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Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - Phytophthora leaf fall disease in rubber trees is serious and is known to cause a reduction in both the quantity and quality of rubber latex in Thailand....  相似文献   

进口泰国榴莲上棕榈疫霉的分离和鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从泰国进口的榴莲上分离到一种引起榴莲果实腐烂的病原真菌.通过形态鉴定和核糖体ITS区DNA序列测定以及分子生物学检测结果综合分折,鉴定为榴莲根茎褐腐病菌(棕榈疫霉Phytophthora palmivora(Butl.)Butler).  相似文献   

在对来自泰国的榴莲检验中分离到1株引起榴莲果皮和果肉变色、软腐的病原真菌。通过形态鉴定和核糖体ITS区DNA序列测定以及系统发育分析,最终将该病菌鉴定为棕榈疫霉(Phytophthora palmivora)。  相似文献   

European Journal of Plant Pathology - Bud rot is the most critical disease in Colombian oil palm crops. In addition to implementing current management strategies, it is necessary to search for...  相似文献   

采用室内生长速率法测定了7种杀菌剂对金钱树疫病病原菌棕榈疫霉(Phytophthora palmivora Butler)的抑制作用.结果表明:0.15%四霉素水剂的抑制效果最好,EC50值为0.0457μg/mL,EC90值为0.2174μg/mL;其次为6.25%精甲·咯菌腈悬浮种衣剂和50%烯酰吗啉水分散粒剂,抑菌效果显著,前者的EC50值为0.0758μg/mL,EC90值为2.4683μg/mL,后者的EC50值为0.3407μg/mL,EC90值为2.0794 μg/mL;22.7%二氰葸醌悬浮剂、80%代森锰锌可湿性粉剂和50%氟码·乙铝可湿性粉剂对菌丝生长也有一定的抑制作用,其EC50值分别为0.1382 μg/mL、2.3796μg/mL和5.4602μg/mL;72.2%霜霉威盐酸盐水剂的抑制效果最差,EC50值为498 μg/mL.在供试的7种杀菌剂中,性价比以80%代森锰锌可湿性粉剂最高,其次为50%烯酰吗啉水分散粒剂.  相似文献   

32份木薯种质对疫霉根腐病的抗性评价和农艺性状分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过田间自然发病和室内离体接种方法对32份木薯种质进行了棕榈疫霉根腐病抗病性评价,结果表明,供试的32份木薯种质中,高抗种质7份,抗病种质7份,中感种质8份,感病种质7份,高感种质3份。其中高抗种质为‘H360’、‘华南11号’、‘华南8号’、‘H588’、‘桂热3号’、‘H873’和‘H971’;抗病种质为:‘F556’、‘H502’、‘GR911’、‘C-4’、‘F10’、‘南植188’和‘H47’。对其中14份抗棕榈疫霉根腐病木薯种质的农艺性状进行了鉴定和评价,结果表明‘华南8号’、‘GR911’、‘F556’、‘C-4’、‘H360’可以进一步加以利用。  相似文献   

A mixture (‘Fubol’) of metalaxyl with mancozeb, performed better than mixtures of propamocarb (as the hydrochloride) or the experimental fungicide cymoxanil with mancozeb, when applied as sprays to control potato blight in a small-scale field trial conducted in 1978. Another experimental fungicide, 2-chloro-N-(2-oxotetrahydrofuran-3-yl)acet-2″,6′-xylidide (RE 20615), applied at a greater rate but without mancozeb, was as effective as ‘Fubol’. The mixture of mancozeb and propamocarb or cymoxanil performed no better than mancozeb alone. In 1979, when blight incidence was greater, use of RE 20615/dithiocarbamate mixtures allowed the extension of spray intervals to 21 days, compared with a 14-day schedule for the dithiocarbamate alone. RE 20615, applied in 1979 to the soil within the furrows at planting time as a controlled-release granular formulation, gave adequate control of late blight up to early September, after which disease development accelerated. Yield was not significantly different from that obtained with a standard dithiocarbamate treatment.  相似文献   

In field experiments for control of Black Thread, caused byPhytophthora palmivora, the mean damage done to the trees in the previous rainy season should be of the same level for all the treatments. Satisfactory results and better disease control were obtained with Difolatan in weekly applications when compared with some recommended fungicides for tapping panel diseases. No unfavorable side effects were observed on the latex crop or to the trees. Difolatan (active ingredient: N-(1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethylsulfenyl)-cis4-cyclohexene-1,2-dicarboximide) is known to be of low mammalian toxicity.Samenvatting In veldproeven ter bestrijding van de tapvlakziekte Streepjeskanker, veroorzaakt doorPhytophthora palmivora, dient de gemiddelde schade—aangericht in het voorafgaande regenseizoen—in alle behandelingen van hetzelfde niveau te zijn. Op deze wijze worden de infectie-kansen gelijkelijk verdeeld over de behandelingen, aangezien de oude schade bepalend is voor de mate van infectie. Een betere ziekte-bestrijding werd verkregen met het fungicide Difolatan dan met enkele bekende middelen ter bestrijding van tapvlakziekten. Bevredigende resultaten werden verkregen bij wekelijkse toediening. Behandelingen met Difolatan hebben waarschijnlijk geen onaanvaardbare nevenwerking op de bomen en de latex; het middel is weinig giftig.  相似文献   

A fruit rot, similar to brown rot, occurred on extremely early ripening Satsumas in Saga Prefecture in the early autumn of 1999. A single species of Phytophthora was isolated from the affected fruit. After nonwounding inoculation of healthy fruits of Citrus spp. including Satsuma with the isolated fungus, the fungus was reisolated from fruit with symptoms similar to those in nature. On the basis of its morphology and molecular analysis of the rDNA-internal transcribed spacer regions, the pathogen was identified as P. palmivora. This is the first report of P. palmivora as a causal pathogen of citrus brown rot in Japan.  相似文献   

An assessment of canker incidence in six cocoa clones revealed IMC 67 to be least susceptible and TSH 1076 most susceptible among the clones tested (ICS 1, IMC 67, P 18, SCA 6, TSH 1076 and TSH 1188). These results were confirmed by greenhouse studies on budded plants using artificial inoculation. IMC 67 with the smallest canker lesion size was found to have the highest value (3.75 N/m2) for extra-xylary tissue hardness while TSH 1076 with the largest lesion size had the lowest value (1.9 N/m2). Bark moisture content determination also showed lowest values for IMC 67 and highest for TSH 1076. Bark hardness and moisture content were highly correlated with canker resistance.  相似文献   

In Papua New Guinea (PNG) cocoa (Theobroma cacao) is one of the most important cash crops grown in the tropical lowland and island regions. As in most cocoa‐growing areas, phytophthora black pod and canker cause significant yield losses. Cocoa breeding activities in PNG are focused in East New Britain province where disease control recommendations are also developed. This study tested the hypothesis that there was no diversity in the Phytophthora palmivora population causing black pod on cocoa by characterizing the variation in pathogen populations within and between the five major cocoa‐growing areas. Diseased pods were sampled hierarchically from the five locations and additional isolates were collected from soil, stem and leaf lesions, or retrieved from culture collections. Morphological characters showed continuous variation within the range described for P. palmivora. Genetic analysis revealed that the isolates belonged to one dominant clonal lineage, with restricted distributions of several other subpopulations. Lowest diversities were found in the geographically isolated Karkar Island and East Sepik province. Soil isolates showed greater genetic diversity than isolates from cocoa lesions. Intra‐farm variation was as much as inter‐farm or inter‐province variation. Both mating types were detected, although no strong evidence of sexual recombination was observed. The analysis revealed limited geographic, temporal or host specialization, suggesting continuous selection for pathogenicity from a genetic pool of P. palmivora. These findings have significant implications on the deployment of cocoa genotypes, enforcement of inter‐province quarantine and sustainable disease management strategies.  相似文献   

Black pod, caused by Phytophthora spp. is one of the most important diseases of cacao occurring worldwide. Losses due to black pod caused by P. palmivora are still moderate in Côte d'Ivoire but P. megakarya causes high losses in Ghana and other Central African countries. Variation in field attack has been observed between cacao genotypes, but evaluation of pod losses is unsuitable for obtaining rapid progress in breeding. Results of inoculation tests using young detached leaves, twigs and roots, obtained from field and nursery plants, are presented here and compared to field resistance of similar genotypes observed over a 10-year period. Nine different Upper Amazon Forastero genotypes were tested together with progenies obtained by crossing these with the susceptible check IFC5 (Amelonado genotype). Rank correlations between the early screening tests and the level of field attack were positive and mostly significant (r=0.58–0.95). The coefficient of correlation was slightly higher for leaves (r=0.88) and roots (r=0.89) than for twigs (r=0.76). Also, resistance of the different plant organs was correlated (r=0.6–0.9). Resistance of the Upper Amazon parents was well correlated with the resistance of their cross progenies (r=0.7–0.9), suggesting that resistance is highly heritable. Resistance of leaves and twigs from the nursery was better correlated with field resistance than resistance of leaves and twigs from the field, which might result from more uniform growing conditions in the nursery. Inoculation of leaves appears the most suitable early screening method for black pod resistance. Application of this test in breeding more resistant cacao cultivars is discussed.  相似文献   

Four fungicides were evaluated as combined soil drench and trunk treatments for the control of crown rot, caused by Phytophthora cactorum, in naturally infected apple trees. In a 3-year preliminary study, metalaxyl at 1 and fosetyl-aluminium at 8 g a. i. per tree, applied twice a year, prevented death of infected trees showing only initial, but not more severe, symptoms of crown rot. This indicates that these fungicides have the ability to arrest further symptom development in naturally infected trees if they are treated as soon as symptoms appear. Healthy trees remained free of infection if they were treated with these fungicides, suggesting a preventative action. Repeated bi-annual application of metalaxyl or fosetyl-aluminium should be sufficient to prevent the loss of trees to crown rot.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Phytophthora nicotianae and P. palmivora infect and cause rot of fibrous roots of susceptible and tolerant citrus rootstocks in Florida orchards. The infection and colonization by the two Phytophthora spp. of a susceptible citrus host, sour orange (Citrus aurantium), and a tolerant host, trifoliate orange (Poncirus trifoliata), were compared using light and electron microscopy. Penetration by both Phytophthora spp. occurred within 1 h after inoculation, regardless of the host species. No differences were observed in mode of penetration of the hypodermis or the hosts' response to infection. After 24 h, P. palmivora had a significantly higher colonization of cortical cells in susceptible sour orange than in tolerant trifoliate orange. Intracellular hyphae of both Phytophthora spp. were observed in the cortex of sour orange, and cortical cells adjacent to intercellular hyphae of P. palmivora were disrupted. In contrast, the cortical cells of sour orange and trifoliate orange adjacent to P. nicotianae hyphae and the cortical cells of trifoliate orange adjacent to P. palmivora were still intact. After 48 h, the cortical cells of both hosts adjacent to either Phytophthora spp. were disrupted. After 48 and 72 h, P. palmivora hyphae colonized the cortex of sour orange more extensively than the cortex of trifoliate orange; P. palmivora also colonized both hosts more extensively than P. nicotianae. A higher rate of electrolyte leakage among host-pathogen combinations reflected the combined effects of greater cell disruption by P. palmivora than by P. nicotianae, and the higher concentration of electrolytes in healthy roots of trifoliate orange than of sour orange. Although cellular responses unique to the tolerant host were not observed, reduced hyphal colonization by both pathogens in the cortex of trifoliate orange compared with sour orange is evidence for a putative resistance factor(s) in the trifoliate orange roots that inhibits the growth of Phytophthora spp.  相似文献   

Comparisons of theoretical and observed distributions indicated that resistance to necrosis caused by Phytophthora palmivora within leaf tissues of Theobroma cacao clone ICSl was influenced by a minimum of five unlinked heterozygous loci. The frequency of infection at the leaf surface was not linked to necrotic spread and did not adequately fit the expected progeny distributions. It is argued that this lack of fit was possibly the result of gene effects of differing magnitude influencing the observed variation in leaf surface infection rate, although other factors such as epistasis may be important.  相似文献   

The effects were studied of four leaf development stages (LDS) and three durations of incubation (DI) on the accuracy of leaf-disc tests on eight cacao (cocoa) clones (C) for predicting field resistance to phytophthora pod rot caused by Phytophthora palmivora . The clones were known to possess different general combining abilities (GCA) for pod resistance in the field, evaluated monthly at harvest over a 9-year period. Disease severity (DS) was affected strongly by C, DI and LDS, with increasing levels of significance. Two- and three-way interaction effects were smaller than the clone effect, but still significant. Clone effects were most significant for LDS3 (i.e. leaves 50–60 days old) and for DI5 and DI7 (observations made 5 and 7 days after inoculation, respectively). Coefficients of rank correlation between DS and field results were significant for seven of the 12 treatments, with highest values obtained again for treatments LDS3/DI5 ( r = 0·87) and LSD3/DI7 ( r = 0·93). Pooling of data for different LDS and DI treatments did not further improve the correlation with field results. However, these correlations were improved (from an average of 0·74 to 0·88) when the GCA values for field resistance were based on weekly observations, carried out in one year, including losses of pods and cherelles. It was concluded that, when carried out in a standardized manner and under optimal conditions, the leaf-disc test may explain 75–90% of the genetic variation for field resistance of cacao genotypes to P. palmivora .  相似文献   

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