl mussel Hyriopsis cumingii, grass carp, gibel carp, silver carp and bighead carp. Five treatments were tested. One treatment with non‐supplementation of microbial products served as control (C). In the other four treatments, Novozymes Pond Protect (NO), Bio‐Form BZT‐Water Reform (WR), Bacillus natto (BN) and Effective Microbes (EM) were added at the intervals of two weeks, respectively. Mussel yield declined in the tanks with supplementation of the microbial products. No significant differences were found in fish yield and chemical water quality among the treatments except total nitrogen (TN) was higher in tanks EM than in tanks C. Biomass of phytoplankton and Cyanophyta was higher in tanks NO, WR, BN and EM than in tanks C. Supplementation of the microbial products resulted in change in bacterial community in which Actinobacteria, Chlorobi, Verrucomicrobia and Proteobacteria dominated. Bacterial community in the tanks was significantly affected by TN, total phosphorus, chemical oxygen demand and Cyanophyta biomass. This study reveals that the function of these microbial products as probiotics is limited in H. cumingii farming.  相似文献   

Three bacterial diseases (tailrot, furunculosis and red-spot disease) are described. A Pseudomonas was associated with the first two and a Vibrio with the third. Tailrot and furunculosis could be cured by treating the fish with antibiotics, but red-spot disease could not because of its very rapid progression and late on-set of signs. Ectoparasites probably facilitate the entry of disease organisms.  相似文献   

常用中草药对4种病原弧菌体外抗菌效果的研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
采用琼脂扩散法(打孔法)测定了五倍子等18种中草药对鳗弧菌、副溶血弧菌、河口弧菌及霍乱弧菌等4种病原弧菌的抑制作用。结果表明,五倍子、苏木、地锦草、石榴皮、黄芩、虎杖和山楂等7种中草药对病原弧菌具有较好的抑菌效果,而金银花等11种中草药抑菌作用较弱;同时采用试管连续稀释法,测定了五倍子等抑菌效果较强的7种中草药对4种病原弧菌的抑菌和杀菌浓度。结果表明,苏木、五倍子、地锦草和石榴皮4种中药具有较好的抑菌和杀菌作用,此4种中药对鳗弧菌、副溶血弧菌、河口弧菌及霍乱弧菌等4种病原弧菌的最小抑菌浓度(MIC)为0.78~6.25mg/ml,最小杀菌浓度(MBC)为3.12~12.5mg/ml。  相似文献   

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