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The increase in the knowledge of the genetic variability of BVDV and the identification of some of the genetic determinants of its pathogenicity require robust and practical tools for rapid molecular characterization of the various genotypes of this virus. This study was undertaken to develop a standard protocol for RT-PCR that allows the amplification of various parts of the genome of BVDV without the need for optimizing each individual reaction. The reaction set-up is very flexible because it consists of two pre-mixes. These are a master mix, with all the required reagents except the desired primers, which are the components of the second pre-mix and are therefore easily interchangeable between the different reactions. After adding any primer-containing pre-mix to the fixed master mix, a non-interrupted cycling protocol led to the generation of amplicons of up to 4 kbp in size in amounts sufficient for subsequent sequencing reactions. The method was applied to five different regions of the BVDV genome: (i) the well-known 5-UTR to differentiate genotypes I and II; (ii) the entire E2 gene, or an approximately 550 bp region within the E2 gene, in order to find the molecular equivalent of antigenic varieties; (iii) the entire structural protein coding region covering the Npro, capsid, E RNS, E1 and E2 genes; (iv) a 2.1 kbp region embracing the NS2/3 junction which is known to be cleaved in cytopathic biotypes of BVDV; and (v) the region covering the entire NS4B and NS5A/B genes. All six RT-PCRs were successfully applied using (i) primers with lengths of between 20 and 52 nucleotides, (ii) an aliquot of RNA extracted from either 106 infected bovine embryonal lung cells or the same number of leukocytes from viraemic cattle, and (iii) all the genotype I and II strains of BVDV tested. The technique described was used to generate various Sindbis virus/BVDV recombinants. The correct processing of the amplicon-derived E2 glycoprotein of BVDV strain PT810 was demonstrated by its reaction with a monoclonal antibody in an immunofluorescence assay. Given the variety of RT-PCRs tested, we conclude that this universal protocol may be useful with other RNA viruses.  相似文献   

A non-cytopathic strain of BVDV-2 was isolated from a batch of live infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) vaccine, and inoculated intranasally into four 3-month-old calves. Severe signs of disease developed by days 4 and 6 in three of the calves, free of BVDV and antibodies to BVDV, that had been exposed to the virus. These calves survived the acute phase of the infection and progressively recovered. BVDV was consistently isolated, or the respective viral RNA was detected, in the buffy coats from blood samples collected starting from days 2 or 4 up to days 11 or 14 after the experimental infection. Viral RNA was also detected in sera from these infected calves until the presence in the serum of virus neutralizing antibodies was demonstrated. By contrast, the only calf having pre-existing neutralizing antibodies to BVDV at the start of the study was protected from the disease. No virus was detected at any time after experimental inoculation of this calf. Genomic characterization of the BVDV-2 isolated in cell cultures, or detected in sera from the experimentally infected animals, revealed 100% homology in the nucleotide sequence with the BVDV-2 detected as a contaminant of the live IBR virus vaccine. These findings provided evidence of the infective nature of the contaminant BVDV-2 and of its potential to generate disease outbreaks when inoculated into susceptible animals.  相似文献   

Field isolates of BVDV which do not show the exaltation of Newcastle disease virus (END) phenomenon (END) are rarely reported. In this study, 45 BVDV field isolates from cattle in Hokkaido prefecture in Japan were analyzed by the reverse plaque formation method, the END method and observation of cytopathic effects. END virus was detected in 34 of 45 isolates (75.6%), although 35 of 45 field isolates contained END phenomenon positive virus as the predominant virus population. We propose that END viruses are widely distributed in the field and that it is possible that the mixture of biologically distinct BVDV correlates with the appearance of disease in infected animals.  相似文献   

牛病毒性腹泻病毒致病机制研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
牛病毒性腹泻(bovine viral diarrhea,BVD)和黏膜病(mucosal disease,MD)均是由牛病毒性腹泻病毒(bovine viral diarrhea virus,BVDV)感染引发的传染病,严重威胁世界养牛业的发展。文章概述了BVDV分型及其分子生物学特征,并从急性感染、经胎盘或子宫感染、持续性感染和黏膜病4个方面总结了近期国内外BVDV致病机制的研究进展。根据序列保守性及是否致细胞病变可将BVDV分为两种基因型和两种生物型,其中,新发现的"HoBi"株归类为瘟病毒属。BVDV基因进化很快,基因组编码4种结构蛋白和8种非结构蛋白,编码蛋白在病毒的复制、翻译及在宿主致病过程中发挥重要作用。BVDV致病机制复杂,急性感染会造成病毒血症、繁殖障碍、免疫抑制等,急性感染牛发生腹泻的原因与BVDV感染胃肠道的肌层、黏膜下层并干扰肠道神经的正常功能相关,非致细胞病变型(NCP)BVDV是造成急性感染的病因。胚胎感染BVDV取决于病毒首次侵袭时胎儿在子宫内的生长阶段。NCP型BVDV具有抑制胎儿体内产生Ⅰ型干扰素的能力,致使该病毒在宿主中得以生存并形成持续性感染牛,当持续性感染牛再次感染与NCP型BVDV高度同源的致细胞病变型(CP)毒株时直接诱发黏膜病。两种生物型的产生是发生持续性感染和黏膜病的重要因素,NCP型可向CP型BVDV进行转化。本综述有助于发现控制BVD-MD传播的新途径,为消灭该病和新型疫苗的研制提供参考。  相似文献   

Houe, H. and I. Heron: Immune response of calves persistently infected with Bovine Virus Diarrhoea Virus (BVDV) to other agents. Acta vet. scand. 1993, 34, 305-310.– The ability of calves persistently infected (PI) with bovine virus diarrhoea virus BVDV to respond immunologically to defined antigens other than BVDV was studied. Five clinically healthy PI calves were studied together with 5 non-PI calves serving as controls. The humoral immune response was tested by measuring the serum antitoxin titre following immunization against tetanus. The cellular immune response was tested by the ability to develop a positive reaction in a cutaneous tuberculin test performed 1 month after immunization against Johne’s disease (paratuberculosis). Finally, a skin-sensitizing agent, dinitrochlorobenzene (DNCB), was employed to study whether PI calves would react by hypersensitization following skin exposure to DNCB for 7 consecutive days followed by application of DNCB to a new skin area remote from the area that had first been exposed.The response of PI calves to the various types of antigenic stimuli applied was not significantly different from that of the control calves. Thus, PI calves developed a potent antitoxin response after tetanus immunization, they showed a positive reaction to tuberculin skin test after immunization against paratuberculosis, and were skin sentitized with DNCB.  相似文献   

本试验使用3~6月龄健康易感牛9头(牛传染性鼻气管炎病毒(IBRV)和牛病毒性腹泻病毒(BVDV)抗原、抗体均阴性),共分3组,每组3头犊牛。第1组首免肌肉注射IBRV-LNM弱毒疫苗株种毒,接种1周后,每头牛接种BVDV-SM弱毒疫苗株;第2组只接种BVDV-SM弱毒疫苗株种毒,接种时间同第1组;第3组为对照组,接种MDBK细胞培养液。接种BVDV-SM疫苗毒后每周采血至疫苗毒接种后28 d,测定接种后BVDV抗体效价,并采用BVDV-JL检验用强毒进行攻毒试验。结果表明,第1组与第2组试验动物血清中牛病毒性腹泻病毒抗体水平无明显差异,能够抵抗BVDV-JL强毒攻击达到免疫保护的效果,说明牛传染性鼻气管炎病毒IBRV-LNM弱毒疫苗株接种后在牛体内对牛病毒性腹泻病毒BVDV-SM疫苗毒不产生免疫干扰作用。  相似文献   

牛病毒性腹泻病毒P125基因重要区的比较与分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
根据牛病毒性腹泻病毒(BVDV)NADL株的序列,以计算机辅助设计,化学合成1对引物(W1/W2);应用RT-PCR对国内不同地区分离的4株BVDV的P125基因外源序列插入区进行了扩增,并将扩增的片段进行克隆和序列测定,同时以DNASIS和PROSIS计算机软件将测定的核苷酸序列及推导的氨基酸序列进行比较分析。结果证实,国内分离的4株BVDV在这一区域中既没有外源序列的插入,也没有基因重组、基因重排或基因缺失,但存在某些核苷酸和氨基酸的替换,表明病毒的致细胞病变作用除与外源序列的插入、基因重组、基因重排或基因缺失有关外,可能还存在其他机制。核苷酸序列的同源性及系统树分析的结果表明,国内的BVDV毒株存在Ia和Ib2个基因亚型,它们均属基因I型BVDV  相似文献   

陈新诺  张斌 《中国畜牧兽医》2017,44(11):3137-3142
牛病毒性腹泻病毒(bovine viral diarrhea virus,BVDV)是导致牛腹泻的重要致病病毒之一,BVDV感染不仅能造成严重的临床症状,且可导致患畜的免疫力降低从而感染其他病原,致使患病动物的发病率和死亡率大大增加,给养牛业造成重大的损失。随着近年来分子生物学相关理论及技术不断发展,对于BVDV的研究逐渐深入,人们对该病毒的分子生物学方面有了一些新的了解,作者主要从BVDV的病毒粒子结构组成及功能、国内外的流行情况和BVDV基因的遗传与变异情况3个方面阐述近几年BVDV的分子生物学研究进展。  相似文献   

Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) is one of the most important pathogenic viruses which mainly causes bovine viral diarrhea disease (BVD). BVDV can not only cause serious clinical symptoms, but also lead to decrease of immunity of livestock and infect other pathogens, resulting in significant increase of morbidity and mortality of sick animals, and causes significant losses to the cattle industry. With the development of molecular biology theory and technology in recent years, the research on BVDV has been deepening, and some new understandings have been made to the molecular biology of the virus. In this paper, the progress of molecular biology of BVDV in recent years is described from three aspects of the composition and function of virus, the epidemic situation of BVDV gene and the genetic and mutation of BVDV gene.  相似文献   

Based on 2 previous surveys on the occurrence of infection with bovine virus diarrhoea virus (BVDV) in Danish and Michigan dairy herds, the prevalence and incidence of the infection were compared. The presence of certain possible risk factors for the occurrence of infection in the 2 areas were summarized and it was investigated if any of these risk factors had significant effect on the presence of animals persistently infected (PI) with BVDV in the dairy herds. Information on the cattle population density in the 2 areas was obtained from statistical yearbooks. Further information for the individual farms on age distribution, housing of animals, herd size, pasturing and purchasing policy was gathered. The prevalence of PI animals was more than 10 times higher in Denmark as compared to Michigan. In herds without PI animals, the annual incidence of seroconversion as calculated from the age specific prevalence of antibody carriers varied in most age groups between 20–25% in Denmark and between 5–10% in Michigan. All investigated risk factors except for herd size were in favour of a lower prevalence of infection in Michigan. The use of having animals on pasture and at the same time having purchased more than 40 animals within recent 31/2–4 years were significantly associated with presence of PI animals in the dairy herds (p = 0.01) when tested by the Mantel-Haenszel χ2. Using mul-tivariable logistic regression, the occurrence of PI animals was found to be significantly related to the study area (Michigan and Denmark) as well as to herd size and purchase intensity.  相似文献   

1株猪源牛病毒性腹泻病毒的分离与鉴定   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
从BVDV阳性仔猪病料中分离病毒,为开展猪源BVDV病原学研究奠定基础。将处理后BVDV阳性仔猪组织样品接种MDBK细胞,分离到1株猪源BVDV,命名为SD0803株。通过细胞培养、直接免疫荧光、5′-UTR与Npro PCR扩增、电镜观察、TCID50测定及对其分子进化特征加以分析。结果表明,该毒株在MDBK细胞上盲传至13代未出现细胞病变。在直接免疫荧光试验中呈阳性荧光信号。PCR扩增分别获得5′-UTR与Npro预期大小DNA片段。电镜观察,病毒粒子略呈圆形,有囊膜,直径约50nm。病毒滴度为10-6.5 TCID50.0.2 mL-1。SD0803 5′-UTR、Npro序列进化分析显示,该分离株属于BVDV-1,与已知BVDV-1各亚型之间同源性较低,单独成一分支。结果表明,成功分离鉴定1株猪源BVDV SD0803,该毒株为非致病变型BVDV-1,极有可能为BVDV-1新的亚型。  相似文献   

牛病毒性腹泻病毒致病机理研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
牛病毒性腹泻病毒(BVDV)是危害养牛业的重要病原之一。BVDV感染能够引起广泛的临床症状,包括牛病毒性腹泻、粘膜病、持续感染与免疫耐受、繁殖障碍、血小板减少与出血综合征等,其相应的致病机理也非常复杂。持续感染是妊娠母畜在怀孕早期通过子宫内感染非致细胞病变(NCP)型BVDV引起的,是BVDV在自然环境中维持存在的一种重要形式。当持续感染动物再次感染抗原性相似或同源的致细胞病变(CP)型病毒时就会发生粘膜病。本文将粘膜病发生过程中CP型病毒的来源机制概括为五点:①外源细胞序列的插入;②病毒基因的重排和拷贝;③外源细胞序列插入同时伴有病毒基因的复制;④缺陷干扰粒子;⑤点突变。BVDV感染导致奶牛繁殖力下降的机制可能有两条:一是造成卵母细胞的质量下降,二是使性腺类固醇激素生成机制受到破坏,导致血浆中雌二醇、黄体酮等激素紊乱。血小板减少和出血性综合征是BVDV感染引起的又一重要临床症状,其致病机理主要有两种:①BVDV进入到外周循环,使外周循环中血小板受损程度增加,病理检查表现为血小板体积平均值较正常有明显增大;②BVDV感染造成骨髓生成血小板的能力下降,病理检查表现为血小板的体积平均值较正常减少。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe a significant outbreak of foetal infection and subsequent losses due to bovine pestivirus on a 5200 ha beef breeding and fattening property in central Queensland. DESCRIPTION OF THE HERD: The affected herd consisted of 656 cows, including 269 recently purchased cows, and 221 heifers that were joined in December/January 1995/96. There were approximately 2500 cattle on the property. INVESTIGATION: Following the purchase of 269 cows in October 1995, which were mingled with the existing cow herd, losses were experienced due to foetal infection with bovine pestivirus. These losses were recorded between 1996 and 1999 as: reduced pregnancy rates, losses between pregnancy testing (midpregnancy) and branding (calves averaged 3 months-of-age), losses due to pneumonia and ill-thrift between branding and approximately 12 months-of-age, and losses due to ill-thrift and the chronic wasting form of mucosal disease thereafter. All surviving calves were tested for bovine pestivirus in 1997 at an average of 10 months. Fifty-three calves were identified as persistently infected with bovine pestivirus. A further 110 calf losses could reasonably be attributed to bovine pestivirus infection. Persistently infected cattle were always unthrifty compared to their virus negative counterparts. Only one persistently infected calf was identified, on the basis of severe ill thrift, in the 1997 birth cohort and none in 1998. CONCLUSIONS: This outbreak of foetal infection with bovine pestivirus resulted in significant production losses. These losses were recorded over the three years subsequent to the outbreak. Significant numbers of persistently infected calves were not evident among calves born in the two years after this outbreak.  相似文献   

Following the first official report of a clinically severe outbreak of bovine viral diarrhoea disease occurring in a farm in northern Italy, which had originated from the use of a live vaccine contaminated with a strain of BVD genotype II virus, a retrospective study on the prevalence of BVDV genotypes in Italy became highly relevant. For this purpose, the genotype of 78 BVDV-positive specimens, obtained in 1998–1999 from dairy cattle in an area near to where the outbreak occurred, was characterized by PCR technology. Two sets of primers, spanning the 5 UTR of BVDV genome, were used sequentially in a first round of RT-PCR, performed on viral RNA extracted directly from 15 clinical samples and 63 BVDV-infected cell-culture fluids; a second PCR assay followed to selectively amplify only BVDV genotype II. All the viruses under study were characterized as BVDV genotype I. As well as contributing to a better understanding of the prevalence of BVDV genotypes in the field, the results of the present study illustrate the possibility that novel BVDV strains can emerge in susceptible animals through the use of contaminated immunobiological products for bovine use.  相似文献   

建立了能够同时检测牛轮状病毒(BRV)与牛病毒性腹泻病毒(BVDV)的双重RT-PCR方法。应用两对特异性引物进行了双重RT-PCR扩增,这两对引物分别对应于BRV的VP7基因和BVDV的5-UTR中的部分编码序列,其扩增产物分别为342bp和196bp。说明该方法的特异性强、敏感性高,可检测到1pg的病毒RNA,可应用于临床诊断和流行病学研究。  相似文献   

BPIV-3和BVDV双重RT-PCR快速检测方法的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
参照GenBank中登录的牛副流感病毒3型(BPIV-3)和牛病毒性腹泻病毒(BVDV)全基因序列,分别针对BPIV3特异性NP蛋白保守基因和BVDV保守区段E2基因设计2对引物,经优化反应条件建立了快速鉴别BPIV-3和BVDV的双重RT-PCR诊断方法。最佳扩增条件为94℃30s,56.2℃30s,72℃1min,循环30次;72℃延伸5min,16℃10min;BVDV引物浓度为1.0μmol/L,BPIV-3引物浓度为0.5μmol/L。采用该方法检测BPIV-3和BVDV参考病毒株,能同时扩增出预期为425bp和294bp大小的特异性片段,而扩增牛传染性鼻气管炎病毒、牛合胞体病毒、猪瘟病毒以及牛支原体、致病性大肠埃希菌、多杀性巴氏杆菌A型、化脓隐秘杆菌和鼠伤寒沙门菌等均呈阴性反应。对参考病毒株进行梯度稀释检测,结果证明该方法检测BPIV-3的灵敏度可达10-3 TCID50/0.1mL,而BVDV的灵敏度达102 TCID50/0.1mL。  相似文献   

为深入研究牛病毒性腹泻病毒E_2蛋白的生物学功能,了解其在哺乳动物细胞中的亚细胞定位情况,采用RT-PCR扩增牛病毒性腹泻病毒Changchun184株E_2基因,将其克隆至真核表达载体pc DNA3.1/V5His A中,并进行酶切鉴定和测序分析,将构建的重组质粒pc DNA3.1/V5His A-E_2经脂质体介导转染至MDBK细胞。继续培养48h后,在激光共聚焦显微镜下观察E_2蛋白在细胞中的亚细胞定位情况。结果表明,E_2蛋白在细胞核与细胞质中均有表达,且绿色荧光呈点状均匀分布。该研究为进一步研究牛病毒性腹泻病毒E_2蛋白的相关功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

牛病毒性腹泻病毒侵染细胞机制的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
牛病毒性腹泻病毒(BVDV)是反刍动物和猪体内广泛存在的危害动物健康的重要病原体.BVDV感染牛后主要引起牛的持续性感染、免疫耐受、免疫抑制、繁殖障碍及急慢性黏膜病等临床症状,给养牛业造成重大的损失.其致病机理非常复杂,给该病的治疗和根除带来极大的困难.随着分子病毒学研究的发展以及对猪瘟病毒和黄病毒科其他成员的研究,人们在BVDV分子水平和细胞水平的研究方面也取得了一些进展.就此,作者从BVDV入侵细胞、在细胞内的复制以及与宿主蛋白分子相互作用等方面进行综述,有助于阐明BVDV致病和在体内持续存活的机制,为该病的防治和疫苗研发提供新的思路和对策.  相似文献   

从牦牛(Yak)体内分离出牛病毒性腹泻/黏膜病病毒(BVDV/MDV),参考GenBank中已收录的BVDV-Ⅰ型的全基因组序列,设计了19对引物,通过RT-PCR方法,对牛病毒性腹泻病毒牦牛株进行克隆及测序,得到其全基因组序列(GenBank登录号:JQ799141),序列全长12214 nt,其中5'-UTR长288 nt,3'-UTR长232 nt。将牦牛株BVDV全基因序列与GenBank中登录的其他8株BVDV病毒全基因序列进行同源性比对及系统进化分析,结果表明,牦牛株BVDV与BVDV-Ⅰ型毒株出于同一分支,但与其他8株BVDV毒株全基因序列同源性均不高,有可能属于新的独立基因型或基因亚型,仍需进一步研究证实。  相似文献   

In 5 herds in which bovine virus diarrhoea virus (BVDV) had been isolated, all animals were bled for virological and serological examination. After the herd blood test, follow up blood tests were made on calves born up to 6 months later in 1 herd, 9 months later in 1 herd and up to 12 months later in 3 herds. Persistently infected animals (PI animals) were removed and after a time period a small herd sample of 10 animals that were born after removal of the PI animals were examined for BVDV antibodies.At the herd blood test a total of 21 PI animals were detected. During the follow up period another 25 PI animals were born.Among animals in the small herd samples collected after removal of the PI animals, antibody positive animals were found in the 2 herds with the shortest follow up period. In the 3 herds with a 1 year follow up period there were no antibody carriers in the herd sample.It seems possible to prevent further spread of infection with BVDV if all animals in the herds as well as animals born during the following year are examined and PI animals removed.  相似文献   

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