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Effects of mycophagous soil mesofauna on Rhizoctonia solani infection of potato stems were investigated in two experiments carried out in growth chambers at 10 and 15°C. The springtail Folsomia fimetaria and the nematode Aphelenchus avenae were selected as organisms suppressive to R. solani . Reduction in Rhizoctonia stem infection by mycophagous soil mesofauna was equally effective at 10 and 15°C. F. fimetaria tended to be more effective than A. avenae , but the best control was obtained when both organisms were present in the soil at high densities.  相似文献   

Binucleate Rhizoctonia (BNR) isolates propagated for 20 days at 24°C on oat kernels and for 30 days on vermiculite amended with potato broth were recovered from an average of 62% of whole kernels, 100% of chopped kernels and 71 % of vermiculite particles within the cultures, respectively. Viability of BNR isolates 232-CG and JF-3S4-3 was higher when stored at 5 than at 24°C, and was slightly affected by the vacuum used to reduce the O2 level. After 17 weeks of storage at 5°C in air, BNR isolates 232-CG and JF-3S4-3 maintained similar viability (75% viability on whole oat kernels and 100% viability on chopped oat kernels), but in vermiculite amended with potato broth, viability of isolate 232-CG remained at 100% while that of JF-3S4-3 was 28%. In the glasshouse, BNR isolates 232-CG and JF-3S4-3 protected potato plants from Rhizoctonia canker caused by R. solani in soil maintained at 11, 17 and 23°C. Protection from Rhizoctonia canker was greater when BNR was delivered to soil than when placed on seed pieces. BNR-colonized-whole oat kernels placed in soil (15 g m of row) gave the greatest protection from Rhizoctonia canker in all experiments. In two field experiments in soil naturally infested with R. solani AG-3. the amount of BNR-colonized oat kernels was reduced from 15 g/m of row to 1-9 g m of row without affecting protection of potato plants from Rhizoctonia canker.  相似文献   

Potato stem canker caused by Rhizoctonia solani commonly occurs in potato-growing regions around the world, but little is known about whether binucleate Rhizoctonia (BNR) can incite this disease on potato plants in China. In the present study, a total of 69 BNR isolates were recovered from cankered subterraneous stems of potato collected from 17 provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities of China. Based on the morphological characteristics and sequence analysis of the internal transcribed spacers of the ribosomal DNA, 48 isolates were classified as anastomosis group (AG)-A with a ratio of 69.56 %, 15 isolates (21.74 %) were AG-K, four isolates (5.80 %) were AG-F, one isolate (1.45 %) was AG-I and one isolate (1.45 %) was AG-U. Pathogenicity tests under glasshouse conditions revealed that all BNR isolates, except for the AG-I isolate, could induce symptoms of stem canker on potato plants with disease incidence ranging from 5.26 to 55.56 % and disease index ranging from 1.32 to 13.89, respectively. To our knowledge, this is the first detailed report about BNR AGs causing stem canker on potato plants in China.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - The effect of soil moisture on activity and dynamics of the soilborne pathogen Rhizoctonia solani and of its antagonist Trichoderma harzianum were studied...  相似文献   

Relationships between diseases caused by Rhizoctonia solani on different parts of potato plants ( Solanum tuberosum ) at different stages of crop growth were investigated under selected agronomic conditions. The effects of different densities of tuber-borne inoculum, date of planting, irrigation, size of seed tubers and their interactions on the incidence of stem and stolon canker during crop growth, the incidence and severity of black scurf and the yield of progeny tubers at harvest were quantified in a multifactorial experiment. Differences in the incidence of stem canker, stolon canker and black scurf were dominated by the effect of density of inoculum on seed tubers at planting. Highly positive correlations between the disease variables indicated a close relationship between the incidence of disease at each stage of crop growth although the degree of association between variables measured at an early growth stage and those measured at progressively later stages of crop growth weakened as the time interval increased. Total yield of progeny tubers was not affected by the density of tuber-borne inoculum although there was a shift in the size distribution, with a decrease in the yield of main-sized tubers and an increase in the yield of baker- and oversized tubers at the higher density of inoculum. Of the remaining factors, the effect of season tended to be more pronounced than any of the agronomic treatments although the use of irrigation and later dates of planting did influence the incidence of infection to a limited extent.  相似文献   

Stem canker and black scurf are diseases of potato caused by the fungus Rhizoctonia solani . Spatiotemporal experimentation and empirical modelling were applied for the first time to investigate the effect of antagonistic Trichoderma harzianum on the dynamics of soilborne R. solani on individual potato plants. Trichoderma harzianum reduced the severity of symptoms, expressed as 'rhizoctonia stem lesion index' (RSI), during the first 7 days post-inoculation when the inoculum of R. solani was placed at certain distances (30–60 mm) from the host. For example, with inoculum at 40 mm from the host, RSI was 6 and 40 with and without T. harzianum , respectively. At later observation times, the antagonistic effect was overcome. Trichoderma harzianum reduced the severity of black scurf on progeny tubers. Furthermore, the mean number of progeny tubers per potato plant was reduced by the biocontrol treatment (means of 6·5 ± 1·1 and 9·9 ± 2·7 tubers per plant with and without T. harzianum , respectively), as was the proportion of small (0·1–20·0 g) tubers (48% and 66% with and without T. harzianum , respectively). Additionally, there were fewer malformed and green-coloured tubers in pots treated with T. harzianum than in those without T. harzianum .  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - The significance of nematodes for disease development caused by other soil-borne pathogens has been demonstrated in many crops throughout the world and...  相似文献   

在黄土高原坡地采用(1)沿坡地等高线起垄;(2)沿坡地等高线起垄,垄上覆膜;(3)沿坡地等高线起垄,垄间带底下设地槽;(4)沿坡地等高线起垄,垄上覆膜,垄间带底下设地槽等4种不同的集雨方式种植马铃薯,并设置不覆膜的大田比较试验。通过对土壤含水量,土壤温度及作物产量进行分析,发现垄上覆膜结合地槽贮水技术,可降低土壤的容重,大大提高马铃薯的地上生物量、水分利用效率及大中薯率,是黄土高原半干旱区一项有效的节水增产措施。  相似文献   

硅酸钠对马铃薯黑痣病的抗性及其抗性相关物质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为明确硅酸钠对马铃薯黑痣病抗性及其抗性相关物质的影响,采用盆栽法在接菌和不接菌情况下施硅酸钠,调查不同处理下马铃薯地下茎和匍匐茎的发病情况,并测定与抗性相关的7种酶活性及木质素含量。结果表明,接菌8 d时,施硅酸钠的马铃薯幼苗地下茎和匍匐茎病情指数分别比不施硅酸钠的降低42.9%和67.2%;接菌12 d时,施硅酸钠的马铃薯幼苗地下茎和匍匐茎病情指数分别比不施硅酸钠的降低55.7%和50.0%。施硅酸钠4~6 d,硅酸钠可诱导马铃薯幼苗体内过氧化物酶(peroxidase,POD)活性升高;不接菌处理时硅酸钠能减缓多酚氧化酶(polyphenol oxidase,PPO)活性降低;硅酸钠对马铃薯幼苗体内苯丙氨酸解氨酶(phenylalanine ammonia-lyase,PAL)活性无影响;不接菌处理14~16 d时硅酸钠能提高马铃薯幼苗体内超氧物歧化酶(superoxide dismutase,SOD)活性,接菌处理时硅酸钠对马铃薯幼苗体内SOD活性无影响;施硅酸钠第10天,马铃薯幼苗体内过氧化氢酶(catalase,CAT)活性升高;施硅酸钠处理第2天,马铃薯幼苗体内几丁质酶和β-1,3-葡聚糖酶活性升高,不接菌处理10~14 d时施硅酸钠降低β-1,3-葡聚糖酶活性;硅酸钠对马铃薯幼苗的木质素含量无影响。  相似文献   

以陇薯6号为试验材料,研究了不同覆盖种植模式对甘肃定西马铃薯田土壤温度、水分和产量的影响,并对其经济效益进行分析比较。结果表明,全地面覆盖双垄垄作侧播和全地面覆盖垄上微沟穴播处理在马铃薯整个生育期0~30 cm平均土壤温度较CK增加2.2℃和2.5℃,秸秆带状覆盖处理平均土壤温度较CK降低了1.0℃。覆膜垄沟集雨和秸秆带状覆盖技术都能明显改善土壤水分状况,在马铃薯生长前期集雨保墒效果尤为明显,出苗期全地面覆盖双垄垄作侧播、全地面覆盖垄上微沟穴播、秸秆带状覆盖在0~100 cm平均土壤含水量分别较CK提高2.6%和2.2%和1.6%。各处理马铃薯土壤温度和含水量垂直变化随着土壤深度的增加而减弱。全地面覆盖双垄垄作侧播、全地面覆盖垄上微沟穴播和秸秆带状覆盖增产效果明显,产量分别较CK增加33.6%、28.6%和23.2%。全地面覆盖双垄垄作侧播纯收益最高,秸秆带状覆盖次之,纯收益较CK分别增加7 201.56元·hm~(-2)和5996.04元·hm~(-2)。因此,黑膜全覆盖双垄垄作侧播技术在改善土壤水温效应的同时能显著增产增收,是定西地区马铃薯种植的高效栽培模式。  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments were carried out to test the effect of two levels of soil moisture and two temperatures on the effectivity and persistence of five soil fumigants.Soil moisture had a great influence on the extent of the zone over which the products diffused vertically, as shown by fungicidal and phytotoxic action at various depths in soil columns. In moist soil spread of the gases from the point of application is much poorer than in dry soils. There was little or no temperature effect in the dryer soil, while in the wet soil diffusion was better at 25° than at 10°C.In studying persistence, as measured by assaying inhibition of germination and growth ofLepidium sativum, it appeared that the tested fumigants can be divided into two groups. In the case of chloropicrin and telone persistence is primarily enhanced by high soil moisture content, and in the case of the fumigants having methyl isothiocyanate as the active principle, by a low soil temperature. With chloropicrin and telone, there is a temperature effect only in the moist soil. Persistence of methylisothiocyanate is only slightly affected by soil moisture.Samenvatting In laboratoriumproeven werd de invloed van temperatuur en vochtgehalte van de bodem op de effectiviteit en persistentie van vijf grondontsmettingsmiddelen onderzocht.De bodemvochtigheid heeft een grote invloed op de verspreiding der produkten, zoals bleek bij de toetsing van fungicide en phytotoxische effecten op verschillende diepten in grondkolommen. In vochtige grond met een laag poriënvolume is de verspreiding vanaf het injectiepunt bij deze gasvormige middelen veel geringer dan in droge grond. In vochtige grond was de ontsmette zone groter bij 25°C dan bij 10°C, terwijl in droge grond geen of weinig effect van de temperatuur werd geconstateerd.Bij de bepaling van de persistentie, gemeten als kiem-en groeiremmend effect opLepidium sativum, bleek de getoetste serie middelen in twee groepen uiteen te vallen. De persistentie wordt in het geval van chloorpicrine en telone vooral verlengd door een hoog vochtgehalte, en bij de drie andere, waarvan methylisothiocyanaat het actieve bestanddeel of principe is, door een lage temperatuur. Bij chloorpicrine en telone is er alleen een temperatuureffect in de vochtige grond, terwijl de persistentie van methylisothiocyanaat zeer weinig beïnvloed wordt door het vochtgehalte.Research under the auspices of the IWONL.  相似文献   

Benomyl is a strong fungistat against certain groups of fungi and it does not have much effect on most plant-parasitic nematodes.Heterodera spp., however, are affected, and the literature indicated a strong effect onHeterodera rostochiensis in the field. Laboratory tests demonstrated that hatching of larvae fromH. rostochiensis cysts is strongly inhibited by benomyl in vitro. In a pot trial, benomyl effectively suppressed formation of new cysts on the roots of potatoes grown in sand, clay soil or lightsandy loam. There was no such effect in soil rich in organic matter probably because of strong adsorption of benomyl. Control ofH. rostochiensis by benomyl in soil could be due to suppressed hatch or to other mechanisms, such as inhibition of larval penetration of roots. In view of its long persistence in the soil and of its various side-effects, benomyl does not seem very promising for practical control ofHeterodera rostochiensis.Samenvatting Benomyl is bekend als een middel met sterk fungistatische eigenschappen ten aanzien van bepaalde groepen schimmels. Het heeft in het algemeen weinig effect op planteparasitaire aaltjes. Cystevormende aaltjes echter, en in het bijzonderHeterodera rostochiensis, zijn, volgens aanwijzingen uit de literatuur gevoeliger voor benomyl.Onder laboratoriumomstandigheden bleek het uitkomen van de larven vanH. rostochiensis uit de cysten sterk door benomyl te worden geremd (Tabel 1 en 2). In een potproef werd door een grondbehandeling met benomyl de vorming van nieuwe cysten op aardappelwortels onderdrukt, afhankelik van de grondsoort (Tabel 3). Naarmate de grond meer organische stof of klei bevat, is het effect minder groot. Bijgebruik van rivierzand trad reeds bij een dosering van ongeveer 1 ppm benomyl een volledige on derdrukking van cystevorming op. Maar bij potgrond (59% organische stof) was er, ook bij een tien maal hogere dosering, geen effect. Verder onderzoek zal moeten uitwijzen of het effect in grond, berust op de remming van het uitkomen van larven uit de cysten, of (ook) op de beïnvloeding van andere aspecten van het parasitair gedrag van dit aaltje, zoals de penetratie in de wortels.Gezien de grote persistentie van benomyl in de grond, en de nevenwerkingen, lijkt het middel minder geschikt voor toepassing in de praktijk.Guest worker of TNO, Netherlands Organization of Applied Scientific Research.  相似文献   

The effects of different densities of tuber-borne inoculum, selected agronomic treatments (date of planting, irrigation and size of seed tubers) and their interactions on the temporal progress of stem canker ( Rhizoctonia solani ) on potato plants ( Solanum tuberosum ) were investigated in a multifactorial experiment. Data comprising stem number and the incidence and severity of stem canker from planting until tuber initiation in two consecutive growing seasons were analysed using linear contrasts, quadratic contrasts and the area under the disease progress or host growth curve. Differences in the incidence and severity of stem canker were dominated by the effect of different densities of tuber-borne inoculum. The majority of disease progress curves were nonmonotonic for the incidence and severity of stem canker with a rapid rise in disease up to stem emergence and a decline thereafter. Most treatments affected the area under the curve and to a lesser extent the average rate of increase in disease. Of the agronomic treatments, later dates of planting and pre-emergence irrigation reduced the levels of stem canker whereas size of seed tubers did not affect the progress of disease. Little additional information was revealed by scoring for the severity rather than the incidence of stem canker.  相似文献   

Brassica napus (canola, oilseed rape), an important break crop for cereals across the Australian wheat belt, is being rapidly adopted as a dual‐purpose (forage and grain) crop in mixed farming systems. Stem canker caused by the fungus Leptosphaeria maculans is the most important disease of B. napus in Australia. The primary source of inoculum is airborne ascospores released during autumn/winter which coincides with the grazing of dual‐purpose crops. Field experiments were defoliated by sheep to determine the effect of grazing on blackleg stem canker severity at plant maturity in B. napus cultivars differing in their resistance level and grazed at different times. One cultivar was sown on different dates to investigate the impact of grazing at the same time, but at different growth stages. Defoliation by mowing was compared to defoliation by livestock. Similar amounts of dry matter remained after defoliation by machinery (0·66 t ha?1) or livestock (0·52 t ha?1). However, stem canker severity was higher in the grazed (40% of crown cross‐section diseased) compared with the mown (25%) treatment, which was higher than the ungrazed control (9%). Stem canker severity generally increased with grazing, but the increase was eliminated or reduced in cultivars with good resistance. Grazing during vegetative plant growth minimized the increase in stem canker severity compared with grazing during reproductive growth. Currently, cultivars with good L. maculans resistance are recommended in high disease situations. To avoid excessive yield loss in dual‐purpose B. napus crops due to L. maculans it is recommended that such cultivars are grown even in low‐moderate disease situations.  相似文献   

土壤质地及容重和含水率对其导气率影响的实验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在室内利用一维瞬态法对重新装填的棕壤土、塿土、黄绵土和盐碱土等四种土壤的导气率进行了测量,分析了容重、含水率及冰冻等因素对土壤导气率的定量影响,以明确土壤类型、容重、含水率、冰冻与土壤导气率的关系.实验结果表明:土壤质地和结构对导气率有明显的影响,同一容重条件下壤土和棕壤土导气率接近,均显著高于黄绵土,在所设的四个容重条件下盐碱土导气率均为最低,仅为壤土和棕壤土导气率的3%~4%;四种土壤的导气率均随着容重的增加而减小,同种土壤最大容重(1.5 g·cm-3)下的导气率较之最小容重(1.2 g·cm-3)下降75% ~ 85%,并且导气率与容重之间存在显著的指数函数关系;其他因素一致的条件下,土壤导气率随着含水率的增加而减小,导气率与含水率之间亦存在显著的指数函数关系;冰冻后土壤导气率较冰冻前显著降低,在本实验条件下含水率越低冻结后导气率下降越显著.  相似文献   

土壤水分对向日葵生长状况的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了研究土壤水分对向日葵生长状况的影响,2012年在巴彦淖尔市农业气象试验站,通过灌溉试验,对供试向日葵采取不同的水量处理,测定了土壤含水量和向日葵生长指标。结果表明:苗期水分亏缺和过湿灌溉都将导致向日葵生长高度、叶面积、干物质积累在该时期较其它处理低,亏水处理即使后期复水,作物生长补偿虽然明显,但最终在所有处理中各个观测指标最低。苗期的过湿灌溉在后期的适宜灌溉下,可以逐渐恢复正常。水分对向日葵叶面积的影响可以看出:生育前期干旱,推迟叶面积最大值的出现日期,前期不缺水,中期水分影响叶面积的高低,后期水分影响到叶面积的衰减速率。地上干物重的积累与土壤水分的含量成正相关。向日葵整个生育期间适宜水分为:二对真叶到花序形成期土壤水分应以55%~70%为宜,花序形成到开花后一周是向日葵的需水关键期,土壤水分保持在70%~90%为宜,开花后一周到成熟期土壤水分以55%~70%为宜。  相似文献   

Independent of the nutrient medium and the size of Petri dish, sclerotium initials ofRhizoctonia solani AG-3 appeared after a fixed period of time. The same held for the completion of maturation of the sclerotia. Deprivation or extra supply of nutrients reduced or increased, respectively, final mass of sclerotia but did not affect the moment of initiation and of maturation. Transfer of a mycelial mat from water agar to a nutrient-rich medium caused the formation of black solid sclerotia within four days all over the mat and not only around the site of inoculation as usually occurs on rich medium. Final sclerotial mass was higher on liquid medium than on agar. The results indicate that formation of these sclerotia is not associated with cessation of linear hyphal growth or with starvation. On mature tubers, sclerotia and hyphae are spread over the whole surface. On young growing tubers sclerotia are rarely found in the immediate vicinity of lenticels. This suggests a release of inhibitory factors at these sites which diminishes during tuber maturation. Volatile exudates from underground plant parts seem to further promote the sclerotium formation. On all underground plant parts, even the roots, final sclerotial mass was higher after wounding. After haulm destruction, development of black scurf was not stimulated by a short-term trigger or by roughning of tuber surface. The observations rather suggest that the stimulation results from an increased tuber exudation of stimulatory nutrients, water and stress factors and also from a reduction of as yet unknown inhibitory factors. Results indicated that in infested soils, the estimated inoculum density at the day of haulm destruction has no predictive value for black scurf development.  相似文献   

甘薯地土壤线虫群体分布规律及取样方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在5年连作甘薯地,于甘薯移栽前和移栽后的不同时间,调查甘薯穴中和穴间、株间和行间以及各样点不同土层线虫的群体数量。分析明确了植物寄生线虫和非植物寄生线虫群体的水平分布和垂直分布规律,提出了研究和了解甘薯地土壤线虫发生动态的调查取样方法。  相似文献   

河北省甘薯镰孢菌腐烂与溃疡病的病原鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为明确河北省甘薯镰孢菌腐烂与溃疡病的症状特点和病原种类,在不同种植区采集储藏期和育秧期病样,描述其症状特征;对病原菌进行分离纯化,采用柯赫氏法则回接验证,依据病原菌的形态特征和基因序列确定病原菌种类。结果表明,在储藏期甘薯发病可导致薯块表面腐烂的占总病薯的59.09%,端部腐烂的占40.91%;薯块带有褐色轮纹病斑的占61.36%,病斑没有轮纹或者轮纹不明显的占38.64%;发病初期薯块内部病斑浅、黑褐色的占27.27%,发病后期薯块内部形成空腔、布满白色菌丝的占72.73%;病斑带有苦味的占59.09%,病斑没有苦味或苦味不明显的占40.91%;在育秧田发病导致薯秧溃疡,表现为主茎基部呈点片发生黑色或者褐色病斑,部分有开裂。分离的病原菌能够同时侵染薯块和薯秧;病原菌单瓶梗产孢,大型分生孢子稍弯,两端钝圆,多数3~7个分隔,顶细胞钝圆,基细胞足跟较明显。其rDNA-ITS、EF-1α、β-tubulin基因序列与茄镰孢菌Fusarium solani的同源性分别为97%、99%和98%。初步确定甘薯镰孢菌腐烂与溃疡病的病原菌为茄镰孢菌F.solani。  相似文献   

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