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Exercise-induced malignant hyperthermia in an English springer spaniel   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
An exercise-induced malignant hyperthermia-like syndrome developed in an English Springer Spaniel. Moderate exercise resulted in pronounced hyperlactacidemia, dyspnea, and hyperthermia. Before exercise, the dog had high activities of serum muscle enzymes, mild reticulocytosis, abnormally increased erythrocyte osmotic fragility, and a positive result from the caffeine-halothane contracture test. This report supports the hypothesis of a canine stress syndrome and indicates a role for exercise/challenge tests in diagnosis of malignant hyperthermia susceptibility.  相似文献   

A dermoid sinus was identified in a springer spaniel that presented with hindlimb neurological deficits. The sinus was continuous with the dura mater at the level of the lumbosacral junction. The presence of hair and debris adjacent to neural tissue had elicited a myelitis. A dorsal laminectomy was required to allow complete surgical resection of the sinus. The dog's neurological status improved after treatment and this improvement was maintained over a five-month follow-up period.  相似文献   

Primary persistent atrial standstill due to atrioventricular muscle dystrophy is a rare familial disease in dogs. The diagnosis of this disorder in a 5-month-old English springer spaniel is the earliest in dogs that have been presented at the Ontario Veterinary College.  相似文献   

A 3-year-old female American Cocker Spaniel with a chronic hemolytic disorder and hemolytic crises was found to have M-type phosphofructokinase deficiency. This inherited erythroenzymopathy and myopathy is commonly diagnosed in English Springer Spaniels, but the family study of this Cocker Spaniel, although supporting an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance, did not reveal any English Springer Spaniel ancestors. Molecular genetic studies did, however, identify the same mutation in this dog as we previously reported in the English Springer Spaniel breed, suggesting that this mutation originated prior to the separation of these 2 breeds.  相似文献   

This paper reports 28 cases of primary angle closure glaucoma in the Welsh springer spaniel, a breed not previously reported to be affected by this condition. Females are affected more frequently than males (2–4:1). The age of onset ranges from 10 weeks to 10 years; however, the distribution is skewed towards the younger dog. The mode of inheritance appears to be dominant, which should make elimination of the trait through breeding control more straightforward. Gonioscopy on clinically affected and clinically normal dogs revealed three angle types; open (normal), partially open and partially closed (equivocal) and closed (affected). The equivocal cases may represent the heterozygous state and the closed the homozygous; alternatively the gene(s) may show variable expression.  相似文献   

Medical records and liver histology of 68 English springer spaniels (ESS) with a histological diagnosis of CH were reviewed retrospectively. PCR was performed on liver tissue for canine adenovirus-1 (CAV-1), canine parvovirus, canine herpesvirus and pathogenic Leptospira species. Follow-up information was obtained to calculate survival times. Median age at presentation was three years seven months (range, seven months to eight years five months) and there were 48 female and 20 male dogs. Clinical signs were non-specific and five dogs were asymptomatic. All dogs had an increase in serum activity of one or more hepatobiliary enzymes. Histopathology demonstrated hepatocyte necrosis and apoptosis with varying amounts of fibrosis. A predominantly lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate throughout the hepatic parenchyma was found in all 68 dogs, but 45 of these dogs also had a neutrophilic component to the inflammatory infiltrate. There was no significant copper accumulation and no aetiological agent was identified by PCR. The median survival time was 189 days (range, 1 to 1211 days), 38 dogs died within three months and 12 dogs survived more than a year following diagnosis.  相似文献   

An eight-year-old, female springer spaniel was treated for metastatic insulinoma with a single intravenous dose of 500 mg/m2 streptozotocin (SZN), and pre- and post-treatment diuresis. A tapering dose of corticosteroids was also administered over a 28 day period. SZN and corticosteroid administration resulted in resolution of hypoglycaemia and subsequent development of diabetes mellitus. Further metastases caused cervical spinal pain and the dog was euthanased 118 days after SZN administration. SZN can be safely used for the treatment of canine insulinoma, but, when compared with other published cases, a marked variation in clinical response to this drug exists and further study is warranted.  相似文献   

Disseminated aspergillosis attributable to Aspergillus deflectus was diagnosed in a Springer Spaniel with lethargy, lameness, anorexia, weight loss, pyrexia, lymphadenopathy, hematuria, and urinary incontinence. Necropsy revealed granulomatous inflammation and numerous fungal hyphae in many organs. The conidial heads of the fungus have a characteristic briar-pipe appearance in culture.  相似文献   

Lipid storage myopathy in a cocker spaniel   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A six-year-old male cocker spaniel was presented to the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital, University of Florida, with a three-week history of generalised weakness and myalgia. Electrodiagnostic evaluation, cerebrospinal fluid analysis and thoracolumbar myelography were unremarkable. Biopsies from vastus lateralis and triceps muscles revealed numerous large lipid droplets within type 1 fibres and to a lesser degree within type 2 fibres. The resting plasma lactate was mildly increased and there was elevated urinary excretion of lactic, pyruvic and acetoacetic acids, increased urinary excretion of carnitine esters, and increased plasma alanine. This pattern of metabolite excretion is consistent with an, as yet undefined, block in oxidative metabolism.  相似文献   

Septic pericarditis and myocardial abscess are rare conditions in dogs. They are usually caused by foreign bodies, penetrating wounds, systemic infections or extension of local infections such as endocarditis, pleuritis or pulmonary infections to the myocardial tissue. Here we report a septic pericardial effusion and myocardial abscess in a young English Springer spaniel presenting with a long history of pyrexia and lethargy. No cause could clearly be identified although a penetrating injury or dissolving foreign body was highly suspected. The patient was successfully treated with a surgical approach in combination with broad spectrum antibacterials resulting in resolution of clinical signs without recurrence of the infection.  相似文献   

A high percentage of aggression problems and a tendency to display noninhibited aggression in the English cocker spaniel (ECS) have been suggested by many authors. The authors of this paper designed a retrospective study to analyze the aggressive behavior of 145 ECSs presented for aggression problems to the Animal Behavior Service at the Barcelona School of Veterinary Medicine's veterinary teaching hospital. Aggressive ECSs were compared with a population of dogs of the same breed presented for a behavior problem other than aggression and with a population of aggressive dogs of other breeds. The most common forms of aggression in the ECS were owner-directed aggression (67.6%), aggression toward unfamiliar people (18.4%), aggression toward unfamiliar dogs (10.1%), and aggression toward family dogs (3.3%).Owner-directed aggression was more common in the ECS than in other breeds, although in similar contexts. In the ECS, the golden coat color was more common in the aggressive dogs than in nonaggressive dogs. ECSs showed impulsive aggression more frequently than aggressive dogs of other breeds. The aim of the study was to analyze cases of aggressive ECSs seen in a referral practice.  相似文献   

A novel plant-induced lysosomal storage disease was observed in goats from a village in Mozambique. Affected animals were ataxic, with head tremors and nystagmus. Because of a lack of suitable feed, the animals consumed an exotic hedge plant growing in the village that was identified as Ipomoea carnea (shrubby morning glory, Convolvulaceae). The toxicosis was reproduced by feeding I. carnea plant material to goats. In acute cases, histologic changes in the brain and spinal cord comprised widespread cytoplasmic vacuolation of neurons and glial cells in association with axonal spheroid formation. Ultrastructurally, cytoplasmic storage vacuoles in neurons were membrane bound and consistent with lysosomes. Cytoplasmic vacuolation was also found in neurons in the submucosal and mesenteric plexuses in the small intestine, in renal tubular epithelial cells, and in macrophage-phagocytic cells in the spleen and lymph nodes in acute cases. Residual alterations in the brain in chronic cases revealed predominantly cerebellar lesions characterized by loss of Purkinje neurons and gliosis of the Purkinje cell layer. Analysis of I. carnea plant material by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry established the presence of the mannosidase inhibitor swainsonine and 2 glycosidase inhibitors, calystegine B2 and calystegine C1, consistent with a plant-induced alpha-mannosidosis in the goats. The described storage disorder is analogous to the lysosomal storage diseases induced by ingestion of locoweeds (Astragalus and Oxytropis) and poison peas (Swainsona).  相似文献   

Hooding of the globe with exposure of both membrana and everted lower palpebral conjunctival surfaces is part of a required facial conformation for several breeds of dog. Compliance with the associated Kennel Club breed standards may bring reward in the show ring, but poor apposition between eyelid and globe is clinically unsound. There may be an associated physical impairment of sight, chronic conjunctivitis or keratoconjunctivitis, and epiphora. Treatment can be difficult, but in the English cocker spaniel considerable improvement may be achieved by simple face lift surgery. The technique restores the palpebral fissure to its normal position, and long term results suggest that the correction is maintained permanently.  相似文献   

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