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In fragmented landscapes, a species?? dispersal ability and response to habitat condition are key determinants of persistence. To understand the relative importance of dispersal and condition for survival of Nephrurus stellatus (Gekkonidae) in southern Australia, we surveyed 92 woodland remnants three times. This gecko favours early post-fire succession conditions so may be at risk of extinction in the long-unburnt agricultural landscape. Using N-mixture models, we compared the influence of four measures of isolation, patch area and two habitat variables on the abundance and occurrence of N. stellatus, while taking into account detection probability. Patch occupancy was high, despite the long-term absence of fire from most remnants. Distance to the nearest occupied site was the most informative measure of patch isolation, exhibiting a negative relationship with occupancy. Distance to a nearby conservation park had little influence, suggesting that mainland?Cisland metapopulation dynamics are not important. Abundance and occurrence were positively related to ?%-cover of spinifex (Triodia), indicating that niche-related factors may also contribute to spatial dynamics. Patterns of patch occupancy imply that N. stellatus has a sequence of spatial dynamics across an isolation gradient, with patchy populations and source-sink dynamics when patches are within 300?m, metapopulations at intermediate isolation, and declining populations when patches are separated by >1?C2?km. Considering the conservation needs of the community, habitat condition and connectivity may need to be improved before fire can be reintroduced to the landscape. We speculate that fire may interact with habitat degradation and isolation, increasing the risk of local extinctions.  相似文献   

Landscape indices describing a Dutch landscape   总被引:56,自引:0,他引:56  
The data set of a human modified Dutch landscape was used to evaluate whether landscape pattern indices developed in the United States are fit to describe a Dutch landscape. The grid based data set contains the development of land use over the period 1845–1982. The indices were divided in two groups: pattern indices and change indices. In the first group the proportion of each land use type (P), patch number (N), mean patch size (A) and two indices of patch shape (S1 and S2) were tested; in the second group the rate of change (C) was tested.Not all indices considered in this case study are suitable for the Dutch landscape. The dominance index (D) seems not to be sensitive enough to respond in a clear way to changes in the landscape studied. Shape index seems to be a complicated index, particularly in a human modified landscape like the Dutch, where the shape of natural patches is fixed by their man-made neighbours. The trends observed in the two shape indices considered in this study are not satisfactory since each index considers another aspects of shape (either the interior-to-edge ratio or the complexity of the patch perimeter).None of the indices appears to give information on changes in the geographical position of the patches, which implies that nothing can be induced with respect to the real landscape dynamics.The indices have to be considered in combination to produce meaningful information. The combination of proportion of each land use (P) and the data of the transitions shows how the development in land use has been. Number of patches (N) together with the mean size of patches (A) gives a good indication of the pattern development.Further research is necessary to develop a useful method how to quantify the change in landscape pattern and to give an ecological meaning to the index value in relation to the process of changing pattern.  相似文献   

Corry  Robert C. 《Landscape Ecology》2019,34(9):2159-2167
Landscape Ecology - Landscape patterns have been measured as a fundamental part of landscape ecology, especially with increasing computational power and availability of landcover data. Among the...  相似文献   

Conceptual frameworks which have seen man and nature as being an integrated whole were widespread before they became suppressed by developments within both capitalism and socialism. Therefore an idealistic use of such concepts in scientific work has often had limited practical value. At the same time, the practice behind such conceptual frameworks has survived in many land use systems, being a fundamental source of inspiration for the modern challenge of landscape sustainability. Here, the concept and practice of carrying capacity is used as an example. We provide a modern interpretation and relate it to an empirical study of sustainable tourism in eight protected areas and their regions in the Baltic. They are subject to large differences in human pressure. The political commitment to the related EU Natura 2000 networks has been taken as our point of departure for a more detailed analysis of accessibility and its related conflicts, and opportunities for a sustainable development of tourism in and around the protected areas. It is concluded that the concept of carrying capacity cannot meaningfully be used for sustainability studies at an abstract conceptual level, but proves its relevance through a detailed context specific analyses of visitor related conflicts.  相似文献   



Agroecosystems are dynamic, with yearly changing proportions of crops. Explicit consideration of this temporal heterogeneity is required to decipher population and community patterns but remains poorly studied.


We evaluated the impact on the activity-density of two dominant carabid species (Poecilus cupreus and Anchomenus dorsalis) of (1) local crop, current year landscape composition, and their interaction, and (2) inter-annual changes in landscape composition due to crop rotations.


Carabids were sampled using pitfall-traps in 188 fields of winter cereals and oilseed rape in three agricultural areas of western France contrasting in their spatial heterogeneity. We summarized landscape composition in the current and previous years in a multi-scale perspective, using buffers of increasing size around sampling locations.


Both species were more abundant in oilseed rape, and in landscapes with a higher proportion of oilseed rape in the previous year. P. cupreus abundance was negatively influenced by oilseed rape proportion in the current year landscape in winter cereals and positively by winter cereal proportion in oilseed rape. A. dorsalis was globally impacted at finer scales than P. cupreus.


Resource concentration and dilution-concentration processes jointly appear to cause transient dynamics of population abundance and distribution among habitat patches. Inter-patch movements across years appear to be key drivers of carabids’ survival and distribution, in response to crop rotation. Therefore, the explicit consideration of the spatiotemporal dynamics of landscape composition can allow future studies to better evidence ecological processes behind observed species patterns and help developing new management strategies.

Anthropogenic fragmentation of landscapes is known as a major reason for the loss of species in industrialized countries. Landscape fragmentation caused by roads, railway lines, extension of settlement areas, etc., further enhances the dispersion of pollutants and acoustic emissions and affects local climatic conditions, water balance, scenery, and land use. In this study, three new measures of fragmentation are introduced: degree of landscape division (D), splitting index (S), and effective mesh size (m). They characterize the anthropogenic penetration of landscapes from a geometric point of view and are calculated from the distribution function of the remaining patch sizes.First, D, S, and m are defined, their mathematical properties are discussed, and their reactions to the six fragmentation phases of perforation, incision, dissection, dissipation, shrinkage, and attrition are analysed. Then they are compared with five other known fragmentation indices with respect to nine suitability criteria such as intuitive interpretation, low sensivity to very small patches, monotonous reaction to different fragmentation phases, and detection of structural differences. Their ability to distinguish spatial patterns is illustrated by means of two series of model patterns. In particular, the effective mesh size (m), representing an intensive and area-proportionately additive measure, proves to be well suited for comparing the fragmentation of regions with differing total size.  相似文献   

Landscape ecology is in a position to become the scientific basis for sustainable landscape development. When spatial planning policy is decentralised, local actors need to collaborate to decide on the changes that have to be made in the landscape to better accommodate their perceptions of value. This paper addresses two prerequisites that landscape ecological science has to meet for it to be effective in producing appropriate knowledge for such bottom-up landscape-development processes—it must include a valuation component, and it must be suitable for use in collaborative decision-making on a local scale. We argue that landscape ecological research needs to focus more on these issues and propose the concept of landscape services as a unifying common ground where scientists from various disciplines are encouraged to cooperate in producing a common knowledge base that can be integrated into multifunctional, actor-led landscape development. We elaborate this concept into a knowledge framework, the structure–function–value chain, and expand the current pattern–process paradigm in landscape ecology with value in this way. Subsequently, we analyse how the framework could be applied and facilitate interdisciplinary research that is applicable in transdisciplinary landscape-development processes.  相似文献   



Agricultural intensification is a leading cause of landscape homogenization, with negative consequences for biodiversity and ecosystem services. Conserving or promoting heterogeneity requires a detailed understanding of how farm management affects, and is affected by, landscape characteristics.


We assessed relationships between farming systems and landscape characteristics, hypothesising that less-intensive systems act as landscape takers, by adapting management to landscape constraints, whereas more intensive systems act as landscape makers, by changing the landscape to suit farming needs.


We mapped dominant farming systems in a region of southern Portugal: traditional cereal-grazed fallow rotations; specialization on annual crops; and specialization on either cattle or sheep. We estimated landscape metrics in 241 1-km2 buffers representing the farming systems, and analysed variation among and within systems using multivariate statistics and beta diversity metrics.


Landscape composition varied among systems, with dominance by either annual crops (Crop system) or pastures (Sheep), or a mixture between the two (Traditional and Cattle). There was a marked regional gradient of local landscape heterogeneity, but this contributed little to variation among systems. Landscape beta diversity declined from the Sheep to the Crop system, and it was inversely related to agriculture intensity.


Less intensive farming systems appeared compatible with a range of landscape characteristics (landscape takers), and may thus be particularly suited to agri-environmental management. More intensive systems appeared less flexible in terms of landscape characteristics (landscape makers), likely promoting regional homogenization. Farming systems may provide a useful standpoint to address the design of agri-environment schemes.

Landscape Ecology - The current biodiversity crisis has intensified the need to predict species responses to landscape modification and has renewed attention on the fundamental question of what...  相似文献   


Wild flowering plants and their wild insect visitors are of great importance for pollination. Montane meadows are biodiversity hotspots for flowering plants and pollinators, but they are contracting due to tree invasion.


This study quantified flowering plants and their flower-visitor species in montane meadows in the western Cascade Range of Oregon. Species diversity in small, isolated meadows was expected to be lower and nested relative to large meadows. Alternatively, landform features may influence richness and spatial turnover.


Flowering plants and their visitors were sampled in summers of 2011–2017 in twelve montane meadows with varying soil moisture. All flowering plants and all flower-visitors were recorded during five to seven 15 min watches in ten 3?×?3 m plots in each meadow and year.


A total of 178 flowering plant species, 688 flower-visitor species and 137,916 interactions were identified. Richness of flower-visitors was related to meadow patch size, but neither plant nor flower-visitor richness was related to isolation measured as meadow area within 1000 m. Species in small meadows were not nested subsets of those in large meadows. Species replacement accounted for more than 78% of dissimilarity between meadows and was positively related to differences in soil moisture.


Although larger meadows contained more species, landform features have influenced meadow configuration, persistence, and soil moisture, contributing to high plant and insect species diversity. Hence, conservation and restoration of a variety of meadow types may promote landscape diversity of wild plants and pollinators.


Managing the spatial distribution of crop and non-crop habitats over landscapes could be used as a means to reduce insect pest densities. In this study, we investigated whether or not landscape characteristics affected the number of codling moths in commercial orchards. To do this, we collected overwintering larvae in 2006 and 2007 in 76 orchards over a 70 km2 area in southeastern France. We analysed variations in the number of larvae using correlation tests and linear models. As independent variables, we took both characteristics of focus orchards (pear vs. apple, organic vs. conventional orchards) and of their surrounding landscape (orchard density and hedgerow network attributes) into account in buffers with widths varying from 50 to 500 m. Although the codling moth is specialised on orchards, the number of codling moths was lower in orchards within a high orchard density area. There was some indication that this effect was mostly due to the density of conventional orchards and thus to the intensity of insecticide treatments. Conversely, we found no particular effect of abandoned or organic orchards. In 2006, the number of codling moths was also significantly lower in a focus orchard when the hedgerow network acted as a protection against the prevailing wind. Finally, major effects of landscape variables on the number of codling moths were observed for distances of less than 150 m from the focus orchards, suggesting that codling moth management should be organised over areas of about 16 ha. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Understanding species-diversity patterns in heterogeneous landscapes invites comprehensive research on how scale-dependent processes interact across scales. We used two common beetle families (Tenebrionidae, detrivores; Carabidae, predators) to conduct such a study in the heterogeneous semi-arid landscape of the Southern Judean Lowland (SJL) of Israel, currently undergoing intensive fragmentation. Beetles were censused in 25 different-sized patches (500–40,000 m2). We used Fisher’s α and non-parametric extrapolators to estimate species diversity from 11,125 individuals belonging to 56 species. Patch characteristics (plant species diversity and cover, soil cover and degree of stoniness) were measured by field transects. Spatial variables (patch size, shape, physiognomy and connectivity) and landscape characteristics were analyzed by GIS and remote-sensing applications. Both patch-scale and landscape-scale variables affected beetle species diversity. Path-analysis models showed that landscape-scale variables had the strongest effect on carabid diversity in all patches. The tenebrionids responded differently: both patch-scale and landscape-scale variables affected species diversity in small patches, while mainly patch-scale variables affected species diversity in large patches. Most of the paths affected species diversity both directly and indirectly, combining the effects of both patch-scale and landscape-scale variables. These results match the biology of the two beetle families: Tenebrionidae, the less mobile and more site-attached family, responded to the environment in a fine-grained manner, while the highly dispersed Carabidae responded to the environment in a coarse-grained manner. We suggest that understanding abiotic and biotic variable interactions across scales has important consequences for our knowledge of community structure and species diversity patterns at large spatial scales.  相似文献   

This brief report addresses the theory and methodology of landscape phenology (LP), along with synopsis of a case study conducted in the northern Wisconsin temperate mixed forest. LP engages questions related to ecosystem phenology, landscape genetics, and vegetation change science across multiple scales, which have rarely been addressed by existing studies. Intensive in situ observations, remote sensing data, and spatiotemporal analysis are employed for understanding patterns and processes within the complexity of seasonal landscape dynamics. A hierarchical upscaling approach is also introduced. Results from the case study suggest that plot-scale phenology lacks spatial autocorrelation and varies individualistically, with genetic heterogeneity overriding small microenvironmental gradients. However, at the landscape level, forest phenology responds coherently to weather fluctuations. The resultant LP index confirms the relative reliability of moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS)-based land surface phenology (LSP). Due to technological advancement in spatial data acquisition and analysis, LP has the ability to connect conventional plant phenology studies back to their intricate ecological context, and provides a new approach to validating coarse-scale monitoring and modeling of LSP and other seasonal ecosystem processes.  相似文献   

Landscape Ecology - Effective conservation planning for species depends on vegetation models that can capture the dynamics of habitat elements across both spatial and temporal domains....  相似文献   

Historical influence of man on the riparian dynamics of a fluvial landscape   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Man's influence, over the last three centuries, has gradually influenced the dynamics of forest cover along the valley of the Garonne, a seventh order river in Southern France. The vegetation cover of the floodplain depends on topographical levels which govern the frequency and duration of submergence during flooding. Along the valley, forest patches vary from a continuous ribbon of riparian wood along the river to a mosaic of groves towards the upland terraces. In the floodplain, the forest dynamics are influenced by floods, appear to be reversible, and are subject to dominant allogenic processes. On the contrary, forest dynamics on the terraces, which are not influenced by floods, are irreversible and subjected to dominant autogenic processes. Since the end of the 17th century, the structure of riparian woods has been modified by navigation and agriculture leading to a fragmentation of forest cover in the floodplain. Modern agriculture and urbanization have accentuated these tendencies by modifying the hydrologic regime of the river. These historical changes result in a fragmentation of forest cover and a substitution of species in the riparian zone, the forest dynamics being still reversible in the floodplain.  相似文献   

Forest fragmentation is an increasingly common feature across the globe, but few studies examine its influence on biogeochemical fluxes. We assessed the influence of differences in successional trajectory and stem density with forest patch size on biomass quantity and quality and N transformations in the soil at an experimentally fragmented landscape in Kansas, USA. We measured N-related fluxes in the laboratory, not the field, to separate effects of microclimate and fragment edges from the effects of inherent biomass differences with patch size. We measured net N mineralization and N2O fluxes in soil incubations, gross rates of ammonification and nitrification, and microbial biomass in soils. We also measured root and litterfall biomass, C:N ratios, and δ13C and δ15N signatures; litterfall [cellulose] and [lignin]; and [C], [N], and δ13C and δ15N of soil organic matter. Rates of net N mineralization and N2O fluxes were greater (by 113% and 156%, respectively) in small patches than in large, as were gross rates of nitrification. These differences were associated with greater quantities of root biomass in small patch soil profiles (664.2 ± 233.3 vs 192.4 ± 66.2 g m−2 for the top 15 cm). These roots had greater N concentration than in large patches, likely generating greater root derived organic N pools in small patches. These data suggest greater rates of N cycling in small forested patches compared to large patches, and that gaseous N loss from the ecosystem may be related to forest patch size. The study indicates that the differences in successional trajectory with forest patch size can impart significant influence on soil N transformations in fragmented, aggrading woodlands.  相似文献   

Patch modeling can be used to scale-up processes to portray landscape-level dynamics. Via direct extrapolation, a heterogeneous landscape is divided into its constituent patches; dynamics are simulated on each representative patch and are weighted and aggregated to formulate the higher level response. Further extrapolation may be attained by coarsening the resolution of or lumping environmental data (e.g., climatic, edaphic, hydrologic, topographic) used to delimit a patch.Forest patterns at the southern boreal/northern hardwood transition zone are often defined by soil heterogeneity, determined primarily by the extent and duration of soil saturation. To determine how landscape-level dynamics predicted from direct extrapolation compare when coarsening soil parameters, we simulated forest dynamics for soil series representing a range of drainage classes from east- central Maine. Responses were aggregated according to the distribution of soil associations comprising a 600 ha area based on local- (1:12,000), county- (1:120,000) and state- (1:250,000) scale soil maps. At the patch level, simulated aboveground biomass accumulated more slowly in poorer draining soils. Different soil series yielded different communities comprised of species with various tolerances for soil saturation. When aggregated, removal of waterlogging caused a 20–60% increase in biomass accumulation during the first 50 years of simulation. However, this early successional increase and the maximum level of biomass accumulation over a 200 year period varied by as much as 40% depending on the geospatial data. This marked discrepancy suggests caution when extrapolating with forest patch models by coarsening parameters and demonstrates how rules used to rescale environmental data need to be evaluated for consistency.  相似文献   

Landscape Ecology - Landscape connectivity plays a key role in determining the persistence of species inhabiting fragmented habitat patches. In dynamic landscapes, most studies measure connectivity...  相似文献   

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