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Two miniature Schnauzer dogs with chronic pancreatitis were investigated. Both dogs showed systemic hypertension and increased concentrations of triglycerides and C-reactive protein. Abdominal radiography revealed cylindrical calcification in the retroperitoneum, and computed tomography (CT) showed extensive calcification of the abdominal and peripheral arteries in both dogs. Metastases and other dystrophic conditions that can cause arterial calcification were excluded based on the laboratory tests, and the dogs were diagnosed with atherosclerosis ante mortem. Atherosclerosis should be considered when extensive arterial calcification is observed on abdominal radiography or CT in miniature Schnauzers.  相似文献   

A 3.5-month-old miniature schnauzer was presented for signs of progressive cerebellar ataxia. Necropsy revealed cerebellar abiotrophy. This is the first reported case of cerebellar abiotrophy in a purebred miniature schnauzer.  相似文献   

Maxillary bone epithelial cyst is rare in dogs. A 5-year-old, spayed female miniature schnauzer developed a swelling below the nasal canthus of left eye. Plain radiograph demonstrated a 1.5 cm diameter of radiolucent lesion on the maxillary bone anteroventral to the eye, and contrast dacryocystorhinography confirmed an obstructed nasolarcrimal duct. The swelling showed poor response to antibiotic treatment but responded well to oral prednisolone. Exploratory surgery revealed a cyst-like structure filled with brown serous fluid. Histopathological examination of the removed cyst revealed a double cuboidal epithelial cyst. The dog recovered rapidly after surgery, and the swelling had not recurred for a 36-month follow-up. It is the first case of periorbital bone epithelial cyst reported in an adult miniature schnauzer.  相似文献   

A 12-year-old male castrated miniature schnauzer was presented with a history of abdominal distension. Serum biochemical analysis and abdominal ultrasonography indicated hepatic disease. A wedge biopsy provided a diagnosis of chronic active hepatitis. A therapeutic regime was initiated to improve the quality of life and slow the progression of this disease is described.  相似文献   

Myotonia is a clinical sign characterized by the delay of skeletal muscle relaxation following the cessation of a voluntary activity or the termination of an electrical or mechanical stimulus. Recently, Miniature Schnauzers with myotonia congenita associated with defective chloride ion conductance across the skeletal muscle membrane were identified. Congenital myotonia in these dogs appears to follow an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance. Craniofacial and dental findings of eight Miniature Schnauzer dogs with myotonia congenita are described in the present paper. These findings include: delayed dental eruption of both deciduous and permanent dentition: persistent deciduous dentition; unerupted or partially erupted permanent teeth: crowding and rotation of premolar and or incisor teeth: missing teeth: increased interproximal space between the maxillary fourth premolar and first molar teeth: decreased interproximal space between the maxillary canine and lateral incisor teeth: inability to fully close the mouth due to malocclusion: distoclusion: and, decreased mandibular range of motion. A long narrow skull with a flattened zygomatic arch and greater mandibular body curvature were also consistent findings in the affected dogs. The small number of dogs studied prevents conclusive statements about the origin of these abnormalities, however it is interesting that only 1 of 45 unaffected Miniature Schnauzer dogs showed similar traits.  相似文献   

A miniature schnauzer with a history of apathy, anorexia and jaundice was presented to the Utrecht University Clinic for Companion Animals. Abnormal laboratory findings included highly increased levels of total bile acids and alkaline phosphatase, and hyponatraemia. Abdominal ultrasonography revealed that the right side of the liver was enlarged and the left side was small, together with a thrombus in the portal vein. Biopsies from the right side of the liver demonstrated subacute to chronic active hepatitis, for which the dog was treated with prednisolone (1 mg/kg/day for four weeks). No improvement was observed and the owner requested euthanasia. At necropsy the left lobes of the liver were found to be small and firm, while the right lobes were large and soft. There were two thrombi in the portal vein. Microscopic examination revealed chronic active hepatitis and cirrhosis.  相似文献   

A 50-day-old, female miniature schnauzer dog was presented for astasia, dorsoventral flattening of the thorax, hypoplasia of hind-limb muscles, stiffness of hind-limb joints, paddling leg motion, and panting. The dog was diagnosed with swimmers syndrome. The dog recovered completely following 40 days of home-care treatment that involved environmental and nutritional management along with intensive physiotherapy.  相似文献   

A five-year-nine-month-old, male entire, miniature schnauzer presented for further investigation of pleural effusion. Echocardiography revealed a perforated membrane dividing the right atrium into two chambers: the true right atrium (a small, lower-pressure, cranioventral chamber communicating with the tricuspid valve and right ventricle) and the accessory right atrium (a larger, higher-pressure, caudodorsal chamber), consistent with a cor triatriatum dexter. This was confirmed using computed tomography angiography. Imaging studies revealed that both the cranial and caudal vena cava entered the higher-pressure accessory right atrium and the coronary sinus entered both the accessory and true right atrial chambers. This differed from the more usual canine cor triatriatum dexter presentation with the cranial vena cava entering the lower-pressure cranial chamber and the caudal vena cava entering the higher-pressure caudal chamber. Balloon membranostomy was successful in reducing the pressure gradient between the two right atrial chambers with subsequent resolution of the clinical signs. The patient continues to do well after three-years of follow-up.  相似文献   

A 14-year-old male miniature schnauzer was referred to us because it was circling to the right. A mass in the diencephalon was noted on brain magnetic resonance images. The dura was thickened with marked linear enhancement after contrast administration. Based on diagnostic image analysis, this lesion strongly suggested meningioma. The patient's symptoms were well controlled by a combination therapy of prednisolone and lomustine (CCNU), and survived for thirteen months after diagnosis. This case was diagnosed as a meningioma based on histopathological findings. This report describes the clinical findings, imaging characteristics, and pathologic features of a diencephalic and mesencephalic meningioma and long-term survival after lomustine and prednisolone therapy.  相似文献   

A 7-year-old male miniature schnauzer dog with unilateral cryptorchidism was presented for elective orchiectomy. Surgery to remove the cryptorchid testis revealed a fully formed uterus with horns attached to both testis and the body and cervix terminating at the prostate gland. The gross and microscopic diagnosis for the genital tract was persistent Müllerian duct syndrome with unilateral cryptorchidism. Additional associated lesions included cystic endometrial hyperplasia and a solitary, intratubular seminoma within the undescended testis. Persistent Müllerian duct syndrome is rare among domestic animals but is more common in miniature schnauzer dogs because of inheritance as an autosomal recessive trait.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the histopathologic changes seen in feline plasmacytic pododermatitis in an attempt to correlate clinical response with any specific histopathologic feature, and to evaluate these specimens for possible infectious organisms. Fourteen skin biopsies from cats with plasmacytic pododermatitis and a clinical follow-up of 12–36 months were included in the study. Sections were stained with H&E as well as with a polyclonal anti- Mycobacterium bovis [Bacille Calmette–Guerin (BCG)] antibody cross-reactive to a broad spectrum of fungi and bacteria. Sections stained with the anti-BCG antibody were graded as positive or negative. Inflammatory cell types and density, overall pattern, and the presence or involvement of adnexal structures were assessed in sections stained with H&E. All sections were negative for organisms within the actual footpad tissue with the anti-BCG antibody stains. Two samples revealed a few foci of cocci on the outer surface of the ulcers.
Funding: Self-funded.  相似文献   

Juvenile renal disease in dogs has been encountered in over 20 breeds but in only nine of these (cocker spaniel, Norwegian elkhound, lhasa apso, shih tzu, samoyed, dobermann, standard poodle, soft-coated wheaten terrier and bull terrier) have familial nephropathies been reported, and in only two (samoyed and cocker spaniel) has the exact mode of inheritance been elucidated. Reasons for this unsatisfactory state of affairs are: 1 Renal failure in young dogs may not be due to a familial nephropathy, and while helpful diagnostic information may be gained from blood and urine analysis, accurate diagnosis of the specific type of renal disease requires examination of renal biopsy or post mortem material by an experienced pathologist. 2 Not all affected animals show clinical signs at the same age, making collection of data, often from widely dispersed animals, both difficult and slow. 3 The disease process in one breed may be very different from that in another, so that each breed has to be investigated separately. 4 There has to be a willing determination to face the problem by individual breed clubs, with the commitment of a large number of breeders, owners and veterinary surgeons. Resistance or inertia at any level will prevent or delay successful investigation and possible prevention of the disease.  相似文献   

This case report describes two dogs, a Chihuahua and a Pekingese each with rhinolithiasis. Both dogs were presented with chronic nasal obstruction and discharge. Rhinoliths were noted on computed tomography scans in both animals, and removed via endoscopic extraction in one case and laser-assisted endoscopic surgery in the other. The stone from the Chihuahua comprised calcium carbonate. A potential exogenous nidus in the form of plant material was identified in the Pekingese. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first report of rhinolithiasis in veterinary medicine.  相似文献   

The simultaneous occurrence of factor XII deficiency and von Willebrand's disease (VWD) is described in a family of Miniature Poodles affected concurrently with a familial non-spherocytic hemolytic anemia. Although there was a dominant distribution of factor XII deficiency in this family of dogs, only the dogs suffering from non-spherocytic hemolytic anemia had concurrent VWD gene expression. Neither the factor XII deficient dogs nor the VWD carrier dogs displayed bleeding tendencies.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to review and characterise the clinical presentation of young boxer dogs with chronic kidney disease referred to the authors' institutions. METHODS: Records were collected retrospectively from 37 boxer dogs, less than five years of age, which had presented with azotaemia, inappropriately low urine concentrating ability, and ultrasound or radiographic evidence of abnormal kidneys. RESULTS: Clinicopathological findings included azotaemia, hyperphosphataemia, anaemia, isosthenuria and proteinuria. Ultrasonographic findings included hyperechoic renal cortices, loss of corticomedullary junction definition, dilated pelves and irregularly shaped small kidneys. Renal histopathological findings included pericapsular and interstitial fibrosis, inflammatory cell infiltration, dilated tubules, sclerotic glomeruli and dystrophic calcification. Survival time of the dogs varied from zero to over five years after diagnosis. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: This paper documents features of the presentation and progression of juvenile nephropathy in boxer dogs. While juvenile nephropathy has been reported in individual cases of boxer dogs previously, this is the first reported case series.  相似文献   

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