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The U.S. General Land Office land surveys document trees present during European settlement. However, use of these surveys for calculating historical forest density and other derived metrics is limited by uncertainty about the performance of plotless density estimators under a range of conditions. Therefore, we tested two plotless density estimators, developed by Morisita and Pollard, for two, three, and four trees per survey point under simulated ranges of tree densities, non-uniform densities, and different tree spatial distributions. Based on these results, we developed estimator corrections and determined number of survey points needed for reliable density estimates. The Morisita estimator was accurate for densities ranging from 5 to 1,000 trees per unit area, non-uniform densities, random and regular spatial distribution, and outperformed the Pollard estimator. Estimators using points with two or three trees did need a simple correction to account for overestimation. Likewise, for clustered distributions, depending on the number of trees per survey point and the amount of clustering, there should be adjustment for a range of under and overestimation. Sample sizes for survey points with three or four trees should be at least 200 survey points, and 1,000 survey points will have density estimates within ±10% tolerance range of actual density. For survey points with two trees, the minimum sample size should be 600 survey points, and 2,000 survey points should be the target value. These results provide guidelines for researchers to improve density estimates of historical forests.  相似文献   

We reviewed 53 studies of forest landscape preferences carried out as quantitative surveys in Finland, Sweden and Norway and published between 1972 and 2006. Most of these were related to boreal coniferous forests in which even-aged forestry had been the rule. There was a great diversity in survey designs, ranging from nation-wide or regional surveys where target populations and sampling frames were clearly defined, to studies where neither a target population nor a sampling frame could be identified. The latter type of surveys, however, often had a high validity, with measurements made either in the forest or indoors by use of colour slides or advanced digital imaging. A common feature was that people's preferences for a forest stand increased with increasing tree size and advancing stage of stand development. Some surveys indicated that the public tended to give high scores to irregular stands with a mixture of trees of different sizes, but on the other hand, a feeling of accessibility and provision of a view was also very important. Large clear-cuts and obvious traces from forest operations were little appreciated. Trained foresters were more positive to clear-cuts than the general population. Few studies included virgin stands, and those that did mostly found low scores for unmanaged forests. Preferences appeared to be fairly stable over time. Elderly or handicapped people, and children and young adolescents, were strongly under-represented in the surveys.  相似文献   

Wolter  Peter T.  White  Mark A. 《Landscape Ecology》2002,17(2):133-155
Landsat TM satellite data covering an approximate 5-year interval (1990–1995) were used to quantify spatial pattern and transition rates between forest ecological states for a 2.76 million ha region in northeast Minnesota. Changes in forest cover were stratified by Ecological Subsection, management status, and by ownership categories using a 1995 digital ownership layer. Approximately 4.2% of the 1990 mature forested area was converted to early successional types by 1995. Of this 4.2%, private lands accounted for 33%, federal lands 31%, county lands 20% and state lands 16%. Notable conversion percentages by cover type category were spruce-fir (−5.3%), aspen-birch(−4.7%), jack pine (−4.6%) and black spruce(−3.0%). Transition rates were also adjusted to fit ten-year time intervals. Shannon-Weaver Eveness and edge density of cover types increased over the study period as relative contagion and interior forest area decreased. These trends suggest both smaller patches and a more even distribution of cover types. Area of upland conifers, lowland conifers and lowland hardwoods decreased while the area of mature upland hardwoods increased in most patch size classes except the > 500 ha class which showed a substantial decrease in area. The area of early successional types increased in most patch size classes. Non-industrial private forestland had the lowest proportion of interior forest of all ownership categories -decreasing by 13.5% in five years. Smaller average cut-unit size sand uncoordinated forest management is the likely cause since cutting rates between private and public forestland were similar. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

To make informed planning decisions, community leaders, elected officials, scientists, and natural resource managers must be able to evaluate potential effects of policies on land use change. Many land use change models use remotely-sensed images to make predictions based on historical trends. One alternative is a survey-based approach in which landowners’ stated intentions are modeled. The objectives of our research were to: (1) develop a survey-based landowner decision model (SBM) to simulate future land use changes, (2) compare projections from the SBM with those from a trend-based model (TBM), and (3) demonstrate how two alternative policy scenarios can be incorporated into the SBM and compared. We modeled relationships between land management decisions, collected from a mail survey of private landowners, and the landscape, using remotely-sensed imagery and ownership parcel data. We found that SBM projections were within the range of TBM projections and that the SBM was less affected by errors in image classification. Our analysis of alternative policies demonstrates the importance of understanding potential effects of targeted land use policies. While policies oriented toward increasing enrollment in the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) resulted in a large (11–13%) increase in CRP lands, policies targeting increased forest thinning on private non-industrial lands increased low-density forest projections by only 1%. The SBM approach is particularly appropriate for landscapes including many landowners, because it reflects the decision-making of the landowners whose individual actions will result in collective landscape change.  相似文献   



Various species of forest trees are commonly used for ornamental purposes and are therefore frequently found in nonforest ecosystems. They constitute an important component of the so-called trees outside forests (TOF). Not much is known, however, about the drivers of TOF spatial distribution either in urbanized or in agricultural landscapes since they are generally absent from forest inventories.


The present study focused on the spatial distribution of TOF across agricultural landscapes and their potential role in the dispersal of a forest pest insect, the pine processionary moth, Thaumetopoea pityocampa (PPM).


All the TOF belonging to the genera Pinus, Cedrus and Pseudotsuga were considered as potential hosts and inventoried within a 22 × 22 km study window. We fitted a nonstationary Poisson process to the empirical data and used the distance to the nearest building as a covariate.


Both empirical and simulated data indicated that TOF associated to human artifacts/urbanized areas constituted the main source of landscape connectivity for the PPM in the open fields under study. Because they do not account for TOF, forest inventories dramatically underestimate landscape connectivity and provide an erroneous picture of the PPM habitat distribution.


We conclude that TOF, especially the ornamental component, must be taken into account when it comes to understanding forest insect landscape dynamics or genetics. The omnipresence of TOF also suggests a potentially huge role in pest dispersal and invasive species expansion.


Insectivorous birds are sensitive to forest disturbances that may limit the availability of food consisting mainly of invertebrates. However, birds and invertebrates may be differently affected by forest disturbances while invertebrates may interact with disturbances.


We aim to determine: (i) the effects of forest degradation on invertebrates and insectivorous birds; (ii) the effect of the availability of invertebrates as a food source on birds; (iii) interactions between food availability and forest degradation.


We selected 34 1-km radius landscape units, where the abundance of birds and invertebrates was sampled in the canopy and understory. Bird density as well as the abundance and richness of invertebrates were considered as dependent variables and analysed using Generalized Linear Mixed Model and Structural Equation Models. Remote-sensing indices of forest degradation were included as predictors.


Eight indices of forest degradation affected canopy and understory invertebrates differently. Unlike invertebrates, bird abundance was affected by a smaller number of degradation indices, forest amounts as well as the cover of understory and canopy. Only two forest degradation indices had a comparable effect on bird abundance and invertebrates. We found causal relationships between understory invertebrates and the abundance of understory birds (all species and the small-sized ones), but also invertebrate abundance × forest cover interactions affected the abundance of a bird species.


Our results indicate that birds and invertebrates respond differently to forest degradation, but also provide evidence for bottom-up control by forest degradation and suggest food limitation varies with forest amounts.


B&#;rgi  Matthias  Gimmi  Urs 《Landscape Ecology》2007,22(1):77-94
Short- and long-term patterns of net ecosystem carbon balance (NECB) for small, relatively uniform forest stands have been examined in detail, but the same is not true for landscapes, especially those with heterogeneous disturbance histories. In this paper, we explore the effect of two contrasting types of disturbances (i.e., fire and tree harvest) on landscape level NECB by using an ecosystem process model that explicitly accounts for changes in carbon (C) stores as a function of disturbance regimes. The latter were defined by the average disturbance interval, the regularity of the disturbance interval (i.e., random, based on a Poisson frequency distribution, or regular), the amount of C removed by the disturbance (i.e., severity), and the relative abundance of stands in the landscape with unique disturbance histories. We used the model to create over 300 hypothetical landscapes, each with a different disturbance regime, by simulating up to 200 unique stand histories and averaging their total C stores. Mean NECB and its year-to-year variability was computed by calculating the difference in mean total C stores from one year to the next. Results indicated that landscape C stores were higher for random than for regular disturbance intervals, and increased as the mean disturbance interval increased and as the disturbance severity decreased. For example, C storage was reduced by 58% when the fire interval was shortened from 250 years to 100 years. Average landscape NECB was not significantly different than zero for any of the simulated landscapes. Year-to-year variability in landscape NECB, however, was related to the landscape disturbance regime; increasing with disturbance severity and frequency, and higher for random versus regular disturbance intervals. We conclude that landscape C stores of forest systems can be predicted using the concept of disturbance regimes, a result that may be a useful for adjusting estimates of C storage to broad scales that are solely based on physiological processes.  相似文献   

Biodiversity in urban green areas has been widely explored in several bird studies because birds are known to be important bio-indicators. Many studies have investigated the different responses of bird communities to urbanization and land use changes in urban environments. However, there are still important knowledge gaps related to the impacts of the heterogeneity, spatial structure, and connectivity of green areas on avian diversity. Such information is needed for sustainable urban planning. In this study, we focused on the comparison of bird communities between urban parks in the heritage city of Olomouc and hardwood floodplain forests in the vicinity of the city. The results of the study indicate the high importance of urban parks for the maintenance of bird diversity even though urban parks are man-made habitats. The results highlight the importance of some native vegetation structures in urban parks (old trees, bush ecotones) for maintaining urban bird biodiversity. Some implications of the results can be widely used as a decision support tool for the management of urban green areas and for the planning of ecological networks in urban landscapes.  相似文献   

Landscape Ecology - Current diversity and species composition of ecological communities can often not exclusively be explained by present land use and landscape structure. Historical land use may...  相似文献   

Current knowledge of patterns and abundance of deciduous trees in thepre-industrial landscape of boreal Sweden is limited. This is due to a dramatictransformation of the forest landscape during the last 100 years and the lackofrepresentative forest reserves. We used historical records to study change infive mixed deciduous forests between 1866 and 1999. The results show that largechanges occurred due to complex interactions between fire disturbance, firesuppression, logging and silviculture. Before fire suppression, the presence ofdeciduous trees was mainly determined by earlier fire influence. Laterselectivelogging disturbed natural succession and favoured regeneration of deciduoustrees. During the 20th century deciduous trees were removed bygirdling, thinning and herbicide spraying. Much of the mixed deciduous standschanged to coniferous stands between 1906–15 and 1969–70, and thendeciduous trees were totally removed from these stands between late 1960s and1999. Today mixed deciduous forest occurs mainly in young stands and on othersites than previously. Our results also show that large coniferous trees andmulti-aged forest occurred in all sites in the early 1900s. Most sites weredominated by coniferous species and forest dominated by deciduous treesoccurredonly in smaller areas. These results are not consistent with the current viewthat deciduous-dominated forest occupied substantial areas in boreal Swedenbefore fire suppression. Appropriate changes in forest management arediscussed,as is the value of historical data in interpreting changes in forestlandscapes.This revised version was published online in May 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Cawson  Jane G.  Hemming  Victoria  Ackland  Andrew  Anderson  Wendy  Bowman  David  Bradstock  Ross  Brown  Tegan P.  Burton  Jamie  Cary  Geoffrey J.  Duff  Thomas J.  Filkov  Alexander  Furlaud  James M.  Gazzard  Tim  Kilinc  Musa  Nyman  Petter  Peacock  Ross  Ryan  Mike  Sharples  Jason  Sheridan  Gary  Tolhurst  Kevin  Wells  Tim  Zylstra  Phil  Penman  Trent D. 《Landscape Ecology》2020,35(8):1775-1798
Landscape Ecology - Fire behaviour research has largely focused on dry ecosystems that burn frequently, with far less attention on wetter forests. Yet, the impacts of fire in wet forests can be...  相似文献   

The storm that struck France on december 26th and 28th 1999 felled 140 million m3 of timber and had a high economic, social and landscape impact. This event offered the opportunity to study large-scale patterns in populations of forest insect pests that would benefit from the abundant breeding material. A large-scale survey was carried out in France in 2000 to sample the most frequently observed species developing on spruce (Ips typographus, Pityogene schalcographus) and pine (Tomicus piniperda, Ips sexdentatus) in 898 locations distributed throughout wind-damaged areas. The local abundance of each species scored on a 0 to 5 scale was analysed using geostatistical estimators to explore the extent and intensity of spatial autocorrelation, and was related to site, stand, and neighbourhood landscape metrics of the forest cover (in particular the interconnection with broadleaf forest patches) found within dispersal distance. All species but I. sexdentatus, which was much less abundant, displayed large-scale spatial dependence and regional variations in abundance. Lower infestation levels per tree (windfalls and standing trees) were observed in stands with a high proportion of wind-damaged trees, which was interpreted as the result of beetles distributing themselves among the available breeding material. More infestations were observed in wind-broken trees as compared to wind-felled trees. More importantly, populations showed significant relationships with the structure of coniferous stands (in particular with the number of coniferous patches). T. piniperda population levels were negatively correlated to the amount of coniferous edge shared with broadleaf forest patches, possibly because of the disruptive effect of non-host volatiles on host-finding processes at the landscape-scale. The differences observed between species regarding patterns and relationships to site, stand, and forest cover characteristics are discussed in relation to the ecological characteristics of each species.  相似文献   

Worldwide forests fragmentation has lead to a massive increase of habitat edges, creating both negative and positive impacts on birds. While busy highways dissecting forested areas create edges which are known to reduce bird densities due to the disturbing effect of noise, the impacts of logging forest roads with low traffic volumes have rarely been studied. In this study, we compared species richness and similarity of canopy, cavity and shrub guilds of birds along low-traffic forest roads, in forest interior, and at forest edges in secondary forests in central Europe, where the forests have passed through extensive changes toward uniformly compact growths dominated by production conifers. Although we found tree diversity as positively affecting bird richness across all habitats, the bird richness along forest roads was higher than in forest interior but lower than along forest edges. The shrub guild of birds along forest roads resembled this guild along forest edges while canopy and cavity guilds at the roads were more similar to these guilds in forest interior. Forest interior had the highest probability for some guild to be absent. We conclude that low-traffic roads lead to increase of habitat heterogeneity in structurally poor forests and attract birds due to additional habitat attributes—including better light conditions—that are scarce in forest interior. Therefore, broader support for higher structural diversification of uniform plantations in central European production forests would benefit bird communities inhabiting these areas.  相似文献   

Bu  Hongliang  McShea  William J.  Wang  Dajun  Wang  Fang  Chen  Youping  Gu  Xiaodong  Yu  Lin  Jiang  Shiwei  Zhang  Fahui  Li  Sheng 《Landscape Ecology》2021,36(9):2549-2564

The downlisting of giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) from Endangered to Vulnerable in IUCN Red List confirms the effectiveness of current conservation practices. However, future survival of giant panda is still in jeopardy due to habitat fragmentation and climate change. Maintaining movement corridors between habitat patches in the newly established Giant Panda National Park (GPNP) is the key for the long-term sustainability of the species.


We evaluated the impacts of conversion from natural forest to plantation on giant panda habitat connectivity, which is permitted within collective forests and encouraged by the policies for the economic benefits of local communities. We modeled distribution of giant panda habitat in Minshan Mountains which harbors its largest population, and delineated movement corridors between core habitat patches under management scenarios of different forest conversion proportions.


We applied an integrated species distribution model based on inhomogeneous Poisson point process to combine presence-only data and site occupancy data, and least-cost models to identify potential movement corridors between core habitat patches.


We found that current distribution of plantation has not damaged connectivity between core habitat patches of giant panda. However, it could be severely degraded if mass conversion occurred. Since the GPNP incorporates all the core habitats identified from our model, controlling natural forest conversion inside GPNP would maintain the movement corridors for giant panda.


We recommend no expansion of plantations inside the GPNP, and improving collective forest management for expansion of ecological forest in adjoining habitat patches.


Landscape Ecology - Forest landscapes at the boreal–temperate ecotone have been extensively altered. Reducing the gap between current and presettlement forest conditions through...  相似文献   

Forest productivity is driven by a suite of direct climatic and non-climatic factors that are transient or permanent. The kind of productivity driver and the nature of their effects vary by species, and scale dependencies potentially complicate these relationships. This study explored productivity-driver relations in eastern Boreal Canada and determined spatial effects in productivity control when expressed with stand dominant height at a reference age (site index). Data from 4,217 temporary sample plots obtained from boreal mixedwood and conifer bioclimatic domains, and with varied species composition, were used in this study. A single-level global model that assumes equal sensitivities across spatial scales was calibrated and compared with three alternative models reflecting different hypotheses on possible spatial heterogeneities. Alternative models were calibrated by plot-level soil deposit types (microscale), landscape dominant deposits (mesoscale) and bioclimatic domains (macroscale). A marked difference between the global and alternative models was observed, suggesting that a single global model does not sufficiently reflect existing heterogeneity in productivity-driver relationships. A combination of macro- and microscale models provided the best explanation of site index. Results further showed that site index is mainly driven by species composition (complementarity effects of aspen and jack pine compositions) and stand diameter structural diversity effects. It is concluded that successional changes, more than direct climatic effects, drive productivity.  相似文献   

林木植原体病害危害日趋严重,对林业经济和生态造成了巨大损失,但国内林业工作者及相关研究者对其关注较少。为了对林木植原体病害致病机理的深入研究和其快速检测提供理论依据,在对相关文献研究进行总结分析的基础上,综述了主要林木植原体病害传播特性和PCR及高通量测序技术检测的研究进展,同时展望了林木植原体病害PCR检测的研究前景。  相似文献   

For some time, ecologists have known that spatial patterns of forest structure reflected disturbance and recovery history, disturbance severity and underlying influences of environmental gradients. In spite of this awareness, historical forest structure has been little used to expand knowledge of historical fire severity. Here, we used forest structure to predict pre-management era fire severity across three biogeoclimatic zones in eastern Washington State, USA, that contained extensive mixed conifer forests. We randomly selected 10% of the subwatersheds in each zone, delineated patch boundaries, and photo-interpreted the vegetation attributes of every patch in each subwatershed using the oldest available stereo-aerial photography. We statistically reconstructed the vegetation of any patch showing evidence of early selective harvesting, and then classified them as to their most recent fire severity. Classification used published percent canopy mortality definitions and a dichotomized procedure that considered the overstory and understory canopy cover and size class attributes of a patch, and the fire tolerance of its cover type. Mixed severity fires were most prevalent, regardless of forest type. The structure of mixed conifer patches, in particular, was formed by a mix of disturbance severities. In moist mixed conifer, stand replacement effects were more widespread in patches than surface fire effects, while in dry mixed conifer, surface fire effects were more widespread by nearly 2:1. However, evidence for low severity fires as the primary influence, or of abundant old park-like patches, was lacking in both the dry and moist mixed conifer forests. The relatively low abundance of old, park-like or similar forest patches, high abundance of young and intermediate-aged patches, and widespread evidence of partial stand and stand-replacing fire suggested that variable fire severity and non-equilibrium patch dynamics were primarily at work.  相似文献   

A geographic information system (GIS) approach was used in conjunction with forest-plot data to develop an integrated moisture index (IMI), which was then used to predict forest productivity (site index) and species composition for forests in Ohio. In this region, typical of eastern hardwoods across the Midwest and southern Appalachians, topographic aspect and position (rather than elevation) change drastically at the fine scale and strongly influence many ecological functions. Elevational contours, soil series mapping units, and plot locations were digitized for the Vinton Furnace Experimental Forest in southeastern Ohio and gridded to 7.5-m cells for GIS modeling. Several landscape features (a slope-aspect shading index, cumulative flow of water downslope, curvature of the landscape, and water-holding capacity of the soil) were used to create the IMI, which was then statistically analyzed with site-index values and composition data for plots. On the basis of IMI values for forest land harvested in the past 30 years, we estimated oak site index and the percentage composition of two major species groups in the region: oak (Quercus spp.), and yellow poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera) plus black cherry (Prunus serotina). The derived statistical relationships were then applied in the GIS to create maps of site index and composition, and verified with independent data. The maps show the oaks will dominate on dry, ridge top positions (i.e., low site index), while the yellow poplar and black cherry will predominate on mesic sites. Digital elevation models with coarser resolution (1:24K, 1:100K, 1:250K) also were tested in the same manner. We had generally good success for 1:24K, moderate success for 1:100K, but no success for 1:250K data. This simple and portable approach has the advantage of using readily available GIS information which is time-invariant and requires no fieldwork. The IMI can be used to better manage forest resources where moisture is limiting and to predict how the resource will change under various forms of ecosystem management.  相似文献   

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