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Gymnanthemum coloratum (Willd.) H. Rob. et B. Kahn is shown to be the correct name for the species to which the name G. chapelieri (Drake) H Rob. was erroneously applied in the new Mansfeld  相似文献   

Thirty-two unimproved landraces of barley ( Hordeum vulgare L.) based on single plant selections in SE Finland were studied. Some of the lines still had ancient features, e.g., rachis brittleness in the tip of the spike. The lines showed 17 different and 16 unique hordein patterns and three lines showed more than one pattern, suggesting heterozygosity, and six different residual grain protein patterns. The three enzyme activities (-amylase, -amylase and -glucanase) of grains germinated aseptically for 120 h were determined. The average activity levels were high compared with a standard of five global barleys and with those determined previously in wild barley (H. vulgare ssp. spontaneum (Koch) Archers et Graebn.) grown in Finland. The ssp. spontaneum sample of 257 accessions showed significantly (P<0.001) less variation in -amylase and significantly (P<0.001) lower mean activity of all three enzymes. The high variation of these chemotypes indicates great potential variation of possible use by breeders has been lost by the disappearance and displacement of local barleys with commercial cultivars since 1950 in Finland before which barley cultivation and adaptation to the local environment had occurred over more than 3000 years. Selection for currently preferable plant characteristics in the descendants of the cross of HA52 (a landrace selection) × Adorra discriminated the hordein pattern of HA52 not being directly selected. The best landraces outyield the standard cultivars especially when there was no lodging. Top yield and small grains appeared to be associated characteristics under the environmental selection pressure, conflicting with the man-made regulations of the EU.  相似文献   

This study reports on the investigation of the polymorphism and geographical distribution of -amylase isozymes by isoelectric-focusing (IEF) analysis in samples of world barley. The isozyme pattern of high thermostability type A and low thermostability type C varieties was restricted in isozyme type II. However, the isozyme pattern of the middle thermostability type B varieties was polymorphic. The -amylase isozyme of 1,554 lines of the middle thermostability group was investigated next. Besides types I and II, new isozyme types III and IV were observed. Most lines were grouped into type II in all growing areas, except for Europe where type I and type II were even in number. Types III and IV were observed in only one line in India and Afghanistan, respectively. In Northern Europe, especially in Denmark, type I was major. It was concluded that a mutant IEF isozyme type I originated from the type II prototype of the thermostability B group in Northern Europe.  相似文献   

Abiotic controls on the functional structure of soil food webs   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary The hypothesis that the trophic structure of soil food webs changes as a result of the abiotic environment was examined by reviewing studies of soil biota. In dry soils with a water potential below –1.5 MPa, most bacteria, protozoans, and many species of nematodes are not active. These taxa persist in the soil in a state of anhydrobiosis. Because soil fungi grow at soil water potentials of –6.0 to –8.0 MPa, soil food webs in dry environments appear to be fungal-based and fungal grazers in dry environments appear to be predominantly fungiphagous mites. There is indirect evidence that some species of fungiphagous mites remain inactive in dry soils in a state of cryptobiosis. In habitats where there is insufficient vegetative cover to shade and modify the soil surface, the functional soil food web consists of fungi and a few taxa of soil acari for extended periods of time.  相似文献   

Variation of the lectin and the two lectin-related proteins, AIL (-amylase inhibitor-like) and ARL (arcelin-like) was examined in wild and cultivated accessions of Lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus L.) using electrophoresis of total seed proteins, immunoblot and RFLP analysis of lectin-related genes. Results confirm that divergence of the two major Lima bean gene pools, Andean and Mesoamerican, also apply to this protein family. All three members of the family are present in both gene pools, with differences in size, abundance and composition between gene pools, giving the possibility to distinguish Andean from Mesoamerican lectin pattern types. Both patterns show some variants, such as lack of lectin or its presence as an abundant protein. The observed variation reflects, at least in part, into genomic polymorphism. The presence of arcelin- and -amylase-related proteins in Lima bean could represent a tool to increase our knowledge in the evolution of the lectin family in Phaseolus species.  相似文献   

The variation for -amylaseisozymes was analyzed in 71 tetraploid wheat (AABB genome)landraces from Ethiopia, including accessions of Triticumdicoccon Shrank, T.turgidum L., T.durum Desf., T.pyramidale Percival and T.aethiopicum Jakubz., by thin-layerpolyacrylamide gel isoelectric focusing. Four zymogram phenotypeswere obtained from all the materials studied. Except inT. dicoccon, however, thestandard pattern of the durum wheat variety, LD222, was predominant.T. dicoccon showed twozymogram types that differed for the absence or consistently weakactivity of band 18(-Amy-B1)of the malt type. Band 1(-Amy-B3)of the malt type was fixed in T.dicoccon and present in only 10% of thefree-threshing (FT) types. Generally, the resultsindicated that the variation for-amylase isozymes in cultivatedtetraploid wheats, including landraces from secondary centers, is lowpossibly due to the founder effect or as a result of selection. Thedata were useful for inferences about the evolutionary history ofEthiopian wheat landraces. It is speculated thatT. dicoccon was the firstwheat to arrive in the Ethiopian highlands ca.5000 years ago. However, it is not known whether the present day FTEthiopian tetraploid wheat landraces are direct descendants ofT. dicoccon, or whetherthey were introduced independently. The clear differences in-amylase zymogram patterns favor the latterhypothesis. However, the presence of band1 in some of the FT types indicated the occurrence of geneflow between the FT types and T.dicoccon, which may also explain thequantitative nature of spike threshability in these landraces.Possible implications for durum wheat breeding arediscussed.  相似文献   

Germplasm conserved as seeds in genebanks requires regular regeneration. In this process, selection and genetic drift may cause loss of genetic diversity from accessions. In the case of selfing crops, separation of distinct lines into different accessions may be an efficient strategy to avoid these negative effects. In order to evaluate the applicability of this method for collection management, knowledge about the level of intra-accession genetic diversity is required. By means of AFLP analysis intra-accession variation was investigated in two cultivars, two landraces and two wild populations of ex situ conserved barley germplasm. In the total sample of 216 individuals analysed (36 per accession), 22 genotypes were observed based on 104 polymorphic loci. The number of genotypes detected ranged from 1 to 3 per accession, except for a Nepalese landrace that revealed 12 genotypes. An UPGMA cluster analysis grouped the genotypes unambiguously into the accession they belonged to and genotypes within accessions were generally found to be closely related. In order to determine the repeatability of the results obtained, 11 individuals belonging to 4 genotypes from the Nepalese landrace were scored for a second set of AFLP markers. Matrices of genetic distances calculated for the two AFLP datasets were found to be highly correlated (r = 0.9346, P < 0.001). Separation of genotypes into different accessions was considered a relevant option only for the Nepalese landrace. Analysis of molecular variance indicated that this accession could be well divided into 8 distinct lines. Further implications of the results for genebank practices are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Cellulase activity in a silt loam soil was assayed and characterised using a microcrystalline cellulose substrate (Avicel). Activity was maximal between pH 5.3 and pH 6.0. A 64% loss in activity was observed on air-drying the soil. However, the residual activity was stable to storage at 40°C for 7 days and was resistant to the action of added protease. The component endoglucanase and -D-glucosidase activities in field-moist and air-dried soil were also assayed. The proportion of the soil microbial population able to utilise cellulose was investigated and the persistence of two free (soluble) cellulase preparations of microbial origin was determined following their addition to soil. A rapid decline in the endoglucanase activity of a Streptomyces sp. cellulase preparation was observed while 30% of the original activity of a Trichoderma viride cellulase preparation could still be detected after 20 days. From the data obtained in this study it appears that the major portion of the -D-glucosidase activity is bound to and protected by the soil colloids. By contrast, the major portion of the exo- and endoglucanase activity appears to be free in the soil solution, attached to the outer surfaces of cellulolytic microorganisms or associated in enzyme substrate complexes. The low residual activity measured in air-dried soil may owe its stability to an association with soil colloids or with recalcitrant cellulosic material present in soil.  相似文献   

As part of an investigation into the agricultural potential of under-exploited Mediterranean Viceae, anti-nutritional factor concentrations were measured in the seed of 7 species. These included: V. sativa(subsp. amphicarpa(L.) Batt., subsp. macrocarpa(Moris) Arcang, subsp. nigra(L.) Ehrh., subsp. sativa), V. ervilia L., V. faba L. (var. faba, var. minor Peterm.), V. narbonensis L. (var. aegyptiaca Kornhuber ex Asch. et Schweinf., var. affinis Kornhuber ex Asch. et Schweinf., var. jordanica H. Schaef., var. narbonensis, var. salmonea(Mout.) H. Schaef.), and relatives, including V. johannis Tamamsch., (var. johannis, var. procumbens H. Schaef.), V. hyaeniscyamus Mout., and V. serratifolia Jacq. Both quantitative and qualitative differences in seed chemistry were observed. Condensed tannins, phenolics and proteinase inhibitors were found in varying concentrations in all taxa. The highest concentrations of phenolic secondary metabolites (0.8–1.4% leucocyanidin equivalents, 9.5–16.4 mg/g phenolics) were found in V. faba, the V. narbonensis relatives and V. sativa subsp. macrocarpa. These taxa also tended to contain low levels of proteinase inhibitors (0.25-0.55 mg trypsin/mg protein), whereas the opposite was the case for V. ervilia(2.1 mg t/mg p). V. narbonensis was intermediate both in terms of tannin and proteinase inhibitor levels. In contrast, the non-protein amino acids tended to be more specific in their distribution. Concentrations of canavanine varied from 0.04-0.11% in the seed of V. ervilia, and may constrain the end-use of the grain, given that pigs are sensitive to concentrations as low as 0.08% in their diet. In V. sativa variation of -glutamyl--cyanoalanine within and between subspecies (0.41–1.36%) is not sufficient to make the grain palatable to monogastrics, since > 0.075% inclusion in the diet causes mortality in chicks. In V. narbonensis, there was no significant variation between most varieties for -glutamyl-S-ethenyl cysteine (GEC), a non-protein amino acid peptide which reduces grain palatability. However, lower concentrations were found in V. n. var. jordanica and its near relatives, V. johannis, V. hyaeniscyamus and V. serratifolia(1.3-1.6%, compared with 1.9+/–0.02% in all remaining V. narbonesis sub-species). Anti-nutritional factor concentrations were used to visualize taxonomic relationships using hierarchical cluster analysis. The V. narbonensis varieties were closely aligned with their near relatives, V. johannis, V. hyaeniscyamus and V. serratifolia. In contrast V. faba was positioned closer to the V. sativa subspecies than either to V. narbonesis or its near relatives. V. ervilia was the most distantly related species. Across all taxa proteinase inhibitors and condensed tannins or total phenols were negatively correlated (r=– 0.72, P < 0.009). This may be a mechanism which minimizes wasteful resource allocation to chemical defense, because the 2 anti-nutritional factors are functionally substitutable, since they both reduce the availability of protein in plant material. Thus taxa investing in high concentrations of proteinase inhibitors do not duplicate chemical defense mechanisms by simultaneously producing large amounts of tannins and phenolics.  相似文献   

Humic compounds with -glucosidase activity were extracted from soil using tetrasodium pyrophosphate as extracting solution. Mixture of soil samples with 0.01 M pyrophosphate in a ratio of 1:5 (w/v), adjustment to pH 7.0–7.3, extraction for 18 h with reciprocating agitation, and bacteriological filtration after centrifugation were the optimum conditions for extraction of the -glucosidase complexes. Otherwise, experimental conditions for extraction indicated that the concentration and pH of pyrophosphate were the factors with the most influence on enzymatic extraction yields. The results indicated that the -glucosidase was extracellular and associated with soil humates.  相似文献   

Sulphate concentrations and 34S ratios were monitored in bulk precipitation, spruce throughfall, and soil water (depth of 30 and 90 cm) at ervená jáma (CER) and Naetín (NAC), two severely polluted sites in the Czech Republic, between December 1992 and September 1994. Throughfall [SO4 2–], up to 80 mg L–1 in winter and as low as 7 mg L–1 in summer, was higher than [SO4 2–] in bulk precipitation (annual average 6 mg L–1). There was a distinct seasonaity in S isotope abundances, with lower 34SBULK in summer (+4 per mil CER, + 6 per mil NAC) and lower 34STF in winter (+3 per mil CER, +4 per mil NAC). Wintertime 34SBULK was around +8 per mil at CER and +10 per mil at NAC, summertime 34STF was close to +7 per mil at both sites. For only a 1- month period in spring, bulk precipitation S became isotopically lighter than throughfall S. Bulk precipitation data from CER were in good agreement with those from the nearby monitoring station Lesná (LES), typically differing by less than 10 mg L–1 and 2 per mil in [SO4 2–] and 34S, respectively. Suction lysimeters (soil depth of 30 and 90 cm) yielded higher sulphate concentrations and lower 34S ratios compared to both bulk and throughfall precipitation. Little seasonality was observed in [SO4 2–] at 30 cm (around 40 mg L–1); at 90 cm [SO4 2–] was higher in winter (70 mg L–1) than in summer (45 mg L–1). 34S at 90 cm was <+5 per=" mil=" in=" 1993=" and=" up=" to=" +7.5=" in=" 1994,=" lower=" in=" the=" first=" year=" and=" higher=" in=" the=" second=" year=" compared=" to=" the=" depth=" of=" 30=" cm.=" sulphur=" fluxes=" at=" cer=" and=" nac=" are=" characterized=" by=" distinct=" isotope=" compositions=" and=" can=" therefore=" be=" used=" to=" trace=" s=" pathways=" and=" transformations=" in=" the=" forest=">  相似文献   

Summary Dissimilarities in soil N uptake between N2-fixing and reference non-N2-fixing plants can lead to inaccurate N2 fixation estimates by N difference and 15N enrichment methods. The natural 15N abundance ( 15N) method relies on a stabilized soil 15N pool and may provide reliable estimates of N2 fixation. Estimates based on the 15N and differences in N yield of nodulating and non-nodulating isolines of soybean were compared in this study. Five soybeans from maturity groups 00, IV, VI, and VIII and their respective non-nodulating isolines were grown at three elevations differing in ambient temperature and soil N availability. Despite large differences in phenological development and N yield between the non-nodulating isolines, the 15N values measured on seeds were relatively constant within a site. The 15N method consistently produced lower N2 fixation estimates than the N difference method, but only in three of the 15 observations did they differ significantly. The average crop N derived from N2 fixation across sites and maturity groups was 81% by N difference compared to 71% by 15N. The magnitude of difference between the two methods increased with increasing proportions of N derived from N2 fixation. These differences between the two methods were not related to differences in total N across sites or genotypes. The low N2 fixation estimates based on 15N might indicate that the nodulating isolines had assimilated more soil N than the non-nodulating ones. A lower variance indicated that the estimates by N difference using non-nodulating isolines were more precise than those by 15N. Since the differences between the estimates were large only at high N2 fixation levels (low soil N availability), either method may be used in most situations when a non-nodulating isoline is used as the reference plant. The 15N method may have a comparative advantage over N difference and 15N enrichment methods in the absence of a suitable non-N2-fixing reference plant such as a non-nodulating isoline.  相似文献   

Carrot cells were grown in cultures supplemented with two hormones [2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and 6-benzylaminopurine (6BAP)] and two humic fractions extracted from earthworm faeces, one with high acidity and a low apparent molecular size (<3500) and the other with low acidity and a large molecular size. 2,4-D stimulated growth through an effect on cell enlargement, while the strongly acidic humic fraction (0.2 mg l-1) and the weakly acidic fraction (1 mg l-1) were both less effective. With 4–16 h of pre-incubation, the highly acid humic fraction, mainly alone, induced the best increase in protein content; the effect of the weakly acid humic fraction and the hormones was generally less important. The two humic fractions also differed in their influence on glutamate dehydrogenase activity. After 2 h of pretreatment, the highly acidic fraction increased glutamate dehydrogenase activity, while the other fraction did not affect it. After 4–16 h of pre-incubation, the activity of this enzyme was still not influenced by these humic fractions. The presence of the two hormones did not interfere with the humic matter effects. Glutamine synthetase activity was not affected by a pre-incubation of up to 4 h with the two humic fractions, but it was stimulated after 8–16 h of pre-incubation. A 2,4-D+6BAP mixture stimulated glutamine synthetase activity (from +12 to +50%). Again, the presence of the hormones did not interfere with the effects induced by the humic fractions. After 16 h of pre-incubation, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase activity was increased by the highly acidic humic fraction (+93%) and by both humic fractions together (+34%). An explanation of the different incubation times necessary for the humic fractions to exert stimulatory effects on these enzymes is proposed here. The regulatory properties of the strongly acidic humic fraction appeared to depend on the combination of high acidity (expecially carboxylic C) with low molecular size.  相似文献   

Summary To investigate the effect of single versus dual inoculation of peas (Pisum sativum L.) with Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viceae and Penicillium bilaji (a soil fungi capable of solubilizing soil P) on N2 fixation an experiment was carried out under controlled conditions. A sandy loam soil was selected which contained low levels of available N and P. P fertilizer [Ca(H2PO4)2] and P. bilaji significantly increased dry matter production. Peas inoculated with R. leguminosarum showed only a small increase in dry matter, but the additional application of P significantly increased the yield. The total N accumulation was highly dependent on the presence of R. leguminosarum. Using the 15N method for estimating N2 fixation, the highest level of N2-fixing activity was observed in peas inoculated with R. leguminosarum and fertilized with inorganic P. Dual inoculation of peas with P. bilaji and R. leguminosarum significantly decreased the amount of N2 fixed. Total P uptake was solely dependent on the P fertilizer.  相似文献   

Bambara groundnut has great potential as an alternative crop for improving food security in its production regions and beyond. A field experiment was conducted at the Field Research Centre of the Crops for the Future to obtain information on the nitrogen (N) fixation and N balance of Bambara groundnut landraces on tropical acidic soils of Malaysia. Treatments consisted of three Bambara groundnut landraces (Ex-Sokoto, Kaaro, and NN-1) laid out in a randomized complete block design replicated three times. Results obtained revealed that Ex-Sokoto landrace was greater in yield and N fixation, whereas N balance (-haulm) was greater in NN-1 landrace. The results revealed grain yield of 703–2256 kg ha?1 and N fixation from 32–81 kg ha?1 and suggest that Bambara groundnut could be integrated into a cereal-based cropping system. Ex-Sokoto landrace appeared to be the most promising for yield and N fixation under Malaysian acidic soil conditions.  相似文献   

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