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Background: Cardiac troponin I (cTnI) is useful for detection of cardiac myocyte damage, but its efficacy in detecting various stages of dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) in Doberman Pinschers is unclear. Objectives: To evaluate the diagnostic value of cTnI in various stages of DCM in Dobermans. Animals: Six hundred and fifty‐three cTnI measurements of 336 Doberman Pinschers. Methods: Using a longitudinal study design, staging of the disease was based upon 24‐hour‐ambulatory‐ECG (Holter) and echocardiography. A total of 447 cTnI measurements were performed in 264 healthy Dobermans, and 206 cTnI measurements in 75 Dobermans with cardiomyopathy. Eighty‐eight cTnI samples were from dogs with >100 ventricular premature contractions (VPCs)/24 hour, but without echocardiographic changes (“VPC group”). Additional 19 samples originated from dogs with only echocardiographic changes (“ECHO group”), and 56 samples from dogs with both VPCs and echocardiographic changes (“VPC plus ECHO group”). Twenty samples were from dogs with clinical signs (“clinical group”). The group “incipient” included 23 dogs, that were considered to be normal according to Holter and echocardiography at the time of the exam, but that developed DCM within 1.5 years. Results: cTnI values of dogs in all disease groups, including the “incipient” (0.30 ± 0.20) and “VPC group” (0.36 ± 0.34), were significantly (P= .04, P < .001) higher than the control group (0.07 ± 0.16). A cut‐off value of >0.22 ng/mL had a sensitivity of 79.5% and a specificity of 84.4% to detect all forms of cardiomyopathy. Conclusions and Clinical Importance: cTnI measurement is a valuable diagnostic test that can detect cardiomyopathy in dogs that are otherwise clinically normal.  相似文献   

Background: Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) in Doberman Pinschers is an autosomal dominant inherited disease. The prevalence of DCM in Doberman Pinschers of various age groups in Europe is currently unknown, but this information would be important to develop recommendations for screening programs. Objectives: To evaluate the prevalence of cardiomyopathy in various age groups of Dobermans. Animals: Seven hundred and seventy‐five examinations in 412 Doberman Pinschers. Methods: Dogs were included in a prospective longitudinal cohort study. Each examination included echocardiography and 24‐hour ECG (Holter) examination. A cut‐off value of >100 ventricular premature contractions (VPCs) per 24 hours on Holter examination or abnormal echocardiography was considered diagnostic for cardiomyopathy. The cumulative prevalence included all dogs with DCM and healthy dogs >7 years of age. Results: DCM prevalence in various age groups was as follows: age group 1 (1 to <2 years) 3.3%, age group 2 (2 to <4 years) 9.9%, age group 3 (4 to <6 years) 12.5%, age group 4 (6 to <8 years) 43.6%, and age group 5 (>8 years) 44.1%. The cumulative prevalence of Doberman Pinscher cardiomyopathy was 58.2%. There was an equal sex distribution, but male dogs showed earlier echocardiographic changes than did female dogs, which had significantly more VPCs. Conclusions and Clinical Importance: The prevalence of Doberman cardiomyopathy is very high in Europe. Disease manifestation and progression are different between male and female dogs. Yearly screening for DCM by Holter examination and echocardiography is recommended, starting at 2 years of age.  相似文献   

Tocainide was administered to 23 cardiomyopathic Doberman Pinschers at doses of 15 to 25 mg/kg tid. These doses produced peak (2–hour) serum concentrations of 6.2 to 19.1 mg/L and trough (8–hour) serum concentrations of 2.3 to 11.1 mg/L. Anorexia and gastrointestinal disturbances occurred in 8 dogs (35%) at doses (15.6 to 25.0 mg/kg) that were not different from those (16.0 to 26.0 mg/kg) received by dogs that did not experience toxicity. Doses producing peak serum concentrations that were either greater or less than 14 mg/L were not different. Likewise, doses producing trough values that were either greater or less than 6 mg/L were not different. The mean dose that produced peak serum concentrations of 10 to 13.6 mg/L and trough concentrations of 4.2 to 10.0 mg/L was 17.9 mg/kg, and was associated with anorexia in 4 dogs. Mean peak serum concentrations associated with toxicity (14.4 mg/L) were significantly higher ( P = .02) than dogs not experiencing toxicity (11.8 mg/L). Serious adverse effects occurred in 7 of 12 dogs (58%) receiving tocainide for longer than 4 consecutive months. Progressive corneal endothelial dystrophy occurred in 3 dogs. Although a causal effect could not be proven, 6 dogs experienced renal dysfunction during treatment. Drug doses in these 7 dogs were similar to those received by other dogs. At least a 70% reduction of the total numbers of ventricular premature contractions occurred in 80% of dogs treated, and ventricular tachycardia was eliminated in 90% of affected dogs by the time of the first post-treatment Holter recording. Long-term control of ventricular tachyarrhythmias was difficult to achieve in some dogs when the left ventricular shortening fraction was less than approximately 17%. J Vet Intern Med 1996;10:235–240. Copyright © 1996 by the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine .  相似文献   

Craniomandibular osteopathy in Doberman Pinschers   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Two young Doberman Pinschers with painless, firm enlargement of the mandibles were investigated. Craniomandibular osteopathy was diagnosed in each case on the basis of characteristic radiographic and gross and microscopic lesions.  相似文献   

Signal-averaged electrocardiograms (SAECGs) were performed on nonsedated normal dogs in left-lateral recumbency. Following signal averaging, both time-domain and 3-dimensional frequency-domain analyses were performed. For time-domain analysis, the high-frequency QRS (HFQRS) duration, duration of the terminal QRS complex less than 40 μV (LAS40), and root mean square (RMS) voltages (μV) of the terminal 40 milliseconds (RMS40) and 30 milliseconds of the QRS complex were calculated. For frequency-domain analysis, correlation ratios were calculated for 30-, 40-, 50-, and 60-millisecond segment lengths begun 10, 15, or 20 milliseconds before the end of the QRS complex. Spectro-temporal mapping was also performed. All of the parameters of the SAECGs analyzed in the time domain were associated with each other. LAS40 and RMS voltages regressed significantly ( P < .0000) on the HFQRS duration. Ninety-five percent of the HFQRSs were 55–75 milliseconds, 95% of the LAS40 s were 9–26 milliseconds, and 95% of the RMS40 voltages were 177–444 μV. None of the SAECGs contained evidence of ventricular late potentials. Spectro-temporal maps were similar in each dog when the same segment lengths and starting points were compared. No evidence of ventricular late potentials was observed. Correlation ratios were lower when windowed segments included 15 or 20 milliseconds (versus 10 milliseconds) of the terminal QRS complex. When only 10 milliseconds of the terminal QRS complex were included in windowed segments, the mean correlation ratios for 30-and 40-millisecond segment lengths were > 0.8 and > 0.61 in 67% of all analyses, respectively.  相似文献   



Hypothyroidism and dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) are both common diseases in Doberman Pinschers. A possible influence of hypothyroidism on the etiology and progression of DCM is controversial.


Evaluation of the role of hypothyroidism in etiology and progression of DCM.


A total of 175 Doberman Pinschers.


In this longitudinal prospective study, echocardiography and 24‐hour ambulatory ECG recordings were performed in all dogs as screening tests for DCM. Total thyroxine (TT4) and thyroid ultrasonography served as initial screening tests for hypothyroidism and low TT4 values were followed up by a thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) test or free total thyroxine (fT 4)/cTSH measurements. Additionally, a follow‐up study of dogs affected by both DCM and hypothyroidism under optimal treatment for hypothyroidism was conducted.


A total of 107 dogs were healthy, 45 dogs had DCM, 11 hypothyroidism, and 12 dogs had both DCM and hypothyroidism. TT 4 values as well as the thyroid volumes were equivalent in the healthy dogs and in those with DCM. Neither ventricular premature complexes nor echocardiographic parameters differed between healthy and hypothyroid dogs. Dogs with DCM had a 2.26‐fold (CI0.95 = 1.1–4.8) higher risk of also being affected by hypothyroidism. Despite optimal thyroid treatment of dogs with hypothyroidism and DCM, there was a progression of the heart disease.

Conclusions and Clinical Importance

This study did not confirm a role of hypothyroidism in the etiology or progression of DCM. Treatment of hypothyroidism did not improve the clinical outcome.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Assessment of diastolic function in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) has the potential to add valuable information regarding hemodynamics, disease severity, and prognosis. The purpose of this study was to determine transmitral flow (TMF), isovolumic relaxation time (IVRT), pulmonary venous flow (PVF), flow propagation velocity (Vp), and mitral annular velocities by tissue Doppler in Doberman Pinschers with and without DCM. HYPOTHESIS: It was anticipated that normal and DCM Dobermans would differ with respect to these parameters, and that associations with time to congestive heart failure (CHF) or death would be found. ANIMALS: Thirty client-owned Doberman Pinschers (10 each of normal, occult DCM, and overt DCM) were studied. METHODS: Each dog underwent echocardiography with or without thoracic radiography (to confirm CHF) for classification as normal or DCM-affected, followed by collection of echocardiographic diastolic parameters. RESULTS: The group with occult DCM exhibited features of pseudonormal TMF, reduced systolic to diastolic PVF ratio, and reduced Vp. Shorter early TMF deceleration time (DTE) was associated with shorter time to CHF or sudden death. The group with overt DCM exhibited restrictive TMF, blunted systolic PVF, and reduced early and late diastolic mitral annular velocities. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE: Doberman Pinschers showed evidence of moderate and severe diastolic dysfunction in occult and overt DCM, respectively. Short DTE may be a useful predictor of onset of CHF or sudden death.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate blanket and flank sucking and any association with pica in Doberman Pinschers. DESIGN: Survey and case-control study. ANIMALS: 153 Doberman Pinschers (77 dogs with blanket or flank sucking and 76 unaffected dogs). PROCEDURES: Owners of Doberman Pinschers with blanket sucking, flank sucking, or both were surveyed regarding the age of onset, triggers, frequency, duration, interruptability, and associated medical and behavioral consequences. A putative association of blanket sucking and flank sucking with pica was examined by comparison of affected dogs with unaffected dogs. RESULTS: Apart from the difference in the object of oral activity between blanket and flank suckers, age of onset was the only variable that differed between dogs with the 2 conditions. Dogs with blanket or flank sucking had a higher prevalence of pica than the unaffected population. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Blanket and flank sucking are apparently related conditions that can occur with sufficient intensity to cause medical sequelae. These nonnutritive suckling behaviors share similarities with other canine compulsive disorders and are associated with pica. Veterinarians should advise owners that flank and blanket sucking are abnormal, potentially harmful behaviors in dogs. Treatment should be considered for severely affected dogs or when flank or blanket sucking is associated with medical problems.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) results in progressive myocardial and circulatory dysfunction causing activation of a number of neurohormonal systems, including the endothelin (ET) system, which is only beginning to be described in clinical veterinary medicine. Measurement of these circulating neurohormones possesses potential utility in the diagnosis, staging, and assessment of prognosis in cardiac disease. HYPOTHESIS: We hypothesized that plasma big ET-1, norepinephrine (NE), aldosterone, and atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) concentrations in normal Dobermans would differ from those in Dobermans with DCM, and that concentrations of these hormones would be associated with time to congestive heart failure (CHF) or death. ANIMALS: Thirty client-owned Dobermans (10 each of normal, occult DCM, and overt DCM) were included in the study. METHODS: Dogs underwent an echocardiogram, ECG, and blood sample collection. Neurohormones were measured by high-pressure liquid chromatography (NE) or commercial assays. RESULTS: Dogs with occult DCM had significantly higher ANP concentrations compared with normal dogs (least squares means [95% confidence interval, CI]: occult female 53.7 pg/mL [40.2-71.7] versus normal female 31.6 pg/mL [24.8-40.3], P = .026; occult male 86.1 pg/mL [64.7-115] versus normal male 12.1 pg/mL [5.1-28.7], P = .011). Dogs with overt DCM had significantly higher concentrations of all neurohormones compared with the normal group. Furthermore, increasing big ET-1 (risk ratio [RR] 2.7, CI 1.3-8.6, P = .01) and NE concentrations (RR 3.9, CI 1.1-18.1, P = .03) over 1 month were associated with a shorter survival time. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE: High ANP concentrations can identify dogs with advanced occult DCM. Increasing big ET-1 or NE concentrations over time can be useful predictors of poor prognosis.  相似文献   

Background: Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs) are recommended in people to treat asymptomatic (occult) dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). Efficacy of therapy in occult DCM in dogs is unknown.
Hypothesis: ACEIs, specifically benazepril hydrochloride (BH), will delay the onset of overt DCM in Doberman Pinschers.
Animals: Ninety-one Doberman Pinschers were studied, 57 dogs received BH, and 34 dogs no ACEI.
Methods: Retrospective study of the medical records of all Doberman Pinschers with occult DCM that received BH or no ACEI between April 1989 and February 2003. Two criteria of left ventricular enlargement were used for enrollment: one independent of body weight (BW) (C1) and the other indexed to BW (C2). Cox proportional hazards analyses were used to identify variables associated with the onset of overt DCM.
Results: On univariate analysis the median time to onset of overt DCM was significantly longer for the benazepril group (for C1: 425 days for BH, 95% confidence interval [CI] 264–625 days; 339 days for no ACEI, CI 172–453 days, P = .02; for C2: 454 days for BH, CI 264–628 days; 356 days for no ACEI, CI 181–547 days, P = .02). The hazard ratio (HR) (benazepril/no ACEI) was 0.57, CI 0.35–0.94, P = .03 for C1; HR = 0.56, CI 0.34–0.93, P = .02 for C2. On multivariate analysis, BH significantly delayed onset of overt DCM (HR [benazepril/no ACEI] = 0.45, CI 0.26–0.78, P < .01, for C1; HR = 0.36, CI 0.21–0.63, P < .01, for C2).
Conclusions: BH in particular and ACEIs in general might delay the progression of occult DCM. Prospective studies are warranted to test this theory.  相似文献   

Abstract— Four black and two red Doberman Pinschers with a slowly progressive, dorsal hypotrichosis were studied. All six dogs developed the hair loss as adults and hypotrichosis was permanent. Skin biopsies showed changes compatible with follicular dysplasia.
Résumé— L'etude porte sur 4 Dobermans noirs et 2 Dobermans marrons présentant une hypotrichose dorsale d'extension progressive. L'hypotrichose dorsale d'extension progressive. L'hypotrichose s'est développée chez les 6 chiens à l'âge adulte et est permanente. Les biopsies cutanées ont montré des images compatibles avec le diagnostic de dysplasie folliculaire.
Zusammenfassung— Bei vier schwarzen und zwei roten Dobermännern wurde eine langsam fortschreitende dorsale Hypotrichose festgestellt. Alle 6 Hunde verloren als adulte Tiere permanent Haare. Die histologischen Untersuchungen zeigten Veränderungen, die einer Follikeldysplasie entsprechen.
Resumen  Se describe la presencia de una hipotricosis dorsal de progresión lenta en cuatro perros de raza Doberman color negro y dos perros de raza Doberman y color rojo. En los seis animales la hipotricosis se inició cuando eran adultos y se mantuvo de forma permanente. Las biopsias cutáneas mostraron cambios histopatológicos compatibles con una displasia folicular.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare plasma fatty acid concentrations and the relationships of fatty acids to arrhythmias in Boxers versus Doberman Pinschers. ANIMALS: 38 Boxers and 13 Doberman Pinschers. PROCEDURES: Boxers and Doberman Pinschers evaluated via Holter recording and for which a blood sample was available were included. Echocardiograms were performed in 49 of 51 dogs. The number of ventricular premature complexes (VPCs)/24 h was counted and fatty acids analyzed. Plasma fatty acid concentrations and VPCs/24 h, as well as correlations between the 2 variables, were compared between the 2 breeds. RESULTS: Compared with the Doberman Pinschers, Boxers had significantly higher plasma concentrations of gamma-linolenic acid but lower concentrations of arachidonic acid. Total n-6 fatty acids and total polyunsaturated fatty acid concentrations were higher in Doberman Pinschers. There were significant, but weak, positive correlations between VPCs and oleic acid, total n-3 fatty acids, and total n-9 fatty acids in Boxers but not in Doberman Pinschers. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Data suggested that plasma fatty acid concentrations may differ between Boxers and Doberman Pinschers and that the relationship between fatty acid concentrations and VPCs may be different between these 2 breeds.  相似文献   

Background: M‐mode is the echocardiographic gold standard to diagnose dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) in dogs, whereas Simpson's method of discs (SMOD) is the preferred method to detect echocardiographic evidence of disease in humans. Objectives: To establish reference values for SMOD and to compare those with M‐mode measurements. Animals: Nine hundred and sixty‐nine examinations of 471 Doberman Pinschers. Methods: Using a prospective longitudinal study design. Reference values for SMOD were established using 75 healthy Doberman Pinschers >8 years old with <50 ventricular premature contractions (VPCs) in 24 hours. The ability of the new SMOD cut‐off values, normalized to body surface area (BSA), for left ventricular end‐diastolic volume (LVEDV/BSA >95 mL/m2) and end‐systolic volume (LVESV/BSA > 55 mL/m2) to detect echocardiographic changes in Doberman Pinschers with DCM was compared with currently recommended M‐mode values. Dogs with elevated SMOD values but normal M‐mode measurements were followed‐up using a prospective longitudinal study design. Results: At the final examination 175 dogs were diagnosed with DCM according to both methods (M‐mode and SMOD). At previous examinations, M‐mode values were abnormal in 142 examinations only, whereas all 175 SMOD already had detected changes. Additionally, 19 of 154 dogs with >100 VPCs/24 hours and normal M‐mode values had abnormal SMOD measurement. Six dogs with increased SMOD measurements remained healthy at several follow‐up examinations (classified as false positive); in 24 dogs with increased SMOD measurements, no follow‐up examinations were available (classified as unclear). Conclusions and Clinical Importance: SMOD measurements are superior to M‐mode to detect early echocardiographic changes in Dobermans with occult DCM.  相似文献   

Von Willebrand's Disease in Two Families of Doberman Pinschers   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
The history, clinical symptoms and laboratory results in two families of Doberman pinschers with von Willebrand's disease are described. The affected animals illustrate the rather nonspecific bleeding problems that may be encountered in mild and moderate forms of this disease. In both families a bleeding diathesis was suspected when one member of the family underwent surgery with serious postoperative bleeding complications. These cases illustrate the importance of a thorough presurgical history as well as the necessity for specific laboratory assays of F VIII including von Willebrand factor activity for the recognition of affected and “carrier” animals.  相似文献   

Paradoxical sinus bradycardia and cardiac asystole resulted in episodic weakness, syncope, or aborted sudden cardiac death during exertion in 8 cardiomyopathic Doberman Pinschers. Bradycardias persisted for 1 to 2 minutes in 5 of 8 dogs, and were often followed by sinus tachycardia. Syncope was prolonged on multiple occasions in 5 dogs, and was accompanied by white, then cyanotic mucous membranes, mydriasis, and apparent sudden death. J Vet Intern Med 1996; 10:88–93. Copyright © 1996 by the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine .  相似文献   

Client-owned, clinically normal Doberman Pinschers (n=20), English Foxhounds (n=17), and Doberman Pinschers with clinical signs of disk-associated cervical spondylomyelopathy (DA-CSM) (n=17) were prospectively studied. All dogs underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the cervical vertebral column. To evaluate vertebral canal stenosis, the canal occupying ratios of the spinal cord and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)-column were calculated from C5 to C7. To evaluate the degree of spinal cord compression and the amount of canal compromise, the compression ratio, remaining spinal cord and CSF-column area, and vertebral canal and dorsoventral vertebral canal compromise ratios were calculated at the site of most severe compression. For each canal occupying ratio, there was a significant higher value (implicating less space available for the spinal cord in the vertebral canal) at the level of C7 for clinically affected Doberman Pinschers compared with clinically normal English Foxhounds. The remaining spinal cord area was significantly smaller in dogs with clinically relevant spinal cord compression compared to dogs with clinically irrelevant spinal cord compression. Relative stenosis of the caudal cervical vertebral canal occurred more often in Doberman Pinschers with DA-CSM compared to English Foxhounds and a critical degree of spinal cord compression should be reached to result in clinical signs.  相似文献   

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